Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Abhisit, Hun Sen, Thaksin -- and what the three PMs shouldn't have done

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
By Atiya Achakulwisut
Bangkok Post

That you have three Prime Ministers interacting does not guarantee you will have a brilliant meeting of the minds. As events during the past few days regarding the Thai-Cambodian relations have suggested, you can have three Prime Minister materials and still end up with no wise man.

Since it is impossible to try to look into the future and predict how the diplomatic spat would culminate -- too many factors are involved and some of them are either fickle or unfathomable, such as the depth of the human mind -- I would rather look back to the recent past and do a quick review of what shouldn't have been done. Hopefully, the reexamination of the past deeds could point out to what should actually be done for the future.

I will start with the formation of the Abhisit government.

PM Abhisit should not have made a core member of anti-Thaksin People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) Kasit Piromya his foreign minister. His baggage, the tirade against PM Hun Sen and praise for the airports seizure, is simply unbearable.

Mr Kasit Piromya should have declined the appointment himself knowing where he is coming from and what he will have to face in future. He can still consider leaving now. He might be able to do more for his conviction if he would continue his tirade against PM Hun Sen outside of the bounds of his government duty. For now, his presence in the foreign ministry makes every diplomatic move dubious, suspicious of being laced with personal bias.

PM Hun Sen shouldn't have been so bent on unilaterally registering the Preah Vihear temple as the World Heritage site without a clear plan on how to develop the surrounding area. He should have realised that while the temple is decidedly the Cambodian property, there is no other solution to the area claimed by both sides except to jointly develop it as a common property, a natural park or peace monument under both countries' care.

The PAD shouldn't have been so hellbent on claiming ownership of the Preah Vihear area and fanning up extreme nationalism. They should have known that such a narrow-minded view of the issue would lead to nowhere and benefit no-one.

PM Hun Sen should not have meddled in the Thai internal politics by siding with former PM Thaksin. He could appoint the convicted ex PM as his advisor but shouldn't have gone so far as to offering shelter and rejecting the Thai government's attempt to extradite him. He shouldn't have told PM Abhisit to dissolve the House. Thai politics is not exactly his affair.

Thaksin shouldn't have accepted to be Mr Hun Sen's advisor. While there is nothing illegal about it, it is a matter of etiquette. He should have known better.

But as it is now obvious, the three PMs, former and current, do not seem to know better. That is why the peoples of both countries have to hold their breath and pray that a cooler head will prevail before the situation deteriorate further.


Anonymous said...

What a baster! So, Apeeshit did nothing wrong. Without the coupe, things would be normal. Bangcock Post is halarious.

Anonymous said...

Thaksin and Hun Xen are thieves buddy.

Sad for Cabodian, addopted another crooked pick's pocket. I think it's too much of them as it is for a small country.

How much more Khmer people do Hun Xen plan to choke to death, sucking more poor people blood?

Anonymous said...

Million of people whose daily living dependent on good relationship between the two countries will have to hold their breath and wait and see what will happen next? For sure it will be worse as the stupid three never understand how serious human live will be impacted by their acts.

bophathmey said...

wow,great to read in detail

Anonymous said...

Shame on you bangkok post. please be more respectable to other.

Anonymous said...

"PM Hun Sen shouldn't have been so bent on unilaterally registering the Preah Vihear temple as the World Heritage site without a clear plan on how to develop the surrounding area."

There's nothing wrong with it Atiya Achakulwisut. It has been RGC's intention long time ago.
Cambodia didn't object to Thai's plan to register your park as the world heritage so long as the world heritage committee accept.
The "Crazy" [According to Mr. Samak] trio people who illigally crossed the border was the trigger of the flare.

"PM Hun Sen should not have meddled in the Thai internal politics by siding with former PM Thaksin."

If Abhisit's government was willing to solve the border issue with RGC, there wouldn't have been such thing.

Now what? you can't undone what you did and said. Abhisit should have spent more time to learn about Hun Sen before starting the political game with him. It is getting more and more interesting to see how Abhisit and his government is going to end this saga. Until then, Hun Sen is enjoying this game.

Anonymous said...

Who is teach Hun Hen become like that ? Hun Hen doesn;t know how many people sad by him and hate him for this time. Cambodian should not have khmer living should have only family of Hun Hen who have more powerful than King......why king followed Hun Hen do something that make many people in cambodia cannot take it like that?

Anonymous said...

I could not understand why Cambodia should not regiseter her temple alone... ?

Anonymous said...

it is not Hun Hen suffer but million of cambodian people who suffer by him.very bad and very difficult to them.Hun Hen never know khmer cry by this time becasue we worry what happen to people who poor.

Anonymous said...

Thailand, the current chaire of ASEAN sent troops to occupyy cambodia's territory...! This is too much about ASEAN's Charter of mutal respect of each others' territory, and ASEAN's community... Recently the chair even mentioned of closing the borders with neighbours!

Anonymous said...

Went to Eaton school and Oxford College in the UK is does not make you a good leader or a better gentleman, than Mr. Hun Sen.

Anonymous said...

OOP 3:27pm you chhlouk khloun eng too much? I'm khmer have red color like the others khmer,but I think the war will start wait and see?

Anonymous said...

3:27pm you felt in love with your self too much,the war is not starting yet but soon

Anonymous said...

work out that Atiya Achakulwisut just an idiot like the rest of abhishit cabinet. is there any thia media got an inderpedent brian at all?

Anonymous said...

work out that Atiya Achakulwisut just an idiot like the rest of abhishit cabinet. is there any thia media got an inderpedent brian at all?

Anonymous said...


Hun Sen is a gentleman : He said I am so sorry I assinated thousands of cambodians during the kr time.
I am so sorry for siding with the vietnamese.
I am so sorry I stole all your land and property
I am so sorry I assasinated my political opponents.
I am so sorry I was born.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Abullshit was born to be like Neonazi or dictator..And he wants what doesn't belong to Thai. He learn fake history then practice it..

Anonymous said...

Abhisit hired Piromya to start trouble as well as his best supporter. There is no Abhisit, if there is no Piromya. Bangkok doesn't want Thaksin or for whatever reason and they got Abhisit.

Mr.Hun sen appearncely think it's all BS. Who can blaim him when it all starts with Preah Vihear?

Mr. Thaksin has his own right to be believe, he is a good man. The red shirts help him think so and there are more than 50% of Thai.

PM Abhisit and his chose the sacred Temple to start them all.

Anonymous said...

A good blind leader is a dead blind leader.

Anonymous said...
