Saturday, September 19, 2009

Thai protestors break blockage to march toward border

September 19, 2009
Source: Xinhua

About 4,000 yellow-shirts protestors on Saturday have managed to break the blockage by police and continued marching toward an area near the Thai-Combodian border, a move that raised concern of leading to more complication between the two countries, Thai media reported.

According to Bangkok Post online, at about 2 p.m. the yellow-shirted supporters of the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) passed through police blockage at Phumisarol village, about 3 kilometers away from the entrance gate of Preah Vihear national park near the disputed Thai-Combodian border.

They had clashed with the local villagers, leaving several people injured, said the report.

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva has directed his deputy in charge of security affairs, Suthep Thaugsuban, to reinforce soldiers and police at the national park to prevent PAD protesters to trespass the disputed area.

Expressing his concern over this issue, Abhisit said on Saturday that if PAD leaders lead the crowds into the disputed border area near the ancient Preah Vihear temple, there could be violent confrontation.

Deputy Prime Minister Suthep also warned Friday the PAD not to intrude into the overlapping area at the Preah Vihear temple as it could lead to a further problem between the two countries.

Soldiers have set up blockage at the entrance of the national park to block the demonstrators from entering into the area along Thai-Cambodia border.

The PAD supporters late Saturday morning headed for Preah Vihear national park to protest there before they were blocked halfway, at Phumisarol village of Si Sa Ket province, by about 1,000 policemen.

The PAD protestors set deadline for the police to step out of their way by 1 p.m. and threatened the use of force to break to the police lines to go to Pha Mor I-Daeng in the national park as planned, according to Bangkok Post online.

The yellow-shirted protestors plan to protest Saturday at the disputed area near the Thai-Combodian border to demand the government push the alleged intruders out.

Veera Somkwamkid, a core leader of PAD, said he plans to lead the protestors to Pha Mor I-Daeng to read out PAD statement demanding the Cambodian villagers and troops to move out of Thailand's territory.

In a petition they filed to the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) on Wednesday, the yellow-shirts claimed the governments in the past and present have been allowing Cambodian troops and people to encroach on an area of over 3,000 rai (4,800,000 square metres) around the Preah Vihear temple, a UNESCO world heritage site.

About 1,000 policemen had set up check-point at a school in Phumisarol village of Kanthararak district to prevent PAD supporters from entering the national park.

Meanwhile, 500 local villagers gathered at the village school to rally against PAD. They called on PAD leaders not to create violence in Si Sa Ket province.

Entering the disputed area can cause misunderstanding and conflict between soldiers of both sides, said Thai Army Commander-in-Chief Gen Anupong Paojinda on Friday, indicating that if any Thai was arrested (by Cambodian soldiers), the conflict could escalate.

The yellow-shirts' border-area protest came the same day with amass anti-government rally in Bangkok by red-shirts, or supporters of the United Front of Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD), which is forecast to attract about 30,000 protestors.

The international court ruled the Preah Vihear temple belonged to Cambodia more than 40 years ago, but border dispute over areas around the temple has remained a fuse in the two countries' relationship.

The Thai-Cambodian border has never been fully demarcated, in part because the border is littered with landmines left during the Indochina war between 1960s and 1970s.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

PAD is known in manipulating and impersonating protesters.PAD leader is made enemy of General Prem,King Bhumibol buddy,who has plotted to assasinate PAD leader once already.

Now this 4,000 protesters are likely the people from uniformed services among soldiers and policeofficers to pose as protesters. These protesters are committed to rock Democrats from power before year end.

Khmer Preah Vihear is a perfect bait for King and Prem to lay blame on UDD and Thaksin supporters if war broke out with Cambodia.

Watch this closely and that's how Siam plays the world since World War II.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Hi all,

This seemed ridiculous all forces are not armed and if this occured very bad our forces will get injured without protected gears. Hun Sen would say uh oh I told you be very careful. 4,000 siam versus 1,000 forces + 500 villagers. This is unacceptable remembered US had pouring in $58M for road contruction nothing had been happened. At least they should bought some gears for our forces such as protected bortons, helmets and bullet proofs vest. Where is all the money? All for CPP members.

Anonymous said...

This is another trick of SIAM. They pulled their troops so Khmer also pulled our troops. Now they pretend to be protesters and if something happens they will be up and arm. Didn't HUN SEN comprehend this?

This is their trick.!!!!

Anonymous said...

ah kwak did not understand the thai trick...he only can bigmouth about mee (kaheang) chrouk's samlor kako!

Anonymous said...

Had the late Pol Pot in charge of the country, the incident would not have occurred.

During the Khmer-Rouge era, and the past (recent) years, have or had anyone envisage the current turmoil?

Anonymous said...

Perhaps PAD protesters will give us peace. Sure, they can spark a war, then Hun Sen will be in deep shit.

The PAD will eventually change Cambodian regime.

Anonymous said...

8:40 PM
A traitor.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen became so popular since the PAD started the Preah Vihear show.

Anonymous said...

Truly, 8:40 is a traitor. Sad thing is, he is also CPP impersonating as a Khmer oversea to give bad name to Khmers who don't support CPP internal politics.

They wish to associate Khmer oppositions against Hun Sen Politic to Khmer people wanting Hun Sen and Cambodia invaded by Siam.

Bad game plan, we are not as naive as the person who cooked up this plan. We can only laugh out loud at your stupidity 8:40.

Anonymous said...

I will greet these members of PAD with flowers. They are the only hope for the Cambodian people.

May God bless PAD members.

Anonymous said...

11:26 PM

Fuck you!

You can be anything you want while you're online, asshole.

Yes, these PAD members will give the Cambodian people and its land peace and stability. Yes, war is the best option.

Anonymous said...

11:26 PM

It's a great feeling to be a traitor for an animal like youreslf and the rest of your clans.

One of these days, you, your families, friends will die hard--very hard. And I will be the one to spit on your rotten corpse.

Enjoy while you still have time left.

CPP traitor

Anonymous said...

The only way we can bring Hun Sen down and chase the Viets away from our land is through war with Thai. I rather see Western backed government in Cambodia rather than seeing the Communist backed government in Cambodia.