Thursday, November 05, 2009

Two pagoda laymen (Achar) fired for allowing Sam Rainsy to organize a Kathen procession

04 November 2009
By Sok Serey
Radio Free Asia
Translated from Khmer by Heng Soy
Click here to read the article in Khmer

NGO human rights activists indicated that local authority in the Samrong commune, Chantrea district, Svay Rieng province, located near the Vietnamese border, had fired 2 laymen (Achar) for Wat Ang Romdenh Pagoda after they allowed opposition leader Sam Rainsy to organize a Kathen to the pagoda.

Furthermore, the local authority also sued Sam Rainsy at the provincial court, accusing him of destroying public properties because he pulled out border posts.

Nget Nara, a facilitator for the Adhoc human rights group in Svay Rieng province, told RFA that a number of people are also being recently sued by the local authority as well.

Nget Nara said: “Regarding this issue, there are complaints to remove 2 other members of the Chantrea district pagoda committee.”

Chea Yeang, the Chantrea district governor, did not seem to want to reveal the truth regarding Sam Rainsy’s case, he told us to ask the provincial authority about Sam Rainsy’s case and he said that the case of the fired laymen is not an issue. “Go ask the provincial [authority]!” he said.

Sok Serey: How about the laymen who authorized the Kathen ceremony, the laymen who belong the pagoda committee?

Chea Yeang: No! I did not touch the ceremony issue, nobody will touch the ceremony issue.

The alleged fired laymen above could not be reached, but Pov Pheap, the 2nd Samrong commune councilor, who is intimate with this case, said that the firing is true.

Pov Pheap said: “[The chief layman] threatened back, if the two pagoda laymen are fired, the chief layman came to meet with me and he said that he will also resign. Maybe on the 8th day of the waning moon, they will come to announce that these [fired laymen] will return back to work, the other day they were fired!”

Sok Serey: How about Sam Rainsy’s case, who sued him?

Pov Pheap: The Chantrea district governor sued him because he pulled out the posts for border post no. 185. The Yuon forces brought in sand and rock to mark border post no. 185 along the south, then they poured in the foundation, but we don’t know when they will install the post itself, but they brought in the sand etc… already.”

Opposition leader Sam Rainsy is currently overseas, but after he was sued, he told RFA recently that he plans to raise the border violation by Vietnam to the International court.

On 25 October, Sam Rainsy led a Kathen procession to the Ang Romdenh pagoda in Samrong commune, Chantrea district, Svay Rieng province. It was reported Sam Rainsy and the local villagers pulled out border posts there, and they accused the Vietnamese of moving the border into Cambodia. Following this report, the Vietnamese government reacted by saying that Sam Rainsy’s action is “a perverse action, damaging common property, violating both countries’ laws, and bilateral treaties and agreements.”


Anonymous said...

fuck all a vietcong mother fucker! you fucking youn savage people need to fucking die!! some day some how your fucking you will be vanish from the Earth! Why the fuck Ah hun sen goverment do nothing to protect Cambodia from Ah Youn Enroachment khmer land???? Ah Youn Embassy In Phnompenh will burn to the Ground! The world would be better off with out a Youn Existing, fucking Savage people, Fucking Ah diaper people son of bitch!!

Anonymous said...

May the nation like youns, and thai falls and curruptions within their own nation rises.

May the suffering they causes upon khmer comes around back to those nations.

They took alot of khmer lands already, yet they wants more and more suffering upon khmers.

May bigger nation than vietnam and thailand come and destroys them soon.

Anonymous said...

Although SR has done a brave thing, he should have prepared himself in advance. The problems with VN have been there for years. SR should be able to produce a kind of map used by VN and current government, and another one recognized by the Paris Peace Accord. STILL TIME TO DO IT.

CPP could only help if the way SR does is based on well-informed knowledge. The court will always ask for VERIFIABLE evident.

Anonymous said...

agree with 10:56 am. Internationalize the Cambodia-Vietnam border. Use the Paris Peace Agreement.

Anonymous said...

The Khmers have been relying on foreign interventions for too long now. No foreign power will help us for free.
We must take our destiny in our own hands, I for one, support the following course of action:

The Khmers must organize in hit and run death SQUADS similar to the Malays' tactic in southern Thailand.
We must prepare to seize the initiative and take the fight to the viet foes everywhere:

- in the rice paddy fields
- in the Mekong and Tonle Sap
- in the offshore islands
- in the streets of Phnom-Penh
- in the National Assembly
- in the garment sweatshops
- in the School and Hospital
- in the Pagodas
- in the brothels at Sway-Pak district

We must make their life a LIVING HELL.
Lord Buddha willing, we shall prevail.

(This is a material copy from another poster)

Anonymous said...

It should be simple in regarding providing evidences to the court, if both parties agree to, particularly RGC to provide bilateral agreement document between Vietnam and Cambodia, and what kind of map was the so called agreement based upon.

From Samnainsy side is quite obvious, investigation can take place on site and several villagers who asked SR for help.

It is interesting to see who serve the cambodian needs without abuse and intrusion.
It is unbelievable to see unjustice happened under the nose of our king who supposed to uphold the justice for cambodians.
It is more radiculious to see who serve cambodians become criminal.

That is what they(CPP) call the rule of laws(of violence).

Neang SA

Anonymous said...

Khmer should help Khmer each other! Why this Svay Reing Govt wanted to kills khmers..?? Vietnam had swallow our lands from day one, and this fucken Svay Reing Govt still taking side with Thief??

Anonymous said...

This fucken governor should knew better what's going on, because he fucken lived next to Viet-theif

Anonymous said...

Pouk ah Kbal Yourn Khlourn Khmer never help Khmers remember? They will be struck by lightning one by one for betraying our ancestors. Ah Hok Lundy still waiting there.

Anonymous said...

What is that has to do with them? This is obstructing of justice. They do this to scare people from participating with SRP's involvement in building the nation from the opposition point of views.

Anonymous said...

The local authorities are just trying to make a quick buck. They don't care about any thing else.

Anonymous said...

The power of the Vietcong are extended into other branch of Cambodian government including religious branch!

It is time for all Khmer people to worship the Vietcong from now on! Tell me what is the use of Buddhist religion that is so peace loving for Cambodian people and only to be step on and be a victim since Buddha can't even help these dirt poor Cambodian people!

Buddhist religion is a fake religion in Cambodia and everything is just a show and all the fucken fake preaching of do good mother fucker is pure bullshit! Dirt poor Khmer people have a victim of politic long enough and to be victimize by religion is in no way to find peace and stability for Cambodia in the future!

Anonymous said...

good job, mr. sam rainsy for seeing and finding justice for khmer border villages, etc... god bless you and cambodia.