Saturday, September 19, 2009

Anupong: Don't enter disputed border


National army chief Anupong Paojinda on Saturday called on the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) protesters in Si Sa Ket province not to enter the Thai-Cambodian disputed border as it would be dangerous.

The yellow-shirt PAD vowed to move into 4.6 square kilometres of land around the ancient Preah Vihear temple that is claimed by both countries.

"The army will act in accordance with the government's bilateral negotiation plan. We are now working on it and we will not do anything beyond this course," Gen Anupong said.

"The protesters can say they love the country but going into the disputed area would be dangerous and there could still be landmines," he said.

He said protests can take place if it can help improve the situation.

If the protesters entered into the disputed area, they could be arrested and the Cambodian government would say Thai people were trespassing on its territory. If the Thai government refused to accept the claim, the protesters might not be released, he said.

Gen Anupong also shot down the coup rumours, saying people should stop thinking about them.

"There is no need to stage a coup because we can solve problems through understanding and cooperation. I insist that no one will stage a coup," the army chief said.


Anonymous said...

Had the late Pol Pot in charge of the country, the incident would not have occurred.

During the Khmer-Rouge era, and the past (recent) years, have or had anyone envisage the current turmoil?

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why the ,PAD, protestors wanted to have war with Cambodia? Don't they know that Thailand use its own made map to claim the 4.6 square kilometers area? Thailand made it own map with the help of the US in the 1960s or early 70s periods. But if one looks at the map that was made by the United States army, the whole area of the Preah Vihear mountain is belong to Cambodia. The Thai made map version is illegal and it would not recognized by the world body. Instead, those ,PAD, protestors should look at the map that was made by the French and Siam treaties of 1904 and 1907. Clearly, the map made during the French and Siam treaties, indicated that Preah Vihear temple and the 4.6 square kms are belong to Cambodia. Please study the history again before you, PAD, protestors, are creating this grave and dangerous behavor, and mistake toward peacefull Cambodia and Cambodian people! Enough is enough!

Anonymous said...

8:45 PM

Just have them do their thing. Perhaps, again, hopefully the event will erupt into war with the Hun Sen's government. This is the only way to topple the Hun's regime.

This time around, the Thai will hit Cambodia hard, yes, with very large scale assualt.

Anonymous said...

We don't need the bastard Siem to topple Hun Sen. In case the Sam Rainsy Party collaborate with the Siems, you are on the Khmer eyes, a new Khmer traitor.

Anonymous said...

This is a classic Khmer clashing with Khmer. One Khmer side depended on Youn or Siem to topple the other. Just the wishful thinking expressed on this website, you can tell the same mentality still persists. I can't believe some SRP members are that low to have foreigners, particular Siem toppling another Khmer whom they view as being backed by Youn...They just wanted to tear each other apart until there is nothing left.

Anonymous said...

No. this is not a classic Khmer vs Khmer case. This is a classic CPP stirring up lies case.

Remember when the fire took place in Thai embassy in Cambodia? Who got the blame? SRP.. but remember who sparked the flame? Hun Sen.

Show from time to time, CPP people always put the blame on SRP for their incompetence so if they fail they can say that it was because of SRP supporters. It's just a crutch.

We know the people who are spreading these things that SRP supporter support Thai invasion are just CPP people who wants to provide what CPP like to say most of the time now "disinformation" to "defame" SRP supporter.

How stupid do you think Khmer people are? We know and we can sniff out CPP games.

Stop trying to play blame game and create yourself an excuse for failure. If you are so great, protect our border well and keep us from losing more land.

All Khmer support your activity if this your intention, to protect our nation.

Anonymous said...

where are the khmer landmines when we really need them? we can use some of our left over landmines to maim pad thugs and stop them from invading cambodia, you know! god bless cambodia.