Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Demonstration in front of the Cambodian embassy in Washington DC on 28 November 2009


In United States of America, the founding father of democracy, our adopted home that we, as Cambodian-American, victims of past communist regimes, are able to gather to express our views freely as free men. Not in Cambodia, our former country where democracy has merely existed on paper, and in theory - NOT in real life. Freedom of speech and the press has been taken away to a larger extend , so did was our freedom to a peaceful assembly. Today’s demonstration would have landed all participants in prison, if it were held in Cambodia. As such, we could not be free in Cambodia and so the same can be said to an entire population of Cambodia who are currently waking up to a new reality of political oppression orchestrated under the criminalized defamation act.

As Cambodian-American, we come together on this November 28, 2009, to express our deepest concerns to the deterioration state of democracy in Cambodia once enjoyed under UNTAC. Furthermore, to call on our United States government and donors’ countries to put an end to the systemic violation of human rights and freedom orchestrated by the Cambodian authorities. It is the only way to ensure long term peace and stability of the country as well as the region as stipulated under the spirit of signed Paris Peace Accord 1991.

Since the Cambodian executive body has effective control over three branches of the government, it has used the courts to effectively criminalize anyone on defamation charges, placing strict restriction on freedom of speech, the press and expression. Several journalists and other critics of the government have been imprisoned as a result of such practices. These limits on freedoms are unconstitutional, in clear violation of the country’s main constitution.

The stripping immunity from elected members of parliament (MP), Mr. Sam Rainsy, Mrs. Mu Sochua, and Mr. Ho Vann, is a way to intimidate and silence opposition critics. It discourages people’s representatives from speaking out critical of government policies. Furthermore, it prevented them from fulfilling their elected roles and responsibilities.

These are the reasons which led to our gathering today:
  1. Cambodia has no real separation of powers, only in theory.
  2. Cambodian National Assembly functions merely as a rubber-stamp institution
  3. Cambodian Courts are systematically biased - NOT an independent body.
  4. Legal professionals are subjected to government intimidation as in the case of MP. Mu Sochua vs. PM Hun Sen.
  5. Journalists and government critics have been jailed or killed while others remain outside the country, convicted in absentia on bogus defamation charges.
  6. Cambodian government has aggressively acted to seal the mouths of its critics and its political oppositions through defamation law.
  7. On-going land evictions have cause severe hardship on Cambodian victims across the country.
  8. International Emergency aids were selectively and intentionally given to only the government’s party members and their families while denying others belonging to an opposition groups (reported on Radio Free Asia).
  9. Stripping immunity from elected members of parliament without any regard for the rights or any concerns of the people whom they represented at their districts.
  10. Political killing and persecution still remain part of the Cambodian government’s back-room policy. One opposition activist has been recently axed to death, while many have fled overseas to escape jail times convicted on defamation charges.
  11. There is an issue with respect to the violation of Cambodian territorial integrity.

1. Reconvene on the signed Paris Peace Accord of 1991.

2. Pressure Cambodian government to respect its international obligations signed under the Paris Peace Accord of 1991.

3. Pressure Cambodian government to end the erosion process of civil liberties by calling for an end to its authoritarian policy and practices.

4. Call for an immediate restoration of immunities to all elected members of the National Assembly: Mr. Sam Rainsy, Mrs. Mu Sochua and Mr. Ho Vann.

5. Take all necessary steps to force for an overhaul to the highly corrupted Cambodian judiciary system. It’s a must, since the court itself has been totally corrupted through a well managed patronage scheme - Reward and Punishment.

6. Call for releases of all imprisoned journalists and an end to political persecution.

7. Condemn the flawed defamation law which has been used unconstitutionally to suppress people’s rights and freedom on issues critical to corruption and government’s improper activities.

8. Call for an end to forced land evictions.

9. Revoke as well as NOT providing Visa entries into the country by any corrupted official, including any human rights violators.

On this day, November 28, 2009 in Washington, DC our nation’s capital, in front of the Royal Cambodian Embassy, we, as participants in this demonstration, with strong belief and conviction to the cause of human freedom and liberties in Cambodia, wish to submit this petition for your utmost attention and consideration.


Anonymous said...

I salute you all from my whole heart. May God helps to save Khmer Nation from pouk ah Chlean Pean and Khnom Kancheas bathCheung Yourn.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for standing for Cambodian victims!

Isn't was Cheam Yeap who peek vidio recording through the window? The government said no official is in the facility. They coward! They lie! Like always.

Anonymous said...

God will not save any nation or save anyone like you who cursing becomes a bad habit like wild dogs fighting.
To defeat your enemy you have to follow King Solomon how he knelt and prayed to God to save and to help him.

You don't just go online then curse all over the place then tell God to help and save you. God does not defend us who are so evils. Right now you are so evil yourself.

Speak to God don't use bath psar languages like ah or me and so on.

You can be punished by God instead of your enemy.

Anonymous said...

That show true khmer spirit of loving khmer I wish I can jiont them but I appreciate all of you for doing the best you can, anyway many more khmer are behind all of you. That mean alot to the enermie viet.

Noboday cantake away khmer spirit, now body can break khmer apart, we are united we stand. God bless all khmer people and opposition party. Victory for Khmer, we can return to the Khmer in 12th century.

Anonymous said...

Vietnamese already broke Khmers apart through their propagandas; and each day I see Khmers cursing each others.

Anonymous said...

The guy hold the sign is former khmer rouge..

Anonymous said...

He's former water buffalo president...

Anonymous said...

this guy looks not more than 30 or 35, he cannot be a former KR, dude.
good for them that they can express their frustration freely in the US.

Anonymous said...

The guy hold the sign looks 50's. He maybe a former KR. Who knows. If he is young, he could be Hun Sen lost son.

Anonymous said...

2:46pm is right! this guy may ate people liver for fun...

Anonymous said...

Either way, he is Khmer who hates Yuon or Khmer who work for Hun Sen. He does look 30's.
I think he eats your cocks 2;58pm.

Anonymous said...

Are you guys talking about the old man cover his face on the right or the young one wearing Temple University sweater? The young guy could have not be Khmer Rough. He probably born after the KR Regime.

But he could be Hun Sen lost or unknown son. Who knows... how many Hun Sen spread his sperms around. He is one of the KR leader.

Bun Rany, this guy is your step son.

Anonymous said...

That guy in Temple Sweater? He is 29 yrs old. I know the guy. He is Sino-Khmer called Chen Kmoa.

Anonymous said...

BRAVO fellow Khmers! You're not only doing this for Khmers abroad but also for those who are deprived of their human rights in Cambodia.

TO THE ADMIN WHO POSTS THE PICTURES: Why don't you smear the faces to protect the people's identities? Just a caring thought ...

Anonymous said...

Did anyone in the protest group take video or photos of the Hanoi agent who videoed the protesters inside the building?

Whoever work for CPP are labeled criminal and subject to be prosecuted according to the law of the new government because they are working for Hanoi, not for Cambodia people.

Anonymous said...

The CPP is coward when facing the truth outside Cambodia. The Embassy is respresenting the Cambodian government. This shows they are not innocent by peeping video recording the protester rather come out face to face confrontation. They are guilty!

Can everyone see the same way?

Anonymous said...

To all,

I appreciate your concerns for our beautiful country and people of Cambodia.

I just have a small thing to contribute, though. Please ALWAYS re-read and proof-read your communique or any written piece documents you want to publish and grammatically correct them first before you would make them public. I've found there are grammatical and structural errors in your communique, which as a result makes it a liitle less professional or official.



Anonymous said...

...piece of documents you want to


Anonymous said...

Stupid Khmers! These pictures of the protesters will be used by Hun Sen secret agents to round up their relatives in Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

I agree with PL (11:46PM) that this statement is very badly written. I just couldn't believe that this comminique was written by Cambodian-American(s). The first paragrah is very poorly composed just like we say in Khmer "Jab Kdam dak Jong ae". Oh, well, the intention was good but; the message is a little screwed up. So what? Right?...

Anonymous said...

3:03AM, Well, let just look at this way, at lease they take action unlike most people rather critics.

Although it was not perfect but I am proud for everyone attending because they don't have too. This shows they really cares. That's very good. Whoever wrote it, thank you for your good intention.

Most people that think they perfect never concerns or dare to take action to help our native country. They are more likely perfect in critising.

Anonymous said...

2:51 most people think like you this why our country is like what it is today. People have to be brave. Freedom is not free.

Anonymous said...

1:46PM and 3:03AM,
We should give them a great of a applaus for doing it unlike most peoople. You should help them to improve if you want to help Cambodia. Maybe they need a good editor like you. More smart and educated people is better. Cambodia is our country and it is all Cambodian people to protect it. I would help if I am smart and educated like you guys.

I will be graduate from high school next year. I will go to University to be highly educated so I can help my country in the future.

Anonymous said...

Those people that criticize your English or Grammar, They are not Khmer. There'll no Khmer will be perfect with English language not evern black and white folks. These people just they to stir up problem between Khmer people. They might be the Viet Cong Online agent or Siamese etc. They alway come with correction=shit.
English is ours second language. Don't be shy to speak your heart out. We sound better than the viet and Siam. It crack me up when they try to say LUNCH FOR YOU LICE= run for your life.
Thanks to those who joint the peaceful protest for the KHMER victim in Cambodia. You're a hero to every true Khmer people.

Anonymous said...

The black khmer dude holding the sign is former wellknown buffalo ridder...

Anonymous said...

I humbly would like to express my sincer
gratitude for everyone who attended the
demonstration. You guys are the doer and
the shining example for every Khmer
throughout the world and the future
generation as well. Your dedication and
sacrify proved that you guys are not
cowards - you guys are an unsunk hero
in my heart.

Khmer K

Anonymous said...

Forget the written mistake. The whole actions is encouraging...

Thank you to everyone those who care about our country by attending the demostration. Your contribution should be recogize through out.

Don't listen to those few critics. They are no good and definitely not worth the thought. They just being sarcastic to make themselve feels better. This type of people can't sleep without crictics or being sarcastic because they know themself is worthless and useless.

Anonymous said...

8:01AM, This guy is a buffalo rider or not doesn't matter. He is Khmer and he have the heart to help Khmer victims in Cambodia.

8:01AM, you probably out drinking somewhere with your hood rats in the ally disturbing the society while this people try to speaks for the victims.

Lena said...

i know the fat man who peep out the window

those employees in cambodian embassy must be fob from cambodia, they still think they are in cambodia---hun sen must send a clear message to them-->never get out when there's a protest, you might get shot, usa has more advance weapons...

after saying all this, that answer my questions why they peep out.

Anonymous said...

TO THE ADMIN WHO POSTS THE PICTURES: Please post more of that SEXY KHMER BABES from North Carolina. Thank you :P

Anonymous said...

we all have to help lay a strong foundation for a true democracy in the cambodian gov't system.

Anonymous said...

11:02AM, I don't think this people scare. If they are afraid they would stay home like half a million other khmer people in the Eastcost region.

For those who attending clearly love Cambodia and try to do something about it. For those who don't care to help; only waite to see and critics.

Thank you again for standing up for our Cambodian victims.