October 24th 2009
"October 23, 1991 was the second Independence Day of Cambodia and March 18, 1970 was the Liberty Day of Cambodian People".
The Cambodian Action Committee for Justice & Equity (CACJE) solemnly condemned the smear campaign of Hanoi and communist puppets who intended to induce Cambodian people in error about the truthful meaning of the events of October 23, 1991 and March 18, 1970.
CACJE categorically denounces Mr. Sam Raingsy, President of the Sam Raingsy Party (SRP) for having baselessly criticized the event of March 18, 1970. Mr. Sam Raingsy said, March 18, 1970 was the day where Khmer people started the civil war and the Khmer Rouge regime of killing field. Mr. Sam Raingsy intended not only to mislead the true meaning of that historic Day of March 18, 1970, but also shows his kowtow to Vietnamese puppets in power in Phnom Penh, under the authoritarian ruler Hun Sen.
CACJE solemnly reaffirms that April 17, 1975 was the day where the Khmer Vietminh and Vietnamese communists under Vietnamese communist leadership started their genocide against Cambodian people and the killing field of Khmer Rouge regime. Therefore, October 23, 1991 was the second Independence Day for Cambodia where the international community obliged the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to withdraw all their Armed Forces from Cambodia.
As for March 18, 1970 was the historic day where the Cambodian people kicked out the monarchy and feudality and replaced it by freedom as the coup of Ta Trasak Paem had put an end to the bloodline of Varam 680 years ago, in 1290.
CACJE remarked, the critic of Sam Raingsy about the event of March 18, 1970 that toppled Samdech Norodom Sihanouk from power was in the same vein of Mr. Hun Sen. Sam Raingsy used the same meaning and the same wording as Hun Sen. This proved that Sam Raingsy, Hun Sen and Norodom Sihanouk were from the same political group which hide the truth to Cambodian people and were soft and accomplices with Vietnamese puppets and royal feudality. Cambodian people and nationalists who had supported financially and by bulletin vote for Sam Raingsy should not trust him anymore.
Chief of Mission
This is very interesting that when Soun Serey Ratha can not get along with SRP, he turn 90 degree to bla bla on Sam Rainsy.
Soun Serey Ratha is clearly showing him as a republican.
Very interesting to be republican so that CPP can have good card to play.
Lonolian Repl.? the guy has nothing to base his credibility on.
If soun sreey ratha is a good man, he would unite other khmer who support khmer. And if he was a better man than sam rainsy, he should have just maybe shut his mouth.
Sam minsy is playing bad game for Sihanouk and Xen.
Well,it's not just 18march1970 coup. you have to include hun sen and his gangs in there.
If there were no January 1979 invasion, there would never be hun sen.
If the former king sihanouk didn't support the vietwar, there would never be 18 march 1970 coup.
If mr polpot didnt adopt maoist-inspired genocidal policy from fucken china, the 1.8 million khmers would still be alive
Interesting ping pong match. I like the diversity of views. Sourn Serey Ratha……hhmmm…..I'll take notice of this man…..he's under my radar now. I won't give my speculation now about the man…..will wait and see…….
How can Khmer be united if Soun Serey Ratha, Mom Sonando and Kem Sokha, and one more Kh Mchas Srok start to play Hanoi's game?
Mark my word.... Khmer Mchas Srok will be on ballot in 2013.
REgardless of republican or monarchist, we cannot blame 18th March 1970 at all. If we blame that day, we have to blame our own citizen for fighting to get Vietcong out from Cambodian land.
As a Nation, a removal of a leadership is a normal activity to make sure that National interest is very well protect. I have to blame Sihanouk for declaring war against his own Nation on the 23rd of March 1970 from guangdong by declaring hisself to lead Indochina communist aganist all government supported by USA. Each country and each Nation should have allowed people of different opinion and policies to whose they believe that their Nation should make their friendship with. Sihanouk can make friend with China, Vietcong and North Korea. Lon Nol, Sirik Matak should have also his freedom to believe that they can make friend with USA and all the western countries. They shouldn't use warfare to debate to eeach other who was right and who was wrong. They should allow all their citizen to elect through democratic system who they should support to.
I condemn 100% to Sihanouk for his open attack to Cambodian government and Cambodian people by using foreign forces to seek his own power and allowed Cambodian to kill each other to almost a complete destruction of Cambodia.
Areak Prey
"categorically denonces" are poor choice of words. Only in a dictatorship like communism does one denounce your fellow man and your compatiots. You can disagree strongly with someone but you don't denounce anyone, especially when you who call yourself republican and believe in justics and equality. I quest freedom of speech is not in their belief.
It seems like only Ratha know everything. No one else know about Cambodia better than Ratha.
Sihanouk is a dumb king who sided with commie china. this former king has played losing political games since he became khmer king. This former king has not been honest with khmer people. Why hasn't he come out and told khmer people about his fucken communist revolution in the 1970s? HIs son is another byproduct of dumb and dumber
I do not think that mr Rainsy and mr hun sen are birds with the same feathers; they do not share same political view.
I wish Mr. Soun Serey be in Cambodia, and fight for his political desire!!! I am afraid he is only good by speaking from the USA.
Mr. Soun, when are you ready to fight politically in Cambodia? don't forget to let me know na!! I will also establish my own party and we'll see who'll be better. If you win me, then go up with HRP, then SRP, and Hun Sen. Make sure that you will win me first, ok??
:=) 9:19am you and mr soun are those "me-too" politicians who will amount to nothing. there are approximately 40+ political parties in cambodia, including those that are cpp's satellite parties. you and mr soun woud be better off keeping your day job.
Anicca Khmer eui !!!
Buddham, Dhammam, Sangham !
Lok Ta Areak Prey, a master of guillotine is pro-Hanoi without knowing it.
Hope his generation will soon die.
To poster 11:36AM,
Death isvery sure for everyone. No one can escape death at all. One can die before reaching maturity and another one would have die by other and a third one can die by the end of their full life.
So why we worry about death?
You must be one of the interllectual handicap to paint me at pro-hanoi. It was your killer King who was a pro-Hanoi.
I am a pro-social justice, Real Democracy System and freedom of speeches.
The nature of Areak Prey is that he is not to bullied by any monky. But if you step on him, you will die.
Areak Prey
people are all different, not everybody will agree to the same point, you know!
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