A man stands on the railway tracks near Boeung Kak lake in Phnom Penh last week. Plans to rebuild the lines have left residents in Tuol Kork and Daun Penh next in line for eviction. (Photo by: Sovan Philong)
Thursday, 10 September 2009
Robbie Corey-Boulet and Chhay Channyda
The Phnom Penh Post
"The strongest reason for the government to be concerned is the fact that this is the biggest issue that could undermine the ruling party" - Ou Virak, CCHR PresidentTWO new reports addressing land rights in Cambodia argue, as others have, that the pursuit of development has led to widespread rights violations, including forced, sometimes violent evictions.
But they also share a conciliatory message that emphasises the importance of government dialogue with affected communities and civil society.
That message has drawn scepticism from civil society and opposition figures, who on Wednesday said they doubted such an approach would amount to much in light of the government's tactics in recent land-dispute negotiations.
An overview of land disputes released today by the Cambodian Human Rights Action Committee (CHRAC), a coalition of NGOs, offers "a painful look into the lives of people affected by forced evictions and intimidation".
It then positions the coalition as "a bridge to support genuine and productive dialogue between communities and policymakers".
Similarly, a report to the UN Human Rights Council, released Monday, expresses concern over the "commonplace" evictions of families who had been living in their homes for years.
The report's author, Surya Subedi, a UN envoy on human rights in Cambodia, later adds: "This is an area where I will be happy to offer my advice and seek to foster cooperation in the search for long-term solutions to this painful issue."
In interviews Wednesday, observers said this faith in dialogue might be misplaced.
CHRAC Executive Secretary Suon Sareth acknowledged that several past attempts by affected residents and civil society to engage constructively with the government had failed.
He cited a case last month in which about 300 Cambodians involved in land disputes in 19 different provinces petitioned the Council of Ministers, the Ministry of Interior and the National Authority for the Resolution of Land Disputes.
The effort was an attempt to circumvent unresponsive provincial authorities, but Phnom Penh officials also failed to respond to the villagers' petition, Suon Sareth said.
"The complaints have been ignored," he said.
Interior Ministry spokesman Khieu Sopheak said Wednesday that all complaints were forwarded to the ministry's inspection department. He added, as did other officials, that the government was more than willing to engage with residents affected by land disputes.
"The ministry has always welcomed complaints from people about land cases," he said.
But Yim Sovann, spokesman for the opposition Sam Rainsy Party, said he believed threats and other forms of intimidation were often conveyed under the pretense of constructive dialogue, citing as examples meetings between officials and residents of the evicted Dey Krahorm and Group 78 communities.
"I get a lot of complaints from people who say they were forced to leave there, that they were forced to take compensation," he said. "Then the government tells the media, 'Oh, the people have agreed to leave, they have agreed to take the compensation.' There are threats and intimidation behind that."
Naly Pilorge, director of the rights group Licadho, also said officials' interactions with villagers involved in land disputes were often of little benefit to the villagers themselves.
"Information about the dire situation of people and abuses committed on people related to land are often dismissed despite credible evidence," she said.
For his part, Ou Virak, president of the Cambodian Centre for Human Rights, said the stated goal of the UN and CHRAC to foster more good-faith government engagement might not be unrealistic given that government officials want to keep donors happy and retain voter support.
"The strongest reason for the government to be concerned," he said, "is the fact that this is the biggest issue that could undermine the ruling party."
To AngkorainMan Krama Man & ah Measthes:
U R a Pro-CPPs, let me start by asking a question for u 2 to ransacking your neuronal for answer. Has you master Hun Sen stopped evicting Khmer Citizens living in CAMBODIA from their makeshifs/huts/homes in the name of public domain for the purpose of development?
Illegal logging and clearing out the Rainforest in Cambodia isn't SMART to do. Building hydroelectric dams isn't a good idea 'cause the government isn't willing to take care of the citizens that are being displaced by infrastructures. Pumping sand into a lake isn't a SMART idea either, but I can't expect much from the CPP 'cause EDUCATION CREDENTIALS ARE VERY BOGUS.
A little knowledge is a DANGEROUS thing. What has the CPP been doing with DONORS' money that was supposed to improve the infrastructures of Khmer Society? I am talking about a Billion Dollar annually in the last 20 years given to CPP government.
Clean water, electricity, health, education, and et al ought to be improve by today's standard. But, I am there in Cambodia -- 1/1000th of 1% does get to the general public in Cambodia. The massive and chronic flooding ought to be solve by now if the government were to use the funding for the citizens. AND DON'T TELL ME THE CPPs ARE MAKING THE DIFFERENT FOR KHMER PEOPLE. IF SO WHICH KHMER: Khmer with $$$$$$$$$$, Khmer-Sok An, Khmer-Hok Lundy, Khmer-Hun Sen...
Boyz! I can go on describing what's wrong with the current Khmer government right now, enough to fill NYC phone book.
The Tourism Sector, especially the Siem Reab Province, the revenue generated are in the 300-600 million dollar annually. So much income generated, ironically Siem Reab Khmer people are very poor, neglected, abandoned, undereducated in DPI (dept. public instruction).
What progress can you tell the world that Hun Sen Regime actually or potentially advance Khmer Society into the 21st Century?
To 1:35 AM, and Fuck you Ah LICADHO agency
Boy!.. You seem to know a lot of what’s going on in Cambodia, since you are so smart and brilliant, I would like you to come to work with us CPP that would help lead the country better than the Cambodian government now. Does it sound good to you? Yes! I was a former Khmer Rouge, what do you want your fucking whitties men do to me? You live abroad, don’t you always ask your white men to help you solve any problem in Cambodia. Okay? And for those white ass , don’t you come to Cambodia to capture all information and spread to the world. Cambodia is not the only country that is DANGEROUSE as to what you stated in here Brother!. You all make Cambodia looks pretty bad in living society. I hate foreigner who creates problem in my country.
(long sentence, I won’t read it.)
Angkorian Krama Man
2:02Am! so bad, your invitation is not accepted!
I can not worh with corrupted evils and traitors!
And I donot know what about white ass! They happen to be more powerfull than China! Sorry for your wish not come true!
Remember Sadam Hou San,next is samdach Hun Sen!
What's a SHS?????????
They should move to Toul Krasaing!
people should understand that in the past gov't turned a blind eye on them for living eratically very close to railway lines, etc. however, now, when it's time for gov't to refurbish the nation's railway system, these people should cooperate with gov't to relocate so cambodia's railroad system can be renovated and resuracted from dilapated condition and be put back into use again. yes, it's time to overhaul the khmer railway system. it is being asked that people have to cooperate and take whatever compensation they are given and not to be so greedy for market value or what have you. this is to benefit the country of cambodia as a whole not any individuals or private citizens.
2:53AM! but the government should find them a decent place to live!
First Ah Kwack let the lower officers to collect rent or sale legal plot of land to poor people! When some one want the land for development, act as gainster ah Kwack demend money to be broker between the poor and the developer!
When the deal done Ah kwack keep most of all the money and use force instead to force people out of their homes!
This is corruption 101 from Hanoi PhDs!!!!!!!!!!
Concerning the eviction at Dey Krahom, well, my understanding is that before the action is taken by the Cambodian government, the government had warned and provided information stated it clearly to the resident that we must expand the city, also the government had given to the resident who lived at Dey Krahom compensation and set a certain date for them to be moved out, they have REFUSED. That’s why this action is taken against the resident. Don’t you blame the government? Don’t you feel that the Cambodian government is brutal? The residents at Dey Krahom still insist against the government’s law. This people have been living on that land freely since 1980s or earliest 1979. The capital of Phnom Penh is too growth, we sold land to private company in order build and create more economy in our country and for the country to grow as well.
(Note: if you post your comments too long like a whole book, I won’t read it.)
Angkorian Krama Man
Thank KI for showing this picture.
This picture show proof of these people living on state's property. This show that the government of Cambodia is very generous to these people, becuase when the state need to use the property, the state paid compensation for these people to leave state property. If these people are in the United State, these people would have been arrested for tresspassing on state property not compensated.
CCHR it look like you are helping the poor people,but infact, by oppose to all these developments you are hurting these people future and their children future.
Why?, becuase these developments will bring economic growth for Cambodia, and with economic growth there are jobs for these people and their children jobs in the future, may be there are no job now for these people, but without developments there won't be any jobs for them in the future and without jobs for them in the future they probably going to be poor forever. And for these reason, please think about these people future too.
សម្ដេចមហាតេជ្ជោ hun xen and CPP Leader របស់យើងនឹងកម្ទេចឲ្យអស់ពួកអាខ្មែរ
ល្ងង់ នឹងអាខ្មែរអ្នកក្រពួកយើងនឹងកម្ចាត់ចោលម្ដង
មួយៗ ជ័យោ!៕
slab tev ah kanhchass. ros noam chang iet dey te ah kanhchass euy! You old man go to Cambodia to have sex with under-aged girls, that's why you advocate ah Hun Sen. slab tev ah kanhchass!
you know that if you live too close to the railroad or highway, etc, you are putting yourself and innocent family member in danger of traffic accident, ok. think about it for your own safety, too, ok! relocate to a safer area of living, ok! don't worry, be happy!
Thanks, ah Krama Man. I am in Cambodia, Pursat, digging water well for the poor Cambodian that the CPP neglected the citizens for the last 30 years.
What have CPP done to help the country? Stopped pretending you're in Cambodia. If you're that educated, you would realized the CPP failure on her population.
Tuk Trey Sre
to 10:55 PM Tuk Trey Sre,
I would like to meet you MAN. I am in Siam Reap, about 6 miles from Angkor Wat temple. I work at night shift. I think I can find you at any sources. Will see! If found, we may be friend.
Angkorian Krama Man
Angkorian Krama Man
So, that mean you in charged of night shift for CPP ah. By the way please don't harm any of our people by cited, collected, stolen property nor peeping on people at home.
Thank you for your cooperation
non-CPP supporters.
For corrupted people:
Life is too short, so better do good rather than doing bad, this theory might help everyone of you who are corrupted, "the righteous will live forever and the wicked will be terminated", So, please try to protect your body and you soul ok, cheers. Aust
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