Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Bilateral discussions with Thailand are a waste of time and money and they are useless: Hor 5 Hong

19 October 2009
Koh Santepheap newspaper
Translated from Khmer by Socheata and Heng Soy
Click here to read the article in Khmer
Therefore, the past negotiations were a waste of time and money, they were useless meetings. Discussions were only made on paper, but they were useless. Therefore, talking about bilateral discussions, agreements, then there is no outcome, what shall we do…? How much longer should we hold bilateral discussions…? We agreed with each other, but they did not ratify it, what else can we do to resolve this problem?” - Hor 5 Hong
Phnom Penh – Hor 5 Hong, vice-PM and minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, said that he just received the declaration issued by Surin Pitsuwan, the ASEAN Secretary-general, from a Thai news agency. Surin Pitsuwan’s declaration stated that “if any country member feels that the Thai-Cambodian border dispute affects ASEAN's image, the foreign ministers from other eight country members (except from Thailand and Cambodia) can raise the issue for discussion at the regional pact meeting.”

Surin Pitsuwan stated also that “if anyone of either party raises this topic at the meeting, it will be a good opportunity to help find appropriate solutions to the conflict”

Hor 5 Hong said that: “We can see that information from Thailand is all mixed up. First, Thailand’s PM Abhisit said successively to PM Hun Xen that the resolution will be bilateral and this issue will not be raised at the international level. Mr. Kasit Piromya made a declaration in the past that he wanted to set up an ASEAN arbitration to resolve this problem. I send a letter asking to raise this issue at the ASEAN meeting in Hua Hin, they replied back to me that they did not say that, the newspaper quote was wrong. Now Mr. Surin Pitsuwan, the [ASEAN] Secretary-general made the statement above, therefore, Thailand is all mixed up with this problem. The ASEAN leaders meeting is not public, only state and government leaders will be present, nobody else will be there (there will be 10 people only).”

Hor 5 Hong indicated: “I am not certain about the meeting, but in my personal opinion … I’d say that Samdach Dek Cho Hun Xen could raise the problem of the Cambodian-Thai border dispute around Preah Vihear temple during this [ASEAN] private meeting.”

Hor 5 Hong added that: “However, this time, Samdach Dek Cho may not raise this problem to find a resolution. This time, it is for Thailand not to raise this problem at the international level when it agreed with Cambodia to resolve it bilaterally.”

He added that: “In the past, in Spain, a Thai minister in charge of environment raised this issue in Spain, saying that the listing of Preah Vihear temple as a World Heritage site could affect the border security. They [Thailand] raised this issue at an international forum once already while it agreed again and again to resolve the issue bilaterally. In the past, when Mr. Abhisit went to the UN recently, he met with the UN Secretary-general, he also raised the Preah Vihear issue with the UN Secretary-general again.”

Hor 5 Hong criticized that it was not Cambodia that raised this issue at the international level. “We (Cambodia) respect our words not to raise this issue, we resolve this problem bilaterally, but it is Thailand that did not respect [this agreement],” Hor 5 Hong said.

The Cambodian minister of Foreign Affairs and his Thai counterpart met each other up to 3 times, and they agreed with each other on a number of points that lead to the installation of border posts starting since 2008. The border commission led by Var Kim Hong held 3 discussion sessions [with Thailand] between 2008 and April 2009, and [both sides] agreed to speed up the installation of border markers because the border issue is extremely sensitive. After the agreements, Thailand went silent, Thailand claimed that [Thai law] Article 190 requires parliament ratification, but its parliament did not ratify and the Thai government did not push its parliament to ratify it at all.”

“Therefore, the past negotiations were a waste of time and money, they were useless meetings. Discussions were only made on paper, but they were useless. Therefore, talking about bilateral discussions, agreements, then there is no outcome, what shall we do…? How much longer should we hold bilateral discussions…? We agreed with each other, but they did not ratify it, what else can we do to resolve this problem?” Hor 5 Hong said.


Anonymous said...

I think names of Cambodian officials (and/or any individual) should be written in their correct form. It should not be in 'derogatory' spelling as in KI's articles. Articles published in KI are quality translated and may be quotable. But by having names spelt as such (childish), the articles tend to lose its orginal aim as some readers may disregard or put it off. And in addition KI may be sued from the reporter/journalist who wrote the actual stories.

Anonymous said...

Mr Hong and Mr Hun Sen you can forget about ASEAN. Surin Pitsuvan he's aThai, thus he must work for the Thais' interests. Like I said again and again, take the matter to the UN or prepare for war. Stop the talking with the Thais on the issue……it is useless as you said….for one thing I'm glad that you know this. They never keep their agreement and words. They don't take Cambodia seriously. Why they do this because they know we are not serious and they treat us with contempt. They play game with you guys they treat you guys as clowns.

The Thais parliament and government they are the same…….together they always act the play for their own interests……the parliament needs to ratify this, ratify that…….it's all bullshit. The shame play by the Thais parliament and government they thought people don't know their cheap tricks.

Why would we follow and listen to the Thais to which international body that we can raise the issue with? Our national sovereignty is at stake here…….stop being a Thais servant…..bury this bilateral shit and go to the International level and don't stop when the Thais begging you not to do it.

Surin Pitsuvan will change his mind when his Thais colleagues in Bangkok can see the advantages in raising the issue with ASEAN.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


--Try UN security councils or International Court of Justice

Maybe His Excellency Sam Rainsy and Son Soubert can suggest some advice on the border issues...

Anonymous said...

Samdech Hun Sen should take the case to ICJ again, maybe the verdict can be reached by 2010 which we had done once in 1962.

Som Preah Ratana Trei taam thae reaksa Somdech Akka Moha badey Techo Hun Sen...

May Buddha help Samdech Hun Sen win again for Cambodia in 2010! As His Majesty Samdech Ta Preah Norodom Sihanouk did already in 1962.

Anonymous said...

The case was done. We can't repeat it again at the ICJ. The issue that we take to the International body is about the Thais encroach our sovereignty. If the UN don't help resolve this then war is inevitable and what's the use of being a member of the United Nations.

Anonymous said...

The same tactics by putting force occupying Preah Vihear by the Thais were done back in the 1950's until Samdech Ta took the case to the world court in 1962.

We as Khmers should learn from the past and be prepared for the future...

By looking into history, it tells us that negotiation with the Thais is a waste of time.

An international mediation is necessary to safeguard Khmer land from naked aggression by the Thais.

Anonymous said...

All Khmers,

Cambodia is being vietnamised, and everythings from social to the state's affair are controlled by Vietnamese cores inside Hun Sen government ministries.

Vietnam had violated the 1991 Paris Peace Agreement as a signatoried country. If Hun Sen bring this Peah Vihear and Khmer-thai borders didputes to the Hague, this will backlash Hanoi too.

If No green light from Hanoi, Hun Sen cannot do anything.

Anonymous said...

Taking the case to ICJ meaning asking the ICJ to interpret the decsion that was rendered in 1962.

Clearly, the Thais act dumb or simply don't understand the verdict.

1. Preah Vihear is located within Cambodia.

2. The surrounding lands belong to Cambodia.

3. The arctifacts which the Thais stole have to be returned to Cambodia.

The Thais only accepted verdict #1 and ignored #2 and #3

Right after the verdict, then PM Sarit Thanarat of Thailand redrew the boundary (unilatterally) putting all of the surrounding areas in the Thai side and only Preah Vihear go to Cambodia.

The Thais claimed that King Chulalongkorn was coerced by the french to sign the 1904-07 treaty.
The 1904-07 was the key may that helped Cambodia won the case in 1962.

How about Cambodia was forced by the Siamese to give up her western frontier which is present-day Thailand.

We Khmers demand that the Thais comply with all of the ICJ decisions rendered in 1962.

Anonymous said...

4:00am is Absolutely correct!

It is childish for KI news to ridicule a Royal Government of Cambodia high ranking official.

What's the point of doing so? Which is so contradictory to the recent KI articles like "Khmer Must Unite"

I suggest KI to present articles as is...otherwise it is NOT news, it's your Crazy Propaganda!!!

Botra & Botrei Khemara

Anonymous said...

Hor 5 hong just said but not doing enough for Khmer. He always follows the Thai words.

Come on Hor, if you are real khmer, you need to do something for Khmer.

Not in your pocket.

Anonymous said...

His Excellency Hor Nam Hong deserves merits for his tireless efforts and many negotiations with Thailand that have now come to a deadlock...and he's bold enough to say so and maybe look for mediation from the international community.

Maybe some silly KI members can do some good service for the nation by reporting quality news and cut out the silly headings for good. Your stupid headings is not smart...it may cause catastrophe!

Anonymous said...

Hor Name Hong Look so slow.......that guy should retire already.....if i asked him where the bathroom was he would probally take 5mins to tell me........HURRY UP FOOLS AND TAKE IT TO THE UN OR ICJ............TELL ME HOW HARD IS IT TO PULL DOWN YOUR PANTS AND TAKE A SHIT....?

Anonymous said...

Nationalism is great...but blind nationalism is devastating.

No one is pure 100% Khmer...even our King Sihanouk is part Chinese and his grand mother is Thai
--"Preah Angk Mechas Phangangam"

Lon Nol, Pol Pot, Mme. Bun Rany Hun Sen, etc. are part Chinese.

Khuoung Abhaiwonse who was of Khmer origin managed to be Priminister of Thailand three times.

And of course Obama who is of Kenyan origin and white is the president of the USA.

So, stop pointing fingers ah nih Yuon...ah nih Siem...ah nih Khmaoch...as long as they are born in Cambodia and fight for Cambodian causes...it is good.

And of course...no one is perfect "sa-aad s'om" either. If they cut down some trees and take a few millions for their own pocket and still make the country progress...I give two thumbs up!

Maybe Samdech Hun Sen will be the next Jayavarman VII of Cambodia.

We need more bridges, roads, industries, schools, hospitals, etc.

Anonymous said...

The only way Cambodian is to survive before becoming extinct like the dinasaur, is to unite all the Cambodian in and outside of Cambodia. Please khmer wake up and be one khmer and let protect our land from the invaders, thais and youn.