Friday, October 16, 2009

Hun Xen on a begging mission to China

Hun Sen Flies to China for Talks on Trade, Aid

By Kong Sothanarith, VOA Khmer
Original report from Phnom Penh
15 October 2009

Prime Minister Hun Sen flew to China on Thursday, to attend a trade fair and seek agreements on infrastructure rehabilitation, officials said.

“Hun Sen will raise before his Chinese counterpart encouragement of more investors to come, especially investment in the agricultural sector, hydroelectricity and rice mills,” said Sri Thamrong, an adviser to Hun Sen who accompanied the delegation.

Hun Sen is expected to meet with Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao and pay a courtesy call on Liu Qibao, secretary of the Sichuan provincial committee of the Communist Party, Sri Thamrong said. Hun Sen will also give a speech at the opening ceremony of a trade fair on Friday morning, in the forum of international cooperation in a seminar on investment.

During the visit, the Cambodian delegation is expected to sign agreements for financial assistance on a road project between Kampong Thom and Preah Vihear provinces and irrigation in Battambang province.

Hun Sen traveled with Foreign Minister Hor Namhong and Commerce Minister Cham Prasidh.

China remains a strong partner in Cambodian development and is the country’s top donor. Its assistance includes development projects and military aid.

Yim Sovann, a lawmaker and spokesman for the opposition Sam Rainsy Party, warned against encouraging too much investment and financial support from China.


Anonymous said...

that's your opinion and i have mind as well, ok!

Thes Meas said...

KI-Media said, Hun Sen is on a begging mission to China. So if KI-Media's master the SRP win the election, the KI-Media's master won't beg for aids and let the people starved and inferstructures crumbled. By the way, because of these begging Cambodia was able to rebuild inferstructures such as schools, roads, bridges and so on, and was able to build economic growth at double digit in the last decade untill the world recession last year.

Anonymous said...

11:27 AM,
After feeding Cambodia for almost 30 years by foreign donors did the standard of living of Khmers people are getting better? In reality, it appears that the beggars in Cambodia keep increasing at an alarming rate. For almost 30 years under CPP leadership, people are poorer and poorer, corruption show no sign of slowing down, land grabbing occurs every day every where in Cambodia. The roads, bridges built with foreign aids Khmer people have to pay to use them. Economic growth at double digit but only about 5% of the population benefited from it while the rest of the people are begging to survive. With no sign that people's living of standard are getting better implied that Hun Sen and CPP are begging for their own pockets only.

Thes Meas said...


You must be blind to not see the standard of living in Cambodia better in the last 30years.
You must be blind to see the people of Cambodia are getting poorer and poorer, the people of Cambodia buy almost everything with cash, such as houses, land, vehicles, food and so on, unlike people such as American buy on credit almost on everything.
Yes, there are alot of corruption in Cambodia, but there are sign that the corruption are slowing down.
You are so wrong that 95% of the population of Cambodia are begging to survive, because most of them are working to survive.
And you are so wrong to say that Hun Sen and CPP are begging for their own pockets only, because the donors paid for the projects directly to the contractors, so the government never seen the money for most of the aids.

Anonymous said...

2:17 PM,

In fact Hun Sen, his cronies, and you are blind. After almost 30 years under your boss' leadership and living on foreign aids Cambodia is ranked bottom of the poverty list by UN. You are blind to the point that you don't see that beggars are every where in Cambodia. You are blind that you don't see land grabbings are every where in Cambodia. And you are blind that you don't see, Khmers have to pay the toll to use bridges, roads built by foreign donors. Judging from your comment, Cambodian standard of living is better than American's since Cambodians bought everything including houses, cars with cash as opposed to American who always used credit cards. Yes, it is true to certain degree. American cannot afford to buy cars, houses in cash because their income come from honest means while the elite people in Cambodia paid those items in cash with blood money derived from corruption. Just in case you don't know the average house in Cambodia cost around $500,000 dollars, landcruiser costs about $50,000 dollars and only high ranking officials of Hun Sen can buy with cash and where the money come from? Corruption.