Sunday, November 22, 2009

Land dispute against the Yuon Tinh Bien company in Kampong Thom

We live like in jail: Kampong Thom villagers


Anonymous said...

It looks like a lot of people won't care, if the yellow shirts come and cut mr. hen sen's head off.

Anonymous said...

all khmers, please use gun to attact whoever step on and take away your lands

Khmer PP

Anonymous said...

New Khmer Rouge will be come against if Govt don't pay attection for us.
That is the same case in the Sihanouk' period.

Anonymous said...

gun gun gun to solve the problem w/ah yuon-cpp, because they have no brain to help khmers...

Khmer PP

Anonymous said...

That is the last choice to fight back for our dignities ,but who going to help us if we use gun ? The youn and the slaves are every where, but one way to survive we must sacrifice,we can live our live like this slave regime.

Anonymous said...

All cambodian people stand up and help fight off this Tinh Bien Company out of our lands..! No Vietnamese company or business allowing in our country..! they came to take over our lands away..!! Khmer people stand up and fight..!!

Anonymous said...

We must use China for the weapons,Thailand for training bases call for khmer rouge soldiers and khmer nationalist to join this war but when we take over Cambodia back we must back stab China and Thai Land,if some one can lead to civil war and back stab those two ,called smart leader and that guy will be khmer hero and save khmer race .

Anonymous said...

To all my khmer brother and sister out there, please keep up the fight! and burning all of those Viet's equipment, tractor, machinery, and burns down all Vietnamese company too...!! Vietnam is Khmer Foe forever...!!

Anonymous said...

Khmer must remembered our painful history at:>>>

Anonymous said...

'Where there is oppression, there is resistance'.

- Ho Chi Minh

'A slave ceases to be a slave when he redefines the definition imposed upon him by his master'.

- Negro anti-slavery movement.

Anonymous said...

Fire burn Rome mighty empire down to the ground! It looks like Youn mighty empire will face the same faith!

Anonymous said...

Kampong Thom has many Youn. That's the place the Youn spy like Ly Diep migrated to from Vietnam. He claimed he was KK, but many KK said he lied, he was sent by Hanoi since he was young to infiltrate in Khmer community.

Anonymous said...

Human Animals-- Perhaps it's fair to say that human are smarter or more dangerous animals that other animal species. Before human beings existed, the Earth was ruled by other animals. Now, we human control the planet. However, it doesn't mean that we live in peace and harmony. Each human animal strives to live a better life with happiness, needs and wants. As time goes on and resources that support lives are becoming scarce, human animals are challing each other who gets what and how much. Human animals dare to steal, rob,fight or sometimes kill each other for wealth, power, food, spaces and other needs and wants. Some human animals dislike each other because they have different beliefs and living status. Different religions, politics and economic issue usually create war.

Furthermore, human animals try to depend and dominate other animal species for their own gain. They kill and eat other animals, capture them for fun, exploit them for many reasons. That's why some animals are endangered or extinct.

We can say that human are stronger and more intelligent than other animals because we control the world. However, we also have weaknesses. We can get sad, sick and die. For example, hunman animals can get killed by snakes, tigers, croccodiles, or even microscopic virus and bacteria.

We can donimate the world now, but perhaps some day, some other animals will in turn replace us.

So after all, human animals are among other animals that can be endangered or extinct.

So, we think of ourselves. Are we srtonger or intelligent than others (human animals and other species)?

Evolution... what comes around goes around.

Anonymous said...

in cppp tooooo all are Youn.

Anonymous said...

I praised whoever got the gut to burns this tractor down to the ground, keep up our fight people..!

Anonymous said...

Yourn already bought and brainwashed ah idiot Hun Sen. Yourn is Hun xen's slave driver. He is like a dog humbles to its owner. He lifts his two paws up every time he sees his master. For those tycoons such as yeay Phu
kdet souy and the rest are just people blood suckers. The poor are the victims of these heartless animals. Hell will call each of their name when they die. The poor will go to heaven beacuse they suffer enough and the rich will go to hell for what they do to the poor.

Anonymous said...

Yourn already bought and brainwashed ah idiot Hun Sen. Yourn is Hun xen's slave driver. He is like a dog humbles to its owner. He lifts his two paws up every time he sees his master. For those tycoons such as yeay Phu
kdet souy and the rest are just people blood suckers. The poor are the victims of these heartless animals. Hell will call each of their name when they die. The poor will go to heaven beacuse they suffer enough and the rich will go to hell for what they do to the poor.

Anonymous said...

9;40 AM,

You're an Viet offspring born from your Bo Doi father, the Invader of Cambodia in 1979.

Anonymous said...

បងប្អូនខ្មែរអើយ យួនឆក់ប្លន់លូចតាមគ្រប់រូបភាព
នូវទឺកដីយើង តាំងពីទល់ដែនខាងកើតរហូតដល់
ខាងលិច តើខ្មែរនៅអោបដៃឈរមើលដល់
ណាទៀត ពេលវេលាដល់ហើយគ្មានពេលណា
ដូចពេលនេះទេ៕ស្វាយរៀង ​កំពង់ធំ ល្មមខ្លាយទៅជាបដិវត្តន៏ដីធ្លីបានហើយ។ បើគ្មានការបង្ហូរឈាម ប្រាកដជាគ្មាននរណាមក
ម្នាក់ជាអ្នកនយោបាយ ម្នាក់ទៀតជាអ្នក

Anonymous said...

Even if we take up guns, the khmer government serve the interest of hanoi. Vietcong and khmer goverment versus the khmer ordinary people equals another genocide. The thai will probably want some khmer bloods too. The khmer people have no allies. Even Laos want some of our lands because they see how the Shitnamese can do it so easily. I don't see why we should pay back the Russian because they are ones that started it all.