Friday, October 16, 2009

All that Cheam Yeap could offer to respond to US Congress Res. 820 is: Excuses, excuses and more poor excuses!

Cambodian Lawmaker Addresses US Censure

By Sok Khemara, VOA Khmer
15 October 2009

A senior Cambodian official called a US congressional resolution condemning corruption in Cambodia “unacceptable” and counter to a system of checks and balances.

Responding to House Resolution 820, Cambodian People’s Party lawmaker Cheam Yiep said the four congressmen who drafted the resolution had taken only one side in their evaluation, the opposition.

The resolution—introduced Oct. 8 by representatives Ed Royce, a Republican from California; Frank Wolf, a Republican from Virginia; Jim Moran, a Democrat from Virginia; and Anh Josept Cao, a Republican from Louisiana—calls on the House of Representatives to condemn the repression of opposition candidates by the ruling party and calls on the Cambodian government to better combat the “worsening problem” of human trafficking.

“Please, evaluating congressmen, don’t listen to only one side and evaluate,” CPP National Assembly member Cheam Yiep told VOA Khmer. “It’s not right, and you can understand, in your language, ‘checks and balances,’ means that both [sides] are put out on the tray.”

“The condemnation that’s been raised is unacceptable,” he said, adding that opposition lawmakers had sought to cloud information about the situation in Cambodia.

(The resolution also cites reports from a UN rights envoy, the environmental watchdog Global Witness and the US State Department as cause for its censure.)

Cheam Yiep said the full House of Representatives was unlikely to follow the resolution.

“We are a developing country and cannot do like the US, a country that has developed for hundreds of years,” he said. “We’ve learned from experience and everything to develop the country.”

The government has not ignored human trafficking, he said, but “is trying to implement the law to crack down on human trafficking and sex trafficking.”

He also cited this week’s passage in the National Assembly of a national penal code as a gradual step to reduce corruption. Officials say the penal code was necessary before anti-corruption legislation can be passed.

He also defended the courts. “The system does not have the principle to allow corruption or commit injustices,” he said. Court corruption was undertaken by “a few individuals,” not the entire system, he said.

The Supreme Council of Magistracy has investigated and punished wrongdoing in the courts, he said.

Raising the court system as corrupt and unjust, I can’t accept that,” he said. “If one says only some individuals in the system, I can accept that.”


Anonymous said...

He try to clean himself, and reject the us congressmen. I don't think he ever a shame of khmer people at all.

Us congressmen they never blame khmer gorverment with out no reason, they condemn khmer government because look at in Cambodia most of the poor khmer is have been abuse from their own leader.

Even HIV khmer patients the government still hurt them and let they living hell, many of province in Cambodia have been destroy by flot and do khmer goverment care no. They try to robe poor khmer land and give to Youn and other businesse peoole.

Anonymous said...

Cheam Yeap,

You speak for your boss, Hanoi who had Vietnamese cores hiding in all Hun Sen's Administration's levels, but not for khmer people and Cambodia, as a country, but a province of Vietnam.

Anonymous said...

As a congressman, Cheam Yeam always defends the government ,in return Hun Sen ignored his son in law construction company overbilled the national budget.
Mr.Cheam Yeam , are you color blind?
I live in Cambodia for five years, I saw corruption everywhere and at all level of government,
from P.Penh Airport to the Poi Pet Border crossing ,we have to bribe the khmer officials to get in and get out of our homeland.

Shame on you ,Cheam Yeam.

Anonymous said...

Cheim Yeap need to stand up and protect Hun government other why he will get kill by he bos, but forget US government never let them get away for the consequent in Cambodia.

Please if you want Hun regime go away then we need to work as a team. We all need to stand up to protect people, and fight for our Freedom. Freedom of speach and Freedom of Right.

Anonymous said...

Cheam Yeap, you know that those 4 congressmen from the US didn't just take the report from the Opposition Party, they took it from the UN , NGO, GW and Civil Society , why do you keep saying that those 4 congressmen have been taking side with the Opposition Party ? Are you blind , acting blind or just being stupid ? Take a look at the facts .. stop making up stuffs just to make an excuse .

Anonymous said...

During Khmer Rouge regime of Pol Pot, Ah Chhai Chhkuot Ieng Sary had always denied the killing in his govenment. Now Cheam Yeap is no different. A good government would have listen and correct their mistake accordingly. It is hard to tell these idiots to learn Democracy system because they are too scared to loose their job and will end up in the prison as they have done a lot of crminal actvities in the past. Example, What has Cheam Yeap has benefited from building the new Parlaiment bulding? A tender of 13 millions has been killed by foods poisonning and his son in law has won the contract for the highest contract of 27 millions? Can't he hind smelly face?

Areak PRey

Anonymous said...

I am a khmer nationalist and was promoted to young carde during my high school time. At the time I was the best in math and physic, esp. social policy. My school director ordered me for social policy. But one time (1985), we discussed about the thesis of "undependent staat", our teacher told us that Kambuchea was "undependent", then I asked and answered to her, we were not undependent because 200 000 Viets soldiers in our country. She was disappointed with me later I was warned from the high school director inhis office, he told me "you wanted to destroy our relation with our brother Vietnam?". I answered to him, NO but what I spoke was in factfor in our country. He looked stranger at me and said I love you but what you said, please not use it against. This word make problem for my schorlaship abroad, but later I received it.

Khmer son

Anonymous said...

Stupid ass Chheam YAP is sleeping, while he's talking to the media..? fuken waking your ass up fool..!

Anonymous said...

Smoking too much Grass! Ah khanChas small eye balls...

Anonymous said...

According to AH Cheam Yeap and Khmer Rouge supporters, in order to know about Cambodia, you have to travel to Cambodia.

For example, during the Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime, is it possible to travel to Cambodia and come back alive to the United States to tell the story about what the Khmer Rouge did to innocent Khmer peoples?

Another example, if the four congressmen arrive in Cambodia, is Hun Sen going to order Brigade 70 to grenade attack against innocent men, women and children while they are in Cambodia like on March 30, 1997?

AH Cheam Yeap is one of the most stupidest and dumbest politician (MF) from the Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime.

Anonymous said...

This guy looks like youn. He does not care about khmer people.

Anonymous said...

Ah jrook hynumm Chheam YAP!

Anonymous said...

A stupid Cheam Deap Lam and the CPP as a whole know nothing, remember nothing, but kissing ass yuon and a kwak for power, women and money. They foget about their camarade khmer rouge tortured their parents and family, starved them to death, and forced them to work until death. They are the same khmer rouge. They are under one stupid criminal, A Kanhchas Xihanouk.

Anonymous said...

I hope some day all khmer people can bihead A kanhchas Xihanouk and his cpp clowns, before a Xihanouk dies of old age. Khmer people can use his head to clean up their ass holes.

Anonymous said...

Cheam Yeap>>>>> Sounded like Chiam Yeak>>>>Blood giant.

Cheam Yeap underestimate the US Congress by his remark that the Congressmen never been to Cambodia, therefore, doesn't know anyhing about Cambodia.
But, what he failed to understand is that we (US) have a sophisticated eyes called.... virtual sattlelite, not HunSenlite.
There is another source of intel that the Congressmen get their intelligence from. I will keep that a secret.
Cheam Yeap is too stupid to figure this one out. It will kill
him if I tell him that it is right underneath his nose.

Anonymous said...

Nope! sound like: Ah blood Yap! or Ah Chheam Yap, Ah Chheam Kop, always bowing his head under Hanoi balls....i meant tinny ph^o soup balls!

Unknown said...

Hi all above, It is fair enough for Cheam Yap to say that....bear in mind that if he does not say it, then what will happen to him ? If you were in that position, what will you do? The whole system is under Bong Hun, so he need to entertain Bong Hun! of course, otherwise he will disappear from this world!

Anonymous said...

now, let's be fair and stop being bias here for a change, really. bias and one-sided view won't help solve any problem to tell you the truth, really! it's not good idea to keep up this kind of rude behavior, really. it's time to get out of your comfort zone and see the world as it is bigger than your frog well mentality, ok! stop hibernating already! this is not the dark ages anymore, really! be civilized in dealing and socializing with others for a change, alright! cambodia is not really about you or i, really. if you can't understand that, then stay in school, really!

Anonymous said...

The dog Cheam Yeap CPP Hanoi!!!
He is so foolish,his language is the same his Dictator Hun Xen!!

Anonymous said...

My dear 9:59AM Really,

Could you please explain to us what exactly you want to tell us? I have no clue what you're saying, REALLY!

Anonymous said...

Ah Chow Chow Puppy, Cheam Yeap is barking out his stupidity. You don't know jack shit....why don't you go back into ah Viet. Cong's septic tang and eat up their poops....MF.

Anonymous said...

He is an old oil in the machine of the Cambodian leadership. There are more others in his team like him. That is why Cambodia is too slow on economic development. And they have not passed on Human Rights examinations. KhOpen,

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hey, human rights is one aspect of cambodia and not everything about cambodia, ok. there are more to cambodia than just the cry wolf of human rights, ok. we ask that everyone be fair and balance with cambodia, not bias, ok! that's all! if you don't understand the whole story, then don't pretend to be the expert, then! bias is like using a jet fuel to extinguish a fire, now think about it; how effective is that? you're not helping!

Anonymous said...

To 9:59

Are you really want to talk about bias?

How come the Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime murders only innocent Khmer peoples?

Isn't that bias?

How come the Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime mass evicts only innocent Khmer peoples?

Isn't that bias?

How come the Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime cause pain and suffering only innocent Khmer peoples?

Isn't that bias?

How come the Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime's supporters are so dumb? 

Anonymous said...

just wondering if you ever read your own post. What is your point? Every comment you write is criticizing others being bias. At the same time, you have no constructive or positive input to the above or any subjects in discussion.
Please feel free to share with us your professional aspect of problem solving.

I will take your advice and get out of my comfort zone, stayed away from the cave and see the exterior view of the world from my frog well mentality, because this is not the dark age anymore.
......and please stop repeating yourself with the same cut
and paste comment, really.

Beside, KI-Media is not really about you or I, really.

Anonymous said...

8:08 AM,

Problem solving, my ass, Viet puupet dandruffed dog,

Your Hun Sen and cronies evicted khmer people to make space for Viet illegal immigrants who are flocking every day by hundreds through the almost one hundred Khmer-viet border gates being built more and more to facilitate these Viet flocking and resttling in XCambodia, became Xmers, and voted for Hun Sen's SEE -PEE-PEE
viet puppet political party.

Look from Kirirom cinema down to Wat Tourl Tumpoung are full of Viets, Chh'bar Ampao mwith over one million Viets. They are speaking Vietnamese openly without
scare to Khmers, the real owners of Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

8:21 AM,
Your response to my 8:08 post is irrelevant. There is no correlation to what I said, what so ever. I believe the topic of this discussions was "All that Cheam Yeap could offer to respond to US Congress Res. 820 is: Excuses, excuses and more poor excuses!"
What topic are you on?
Are you 9:59?
BTW, I don't know how you came about that I am a pro CPP.

Anonymous said...

for 5:20am
he is not sleeping while talking. he is also corrupted just like his bosses. he has good food to eat and sleep with air condition on so he just fat with all the money he makes on the side. don't you see he has small eyes. corruption is in their blood.