From: Office of the SRP North America Secretariat
The Sam Rainsy Party of North America wish to inform the press and the public of its condemnation, in the strongest term possible, of the Cambodian authority and its rubber-stamp National Assembly for removing the immunity of H.E. Sam Rainsy, elected member of the parliament. By such act, H.E. Sam Rainsy, duly elected representative of the people, has been deprived of his rights and duties to serve his constituencies.
Here once again, the Cambodian National Assembly, under the CPP’s majority, has irresponsibly and abusively violated the trust of the people. In this case, it has shown very little regard for concerns of its citizens whose lands have been lost due to border encroachment activities. It called into question whose interests this government and the National Assembly are representing?
The Sam Rainsy Party of North America requests that His Majesty the King and King Father, our Father of Independence, to intervene in calling for immediate re-instatement of immunity to H.E. Sam Rainsy. Furthermore, to come to the calls for help of their people by help ensuring justice, freedoms and our Cambodia’s territorial integrity.
A peaceful public demonstration will be held on November 28, 2009 in Washington, DC, USA and Ottawa, Canada. Detail planning is process and will be sent out later shortly.
We urge all Khmer compatriots to take part in support of our territorial integrity and to show our concerns to all victims of land losses.
Thank you,
The Secretariat, SRP-NA
Here once again, the Cambodian National Assembly, under the CPP’s majority, has irresponsibly and abusively violated the trust of the people. In this case, it has shown very little regard for concerns of its citizens whose lands have been lost due to border encroachment activities. It called into question whose interests this government and the National Assembly are representing?
The Sam Rainsy Party of North America requests that His Majesty the King and King Father, our Father of Independence, to intervene in calling for immediate re-instatement of immunity to H.E. Sam Rainsy. Furthermore, to come to the calls for help of their people by help ensuring justice, freedoms and our Cambodia’s territorial integrity.
A peaceful public demonstration will be held on November 28, 2009 in Washington, DC, USA and Ottawa, Canada. Detail planning is process and will be sent out later shortly.
We urge all Khmer compatriots to take part in support of our territorial integrity and to show our concerns to all victims of land losses.
Thank you,
The Secretariat, SRP-NA
Sam Rainsy still have alot to learn in politic. He is very brave in character, but he need to be more diplomacy in what he is doing, specially when dealing with border between two country. He should denonce the wrong border demarcation and not trying to uproot border posts. Cambodia can not confront two front enemies at the same time, because it is too week and small compared to its enemies. Be smart and you will win. Bad temper can never fix any probleme but worsen it. A political mis-step is disaster so please be smart and you will win.
Sam Rainsy's people should not intimidate our master Vietnam to the international community about their encroachment into Cambodia territory. Thus,our master Vietnam can make trouble for Cambodian people.
Very good all khmer have to stand up againt the ditator Hun Xen,Chea Xim,Heng Xamri and Ah Xay Chhum!!!!They are all the youn Hanoi slave!!!
You just born you don't know khmer suffered for long time and you just belived opposition party is not rigth.Don't do anything against the law and don't think only your party loving khmer and don't thing only your party have lots of khmer people loving your party ok!
We Khmer live in the western world, but I feel our behavior are not different than our Khmer brothers inside Cambodia.
In case we want to have areal Democracy in our country, we from oversea are the first to follow the rule, respect the Cambodian constitution and all "Written Laws" of our Country.
Yes, we Khmer have the right to stand up and do everything again the dictatorship regime, but we might able do, when for the best of our Country and Khmer people.
sam rainsxy, we have not forgotten that you tell us before lifting your immunity that you brings this case to the International Court of Justice .
Now that the government puts you in the challenge to prove the truth of your accusation what are you waiting to go to court or the international court to defend your honor?
khmer song
"Hi-Tva roati-pvear Liti-Phutaing Ni-Rupa-thi,Sop Loka PhiKaing-ViRaing,Tama-haing Prumi Prem-naing"
Cambodia need a new political opposition party in the country.
An opposition with a modern political vision , more constructive with the government, more reformers and is an alternative to replace the decadent and sclerotic SRP.
The model of political, economic and social development of the European Union is a model for the future of Cambodia to better ensure its economic and social development and its sovereignty and territorial integrity.
Integrated in a geographical, economic and human largest (a single currency, a single passport, no tariff barriers, free installation and movement of people ,....), Cambodia as a member will better defend its interests and will be better heard .
Because Cambodia’s ultra-nationalist will be solitary ans isolated to face many challenges and dangerous for the country in the future : East, West, inside with the grip of China with the spectre of Tibet,and the rising of real sense of Muslim religious identity for an Islamic state. Political pluralism and democracy, the decadence of Cambodian politics, division and political confrontation for the interests and personal ambitions does not encourages the creation of an Islamic khmer party in the near future? The problem of Thai Muslim separatists should make us think.
We no longer believe the old ideological patterns sclerotics
and exceeded of politicians who have preceded us in the 1945s which no evidence of any effectiveness to lead Cambodia on the way of development and democracy and the state of law.
Ultra-nationalism from 1945s is the loneliness, failure and humiliation. This is the case of Nazi Germany, fascist Italy's Mussolini and Imperial Japan.
Cambodia has also paid a very heavy price for this ultra-nationalism with the short-lived Pol Pot’s Democratic Kampuchea.
Cambodia need to day a new political opposition party in the country. An opposition with a modern political vision, and new and modern opposition leaders.
It is also the urgent national interest for Cambodia.
Khmer people know to take your destiny in hand and do not entrust your destiny to irresponsible politicians and stop to be fooled by the false patriots.
Most of Khmer in Cambodia do not follow politic. Government does not encourage people to think about their own future. Education is very low according to the recent report of the Association of Teachers from UK. Please, if you can, provide more means that can educate Khmer people to love their Country instead of blame them.
Very sad Khmer in Phnom Penh
Dear Khmer people, do you remember what our old people told us?
"Siam men chorl kbuon, Yuon men chorl put."
Put means pretending, as our great grand parents had gone through this experience and left these words for us to remember.
Yuon was the Khmer killer and pretending to be the Khmer savior, and many of you Khmer people still believe that. Yuon is a real wolf not a lamb, or your grandma Goldilock! Watch it out carefully.
Its about time!
Khmer should continue on with voices and unity of protest until there is justice serve.
Khmer can't afford to wait another 30 years for youn to continue what they been doing.
Time is not on khmer side. Only mr Sam Rainsy who is brave enough to stand for khmer. The land of khmer are riches, but khmer are going poorer and poorer. Another 30 years of youn encroachment is what khmer can't afford 4:27 pm. It will be like pol pot all over again.
Hun Sen is the Tortoise hiding head. Hun Sen is the Tortoise hiding head.Hun Sen is the Tortoise hiding head.Hun Sen is the Tortoise hiding head.Hun Sen is the Tortoise hiding head.Hun Sen is the Tortoise hiding head.
It's gooder if you save all these Buddha's words to teach some irrespectably undisciplined Buddhist mokns, like Tep Vong, so he and his disciples can learn to pursue peace if mind, if they wish to be enlightened in their next hundred live times. For us who are living in such a government being ruled by a blind, arrogant, cocky, and disloyal Yuon slave named Hun Sen, we should set aside these Buddha's words, stop being passive, and stand up to challenge to what ah Yuon slave has done to our defenseless people and our homeland, because she belongs to us all, not to ah Hun Sen and his families.
We all activists and supporters of the sam rainsy’s party, for this opportunity, we must come together to discuss and debate the political opposition renewal and the new strategy of the opposition for the elections of 2013 and vote a motion of no confidence on sam rainsy’s political action for which his immunity is suspended to know how many of us support or disapprove of his action .
Because the strength of a political party is also its activists responsible.
In democracy activists should be able to judge , to criticize and to sanction the actions of their political leaders.
It is also good political governance for avoiding any personal abuse and drifts from its leaders.
Very good initiative to demonstrate peacefully around the world to show our unity and in-one-minded.
Sam Rainsy carelessly went followed the farmers to the installing poles. These wood-poles are surely planned by Vietnamese partner alone. Var Kimhong didn't realize that Vietnam installed those poles. But Var Kimhong as usual will keep his face and blame Cambodian farmers. In the meantime, Sam Rainsy didn't realize that those farms owner uprooted those posts.
However, as a leader, Sam Rainsy has to take responsibility by accepting fault and defending those farmers. See the video tape, we can see that Sam Rainsy didn't uproot the posts. He was busy talking on the phone.
But what is worse is the measure of Hun Sen government that has not reluctantly tried Sam Rainsy in their political court...or we can see Hun Sen government will destroy any Cambodian who dare criticize their misbehavior in associating with Vietnam.
Previously, we admire the "rule of law" and the election of national assembly, now we can clearly see that assembly in Cambodia is the dictator assembly. The members of this assembly are good in serving politics to protect their power and wealth, and inhumanizing minor voice, the SRP. The rule of law in Cambodia, is not the worst mechanism, it is the tool only for those powerful, the elites and the rich. To strengthen the rul of law under Hun Sen administration is to weaken the weak (opposition, farmers, workers and teachers etc).
It is absolutely the dictatorship assembly and the rule of law of a dictator.
Cambodian people are living under despare. They don't have any incentive in fighting against foreign invaders. From day to day, they are overwhelmingly fooled and intoxicated by soap operas, one-sided media, political serving commentator, biased TVs, biased radios, biased newspapers, corruption and manipulation etc.
In order to have a positive change in Cambodia, you have to do something meaningful. You are the agent of change. Join this demonstration and other activities to raise awareness and be instrumental to change of Cambodia.
In Solidarity,
Activists are also men and women responsible for the policies of their country.
The activists are not pawns of political leaders. We also have the right to criticize and to judge the actions of our leaders.
cambodia doen't need an opposition party since hun sen rules alone and can do anything he wants to.
hun sen can do that not because he is a strong but most importanly because he has strong foreign protection which allow him to oppress against cambodian people to defend the interest of these oppressors and murderers of khmer people
for some here, cambodians dont scare of laws but indeed scare of khmer rouge yuon rules, the rules of persecution and killing as ever since polpot time
ប្រសិន បើមានគេមករំលោភទាំងបំពានយក
ទ្រព្យសម្បត្តិ ដីស្រែដែលជាកេរ្ដ៍ដូនតារបស់លោក
ឡាវសព្វថ្ងៃជាមិនខាន សូមចាំឲ្យច្បាស់៕
នាងខ្ញុំ កញ្ញាចិន្ដា ចាក់អង្រែ
Dear Sam Rainsy Followers,
Sam Rainsy is not a man to fits Cambodia, and Cambodian needs.
He is the leader of political disaster, chaos and dangerous he had played.
Many of his members are dead, because they believed in his politcal weaknesses can do to fulfill their dream, but, nothing can change...but more dead more suffered and more defectors.
I am the victim from Sam Rainsy Party, I now be happy to join with my new political party CPP, they honor me and promoted me to run the new consular in Mass, USA.
I urge people in Sam Rainsy Party to defect the party and come to join CPP with high Honored you ever have in your life time.
I vote 11:32 PM to be my toilet cleaner. Any objection?
Blood suckers, assassins always promise paradise to the miserable for their blood need
Sam Rainsy is a national hero. He understands that no one has ever won a cause without a fight. He's definitely a political rising star within the SamRainsy Party and is worth keeping an eye on.
Cambodians are tired of seeing and hearing SRP, Funcinpec, and the rest of them. Cambodians are tired of the oppositions failure to accomplish simple things, failure to unite, and failure to communicate. They have failed the Cambodian people and they are now only exist for the sake of existence. They have no value, represent no hope, and accomplish nothing for nobody. We all know that Sam Rainsy did what he did only for attention to himself and his party. SR has no plan of helping to solve nor finding any solution to any issue. If anything he's instigating the Cambodian-Thai tension. I and many other Cambodians have given up on them. By the next election SR and his party will be insignigicant and dissolved.
12:53am you have shown a divisive view to those parties you mentioned yourself. Is this your strategic purpose to attack vs. to unite? If you truly advocate unity amongst cambodian political parties you should have demonstrated your case rather than launched a cynical attack on them.
I should demonstrate my case? Is your reasoning and logic part of your brain been cut off?
SRP and other oppositions parties have been in action for over 30 years now and what have they accomplished? Their hopes and promises have all come to nothing for the Cambodian people. They have caused division and suffering.
To me, the failures have to come to two things: failure of leadership or failure of policy. The RATS jumping ship to join the CPP from oppositions everyday proves my points. Cambodians should look to something or someone else.
Then you'd rather let an arrogant and immoral dictator rule Cambodia for the rest of his life? Tha's so passive, waiting a slow death at random. Don't be such a sucked man. Wake up!
1:13am Mr. sam rainsy will do whatever he thinks works for the cambodian people. He isn't your typical politician; sam rainsy focuses on practical results, not political ideology. Those who defected to cpp are the weak who fall by wayside.
when a political man has no ideal to defend, and focuses only on practical results, is an empty man or robot,a star of supperflu, not a great man who own great vision of things to carry Cambodia and Cambodian people out of yuon slavery. This present well present rainsy political career and character that why rainsy is a lost man, become mainly cpp pawn these last years.
i am willing to donate $$$$ to help sam rainsy hq, but i wonder if the site the opposition proposed would not get evicted later.
2:20 AM,
you seem to confuse yourself. read your comment again.
Old Phally Monkey, Cambodia Towk!
old phally, may be instead you dont understand my purpose
ថៃចេញដិការត្រឺមត្រូវ មកធ្វើជាទីប្រឺក្សាវាទៅជា
ខ្លួនធ្វើត្រូវ ឯសមរង្សីគ្រាន់តែដកបង្គោលគ្រាក់
សរសេរអក្សរអ្វីជាសំគាល់ចំណាំផង វាទៅជាមាន
ទោសទៅវិញ។បើយួននឺងហ៊ុនសែនច្រឡោតខ្លាំងគ្រាន់តែរឿងបុណ្ណេះ ប្រយោជន៏ធំគឹបានមកខាង
ចាក់មិនកំរើក ចេះតែលើកដៃសំពះ សុំតែសុខ។
តើចាំដល់ពេលណាទើបអ្នកភ្ញាក់ខ្លួន តើដល់ពេលណាទើបគេឲ្យអ្នកសុខ។
1:38 AM,
you are the one who should be waking up, not me. If you wake up you will see what I see. That is Sam Rainsy and SRP are nothing but loosers and dividers. That after all the money (my money) and support, the SRP is nothing but a tool of Thailand, running to Thailand begging for their support to destroy Cambodia. The recent stunt Sam Rainsy did is clear proof of that. Shameless. This old style of politics of running to neighboring country for help to destroy Cambodia should not be supported by any CamBodian in country or abroad. This is devisive and will not benefit Cambodia.
Talking about doing something for Cambodia, what has Rainsy and SRP done for Cambodia all this time,with all the money and support? SRP can't win election, can't or won't do anything for its supporters inside Cambodia, can't even lead or hold a coalition with other oppositions. Sam Rainsy thus far has proven that he's a not a leader, he can't lead, and SRP do not have it in them to do anything for Cambodia except talking...talking rosy scenarios for its own benefit or to raise money from donors.
Cambodia don't support Thai stooges to plot against Cambodia and an ineffective, useless party like the SRP.
3:16 AM why paint rainsy of things he doesn't while cpp is itself yuon slave, yuon political tool
you yuon stooges should instead thank rainsy because he save your barbaric yuon slaves on international scence and bring an appearing of democratic to your khmer rouge yuon regime
i guess samak mit at 3:16 AM got personal because sam rainsy did not have any chair for him. i met a few old farts in long beach and they had expressed their few like samak mit at 3:16 AM.
so sad.
That's why I'm against Rainsy and SRP. I was SRP supporter until recently. It's because CPP is Youn Slave that's why my heart is broken to see SRP running to Siam to become Siam slave. SRP and Sam's recent action proved to me clear. That when its Thai master calls, Sam Rainsy responds like a Chihuahua to tennis ball.
Sam Rainsy and SRP did NOT save anybody on the international scenes. Sam and SRP played the international scene for its own benefit and fund raising. This is another reason why I turn against SRP. It's because after decades of financial supports and moral supports, SRP accomplishes NOTHING, only rosy talks and empty promises. Sam Rainsy has failed as a leader and SRP has failed the Cambodian people big time.
អង្ករ សារុង ប៊ីចេងទៅដូរសន្លឹកឆ្នោត
ពីប្រជាជន រួចហើយប្រជាជនគឺជា
មាន ។ អាខ្លះទៀត មានតំណែង
ជាតំណាងរាស្ត្រផង ជាឧកញ៉ាផង
ជាឈ្មួញផង នេះជាពួកអាត្រីងៀត
one good news is that you did not share physical support! too bad, with you kind of mentallity, i don't think you would fit with any particular political party. you should create your own party "Kannak Pak Anh". I bet you will have many supporters turn against you!
Your lamentation is out of date. It indicates that you need only position and power but when both party cannot give you that, you turned to against with everyone...
Ok one more choice is to create your own party...
You are flaky! Obviously you only join and support hoping for personal benefit. I can see there's so many members like you back then. This could be the reason why SRP have not succeed.
Goodluck being CPP if you dare. You will get great benefit from them traitor. Death to you, your pets and your family with your flaky concious!
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