Friday, November 27, 2009

Sam Rainsy's overseas supporters to demonstrate against the lifting of his immunity

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26 Nov 2009
By Moeung Tum
Radio Free Asia
Translated from Khmer by Socheata
Click here to read the article in Khmer

SRP activists and youths in North America plan to hold a peaceful demonstration to protest against the lifting of Sam Rainsy's immunity.

Ou Chuon Y, a SRP activist in Washington DC, told RFA that: "Our goal is to protest against the Cambodian National Assembly and the Yuons who invade Khmer territories, who encroach on Khmer land and grab rice fields belonging to Khmer farmers! We will demonstrate in front of all the embassies on Saturday 28 November, starting at 11AM. I am in charge of inviting everybody who believes that the lifting of [Sam Rainsy's] immunity is illegal. Please attend the demonstration."

SRP youth members in Canada also plan to hold a peaceful demonstration for the same reason. However, in Canada, the demonstration will be held in front of the Canadian parliament building in Ottawa, and it will also be held on 28 November 2009 starting from 11AM to 3PM, just like the one in Washington DC. The demonstrators will ask the Canadian parliament to help intervene to find justice for Sam Rainsy.

On 16 November 2009, the Cambodian National Assembly decided to lift Sam Rainsy's immunity to allow the Svay Rieng provincial court to investigate the lawsuit case brought up by the Chantrea district authority which accused Sam Rainsy of destroying public properties. On 25 October 2009, Sam Rainsy uprooted border post stakes out of rice fields belonging to Cambodian farmers living in Samrong commune, Chantrea district, Svay Rieng province. The Cambodian and Viet authorities claimed that these are temporary border posts delimiting Cambodia and Vietnam.


Anonymous said...

Will RFA/KI report the number of people who turn up for the demonstrations?

Kuoy Pichet

Anonymous said...

kmean ah na pler tov join that demon te. mean ta pouk ah pler.

Anonymous said...

1.02 pm, that is not the issue. the issue is ah yuon steal khmer land and it ordered its dogs to punish decent khmer who protect khmer territories.

Anonymous said...

Well so far there are so many Khmer citizens inside and outside the countrie, the ngos, labor unions , border committee oversea, the united states senators are uprising against the thugs and his maste Viet thief. Doesn't that kind-of spoiled the thief plan to encroaching Khmer land, even big brother (shihanouk) disproved of these traitors.

Thank you Sam Rainsy without your courage and true patriot khmer will live with gun pointed to our head, and will lives like khmer krom federations people who suffers greatly from the authority of Evil Hanoi hand. Samrainsy are Khmer greatest citizen who alway put his life in danger situations just to share villagers pain and plights condition.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to join this peaceful riot my house not away from This embassy.
Go khmer go!

Anonymous said...

២)ត្រូវយកនិយាមការUTMអាប់សីុស​អរដោណេ XY ត្រង់ចំណុចដែលដឹងនឹងយល់ថាបានលូកជ្រៅចូលក្នុងទឹកដីយើង។​

Anonymous said...

Please protest in France, and the EU countries as well. Also in Australia and New Zealand.

I urge all Khmers join hands to resist Viets' domination on Khmer's soil and waters.

Organize to protest at Viet embassies around the world as well, for their continued political interference in Cambodia.

Jey Yoh Jeat Khmer!

Khmer Angkor

Anonymous said...

For the very 1st time, the RGC got nailed on the issue of whose interests it really serves? Sam Rainsy defends Khmers while Hun Sen gov't persecute its very own people to please its master. The situation is getting far worse and worse now. RGC, from being a servant to a true slave of Hanoi. The fact speaks for itself. Awakening Khmers.