Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Farmers Being Held “hostage” Over Vietnam Border Case: Sam Rainsy

Sam Rainsy’s Letter to the Editor
published in The Cambodia Daily, December 28, 2009


In your article “Defenders’ Project Lawyer Takes On Border Posts Case” (December 26-27, page 13), it’s good to learn that a courageous lawyer has accepted to defend two Svay Rieng province farmers who were charged and detained in prison over their alleged involvement in the uprooting of small border demarcation posts on the border with Vietnam. The charges against Meas Srey and Prum Chea are part of a larger case against SRP President Sam Rainsy.

As specified in previous statements “The Real Court Is in Hanoi” (December 21) http://tinyurl.com/y9p9vla and “Stop State Terrorism in Cambodia” (December 23) http://tinyurl.com/yj6lhll, I take full responsibility for uprooting the six wooden poles from villagers’ rice fields in Svay Rieng province on October 25.

I led villagers to their rice fields and got the controversial poles pulled out. Without my presence, my words and my act nothing would have happened in that village on that day. From a legal and judicial point of view I am the only person to be prosecuted.

Therefore, Meas Srey and Prum Chea are, at best, scapegoats given the authorities cannot reach me while I am abroad. At worst, they are just hostages because their arrest and detention are ways for the authorities to collectively punish the population for having complained about land confiscation associated with border encroachments to their elected representatives. It’s also a way to terrorize the population into stopping exposing an issue that is embarrassing for the government.

Sam Rainsy
Member of Parliament


Anonymous said...

To CPP supporters:
After Youn took all the population land, soon will get to yours and your family land. Think about it!

If you are Khmer you should love Cambodia. Turn your head back now before there's no Cambodia left to defend.

Anonymous said...

Sam Rainsy did this to these villagers. Now he has the audacity to talk so righteously from France. Come back and serve the law that you broke and left these villagers to pay the consequences of your irresponsible actions.

Anonymous said...

No one but Hun Xen, Heng Samrin and Svar Kim Hong broke the law, if there is a law at all in Cambodia. And if there really is, they should be impeached and sent to prey prison or at best hung before the Khmer people for their audacity to make national heritage, treasure and resources their own private estate!

This is why Hun Xen defend Siam Thaksin so hard, because they both are plunderer of their own national heritage for their personal profits. One thief must defend another!

A Khmer civil servant in Kampong Cham said...

Poor Khmer farmers! After having lost their land they are put in jail. These are terrible injustices.

Anonymous said...

CPP members,
10 Khmer families receive 1 hectare but
1 Viet company receive 5000 hectares

You see nothing wrong ?

Anonymous said...

Vietnameses doesn't invest their money in Cambodia but
they take Cambodia,
they swallow Cambodia,
they exploit Cambodia.

CPP members are criminals,
CPP members are traitors.
They should be executed.

Anonymous said...


As quoted " I take full responsibility...."

what part you don't understand? stupid?

you talking like you are HunSen or SokAn or something.

Mater like this, things and steps takes time! He said, he take full responsibility. SO let time take it course and we'll see!

To some people like 12:57AM at this ages, he still need his mom to walk him and guides him.

Anonymous said...

All these five-star sam-ach are the real traitors of Cambodia and Khmer people. They must be recorded as so in our history. Puppets like them never our Khmer interests; they serve the Youns'.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Those farmers deserved to be jailed.
Nobody can break the law and stay free.
Only the overseas Khmers are so stupid to think that they can commit a crime in USA or Canada and get away with it. People in Kandal Khmer know that overseas Khmers are morons. They only know to watch porn and jerk off their tiny dicks.

Khmer in Phnom Penh

Anonymous said...

Don't pronounce the word LAW, neither JUSTICE, CPP members, because everybody will know that you are an idiot.
You should say,
CPP members are thieves,
CPP members are band of idiots,
CPP members are band of traitors.
you betray your country,
you betray your people,
you will be killed exactely like what KR had done to Khmers Lon Nol.

Anonymous said...

Sam Rainsy, you are a coward! If you are brave, come back to Cambodia and fight for those poor people. Why hide in France and let those people go to jail for your stupid action. If you made a mistake, take responsibility, not hide and let other people bear the punishment for your stupid ass.

Anonymous said...

"You will be killed.
3:12AM "

We have asked the KI Media staff to send your IP address to the FBI.
The FBI takes very serious online threat to kill other people. You will be investigated for making a terrorist threat.

Khmers in Phnom Penh

Anonymous said...

3:19AM, I don't see 3:12AM commens as threat. Your commens is more of a threat! Idiot! If you can't comprehen your reading don't pretend you understand..... And stop pretending you are in Phnom Penh.

Anonymous said...

3:19AM "you will be kill" is not a life threatening but just a wish. Wishing is not a crime in the real democratic country.

Anonymous said...

Dear KI,
Please review 3:19AM commens. Such commens should not be post to threat our beloved KI fans. This can be misleading information or your fan can have wrong thoughts of your site. Also I urge and anticipate you to write another statements to clearify everyone that such action is not true. If it is, you also must inform your fans. Thanks! You guys have done a great job....

Best regards,


My Community Networking said...

May be it is time to think outside the square, by listning to the majority members and supporters and not just listen to a few inner cirle before acting. It's not nice to get supporters behind bars at all time. Learn how to bark on the right tree will accomplish the mission and achieve the popularity.

Anonymous said...

Viets take Angkorwat,
Viets take Tonlesap,
Viets take more than half of Cambodia lands,
Viets slaves govern Cambodia.

We are already killed.

Anonymous said...

com back to where???????????????
Oh!com back to Hun Zen I mean(Ah
khvak)country?and to see what? to see ah khvak law? ចំជាឆ្កួតមែនអាឡប់នេះ


Anonymous said...


Under the Patriot Act, KI Media is obligated to report online threats to the FBI. If you don't threaten anyone, there is nothing to worry about. If you did, it is time to consult with a lawyer.

Khmer Law student in USA

Visothpidor said...

The only threat I can see us the one made by 3:19!
This is a forum for readers to state their opinions and concerns! It's ridiculous how 3:19 is making something out if nothing!
So here is my opinion on the situation!
The farmers in Svay reing have not committed any crime, they are protecting their property from being swallowed by the greedy Yuons! Sam Rainsy and all MPs were trying to speak up against and fight for the villagers who are being victimized again because of the CPP/Viet installed dictatorship! The only people who should be jailed and trailed are Ah Hun Sen, Ah Heng Samrin, Ah Chea Sim And all other traitorous politicians! Svay Reing court is a joke, so they should also be on trail, they infer the laws of the country to best suit their own agenda!
A couple of you are asking Sam rainsy to come back and to stand trail and be judge by this corrupt government, is there any logic in that? A system that is so flawed and corrupt, how can anyone get a fair trail! Plus, he did nothing wrong, he merely stood up and fought for these villagers! Mr. Sam Rainsy is our only chance of having democracy, so he must stay alive to fight another day!

Anonymous said...

Hey LADYBOY 3:19AM,,,Seems like you getting paranoid huh?. You should go hang around at Phnom Penh street to be picked up by the Viets agent and let them fuck your faggot ass until your paranoids are gone ok. No FBI agent will serve your commie ass.

Anonymous said...

Let simply ask the question are all the boarder posts between Vietnam and Cambodia are posted accurately?
Can we have a nutural parties like each countries signatured to the 1991 Paris agreement as board committee witness to boarder against veitname and Thailand? Once we determine if the demarcation is accurate or fault. And the country that encroaches fixed the boarder posts. Then Sam rainsy can answer to the court.
But it clear the the CPP Hun Sen government is not interested in boarder problem with Vietnam. But are only interested in Boader problem with Thailand, why?

IF Hun Sen lost any of our boarder to our neighbour Thailand or Vietnam which is most likely. Then he should be remove from his post as Prime minister and face the court, this is more significant the issue faced with Sam rainsy.

We should have leader or Prime minister who is concerns and are determine to protect our boarder and the people lived inside it.

Anonymous said...

Cambodian farmers have every rights to protect their farm land, and MP Sam Rainsy party have their rights to protect Cambodian territorial integrity. The only threats we have seen is from Mr. Hun Sen to Mr. Sam Rainsy to put him in jail. This is obviously the personal threat from the PM to the members of opposition party. Who can show us that the dispute area is legally the border makers of khmer/Vietnam ? If no one can proof that, then Mr. Sam Rainsy and other farmers had committed NO CRIME. Beside, Mr. Sam Raisy and other farmers should file law suits against the PM and Vietnam govt for personally threatening and causing all of those issues. If they wanted to go by the rule, then by all means face them with the rules of law.