We, the villagers, sit in despair because we lost our lands and waters.
The Ly Yong Phat Company is the cursed thief, it robbed all our lands and waters.
With a good leadership, the people are rich and plentiful.
When the leadership is greedy, the people are destroyed and ruined.
[KI-Media note: CPP Tycoon-Senator Ly Yong Phat is a crony of Hun Xen]
Yey ah kwack....do u open your eyes and see what's happening around you??? oh i'm sorry, you have only one eye left...just use it to focuss on money, power....
Concerning the eviction at Dey Krahom, well, my understanding is that before the action is taken by the Cambodian government, the government had warned and provided information stated it clearly to the resident that we must expand the city, also the government had given to the resident who lived at Dey Krahom compensation and set a certain date for them to be moved out, they have REFUSED. That’s why this action is taken against the resident. Don’t you blame the government? Don’t you feel that the Cambodian government is brutal? The residents at Dey Krahom still insist against the government’s law. This people have been living on that land freely since 1980s or earliest 1979. The capital of Phnom Penh is too growth, we sold land to private company in order build and create more economy in our country and for the country to grow as well.
(Note: if you post your comments too long like a whole book, I won’t read it.)
Angkorian Krama Man
Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime had committed:
Mass Murder
Crimes Against Humanity
Force Labour
Overwork to Death
Human Abuses
Unlawful Detention
Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime had committed:
Attempted Murders
Attempted Murder on Chea Vichea
Attempted Assassinations
Attempted Assassination on Sam Rainsy
Assassinated Journalists
Assassinated Political Opponents
Assassinated Leader of the Free Trade Union
Executed members of FUNCINPEC Party
Murdered Chea Vichea
Murdered activists and members of Sam Rainsy Party.
Murdered Innocent Men
Murdered Innocent Women
Murdered Innocent Children
Killing innocent Khmer peoples.
Extrajudicial Execution
Grenade Attack
Drive by Shooting
Death Threats
Human Abductions
Human Rights Abuses
Human Trafficking
Drugs Trafficking
Under Age Child Sex
Illegal Mass Evictions
Illegal Land Grabbing
Illegal Firearms
Illegal Logging
Illegal Deforestation
Illegally use of remote detonation on Sokha Helicopter, while Hok Lundy and other military officials were on board.
Illegally Sold State Properties
Illegally Remove Parliamentary Immunity of Parliament Members
Plunder National Resources
Acid Attacks
Turn Cambodia into a Lawless Country.
Steal Votes
Bring Foreigners from Veitnam to vote in Cambodia for Cambodian People's Party.
Use Dead people's names to vote for Cambodian People's Party.
Disqualified potential Sam Rainsy Party's voters.
Abuse the Court as a tools for CPP to send political opponents and journalists to jail.
Abuse of Power
Abuse the Laws
Abuse the National Election Committee
Abuse the National Assembly
Violate the Laws
Violate the Constitution
Violate the Paris Accords
Unlawful Detention
Death in custody.
Under the Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime, no criminals that has been committed crimes against journalists, political opponents, leader of the Free Trade Union, innocent men, women and children have ever been brought to justice.
Hey Ankorian Krama Man, are you just posting these comments as a joke or for real? Most of the people have been living on these lands for 30-40 years and it seems reasonable to you that the government just kick them out off their homes? And the profit made from the land sales, where does it goes to? Does this seems reasonable to you?
ជ័យោ !!!សម្ដេចមហាតេជ្ជោដ៏មហិមា!
(Hun zen)សម្លាប់ឲ្យអស់ពួកអាខ្មែរល្ងង់នឹង
អាខ្មែរអ្នកក្រ ជ័យោ!ឈ្នះៗៗៗៗៗៗៗៗៗៗៗ
It is perfectly reasonable to the CPP and its supporters to deprive people of their rights and property at fraction of the property market price. They see no injustics in it as long as they can profit from it.
In this regard, the CPP is worst than the Khmer Rouge because the Khmer Rouge abolished private property in the name of their Revolution not for personal greed like the CPP.
Without these developments, these people not only stay poor, but they will get poorer, becuase these developments will bring economic growth for Cambodia and with economic growth there are jobs for these people in the future, so please think about these people future too, and don't just think about your reputation.
to thes meas
are you khmer rouge?
All in Hye Xen accounts!
Angkorian Krama Man & Meas Thes used brutality for Hye Xen!
The poor will get rich by selling their land. Not Hye Xen Collected People Property for personal gain.
To 5:54 AM
I am not khmer rouge.
I lost many member of my family to the khmer rouge regime too.
Baab'kamm, Baab'kamm!
One day, one day, ...
What goes around comes around!
to thes meas
do you agree that khmer rouge kill innocent khmer peoples?
Folks, please don't mind 4:58AM. He took a wrong medicine a moment ago. He will be OK when I give him a few kicks on the head.
It is hurt to see Khmer hurting Khmer. Where is ah King supposed to take care of his people?
looks to me like a scene from the movie set! what's the name of the movie?
Angkorian Krama Man you dont just solve the problem by pushing the problem aside, rather than finding a CURE to the problem and a solution for people and the government, the government got greedy and told the people FUCK YOU. Thats not how HUMAN being should act, that is how animal acts.
So your bullshit economic growth doesn't work well unless there is a solid solution for the people. The richer still gets richer and the poorer will still get poorer.
To 7:08 AM,
I will answer your question posted at 7:08AM, but first I say this to you, I am not that stupit to not know that this question was a trick, that you want me to answer.
The question was intent for me to answer about Samdech Hun Sen wasn't it?.
My answer to you is no, I am not agree with you, becuase not all Khmer Rouges were responsible for the killing of innocent Khmer people. I believe those Khmer Rouges that were defected to Vietnam like Samdech Hun Sen were not responsible for the killing of Khmer people, but instead they were the savior of Khmer people.
8:07 AM,
He is so busy to masturbate himself, and doesn't care his khmer subjects! Why ???
Because his mother is Viet bitch, mi kh'niique.
Neh puok ah chhkae yuon, nis hoey chea sna day do vichet robos ah bat day prolak chheam hun sen ning pak puok vea nus.
Hey all Yuon's dogs, this is the great achievement of bloody guy hun sen and his comrades.
to 11:14 AM measthes@yahoo.com and many blind Khmers, you are more blind than Hun Sen. Yes he had "liberated" Cambodia with the Invading Vietnamese army almost 30 years ago but even when he robs people, uses the courts against his critics and kills for his own greed you people still lick his ass?
Just look at how things are, Economically it is good IF YOU ARE RICH AND POWERFUL, but life is extremely hard for those majority who are not.
Khmer Rouge is Khmer Rouge, they even killed each other. Hun Sen is no different.
Fabricated! frabricated!
To Khmer Rouge supporters
Ah PPU aka Ah Anthony
Ah New Phally
Ah Khmer-Australian
Ah AngkorianMan Krama Man
Ah Thana
Ah Thes Meas
You're support Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime who is killing innocent Khmer peoples.
Please do me a favor don't ever tell anyone that you are Khmer, because you make Khmer peoples look bad.
Clans of Phnom Penh used brutality forces against our Khmer citizens.
Where? ECCC, GHW, UN, NGO, and LICAHDO. They are all there but they can't even do anything at all.
Where the gay king when his people are in trouble? Is he gonna run to China likes his father Sihanouk?
I saw only Khmer ethnic citizen whom suffurred from these mass eviction! Those Chinese, Vietnamese decendants are living in their comfort and luxury homes. Hun Sen stop "Khmer from hurting Khmer".
To Thes Meas
"Anonymous said...
to thes meas
are you khmer rouge?
5:54 AM"
"Thes Meas said...
To 5:54 AM
I am not khmer rouge.
I lost many member of my family to the khmer rouge regime too."
"Anonymous said...
to thes meas
do you agree that khmer rouge kill innocent khmer peoples?
7:08 AM"
"Thes Meas said...
To 7:08 AM,
I will answer your question posted at 7:08AM, but first I say this to you, I am not that stupit to not know that this question was a trick, that you want me to answer.
The question was intent for me to answer about Samdech Hun Sen wasn't it?.
My answer to you is no, I am not agree with you, becuase not all Khmer Rouges were responsible for the killing of innocent Khmer people. I believe those Khmer Rouges that were defected to Vietnam like Samdech Hun Sen were not responsible for the killing of Khmer people, but instead they were the savior of Khmer people.
11:14 AM"
If you are not Khmer Rouge, why do you support Khmer Rouge?
Thes Meas, I feel that you are lying.
You are not agree that Khmer Rouge kill innocent Khmer peoples, who kill innocent Khmer peoples?
Thes Meas, I feel that you are lying.
You said you are not stupid, how come you don't know how to spell the word stupid?
Thes Meas, I feel that you are lying.
All Khmer Rouges are responsible for killing innocent Khmer peoples, not only five Khmer Rouges. Do you understand?
I would like to remind you that there are almost two million innocent Khmer peoples had been murder.
Thes Meas, I feel that you are lying.
Why are you defend Hun Sen, a Khmer Rouge who is one of the peoples that responsible for killing innocent Khmer peoples?
Thes Meas, I feel that you are lying.
How did you know that Hun Sen is not responsible for killing innocent Khmer peoples?
Thes Meas, I feel that you are lying.
If I understand you correctly according to you, Hun Sen did not kill any innocent Khmer peoples, how did you acquire this information?
Thes Meas, I feel that you are lying.
According to Document Center of Cambodia, Hun Sen and others Khmer Rouge soldiers when to a hospital to slash patient's throat and throw grenade intended to kill them. Hun Sen is responsible for killing innocent Khmer peoples during Khmer Rouge Regime. Hun Sen murders innocent Khmer peoples during Khmer Rouge Regime.
Source: Document Center of Cambodia
Even until today, Hun Sen continue to rules Cambodia with his Khmer Rouge Regime.
Hun Sen continue to kill innocent Khmer peoples. One good example would be Grenade Attack on March 30, 1997.
5:25 Bravo!!! Best of the rest.
4:44 AM Bravo!!!
Here too in Long Beach, CA most Khmer populated beside Cambodia. These Chinese and Vietnamese descendants look down on you all the time. I'm pure Khmer 100% born and raised in Battambang. These people acted like they owned a businesses and riches of all Khmer people in world. When I asked them they said they real Khmer 500 years ago. But to me I don't believe them at all, I believed they emigrated to Cambodia not long ago. I don't believed non of their crap they said they used to have chauffers in Phnom Penh all kind of businesses their. Here they drived their own car, cook, clean and swiped their poop. Here in USA all asians are so competing each other all the time. MERCEDES, BMW, LEXUS these are best for asians here.
I think Asian people are the most exciting people in the world if we didn't war!. We Asian people like to build quality homes and have quality cars, like to eat quality foods and a whole lot more etc...however, now that we don't have war any more we can still make it into a reality, can we?...focus on all for one and one for all, asian nations hopefully will become one, like European nations.
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