Thursday, November 05, 2009

Mr. Sam Rainsy plans to bring a lawsuit against the Yuons planting border posts on Khmer rice fields to the International Court

Click on the article in Khmer to zoom in


Anonymous said...

16 millions Khmers are behind you all the way to the ICJ.

Way to go, Mr. Sam Raingsy

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It is about time that the opposition party noticed this and start to take action to let the world know about the viet cong illegally plant the border posts inside Cambodia territory. We support you all the way.

Anonymous said...

Go for SR. You will be supported. Before going that, let the public know your findings.

Anonymous said...

Please do it now and as soon as possible Mr. Sam Rainsey. You got excellent case!

Anonymous said...

Shame on you Vietnam! Why can you just one coming out clean? Why not? You do know that KRT is looking for the real killer of Cambodian people, don't you? Noun Chea, Kiev Samphon, Ing Sary and his wife may be the most stupid leaders in the world, but they are not the real killer. The one that most Cambodian want to see get punished is you Vietnam! Now go and punish your idiot people who did this stupid thing to our people before it gets worse!!!

Anonymous said...

Angkar Leu is the name for unidentify top leaders who run Cambodia between 1975 and 1979. Those top leaders were also Vietnamese and Chinese. Why should Noun Chea and his men go to jail when the top dogs are foreigners?

ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY MILLIONS DOLLARS should be collected to pay to the United Nation's Tribunal and the Cambodian people every year for the next ONE CENTURY AND SEVENTY YEARS. THE SUM OF AN ESTIMATE DEATH OF CAMBODIAN PEOPLE WHO HAD PAID A TERRIBLE PRICE FOR THOSE WHO INVOLVED IN KILLING THIS INNOCENT PEOPLE DURING THOSE YEARS. It was not Cambodian leaders alone who did it. They still go to jail, if found guilty, but that doesn't mean that those who involved in commitTing murder should get away with it. The Tribunal needs money to become the most powerful prosecutor in the world and this is where it should start Cambodia. She is giving you an absolute -golden opportunity, please don't let it slip away.

The real murderer deserve to get down on its knees and pay for this. Every single dime of it.

Anonymous said...

Do it Mr. Rainsy. You can also appeal to Khmer oversea to help paying the legal fees.

Anonymous said...

9:08PM! because motherfucker let the foreigners use their fucking hands to kill Cambodian! So they can live like king!