Friday, September 18, 2009

Ambassador Hem Heng and I - Encounter of The Weirdest Kind

To the surprise of many, Ambassador Hem Heng's presence was announced at a private party here in Washington D.C.

A senior Khmer-American, on his way to the dance floor,
swung by and asked: are you a CPP(er)- Hun-Sen(ist) Mr. Ambassador?

"No, I am neutral" replied Ambassador Hem Heng.

The senior man then followed up in French - Vous êtes sûr? (Are you sure?)
Ambassador Hem Heng grinned and then answered back in French - Suis sûr! (Am sure).

The senior Khmer-American shook his head in disbelief while moving on to join the crowd for a Khmer Romvong (circle dancing?)....Tak ting noy noy!


Anonymous said...

AH hem Heng, vous etes purement un petit chien de Ah Hun Sen et aussi le chien des vietnamiens.

Fermer ta gueule le petit chien de CPP/Youn.

Anonymous said...

Hem Heng, Ouch Borith and their master Hun Xen are all liesr and Khmer killers just like their grand-master YOUN...

Anonymous said...

I still don't understand why all dump ass in here don't talk nothing
about siem or are you relate with
siem and enemy with viet?

Anonymous said...

Because it is ah dumb ass Hun Sen's job. Ah dumb ass Hun Sen is only flexing his muscles against his own Khmer people but not ah SIAM or ah YUON.

The more silence on the part of ah dumb ass Hun SEN and his regime, the better the world is convinced about how much and how deep ah dumb Ass Hun Sen has subjected KHMER (Cambodia) to being the Viet's slave....Hope this will help, you dumb ass 7:06 AM!

Anonymous said...

siem is little crook and kills khmer by doezen, while youns steal khmer land by half at a time and kills khmer by the thousand and into the millions.

okay 9:46 AM ? That the different, unless you are youns lover like the cpp.

Anonymous said...

Please response,
Will you have your own decision, in case you worked for one of the government in this planet ?
I am sure, all of you here did the same thing as Mr. Hem Heng the Cambodian Embassador in the US.

Anonymous said...

Oops....Meant to say 9:46 AM and not 7:06 AM. Sorry.

Poster of comment @10:26AM

Anonymous said...

If he is the supporter of Hun Sen, so what? The most important thing is that he serves the country or not when he is an ambassador.

Anonymous said...

It was not the right question and it was the answer as well!

However, this so-called Ambassador was so and is still Pleu!

Anonymous said...

"It was not the right question and it was not the right answer either."

Anonymous said...

i think the ambassador was shit on his pant when he was asked by that old man.

Anonymous said...

An Ambassador represents a country, not a party. And Mr Hem Heng is right in responding that he is not representing either CPP or Mr. Hun Sen, but Kingdom of Cambodia (offically). His political stand? Of course he is a member of CPP and loyal to Mr. Hen Sen.

Anonymous said...

Read again and READ AGAIN! fool!
Sound like their are factions in CPP? And ready to be reapeed!

Anonymous said...

CPP supporter are all thickskin.
They have no shame. They don't care about khmer or its future. For they only care about themself and immediate present. Soon, youns gonna rape khmer and their own children like how khmer krom is treated by youn authority.

Time to wake up.