Friday, November 20, 2009

Khmer arrested to make way for land concession for Yuon company?

Seven Arrested in A Chronic Kampong Thom Land Dispute

By Chun Sakada, VOA Khmer
Original report from Phnom Penh
19 November 2009

Local rights groups on Thursday asked Kampong Thom provincial authorities to stop making further arrests in a chronic land dispute which turned violence.

The group said four people have been arrested and authorities are hunting to arrest some 20 villagers more for burning the public and private properties.

Three other villagers were arrested a day earlier in the dispute.

“We suggest that the provincial authorities stop arresting more villagers who have now fled home for fear of arrest,” said Nhem Sarath, investigator for Adhoc.

Local human rights groups met with provincial police chief, provincial deputy governor and Santouk district governor to find a way to solve the land dispute.

“We have received positive results on the case and the provincial authorities have asked us to help provide social land concession to the villagers,” Nhoung Samoeun, coordinator for local human rights group Licadho, told VOA.

Authorities set a November 25 deadline.

“If the villagers follow our policy, we will try to end the criminal case. But if they don’t agree and use violence to destroy properties of our security forces and company, we will follow the law,” Kampong Thom police chief, Phan Sopheng, said.


Anonymous said...

Arm uprising is the solution for these Hanoi's puppet regime.

Anonymous said...

Wake up all Khmers, take up arms to defend your properites and your country being plundered by Hanoi.

The only one solution to this Human Rights Violation.

The whole world will come to your help, but you have to show your intention first like our khmer ancestrod had done in 1840 to liberate Cambodia from Troeung Mih Giang and Ming Mag-Ya Long Viet kings.

They kept killing you and oppress you.


Anonymous said...

"FREEDOM IS NOT FOR FREE" but coffins are !
I will provide free coffins for all of you , he he he.

Your prime minister, the Honorable Hun Sen