Monday, October 12, 2009

Cambodian villager from Svay Rieng seriously injured by Vietnamese beating [-Viet troops trespass into Cambodia?]

10 October 2009
By Sok Serey
Radio Free Asia
Translated from Khmer by Socheata
Click here to read the article in Khmer

A Cambodian villager from Daung village, Daung commune, Romeas Hek district, Svay Rieng province, was seriously injured after he was beaten up and stabbed with a harpoon by Viets who were under the protection of a group of 7 Vietnamese soldiers on Thursday 08 October. The incident stemmed from a dispute in the village.

44-year-old Phan Chhean, who is a neighbor of the victim, told RFA over the phone that Prum Teung, a Cambodian citizen sustained serious injuries from beatings on the head with sticks and stabbing on his leg because he prevented several Viets from chasing and beating up a 12-year-old Cambodian kid. The Viets accused the child of stealing sugar canes from a Vietnamese family in the village.

Phan Chhean added that during the beating and stabbing of the Cambodian citizen, 7 armed Viet soldiers came to protect the Viet family that beat up Prum Teung, the Cambodian villager.

Phan Chhean said: “Right now, [Prum Teung] is still under care at his home. They beat him with a stick. The Viets beat him up, they are farmers, but the [Viet] soldiers were armed, it’s like they were joining force together. [Prum Teung] was seriously injured, he was stabbed with a steel harpoon that is about half-meter long. His lower leg was pierced from side to side. The villagers went to report the incident to the police. He would have been dead if we didn’t come to his rescue on time. The victim asked that the authorities involved help him find justice and resolve this issue for him according to the law, because in the past, several incidents took place along the border here.”

Nea Sam Mean, the Daung commune chief, indicated that he is resolving this case. He said: “I did not go [to the incident spot]. This morning, I sent over a commune councilor along with a border post officer. I did not meet with my commune councilor yet, I did not receive the information yet.”

Sok Serey: Are you taking care of this case?

Nea Sam Mean: Yes, they went to resolve this issue at the An Gioi (?) commune office.

Regarding the various disputes between Cambodian citizens and the Viets along the Cambodian-Viet border in Svay Rieng province, Nget Nara, a facilitator for the Adhoc human rights group for the province of Svay Rieng, said that Cambodian citizens are usually victimized by the aggressions.

Nget Nara said: “Along the border, the [Cambodian] villager usually tends his buffaloes and such. When the [Viets] gave him a hard time, and they even stabbed him and injured him, and the uniform [Viet] soldiers who were protecting their countries [Vietnam], instead they came to point their guns and threatened [the Cambodian villager], I believe that this is a serious violation of human rights, and I call on all the authorities to find the culprits and bring them to face justice.”

The Viet authority could not be reached and neither does the Viet embassy on Cambodia to clarify about the use of violence against a Cambodian citizen.

In the past, Cambodian people living a long the border with Vietnam have leveled accusations against land disputes, grazing field for cattle, as well as the buying at cheap price of Cambodian produce.


Anonymous said...

Yuon and Siam ,they continue to burn people khmer alive.Please send the photos to Banh-kiMoon and Brad Adams.

Anonymous said...

This is the case that khmers experiences though Vietnam is in full control yet.

past and presence experiences have given grave concerns to majority cambodians.

appears to be almost always that authority tends to be slow in finding out about mistreatment by neighbours, but quickly reacts to cambodians if any dissent ask for anything in order to prevent victimisation.

Is it RGC or RTC or RVC?


Anonymous said...

will see what the government will do about this case . they are always strong on beating their own people but against the outsider they are always having their tail between their legs like an old dog.

Anonymous said...

What SEN will do to deal with YOUN if he dare to crush YOUN cross Khmer border with a bullet like he said to THAI demonstrators.
Send MANET your son west point to deal with YOUN may be he know.

Anonymous said...

So now what is HUN SEN going to say?
He can't be damned straight with the Thai to back off. What about YOUN??

Anonymous said...

Hun sen not gonna do nothing to youn, he's married to youn. His kid is youn. His master is youn.
Sok An is youn.

Anonymous said...

if i rule the world today! i will fucking kill all the fucking youn!!

Anonymous said...

ho man hong= youn. va kim hong= youn. hok lundy=ho long nhi= youn wake up khmer people all of these cambodian leader today that are ruling the country is all fucking youn or fucking vietcong motherfucker (all the fucking names of the cambodian leader today is youn= ho chi minh

Anonymous said...

All of you think our Samdech, Hun Kwak, will do something with Youn Hanoi. I don't think so. He let them do whatever they want because he is Hanoi agent himself. If he send his son or daughter to Hanoi to talk about this issue, his children will get fuck by Youn girl or guy.

Khmer leaders are so dumb since Angkor Voraman, Dumb ass King Sihanouk. They serve Youn interest, not Khmer.

They let Youn hurt Khmer Kandal and Khmer Krom. Youn in Cambodia has more right than Khmer.

Let's bring down this dictator, Hun Kwak, and his regime.

Anonymous said...

I used to be in Phoum Daong, Remeas Hek, Svay Reang. Our Khmere poeple came to beg me for help, the said they are treating like animals by Vietnamese soldier and civilians. I have videotaped and pictures.

Anonymous said...

And, what Ah Hun Khvang Ma Khack will do or protest against this Viet atrocity on Cambodian in our land ????

Anonymous said...

no need to say...but..just ask...why and why you keep voteing for them.....i just don't know how to say to you any more....if you keep voting for take over your land....and power...why...

Anonymous said...

nobody voted for yuon/CPP. they cheated during the voting.

Anonymous said...

khmer people should start killing youn one by one till they are vanish from cambodian land.

Anonymous said...

ah mother fucker, Hun Sen would not dare to speak against this incidence. Because ah Hun Sen is so fucking chicken. Look! ah kwack mother fucker, ah Hun Sen...every police, soldiers, and leader are protecting their citizens by all means. But you....are using your usless power, and your dogs to harm innocent Khmers.

Ah Youn evil, you will have your chance....ah Youn and ah Kwack mother fucker, Hun Sen will burn ...into ashes.

Anonymous said...

if you want cambodia to destroy from world map keep votting for hun sen,,,,,go go go khmers..

Anonymous said...

Mr Hun Sen aren't you the king of everything in cambodia? what are you going to do about this? why your fraternal friend treat your people like this? or they think you are just their slaves or what?.....

Anonymous said...

gov't from both sides should look into this type of allegation seriously in order to stop this kind of hatred on both sides of the borders, really! otherwise, i'm sure this won't be the last such event because what goes around comes around, really! it's not something people can just ignore, really!

Anonymous said...

cambodia and vietnam should use their new friendly connection to solve this kind of human abuse. whether this allegation is true or not, both should look into it further in order to maintain and solve this kind of problem, really! it would be unpopular with cambodia and khmer people to ignore this serious allegation!