Friday, September 18, 2009

Border burning death increases Thai-Cambodia tensions

September 18, 2009
ABC Radio Australia

The Cambodian government is calling for an investigation into the alleged shooting of illegal loggers by Thai troops near Cambodia's north-west border. A 16-year-old Cambodian boy was reportedly burnt alive, after being wounded by a bullet and captured by Thai soldiers.

Presenter: Desmond Ang
Speakers: Koy Kuong, Spokeman for the Cambodian Foreign Ministry, Nhem Peng; Yon Saing, godfather to Yon Rith; Dr Christopher Roberts, Lecturer with the University of Canberra.


Anonymous said...

Thai commander of regions 2 must turn in that Thai soldier immediately, they knew who did the killing and burning the boy, but they kept denying and help lying, that their soldier only fire shot into the air, and why we has the death body burning at the scene? and also injured another boy in the hipp, Thai soldier had done these cruelty acts to khmer people for the decade...

Turn in that bastard soldier or we will go to WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

All khmer in cambodia must stand up and protest Thai authority and Thai govt to turn in that fucken soldier, or we all will burns down Thai embassy and all the worker in there alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAR will be next....

Anonymous said...

Let's all of us burns the fucken Thai embassy down to the ground, and dragg those worker outside and burns them alive on the street of Phnom Penh, you fucken Thailand has no dignity and cowards country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

sure guys we have to get to the bottom of this.....but think before we do any silly things....the Thais soldier did this cruelty secretly in the jungle and away from the world media...they deny lie about it....if we go on to commit this similar atrocity the world media will portray us Khmer as we have to play smart to get even with the Thais.....we have to win the media war as well so the national and international public are on our side.

Anonymous said...

You fucken Thai bastard keep saying want to live peacefully with each other as a good neighbor? friendly my ass! there will be revenge on this, don't blame khmer rouge, you are the one that started first....

Anonymous said...

I agreed with 12:54pm. We will utilize that smart. The Thai bandit must pay for this cruel acts. Our little brother, Yon Rith will not burned alive in vein. What's the plan 12:54pm..?

Anonymous said...

Yep! what's the plan? we all waiting to obey your advise...

Anonymous said...


we can't discuss the plan online here in public.....there are thais thevies and killers wandering in here as well.....beside I'm about 10000 miles from the father land....I'm just advising our brothers there to take extra plan in doing any thing re the issue...

Anonymous said...

So you has no clue at all...just runing your mouth!

Anonymous said...

The Khmer government must ask the parents of Yon Rith for their permission to published any photo or evidences taken for the public and the world to see.

Anonymous said...

To: Bangcock, Thailiar

No more game for them and don't talk to them. Just burned them alive see how they feel and we going kill them all nowadays.

Anonymous said...

we should put trape in the siam jungle to kill a few of there soilder for reveng im sure those cambodia by the siam border would know really well how to do it.