We would like to extend our invitation to everyone for the opportunity to meet Mr. Ho Vann and Mrs. Men Monyratana. Mr. Ho and Mrs. Men is human rights advocate, member of the National Assembly, elected Member of Parliament from Phnom Penh, Mr. Ho and from Prey Veng, Mrs. Men. Please come and join dinner with Mr. Ho and Mrs. Men on Sunday October 25, 2009 at Grand King Buffet from 3:00PM – 5:00PM.
Mua sok hua is guilty..!!! Ho Van is free....!!! can all khmer get it???
Ho is Ho chi minh, Va^n it's mean LA: or BAT...
Politic is NA YO BAI OR MEA KEA, is som rap chhlean pean lep youk dey khmer...ect...LA:...
how much is the ticket ? this guy keep travelling to US but i never see him spend a cent on cambodia poor.
2:17PM that is Hun Sen job,after he beg he must take the donated money to spare with the poor,this guy just keep Hun Sen in balance or HUn Sen will be crazy,and turn us to Viet Nam in a minutes so you know what I meant?
Sam Rainsy Party, which evokes to day the Paris Agreements of 1991 for criticizing government policy shows that this political party has no political plan credible and serious (economic policy, social policy, international politics) to propose Cambodia .
The only policy practiced by the Sam Rainsy Party, which is a very minority party in cambodia today is the criticism of government policy for the pleasure of criticizing, the disinformation, the incitement to racial hatred among Cambodian and Vietnamese allies CCP to create division in Khmer and political destabilization in cambodia.
This policy irresponsible and suicidal practiced by the Sam Rainsy Party made directly to the political game nationalist Thai and encourage nationalists thais not to seek a peaceful resolution on the issue of Preah Vihear with Cambodia.
The real problem for all other opposition political leaders khmer is to know if Sam Rainsy is still credible to lead the political opposition to win the elections in 2013.
While Sam Rainsy excites the hatred of the Khmer against Khmer- Youns, khmers villagers are regularly killed by thais soldiers at the Thai-Khmer borders.
I think M.sam Rainsy should resign from the presidency of SRP if he wants to help the political opposition to win elections in 2013.
because his political ideas from 1991 are worn, ineffectve and are no longer credible and are not adapted to the political reality of Cambodian society today (economic, social, international politics, conflict with Thailand…).
We must think seriously about Mr. Sam Rainsy’s the power of, if the opposition wants to be a credible opposition against the PPC
National constitution is a compulsive national plan.Please be complied to and implement it.
It is national plan that any party should abideby, for national interests.
neang SA
In the conflict with Thailand over Preah Vihear M.sam Rainsy has always been a moderate position and understanding while he is very virulent and outspoken on Youns allies PPC.
We question why the attitude of understanding and moderate
of M.sam raisny with Thailand?
M.sam Rainsy is he an ally of Thai? his political party is financed by the thai nationalists to destabilize M. Hun Sen and his Royal Government of Cambodia?
Royal government of cambodia must to control the different channels of financing the sam rainsy parti.
This control is a matter of national security.
all activists of this party must ask this important question.
If you are one of the patriots, the ticket won't make you go poorer than you are now. It costs a thousand times less than one bribes for a seat in the parliament.
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