Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving ... from SRP-Pennsylvania, USA


November 25, 2009

Tomorrow we celebrate Thanksgiving and I want to express how much I appreciate all of you. This past year has been challenging. At times, it seemed as if 2009 was the year of Mother Nature’s wrath -- we experienced fires, hurricanes, flooding, droughts and many more. Despite this, our Sam Rainsy Party has faces many additional challenging.

But through it all, the men and women of Sam Rainsy Party continued to faithfully serve the Cambodian people. In fact, we met or exceeded nearly every goal. No matter the tragedy, Sam Rainsy Party was the one constant and reliable force for the people who depend on us. Time and time again, I heard of, or personally witnessed, courageous and thoughtful acts by our members and supporters across the country. I cannot thank you enough for your hard work and caring and compassionate spirit.

Please have a wonderful and well-deserved holiday.

SRP-Pennsylvania, USA


Anonymous said...

SRP and/or its branches should have not and should not celebrate Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving is the date that the Europeans divide and conquer America, where native people already lived here.

To celebrate this date is the same thing as the CPP recognizing January 7th of the day that Vietnam divided and conquered Kampuchea.

Anonymous said...

1:54 AM,

You are pulling your hair out of you ass. The difference between these holidays are established by the CPP itself to polarizer its fames....,and while fooling Khmer people of the Viet. Cong's a saver. Today, Viet. Cong's get hold of Cambodia politically and economically....Khmer people continue to loose their territories, dignity, and integrity as people. By the contrary, the US Thanksgiving has different connotations of dignity and integrity whereby giving to those who are in needs, those who have put themselves in harms way in order to protect and served America....and many more! So, by all means, please be safe while enjoying your Thanksgiving holidays folks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

2:23 AM

You're completely right. I support you 100%. What the CPP does, is only to serve the Viet Congs's interest and to please the Viet Cong leader in Hanoi.

Khmer in WA, USA

Anonymous said...

Screw the Thanks Giving Day!

When I came to the United States, I had already knew how to plant corn (and fish), whereas those incompetent Pigrims were a bunch of fucking retarded and incompetent settlers. That said, if it had not been for the Native American, those incopetent idiots would had been starved to death, and the United States would not had been established.

Pi Anh again.

Anonymous said...

Hey people! You are over analyze the meaning of Thanks Giving Day!

Just take a close look at the words and there are 3 words in Thank Giving Day. The first word is "Thank" ...Thank God for what we have today. Second word is "Giving"...Give to those who are unfortunate. The third word is "Day"...Today is the day that people can come together enjoy what they have and share with people who are unfortunate....

Amen! Now I can enjoy the turkey with my family members and friends.

Anonymous said...

pull hair out of turkey's ass! thank someone who has been helping you through out the year. someone could be a drinking buddy or someone who just go along with you every time he/she yes, Cambodian National Assembly members, is very good example.

Anonymous said...

Screw the one who downgrade our beautiful culture.If you don't like our culture just get the fuck out of my country you leeches.

Anonymous said...

we had just screwed the 25 pounds turkey. we are too heavy and we can't get out of YOUR country.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Without United States there would be no internet and the freedom of expression! The world would be a different place!

This Thank Giving Day I will celebrate and look forward into the future and hope for the best!

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.
It is a great fun to be with old freinds and families on this special day. There are many things to thank for every day. But Thanksgiving is just a big special day to catch up with delicious home made food.

Yum Yum

Anonymous said...

what the fuck and bullshit Thank Giving Day!!!

Why Thank Giving Day is use for Cambodian!! Fuck you SRP in USA...We are Khmer and have own culture so that enough for Khmer...Why you try to introduce such fuck-up Exotic Culture..You wanna ruin Khmer motto "Nation Religion And King" See That Mr. SRP !! Let do such celebrat in only your bullshit family in US, not to show up in my buddy Ki-Media..Am so fed up with u Fucken US-tick so much.

Khmer in Svay Pak

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.
It is a great fun to be with old freinds and families on this special day. There are many things to thank for every day. But Thanksgiving is just a big special day to catch up with delicious home made food.

Yum Yum

Anonymous said...

6:03 AM

Fuck your God!

Again, if it had not been for the Native American, those bunch of incompetent Pilgrims would had been dead--and the United States would not had been established. That said, copious amounts of food on your table on Thanks Giving Day is your hard-earned money, and it has nothing to do with your God.
Also, you and the rest of your God followers should be thankful to those who taught you how to plant crops. Again, for me, I don't have to be thankful to anyone, because, when I settled on the US soil, I have already knew how to fish and plat crop.

Pi Anh

Anonymous said...

SamMak Mit @ 12:34 PM, you should at least thank the airplane that had carried you and your family to US, if not the engineers that built that airplane.

Thank you airplane!

Pi Anh Ov Ah Aing!

Anonymous said...

12:56 PM

Screw you!

In a plain business term: they provided me the service; I returned them with my hard-earned money, and therefore there was absolutely nothing to be thankful.

Pi Anh

Anonymous said...

Stupid SRP-NA or whereever in the US. Save time to fuck your girl. You are not God, but a dog. you can only bark in the US, when you go to Cambodia, you bring only condoms with you and you are busy fucking prostitutes, masterbating in the bar, driking dog and snake blood in svay park and eating shit with your king. when you come back you brag that you are fighting for democracy. Fuck you SRP in everywhere around US.

Anonymous said...

8:22 AM

It was the legendary British scientist Sir Tim Berners-Lee who invented the World Wide Web while working at the CERN particle physics laboratory in Switzerland nearly two decades ago--not the United States, you incompetent idiot. Yes, you and your leader Scam Rainsy are a bunch of incompetent idiots like the Pilgrims who were fed by the Native American.

Pi Anh

Anonymous said...

Here’s a great information about Thanksgiving Day (for Ah Scam Rainsy's supporters)before you choke yourself to death with that turkey meat: In 1939, President Franklin D. Roosvelet (DFR) made the decision to move Thanksgiving Day forward by a week, rather than take place on its traditional date—the last Thursday of November—he decreed that the annual holiday would instead be celebrated a week earlier, because of Great Depression. Furthermore, in case those incompetent Cambodian-Americans who live overseas do not understand why FDR moved Thanksgiving Day forward by a week—yes, idiot—the reason was economic.

Pi Anh

Anonymous said...

Hey, you headless SOB @ 1:13, you love this site so much that is why you SOB keep coming back. How about thank you, KI. Or how about thank you mom and pop for born and raised SOB to be the only headless. Mi Sompoeung Doss Koy Pi Mok!

Pi Anh, Ov Ah Aing!!!!

Anonymous said...

2:51 PM

If you can't remember or learn anything from this site, just remember one thing: the Vietnamese SAVED your sorry ass. Yes, I'm quite thankful for their liberation. And, yes, all your sorry asses should be celebrating and be thankful that those Vietnamese troops gave their lives for yours so all your sorry asses get the opportunity to enjoy the internet, you idiot.

Pi Anh

Anonymous said...

12:56 PM

Again, screw you, the engineers did not built aircraft; they designed, and the blue-collar workers built aircraft--that's when the assembly line comes to play, and people like yourself and others(factory workers)do the rest of the assembly, you idiot.

Do you know what makes airplane fly?

Is not what you have in mind, idiot. The money that makes this magnificent machine flies, idiot.

Pi Anh

Anonymous said...

Khmer in Svay Pak=You Pak Srey nhei leuk Keuth Svay! hahahahahaah!

8:48 AM

You are such fucking is holiday! It does not have to belong anyone particular either participate in, and enjoy it or you miss out all the is that DICK HEAD!

I enjoy my 17 lbs baked turkey while you enjoy PAK SREY KEUTH SVAY.....! Pleu mein ah chkouth neis!

Anonymous said...

1:54 AM,

You such as an old FOOL! You perhaps thought that you were the smartest person in the World by making these stupid comment...but it turned out that you are the dum ass person in the face of the planet. If you are so suggested that the SRP members SHOULD NOT CELEBRATE this Thanksgiving holiday because you claimed that the.....

"date that the Europeans divide and conquer America, where native people already lived here....and to celebrate this date is the same thing as the CPP recognizing January 7th of the day that Vietnam divided and conquered Kampuchea." This is the most stupid comparison that I have NEVER seen....! I WONDER AS TO WHY YOU ARE LIVING IN AMERICA KNOWING THAT AMERICA WAS ONCE CRUEL AND VIOLENT AGAINST OTHER ETHNIC GROUPS PARTICULARLLY BLACK AMERICAN. WHY DON'T YOU GO BACK TO CAMBODIA AND KEEP ORNG KEAM KDOR AH YOUN..JOU LOUCH DEI...!

Anonymous said...

engineers/design = blue-collar workers/build = aircraft

one can't make the airplane fly without the other, therefore, both have the same brain functions

And if there is no airplane, then there is no your sorry ass oversea, you SOB. Thank you airplane! Thank you, KI!

Pop + Mom = you SOB; if there is no Pop, there wouldn't be you SOB. Therefore, Pop and Mom do have the same brain functions. Thank you Pop and Mom!

Educate your parents that Yuons had saved your ass and your family. Don't try to fool the public.

Pi Anh Ov Ah Aing!

Anonymous said...

Screw the Thanks Giving Day!

Pi Anh again.

3:17 AM

What an assssss! If you don't want to celebrate fine! You don't to blah blah blah someone else TO NOT celebrate with you. What is your internal organ problem? Of course, you knew how grow corn and gather some mud fishes because you were poor farmer in Cambodia. But who care about you and your past....? I personally don't want to know any jack shit about backgrounds....if you don't like the US and/or any holiday in the US...why don't you go back to your fox hole....!

Pi ah tma peap tove ah Anh chkouth.

Anonymous said...

Are you incompetent? because it sounds like you are worst than being incompetent to me! Don't lie to me that you DON'T eat turkey for Thanksgiving...because a drunken ass like you would NEVER let this wonderful opportunity gone by....! So, you claimed that you "don't have to be thankful to anyone, because, when YOU settled on the US soil, YOU already knew to fish and plat crop." Now, YOU ARE JUST COLLECTING YOUR MONTHLY WELFARE CHECKS...Right? Wow, the US is so bad...hah? Then this is what ah Youn says about YOU!

Lieutenant-General Phan Thach Van also calls Khmers "Ill-natured barbarians, ill-natured blood, Khmers have traits of stupidity, idiot, illogic."

Wow! ah pleu Youn mouy neis seems many miles SMARTER THAN YOU ARE...HAH!

Anonymous said...

3:43 PM

You should be celebrating and thankful for those who gave their lives to save your sorry ass, so you can enjoy living in your new adoptive soil, idiot.

Pi Anh

Anonymous said...

1:47 PM,

You fucking moron...what a looney you are! Because Khmers-US are smart and don't want to get any viruses that is why they carried condoms to Cambodia....Chhmorb ah eang neung pleu te ey?

Pi anh ah Hun kwack trove chea ta touth Ouv Mei ah eang

Anonymous said...

It's great to hear from a bunch of turkeys (Ah Scam Rainsy's supporters)on this site to trumpet themselves about the damn turkey, how thankful they are for Thanksgivng Day. What a bunch of losers. Instead, you people should remember who saved your lives.

Pi Anh

Anonymous said...

Ah Ning Pouch Ta Tiek Noum Pa-em! They stupid like that because they DO with your own blood!

Thank you KI, She will come back for more!

Pi Anh Ov Ah Aing!!!!

Anonymous said...

4:11 PM

You head is screwed! You people initially brought AIDS (from overseas) to Cambodia, and after the infection , you brought condoms in an effort to cure the disease. What a fucking joke! Yes, screw all of you--you incompetent horny toads.

Pi Anh

Anonymous said...

Pi Anh

2:08 PM

Pi Anh

2:26 PM

Wow! you are so smart! The Incompetent SRP members have GAINED SUPPORTS by the US, France, Australia, Germany, Thailand,and many more nations around the World. Now, incompetent is in quesition! As suppose to smart and competent..but yet living in the US? and troe porng KDOR AH YOUN! Do you see the logic here? I am one of the incompetent one....I don't see anything...ahahahahah!

Anonymous said...

See what I meant when I call these people "turkeys," yes, because they're all losers.

Pi Anh

Anonymous said...

Pi Anh

4:05 PM

There is no need for me to pay my gratitude for ah Youn louch teuk dei Khmer...and stupid khmer like you. This is what an asshole,
Lieutenant-General Phan Thach Van has to say about you "Ill-natured barbarians, ill-natured blood, Khmers have traits of stupidity, idiot, illogic." So, go orng keam more kdor youn...AIRHEAD! LIKEWISE, YOUR HEAD IS REALLY FUCK UP...PUNK ASS!

Anonymous said...

4:29 PM

Yes, your leader Scam Rainsy is making significant inroads into further isolation with his supporters, yet you have proudly trumpeted of his gaining support from other countries.

Pi Anh

Anonymous said...

Pi Anh

4:36 PM

You are the stupid ass one who don't know jack shit about logic that is the reason why ah Lieutenant-General Phan Thach Van has called you "Ill-natured barbarians, ill-natured blood, Khmers have traits of stupidity, idiot, illogic." Go back to farming shit...punk ass!

Anonymous said...

Pi Anh

4:43 PM

because that what smart people are essentially doing... So, having you troe porng kdor ah youn and allowing ah youn louch teuk dei khmer...and you are celebrating for that? I am not an SRP member or affiliating with any discusted Khmer political parties but I am discusted with people like you who are supporting ah youn....Have you ever thought about Khmer Krom's pain and suffering living under the ah Youn?

Anonymous said...

Pi Anh

4:26 PM

What a stupid ass! If go into your house and screw your daughter in your own home. What good of a father are you...with respect to your ability to protect your family and let alone your daughter. You should be thankful for Khmers-US are screwing with condom on? What a fool@

Anonymous said...

4:44 PM, 4:52 PM, 4:56 PM

Is it all you can bark about this special day? You should be proud for those rotten turkeys, asshole.

In addition, when you've done eating those rotten turkeys, don't foreget to wrap the leftover with those condoms you got from your leader Scam Rainsy, asshole.

Pi Anh

Anonymous said...

4:37 PM, 4:44 PM, 4:52 PM, 4:56 PM

People like you deserve to be awarded with .45 ACP (or GAP)with good kinetic energy.

Pi Anh

Anonymous said...

Are we there yet?!

Pi Anh

Anonymous said...

to Pi Anh 4:20 PM talking about you ass, if you talking about ah hun kwack familly, i think he is saving his ass from KR himself he is not saving khmer people. if he do save khmer people he will listening to the poor people voice. if he have khmer people ass he will not report Pen Sovann to youn and let youn jail him. if he save khmer land and ass he will coorporate with SRP to find ways to solve the problems in Cobodia. ah kwack will talk and lissening to his khmer people not youn if he do listen to youn then there is no saving khmer ass.

if you talking about youn saving khmer ass. you are a big dummer and ignorant person on earth. why? in the pass Sihanouk also help ah youn fight with US and they promisses sihanouk to give khmer land back but they do not. plus we khmer people had give them a big chunk of land for their people to live which is call khmer krom. if you look at youn and china relationship youn had use china as their benefit, what is khmer call youn kabot chin. and they do not care. what youn had promises to china and and what they had write down about china and their promises ah youn do not care. why you care if youn help khmer or save khmer ass.

look at US they help alot of country without ask any benefit back. if US promises to help other country they will do it without asking any benefit back. look at a lot of people came to live in US they came to live here with nothing. see how this country help those people. US feed them give them equal right to live in their country and teach them to speak english, and teach them to walk through difficult time till they can walk and run. this is people who are not khmer and they take care very good to be part of their life.

why ah Hun kwack demand the benefit back khmer poor? if he is good he will take care khmer without asking or saying who saving who ass. if it have only him without other khmer people ah hun kwack he can not be a PM of khmer people too . if ah kwack hun familly or if his Government doing a good job for the country no body is again him. look at US they do not ask people live in their country to appriciate them they never said they feed us or save us or ask us to love the US. but we all love US no matter what we love this country. incontrast ah Hun kwack familly do the opposite to his own people. so stop saying ah kwack saving khmer ass. he save his own ass rather then khmer people ass. look at alot of aid from other country did they ever say they save ah kwack hum country or his people? those aid is for poor people but for ah kwack any way but ah kwack say this mine that mine. boos shit. blind and ignorant. nothing to say just asking for the feed back from the poor. fuck you cpp party

Anonymous said...

Are we there yet?!

Pi Anh

6:11 PM


Pi Anh Ta ouv ah eang!

Anonymous said...

Pi Anh lorb,

Smart people DO NOT TROE PORNG KDOR AH YOUN LINE YOU AND LET ALONE allowing ah youn louch teuk dei khmer...and you are celebrating for that? I am not an SRP member or affiliating with any discusted Khmer political parties but I am discusted with people like you who are supporting ah youn....Have you ever thought about Khmer Krom's pain and suffering living under the ah Youn? This is how ah Youn,

Lieutenant-General Phan Thach Van has paid his gratitude to you by calling you "Ill-natured barbarians, ill-natured blood, Khmers have traits of stupidity, idiot, illogic." Go back to farming shit...punk ass you should not be born at all EVEN my dog knows right from wrong! I hope you get crashed by a car....mother fucker!

Anonymous said...

I don't give a fuck about some stupid people have to say especially about Thank Giving Day such from AH Pi Anh shithead!

First, I don't give a fuck if he doesn't want to celebrate Thank Giving Day because it is not his culture! Second, he can't even afford to eat Turkey meat except dog meat the way of the Viet culture!ahhahha
Third, this mother fucker is Vietcong by birth and his mind is already made up and there is no point of arguing with him!

Finally, Since KI media represent democracy and the freedom of expression and this Vietcong mother fucker can go somewhere else!

Did I fuck AH Pi Anh Vietcong mother fucker real good?ahahahahh

Anonymous said...

To Pi Anh Lorb sontik,

We were enjoy eating our turkey and its stuffings. They were so tender and yum yum! No pain No suffering but enjoyment! As for you, don't get anything like that.....because you don't understand what pain and suffering are all about living under ah Youn's control. Go ask your mother, wife, and duaghter....they were stuffed in their anals by ah Youn when ah youn took control of Cambodia. They will tell ya! go....go....ask them! don't be a Turkey! ahahahah! what a moron!

Anonymous said...

3:17 AM,

Great! Bravo the US Bravo the Thanksgiving! YOU DID FUCK AH PI ANH's mother fucker realllllllll Good! hahahahahahah! Do it again! Please stay away from ah Pi Anh's anal because he is an HIV positive!..ahahahahahah! He has NOT cleaned his asshole for decades and let alone his brain...hahahahahah! OH,NO I TAKE IT BACK, HE HAS NO BRAIN.TO CLEAN..BECAUSE IT HAS BEEN TUMBLING IN AH VIET.CONG'S SEPTIC TANK!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!

Anonymous said...

if Ah Pi Anh has HIV Positive or full blown AIDS, then we can use iron hot rod to stuff it in his ass!

Anonymous said...



I enjoyed my Turkey and its stuffings. The ONLY thing I regret for not having is his mother, wife, daughter, and grand duaghter anals.....for me to stuff. hahahahahah

Anonymous said...

happy thanksgiving to cambodia.

Anonymous said...

happy thanksgiving to cambodia.

Merry X-Mas to Cambodia too...

Anonymous said...

It's great to get things moving once again. I'm very excited in an anticipation yet another politcal perfect storm with Puok Ah Jkuot Scam Rainsy's supporters.

Pi Anh

Anonymous said...

Perhaps, i can add. Among those Puok Ah Jkuot, you SOB also included.

thank you KI!

Anonymous said...

My deepest sympathy and sincere condolences are extended to the family and friends of Puok Ah Jkuot Jruok and the turkey.

Pi Anh

Anonymous said...

Pi Anh

12:34 PM

Pi Anh

12:50 PM

hey ah lorb,

Were you born through your mother's asshole...

when you still inside your mother's womb...did you remember seeing ah youns stuffed their Dick inside your mother's asshole and her pussy...because your retardation has something to do with it. Your wife and daughter would not know that because ah youns were banging them while you out fishing and planting corn for Thanksgiving. The way ah youn stuffed your mother, wife, and daughter is the same way we stuffed our turkey through its ASSHOLE....! IS THIS HOW YOU WOULD CALL PERFECT POLITICAL STORM? IF YOU CONSIDERED THIS AS A PERFECT POLITICAL STORM....YOU ARE SO STUPID....BECAUSE ONLY you WOULD CONSIDER AS the real World, they DON'T called nor considered politics the way you do....except stupid asshole like.YOU! brain is so fucked up by ah Youn....

That is why, ah youn Lieutenant-General Phan Thach Van has paid his gratitude to you by calling you "Ill-natured barbarians, ill-natured blood, Khmers have traits of stupidity, idiot, illogic." Go back to farming shit...punk ass you should not be born at all EVEN my dog knows right from wrong! I hope you get crashed by a car....mother fucker!

Returning all the Government welfare checks back to the US government and go back to Cambodia....airheaded!

Anonymous said...

Predicated on my preliminary assessment on Puok Ah Jruok Jruok Scam Rainsy’s supporters’ comments (above), it is my belief that these cockroaches and their leader (Ah Scam Rainsy) are not yet prepared to help or lead the country, based on the mere fact (and evidence) that these utterly foolish and senseless people’s inability to resolve a simple solution, turkey story, for instance, and therefore if anyone in his or her right mind thought that these people can be of assistance or guide the country to economic prosperity—you’re in the wrong club. Our greatest leader, Samdech Hun Sen—that is, on the other hand, is the right person to lead the country to greater economic prosperity. Moreover, the country does not need a cold-turkey leader like Ah Scam Rainsy to lead our country. Until then, Puok Ah Jkuot Jruok must learn how to solve turkey-story problem before mulling to help or lead Cambodia.

Pi Anh

Anonymous said...

2:25 PM

NEVER draw your conclusion based on your feelings and emotion; these elements bad combination in decision-making process, and that’s why we don't like a cold-turkey leader (or yourself—in this case) to lead Cambodia. Again, that’s why I trust my leader (Samdech Hun Sen) to lead our country.

Pi Anh

Anonymous said...

"... Returning all the Government welfare checks back to the US government and go back to Cambodia....airheaded."

In response to your comment (above):
That is so yesterday, so twentieth century, and a thing of the past, Ah Jkuot Jruok.

Pi Anh

Anonymous said...

A samdach si cho, phnek kwak, aang kap chak, choy prapoan ke and samlap, is your leader, ah pi anh= ah ke banh. later, a kwak choy mday eeng tiet, a chkuot.

a kwak is a dog. a kwak is a leech, a kwak is a kancheh ke suor pouch. everything that a kwak own is stolen property. everything that a kwak says is showing his personality as a chor prey, pouch thoak khmer kraham. everything that a kwak thoeu is ampeu peal. do you realize that ah pi anh?

Anonymous said...

Pi Anh

9:54 PM

So, drawing from your stupid comments that you have made thus far.....mainly pay your useless gratitude in many ways to ah Youn....and devalue Khmer people...You think you are in the right mind! I am NOT gonna ask you to think because you don't have brain to think of.

Khmer Krom's pain and suffering living under Ah You. Cambodia is continuing loosing her border territories TO ah Youn under ah Hun kwack's rule. These are the current events are happening in Cambodia that are terrorizing and deteriorating Cambodia and her society....Yet, you ah Pi Anh is continuing to troe kdor ah Kwack and ah Youn.

On another note, you posted your comment and said, "SRP and/or its branches should have not and should not celebrate Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving is the date that the Europeans divide and conquer America, where native people already lived here." So, who the fuck are you to say such an absolute and demand that SRP/it branches "have not and should do so...." Now, are you in the right mind now for devaluing the dignity and integrity one's holiday and is it your trying to find a simple solution by sabotaging and/or devaluing thanksgiving have no clue what solution(s) or are...all you making an ass out of yourself.

Let me say it again, if you so against the US...go ahead return all the Government welfare checks back to the US government and move back to Cambodia....and continue to help terrorizing Cambodian.

So, don't draw any conclusion base on your own asshole and stupidity rather drawing it from your emotional feeling perhaps it gives you motivation and be more couragous.

Anonymous said...

12:44 AM

I must admit that you're not entirely immune from stupidity, yet I must admire you for being stupid.

Further, remember that Khmer Krom has been part of Vietnam, and there's NOTHING you or your incompetent leader Scam Rainsy can do about it. And tell your leader to come and face criminal charges for pulling those poles.

Pi Anh

Anonymous said...

12:44 AM

I still believe that those Pilgrims were a bunch of incompetent (just like your failed leader Scam Rainsy) who couldn’t even cultivate crops. Moreover, if it had not been for the Native American (Indian), the United States would not had been established—these are shocking and disturbing facts—in case you’re still being retarded on US history. That’s why I skipped the Thanksgiving Day, because I didn’t need to thank anyone, except those Vietnamese soldiers who gave their lives for friends, my families, and me. Plus, when I arrived on the US soil, I had already knew how to cultivate crops—and knew how fish.

Pi Anh

Anonymous said...

Pi Anh,

There is no NEED for me to filter your comments...your stupidity for being stupid are all there. No further comments must be exchanged because your airheaded still have no clue what I have been talking about. I have NEVER once suggested nor have I EVER asked anyone even Khmer Krom themselves to get up and fight for their determination to detatch Prey Nokor from Honoi. I simply used it as a classic example. If you still don't get it because you are illiterated.

Anonymous said...

2:01 AM

This is a perfect illustration of stupidity in a person's character--you, that is. Also, stupidity is your inherent trait, and this is an impartial characterization of a stupid person. Yes, you're well qualified for this person. Again, congratulations for being stupid.

Pi Anh

Anonymous said...

AH Pi Anh told me that he loves dog meat more than Turkkey meat and this is the main reason that he is so much against Thank Giving Day.

Anonymous said...

2.23 a.m.

Where I'm at right now, financially, I’m comfortably situated, and I should be able to afford beef. That said, you can have the turkey and dog.

Pi Anh

Anonymous said...

Pi Anh

2:12 AM

Your trait is a retarded, and stupid one. Your are financially sound becuase of the welfraud you have been collected from the US Government....Face it asshole! many khmer like you out who give ah youn Lieutenant-General Phan Thach Van has called as "Ill-natured barbarians, ill-natured blood, Khmers have traits of stupidity, idiot, illogic." Go back to farming shit...punk ass you should not be born at all EVEN my dog knows right from wrong! I hope you get crashed by a car....mother fucker!

This is your trait alright!

Anonymous said...

Pi Anh

2:12 AM

So, what do you call of your character? Stupid? Moron? Airheaded? illiterated? a low life? scum of the earth? Ass kisser? Asshole?, and many more....!

My character as such....because my love for Cambodian nation. My dignity, integrity and as well as my value are still so doing, I have the most pride and dignity that you can NEVER imagined!..but you, asshole!, however, need your reality check! I am not by any mean associated with any Cambodian stupid political parties....I am discuted with YOU perse for the fact that you...asshole! troe porng kdor ah youn who is currently encroaching Cambodian's soverign border territories! Yet, you have sincerely paid your gratitude and admire ah Youn for doing so. Your stupid trait has cowardedly revealed itself....there are different with being stupid with dignity and pride and STUPID like you, asshole....! because you have no clue about reality in general!

Anonymous said...

AH Pi Anh is making about big deal about Cambodian people on welfare?

I want AH Pi Anh to tell me the real population of the Viet and Cambodian immigrant living in United States!

In fact the Viet have more people living in United States than Cambodian people and so who is receiving more welfare check more than who from American government?

AH Pi Anh sorry mother fucker always pointing at Cambodian people because it is so easy for him to do so but when force to look at the real number he can't no longer lie!

AH Pi Anh need to stop speaking from his ass!