By Sok Khemara, VOA Khmer
Original report from Washington
10 September 2009
With further indictments at the UN-backed Khmer Rouge tribunal moving forward for five leaders of the regime, a likely suspect, Im Chaem, told VOA Khmer she will not go to the court if summoned.
Im Chaem, now 65, is well known to villagers as a Khmer Rouge district chief in Banteay Meanchey province. She is now a deputy commune chief in Anglong Veng district, the last of the 1990s Khmer Rouge strongholds.
“I absolutely will not go, because the charge is unacceptable, and even if I’m called to court, I will not go,” she told VOA Khmer by phone. Asked why she would refuse to cooperate with the court, she said she had “no faults” reason enough to go.
She said she was “relieved” to hear Prime Minister Hun Sen object to further indictments, following promises of amnesty to cadre in the waning days of the regime, which ultimately fought a losing battle with government forces led by today’s premier.
If new investigations are opened ‘just to prosecute without reason,’ it will unsettle former Khmer Rouge cadre, she said.
‘’If you challenge more, it makes everybody feel no peace,’’ Im Chaem told VOA Khmer.
In on-site interviews with VOA Khmer several months ago, villagers in Proneth Preah district said Im Chaem was feared in the region and had been in charge when a number of crimes were committed under the Khmer Rouge.
Im Chaem has denied any wrongdoing, saying people who were killed or went missing there did so before her arrival as chief in 1978.
However, Khmer Rouge scholars say she could be among a tier of the regime’s leaders to face indictments. The Pre-Trial Chamber have now allowed five indictment submissions from the prosecutors office to move to the investigating judges, despite warnings from Hun Sen and other Cambodian officials more arrests could lead to instability.
Knut Rosandhaug, a UN coordinator for the tribunal, told VOA Khmer in an e-mail “it is a clearly established international standard that courts do not seek approval or advice on their work from the executive branch.”
“I expect that the ECCC will comply with this internationally recognized standard and make its decisions independently,” he said, referring to the tribunal by its official initials, for the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia.
The tribunal is currently trying its first Khmer Rouge suspect, the former prison chief known as Duch, and is holding four more: Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, Ieng Sary, and Ieng Thirith.
Im Chaem, now 65, is well known to villagers as a Khmer Rouge district chief in Banteay Meanchey province. She is now a deputy commune chief in Anglong Veng district, the last of the 1990s Khmer Rouge strongholds.
“I absolutely will not go, because the charge is unacceptable, and even if I’m called to court, I will not go,” she told VOA Khmer by phone. Asked why she would refuse to cooperate with the court, she said she had “no faults” reason enough to go.
She said she was “relieved” to hear Prime Minister Hun Sen object to further indictments, following promises of amnesty to cadre in the waning days of the regime, which ultimately fought a losing battle with government forces led by today’s premier.
If new investigations are opened ‘just to prosecute without reason,’ it will unsettle former Khmer Rouge cadre, she said.
‘’If you challenge more, it makes everybody feel no peace,’’ Im Chaem told VOA Khmer.
In on-site interviews with VOA Khmer several months ago, villagers in Proneth Preah district said Im Chaem was feared in the region and had been in charge when a number of crimes were committed under the Khmer Rouge.
Im Chaem has denied any wrongdoing, saying people who were killed or went missing there did so before her arrival as chief in 1978.
However, Khmer Rouge scholars say she could be among a tier of the regime’s leaders to face indictments. The Pre-Trial Chamber have now allowed five indictment submissions from the prosecutors office to move to the investigating judges, despite warnings from Hun Sen and other Cambodian officials more arrests could lead to instability.
Knut Rosandhaug, a UN coordinator for the tribunal, told VOA Khmer in an e-mail “it is a clearly established international standard that courts do not seek approval or advice on their work from the executive branch.”
“I expect that the ECCC will comply with this internationally recognized standard and make its decisions independently,” he said, referring to the tribunal by its official initials, for the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia.
The tribunal is currently trying its first Khmer Rouge suspect, the former prison chief known as Duch, and is holding four more: Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan, Ieng Sary, and Ieng Thirith.
This super bitch may have killed a lots of people during her heyday.
MAN! LOOK! How many more fucking Khmer Rouge that UN needs for the trail? What do you want if wound guilty? Khmer Rouge! Khmer Rouge! Khmer Rouge! Until ALL Khmer gone then you stop accusing. I hope Im Chaem won’t go to court. I am tired, hate, and mad concerning this fucking KR trail.
(Note: if you post your comments too long like a whole book, I won’t read it.)
Angkorian Krama Man
If you didn't do any wrong or any killing during the KR regime, why do you afraid to go to court and prove that you are innocent.
this KR lady should be called next to the court for her involvement in the stupid, ignorant KR regime. she looked like she's one of those mean, bitches under the stupid KR backward vision!
all we ask is that she answers a few questions about the stupid KR regime!
in cambodia, it's mostly the way people dress that can be told apart from the the educated and the ignorant, the civilized and the unruly and so forth; and the way they present themselves and how the look and smell, etc... can tell you a lot about their mediocre background, etc... it's like in the west, those who wears ties and suite and those who just wear t-shirt with hippie look or long hair for men or unshaved faces, which all inappropriate for job interview, etc... same thing with those people in cambodia. that's how you can tell them apart.
mith neary, i wonder how many people you killed during stupid KR regime?
Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime had committed:
Mass Murder
Crimes Against Humanity
Force Labour
Overwork to Death
Human Abuses
Unlawful Detention
Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime had committed:
Attempted Murders
Attempted Murder on Chea Vichea
Attempted Assassinations
Attempted Assassination on Sam Rainsy
Assassinated Journalists
Assassinated Political Opponents
Assassinated Leader of the Free Trade Union
Executed members of FUNCINPEC Party
Murdered Chea Vichea
Murdered activists and members of Sam Rainsy Party.
Murdered Innocent Men
Murdered Innocent Women
Murdered Innocent Children
Killing innocent Khmer peoples.
Extrajudicial Execution
Grenade Attack
Drive by Shooting
Death Threats
Human Abductions
Human Rights Abuses
Human Trafficking
Drugs Trafficking
Under Age Child Sex
Illegal Mass Evictions
Illegal Land Grabbing
Illegal Firearms
Illegal Logging
Illegal Deforestation
Illegally use of remote detonation on Sokha Helicopter, while Hok Lundy and other military officials were on board.
Illegally Sold State Properties
Illegally Remove Parliamentary Immunity of Parliament Members
Plunder National Resources
Acid Attacks
Turn Cambodia into a Lawless Country.
Steal Votes
Bring Foreigners from Veitnam to vote in Cambodia for Cambodian People's Party.
Use Dead people's names to vote for Cambodian People's Party.
Disqualified potential Sam Rainsy Party's voters.
Abuse the Court as a tools for CPP to send political opponents and journalists to jail.
Abuse of Power
Abuse the Laws
Abuse the National Election Committee
Abuse the National Assembly
Violate the Laws
Violate the Constitution
Violate the Paris Accords
Unlawful Detention
Death in custody.
Under the Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime, no criminals that has been committed crimes against journalists, political opponents, leader of the Free Trade Union, innocent men, women and children have ever been brought to justice.
Why this lady so selfish and not present at the trial for what she had done?
Is every Cambodian Leaders like her?
She is old and almost turning to ash and she is not want to tell the truth about the past regime (KR). This is very a shame for Cambodia leaders.
I hope this lady turn herself in..
Justice will prvial!!!
Talking about women KR killers, let me share with folks a little account of killing committed by women-killers.
It was late 1977, just a few months before Yuons invaded Canbodia. I was living in the commune of Sophy, a small commune about 10kms east of Koh Krolor and about 3kms from Aur Kro Bao where the killing of hunds of innocent villagers, including children, from five communes was carried out.
I was assigned to carry daily ration from the Say commune to Sophy commune. One day, it was about 9'oclock in the morning. As I was measuring rice outside of a thatched house where all the women Khmer Rouge were living inside, I heard them talking about how they killed those innocent victims. One of them said it clearly, "I was disgusted to see her fat (a woman victim) stuck on my knife (bayonet)." Listening to just these few words, we can tell that those KRkillers killed people, and they enjoy doing the killings. I have witnessed a few more killings and some swollen women cropses were in the position of being raped before
they were killed. All the evil acts of the Khmer Rouge cannot be tolerated or forgotten.
Just like POL POT Regime acting solely in own-self destruction and killing its own people but not yet pointing his fingers to The Vietnamese including our GOD DAMNED KING SIHANOUK still avasix=vely hiding the reality hiding his Royal BUNKER in PEKING. I could not wait to hear IENG SARY his wife KHIEU THIRITH , KHIEU SAMPHAN , NUON CHEA telling the truth especially SIHANOUK.
From One Of The Survivors Of The Our OWN GOD DAMNED KING SIHANOUK
I am one of the survivors of the our own GOD DAMNED KING SIHANOUK KILLING FIELDS
MI Chor Runteas Banh,
Horng Enrg Kor Sam lab chroeun Daer.
6:22 AM Best one of all! BUNKER?
repent to god, and god will forgive you all. wash away all your sins and bad karma. start anew. god love all his children. god bless all. however, you have to confess to god for help!
god that blesses killers is not god but dog.
This old bitch should be punished one way or another .She killed her own people and perhaps yuon too.If khmers don't have the gut to drag her ass out to court then let the vietnamese do it.
How about ah Ho Nam Hong and ah Kiet Chorn?
Are they on the top too?
this KR bitch can suck my dick, if she still does not want to go.
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