10 December 2009
My parliamentary immunity was removed by the National Assembly on 16 November 2009 for the second time this year and only five months after the immunity of two other opposition lawmakers, Ms. Mu Sochua and Mr. Ho Van, was removed. The National Assembly is not independent and effectively “rubber stamps” political decisions made by the Cambodian People’s Party and Prime Minister Hun Sen. It spends its time doing this instead of defending the interests of the nation and the interests of the ordinary Khmer people such as poor and vulnerable farmers who are losing their vital rice fields and other farmland to the rich and powerful.
Worth noting are the following points concerning the rights of Members of Parliament as stipulated in Article 80 of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Cambodia:
His Majesty King Father Norodom Sihanouk has shown His concern for the situation in Cambodia’s provinces bordering Vietnam. Reacting to a report I submitted to Him on 7 November 2009 about Cambodian farmers losing their land because of border encroachments by the Vietnamese authorities in Svay Rieng province, the Retired King wrote to Prime Minister Hun Sen asking for an examination of the information and evidence I had exposed on the issue.
Rather than respond in an appropriate way to the King Father, the Hun Sen government reacted by undemocratically removing my parliamentary immunity in order to prosecute me because I dared raise an important national issue that is embarrassing for the prime minister.
At his 16 November 2009 press conference, Mr. Var Kim Hong, Advisor to the Royal Government in Charge of State Border Affairs, made two important points:
According to the Constitution, I have the full right to perform my functions as an elected representative of the people. I am entitled to speak freely and to enjoy parliamentary immunity privileges. In any event, I have committed no crime.
Once again, the government of Cambodia is using the courts which are well known to be its political tool, to silence government critics and, in particular, to suppress the voice and rights of the opposition. They can purport to remove my parliamentary immunity. They will not silence me.
In his address to the UN Human Rights Council on 26 September 2009, the UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General for human rights in Cambodia said that the government had used prosecutors and judges, while pretending to uphold their independence, to intimidate or punish critics. He stated that the government had applied the law selectively and that its supporters had enjoyed immunities from the civil and criminal process for blatant breaches of the law.
I call on the international community to question the political commitment of the Cambodian government led by Mr. Hun Sen to the rule of law and to judicial reforms. I call on the donor community to condemn Cambodia's National Assembly for lacking the political will to protect the rights of all Members of Parliament and for failing to defend the independence of this institution whose primary role is to serve the people it represents and to uphold the most fundamental principles of human rights and democracy.
The alleged crimes of the opposition lawmakers all stem from our service and accountability to the people and our public expression of opinions that are seen as a serious challenge to the power of the CPP, the party in power.
As my colleagues, I am only a representative, a spokesman and a messenger for countless victims of abuses and injustice. I am only saying aloud the many things are going wrong in this country. I hold grave fears for the future of Cambodia.
By condemning me through the undemocratic and farcical removal of my parliamentary immunity, the National Assembly serves to condemn the people of Cambodia to further oppression and the failure of democracy.
Sam Rainsy
Member of Parliament
Worth noting are the following points concerning the rights of Members of Parliament as stipulated in Article 80 of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Cambodia:
- Members of Parliament shall have parliamentary immunity.
- No Member of Parliament shall be prosecuted, detained or arrested because of opinions expressed during the exercise of his or her duties.
- The National Assembly Standing Committee merely complied with a request by the Ministry of Justice to remove our immunity without conducting its own investigation into the charges against us. In doing so, the Standing Committee showed that it is a mere tool of the Executive Branch.
- The National Assembly voted in a closed-door session to strip me of my immunity in a clearly undemocratic process.
- Local and national press, foreign diplomats, and other observers were refused entry into the National Assembly during the vote so as to avoid public scrutiny.
- To date, I have not seen any official documents related to the charges which have supposedly been brought against me by the Svay Rieng Provincial Court.
- On 26 October 2009, MP Son Chhay wrote to the President of the National Assembly recommending that a parliamentary committee be formed with MPs from all political parties with seats in Parliament to investigate land conflicts in Svay Rieng province. This request is in accordance with the Internal Rules of the National Assembly. To date, the request has not been met.
- On 13 November 2009, 15 opposition MPs from the SRP wrote to the President of the National Assembly requesting the postponement of the removal of my immunity scheduled for 16 November. The request was officially denied on 15 November.
His Majesty King Father Norodom Sihanouk has shown His concern for the situation in Cambodia’s provinces bordering Vietnam. Reacting to a report I submitted to Him on 7 November 2009 about Cambodian farmers losing their land because of border encroachments by the Vietnamese authorities in Svay Rieng province, the Retired King wrote to Prime Minister Hun Sen asking for an examination of the information and evidence I had exposed on the issue.
Rather than respond in an appropriate way to the King Father, the Hun Sen government reacted by undemocratically removing my parliamentary immunity in order to prosecute me because I dared raise an important national issue that is embarrassing for the prime minister.
At his 16 November 2009 press conference, Mr. Var Kim Hong, Advisor to the Royal Government in Charge of State Border Affairs, made two important points:
- the border posts [I pulled out] are temporary markings of the border line (moreover, Mr. Trinh Ba Cam, a spokesman for the Vietnamese Embassy in Phnom Penh, was quoted in The Cambodia Daily, 2 November, as specifying, “The wooden posts [Sam Rainsy is accused of having pulled out] were not official markings for the border”);
- the posts were on villagers' land [which is their private and legal property].
“All persons, individually or collectively, shall have the right to ownership. Only Khmer legal entities and citizens of Khmer nationality shall have the right to own land.The villagers/owners of the farm land were neither consulted nor were they advised of the confiscation of or trespassing on their land. In accordance with the Constitution, the villagers in Samraong commune are the legal owners of their rice fields. The "temporary" border demarcation posts were planted in their lands without their consent in contravention of the Constitution. They therefore have the right to bring their concerns to their elected representatives, to seek legal action and to seek financial compensation.
Legal private ownership shall be protected by law. The right to confiscate possessions from any person shall be exercised only in the public interest as provided for under law and shall required fair and just compensation in advance.”
According to the Constitution, I have the full right to perform my functions as an elected representative of the people. I am entitled to speak freely and to enjoy parliamentary immunity privileges. In any event, I have committed no crime.
Once again, the government of Cambodia is using the courts which are well known to be its political tool, to silence government critics and, in particular, to suppress the voice and rights of the opposition. They can purport to remove my parliamentary immunity. They will not silence me.
In his address to the UN Human Rights Council on 26 September 2009, the UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General for human rights in Cambodia said that the government had used prosecutors and judges, while pretending to uphold their independence, to intimidate or punish critics. He stated that the government had applied the law selectively and that its supporters had enjoyed immunities from the civil and criminal process for blatant breaches of the law.
I call on the international community to question the political commitment of the Cambodian government led by Mr. Hun Sen to the rule of law and to judicial reforms. I call on the donor community to condemn Cambodia's National Assembly for lacking the political will to protect the rights of all Members of Parliament and for failing to defend the independence of this institution whose primary role is to serve the people it represents and to uphold the most fundamental principles of human rights and democracy.
The alleged crimes of the opposition lawmakers all stem from our service and accountability to the people and our public expression of opinions that are seen as a serious challenge to the power of the CPP, the party in power.
As my colleagues, I am only a representative, a spokesman and a messenger for countless victims of abuses and injustice. I am only saying aloud the many things are going wrong in this country. I hold grave fears for the future of Cambodia.
By condemning me through the undemocratic and farcical removal of my parliamentary immunity, the National Assembly serves to condemn the people of Cambodia to further oppression and the failure of democracy.
Sam Rainsy
Member of Parliament
Sam Rainsy is so.........stupid to take the law in his own hands. He deserves the shits from HunSen.
expect nothing from the assassins. Better to defend yourself and impose your rules or replace your urles over those of these assassins instead
F*ck you CPP slave 11:44. The fact is clear: Without Sam Rainsy around, it is the Cambodians people who will get the shit from Ah Hun Sh*t. Just very recently, people who served in his national army came to ask for the generous intervention from the big Shitty HunSh*t about their displacement from their land that is being awarded to a YOUN company, but HunSh*t ordered his police to remove those protesters from his premises. So is that the shit that you CPP slave wants the Cambodians to "deserve"? F*ck you asshole. You should present your asshole to Ah Hun Sh*t so that he can poke it with his middle finger. Lol. Mr. Sam Rainsy protect the Cambos, fool.
Mr. Sam Raingsy, before you get help from others, you need first do your home work.
I don't belong to any parties in Cambodia, however, I envy the need to leadership change in Cambodia. No countries in the world, except dictatorship countries, where leaders are allowed stay in power for 30 years. Judging from Hun Sen performance, I believe Cambodians are tired of seeing Hun Sen's face as leader for continuously 30 years already. If Hun Sen has conscience he should conduct a fair election without resorting to fraud to gain power. After 30 years in power he and his cronies amassed billions and billions of U.S. dollars via corruption. What's more do he wants?
you create 50 plus one....now your turn...cpp...do not need you...to vote in congress...."dom ress cheess koor..engggggg...." how ever your action on the border is worst to support it....so stand up...stop running like a dogggggggg
12:39 AM
Don't act so..........stupid like Sam Rainsy. He had his time and opportunity, but he lost. Let's move on, and where is the new generation of Cambodian leaders? Are you one of them?
1:48, I what? I act what, you stupid mather f*cker! Lol. If anyone needs to move on it is you b/c you need to move back inside your mama's stinkhole. Why you need to look for a new generation of leaders for since you are already bought into Ah Hun Sen's Patronage System? You are born ah Hun Sen's slave so you must not be trying to entertain yourself with the free thought of leadership. Just continue being a slave, ah Ngorb Chhab. Lol.
If I was Sam Rainsy I would boycott the National Assembly. He should know by now that Opposition parties are just tools used by Hun Sen to show to the world that Cambodia is a true democratic country as it has election and multiple parties do exist, and as such Hun Sen can convince donor countries to continuously provide aids for his survival. But in reality, Cambodia is autocratic rule.
Quoting Mr. Sam Rainsy: "They will not silence me. According to the Constitution, I have the full right to perform my functions as an elected representative of the people. I am entitled to speak freely and to enjoy parliamentary immunity privileges. In any event, I have committed no crime. [My]
service and accountability [are] to the people.... I am only a representative, a spokesman and a messenger for countless victims of abuses and injustice. I hold grave fears for the future of Cambodia."
There's a saying: Don't shoot the messenger. If Mr. Sam Rainsy points out some areas of concerns, then please go check them out, but do not ever abuse his immunity status. Thank you. May God bless Mr. Sam Rainsy, his family, he endeavors, and his beloved Cambodia and the Cambodian people. Mr. Sam Rainsy shows and teach the people of Cambodia to not seek any of the divine interventions but to be assertive and have the will to confront the injustice and oppression blocking their destiny.
I think the Youn raped your stinking mother and you were born to become a bastardized moron. So go jack off to entertain yourself and let the adults figure out how to fight for Cambodia, OK?
You're welcome!
2:31 AM
Bravo, straight and simple to the point for 2:01 AM. He is either brain dead or no brain.
2:31 and 2:47, you mama's pussies are so loose that even a horse ignore her. Thank you very much.Lol.
Please forgive 2:01AM/3:02AM for his crude comments. I know him and his family.
Khmer Rouge killed his father and his mother was gang-raped by 20 Youns. He suffered too much and became mentally unstable.
Stop this useless ill childish harassment
Yeh, stop it or 4:00AM will hold his breath until he turns blue.
Go back to your Mama, 4:00AM. She's calling you!
This Cambodian democratic lunatic practice dirty regime will be passing on to generations to come. No one can help it if Cambodia can’t help itself! Sam Rainsy can’t do it alone if no cooperation from the govt.
it looks like no other strong, respectable opposiotion leaders would come up to oppose hun sen.
Oppression, threatening, intimidation, silencing and carry out killing opponents are very undemocratic world. No one dare to challenge the tyrant until the doom’s day has come.
If we can't kill each other, then who can we kill? That is the khmer mentality. We treat foreigners better than we treat our own people.
បើភាបរទេសគេនិយាយថាសមរង្សីគឺ(Fucking stupid asshole scare own his people)SO ALL HIS Fellow fucking stupid!Just fucking talk from outside(Dog just barking,but never bitten)
Hun's final day will come!
I would like to see Sam Rainsy and Hun Sen defend their political agenda in a boxing match. Maybe then, Mr. strongman Hun Sen wouldn't be so strong. Sam Rainsy will defeat Mr. Hun Sen in 60 seconds or less. I bet my money on Mr. Sam Rainsy.
ចុះអាងាប់ ៦:៥៣អេអិម ខ្ញុំកញ្ជះដាច់ថ្លែយួនឯង បើ
គ្រាន់បើម៉េចក៏សុខចិត្តនៅតែធ្វើ ខ្ញុំកញ្ជះដាច់ថ្លែយួន
របស់យួនអញ្ជឹង អាងាប់?
6:53 AM
Shit dog of A Hun shit! and Viet communist! Your day is out number!
Someday I will go to f!ck all of your children and your f!cking head just for a change! Your brain Dammer than your holes. Do you youn slaver think you can fool the whole world? I think you can fool only your kinds, that are so stupid and the scum of this planet! GO TO HELL WITH A Hok LongDY!
All Khmers,
A armed uprising is the only one way to root these Hanoi's monkeys out of Cambodia, and freed khmer people from Vietnamisation.
A Non-Violence cannot succeed with the 100,000 Hanoi's occupation troops still hiding in Hun Sen's army uniforms.
The best place to talk about the laws and regulations, is in the court house. We will see if all Samrainsy' statements could make sense or not in front of the real lawers.
The best place to talk about the laws and regulations, is in the court house. We will see if all Samrainsy' statements could make sense or not in front of the real lawers.
8:22 and 8:23 AM,
Get lost you SOB; ទៅងាប់ទៅអាចុយម្រ៉ាយ!
8:22 and 8:23 AM,
What is the real laws you're talking about? Your Vietcong Master Laws or your jungle laws?
That's right! Get lost you idiot!
So in Cambodia there is no real lawer? it's only Samrainsy who knows the laws? I read his background, he did not from law school, dude.
CPP and Hun Sen should learn to take critique better, This is the role of the opposition is to voice the people concerns.
The role of the government is to investigate those concerns of it people. An put in place policies which mitigate and elimate current and future issues.
Clearly the CPP government is not following and methodology is resolving the ROOT CAUSE but act on the person whom inform them of the problem the cambodia people is facing.
That is loosing land to Thailand, and in the BACKGROUND to Vietnam. In the forground force LAND eviction.
Until now there is no SOLID solutions to any of the problems face by Cambodian.
Fuck Sam Rainsy, you guys think he's all that cuz he's the opposition. This fucker is corrupt too, when he was the minister of finance, he siphoned 3 Million Dollars from the government on a project that involved a few people. Ask him yourselves and see if he owns up to being corrupt and taking 3 Mil from the government when he was the Minister of Finance, before he got expelled. Ask him. Ah Sam Rainsy, ah joy mray, i dare you to tell the truth. Ah Chker. Ah Kbot Jeat, this fucking party even want to reveal our military secrets to the stupid Thai people when our country is about to go to war. Ah Kbot Jeat.
Find out the problem is a good thing, but solving the problem is the best way to do. In this case, do you have any sugestions to solve the problem?
Ah kwack's gov. are slave to ah youn. He doesn't serve khmer people at all, everyone know that. So, what is the problem?
Please human rights of the world help people khmer.
"Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth." - Buddha
Extrait Sihanouk
Culture Revolution - Public execution & Impact
Please, UNHCR take care of my people khmer krom,and of our Planet.
9:52 AM
What planet are you coming from? UNHCR? The United States pays 22% of UN annual budget every year. The USA is broke financially and thanks to our Lord Obama. Do you think the UN will come to rescue Cambodia? They did a fucking lousy job in 1993 election.
Yes,10:09AM I think that UN is in action to rescue my Country,khmer.If you have some more idear or question write to UN Judges in Phnom Penh ok!
10:39AM I'm coming From my Khmer Empire!If you want to know where it is,you can search in Google Earth.
1:34AM, I'm the same you.I support your commemts 150%.
The leader of Cambodia (Hun Sen) and the CPP party consist of corrupt individuals who have a low education. They think they are smarter than everyone else but they are total fools that are subservient to another government. When the world's economic advisers were warning of a bleak outlook for the world economy, Hun Sen declared the economy of Cambodia to be in really good shape. Either this man is stupid or is corrupt or both. When you lease land for 99 years to a company and allow them to destroy the resources of your country for a short term monetary gain, it can only mean two things. Either you are stupid because you don't think of long term consequences or you are corrupt..
The majority of intellectuals that existed before the Khmer Rouge took over were killed or escaped to or lived in the US/France/Australia/etc. I hope someday they begin a migration back to Cambodia and build a middle class society there. I have many Cambodian friends who have degrees (some doctorates) from great institutions such as Harvard and Yale. Some of them are medical doctors and many of them are engineers. They could do a lot of good in Cambodia but the current climate doesn't allow this. If only yhe leadership saw this.. Look at Israel. Their country did not even exist more than 70 years ago. They have great institutions (Technion), real democratic elections and a middle class! What was going on? They created a climate that welcomed back the intellectuals whom were persecuted during WWII..
Hun Sen, if you or your people read this. Wake up! You're not smart enough to run a country. Go back into the jungle you Khmer rouge dog..
It will be quite an interesting debate match between Rainsy and Sen. I too bet on Sam Rainsy because he is an intellectual but as for Sen he needs a million advisors to help him come out with an solution to any issues. Lol.
When Sam Rainsy is out of Cambodia for a long time, Kem Sokha is happy or unhappy?
For me, it's not about win or lose the debate, it's rather about who can realize about what she or he says. I'm better with someone who lost the debate, but did realize a lot of thing to help poor people.
10:09 AM,
Communist loves Communist, and you are Communist do too. So OB is your fucking Lord; so what makes Larry Sinclair be? They both were fucking and BJ before, then Larry Sinclair is Lord too, right?
Kem Sokha is a mystery man. He came out form nowhere then he is now millionnaire. He is in Hanoi's expansionism games without knwoing it. Watch closely.
Read this idiot 8:20 AM wrote:
"All Khmers,
A armed uprising is the only one way to root these Hanoi's monkeys out of Cambodia, and freed khmer people from Vietnamisation.
A Non-Violence cannot succeed with the 100,000 Hanoi's occupation troops still hiding in Hun Sen's army uniforms."
You should comedown to Cambodia and lead the troop "Kab Yuon". Is it how you are going to use against Ah Yuon who have a million men soldiers? You just want Khmers to be all killed by ah Yuon so ah Yuon can easily take Cambodia through their huge population.
Look at Laos. Laos have less than 5 million population and the real Laos may be a little than a million but the rest are Yuon. More Yuon means Laos belongs to Yuon. So you want to use ancient strategy to kab Yuon? Good then come down and lead us. Let see if the US and China say something or just label Khmers as always BARBARIANS lack of diplomacy.
You should preach for KHmers to take charge on Khmer economy on Khmers' Temples, on Khmers' oil instead of doing stupid thing that would cost our lives.
Without Sam Rainsy, Hun Sen will not last another ten years. But with Sam Rainsy continues to be the head of opposition, Hun Sen will last at least another twenty years.
Yuon strategy is to send more Yuon to KKK to oust KK's population, to Laos so to oust Laos's population, now to Cambodia ready to oust Khmers' population. We must not follow our same past defeat killing each others by Yuon behind.
We need more population to keep our country safe.
To some who may want to read the facts about Kampuchea Krom. Read Paul Boudet.
"This to my Khmer brother, sisters in Kampuchea Krom.
I just finished reading this Bulletin wrote by Paul Boudet in 1942 about Kampuchea Krom. The history traced back from the year 1679 AD. According to the history wrote by Paul Boudet, it seemd that Chinese immigrants and Yuon were fighting for KKK, but then Yuon kept sending Yuon from North to South, so Chinese lost.
May be million Khmer Krom mixed with Chinese and we thought they mixed with Yuon. It seems that Yuon took KKK for a long times ago since 1600's. But when French came the named of Khmer villages were kept the same as in an ancient times. After French defeated in 1946 French signed and gave KKK to Yuon in 1949 agreed by the US, because the US wanted to use KKK as its military base.
The Title is:
III. La conquête de la Cochinchine par les Nguyen et le role des emigres chinois Bulletin de l'Ecole Française Extrême-Orient, Annee 1942, Volume 42, Numero 1
p. 115 - 132
Readers don't fuss with me, I only read from the bulletin of Paul Boudet and translated a little bit from French to English to share with you."
Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime had committed:
Mass Murder
Crimes Against Humanity
Force Labour
Overwork to Death
Human Abuses
Unlawful Detention
Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime had committed:
Attempted Murders
Attempted Murder on Chea Vichea
Attempted Assassinations
Attempted Assassination on Sam Rainsy
Assassinated Journalists
Assassinated Political Opponents
Assassinated Leaders of the Free Trade Union
Assassinated over eighty members of Sam Rainsy Party.
"But as of today, over eighty members of my party have been assassinated. Countless others have been injured, arrested, jailed, or forced to go into hiding or into exile."
Sam Rainsy LIC 31 October 2009 - Cairo, Egypt
Executed members of FUNCINPEC Party
Murdered Chea Vichea
Murdered Ros Sovannareth
Murdered Hy Vuthy
Murdered Khim Sambo
Murdered Khim Sambo's son
Murdered members of Sam Rainsy Party.
Murdered activists of Sam Rainsy Party
Murdered Innocent Men
Murdered Innocent Women
Murdered Innocent Children
Killed Innocent Khmer Peoples.
Extrajudicial Execution
Grenade Attack
Drive by Shooting
Police Brutality Against Monks
Police Brutality Against Evictees
Death Threats
Human Abductions
Human Abuses
Human Rights Abuses
Human Trafficking
Drugs Trafficking
Under Age Child Sex
Illegal Arrest
Illegal Mass Evictions
Illegal Land Grabbing
Illegal Firearms
Illegal Logging
Illegal Deforestation
Illegally use of remote detonation on Sokha Helicopter, while Hok Lundy and other military officials were on board.
Illegally Sold State Properties
Illegally Removed Parliamentary Immunity of Parliament Members
Plunder National Resources
Acid Attacks
Turn Cambodia into a Lawless Country.
Steal Votes
Bring Foreigners from Veitnam to vote in Cambodia for Cambodian People's Party.
Use Dead people's names to vote for Cambodian People's Party.
Disqualified potential Sam Rainsy Party's voters.
Abuse the Court as a tools for CPP to send political opponents and journalists to jail.
Abuse of Power
Abuse the Laws
Abuse the National Election Committee
Abuse the National Assembly
Violate the Laws
Violate the Constitution
Violate the Paris Accords
Unlawful Detention
Death in custody.
Under the Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime, no criminals that has been committed crimes against journalists, political opponents, leaders of the Free Trade Union, innocent men, women and children have ever been brought to justice.
"All Khmers,
A armed uprising is the only one way to root these Hanoi's monkeys out of Cambodia, and freed khmer people from Vietnamisation.
A Non-Violence cannot succeed with the 100,000 Hanoi's occupation troops still hiding in Hun Sen's army uniforms."
I will give free coffins to those foolish enough to rise up against the Youn. Tell your mother to plan for your funeral now.
Why the caller doesn't tie himself with suicide bombers instead of calling too many?
Yuon and Chinese are all Chinese and they both are evils. Just pray God that mother nature will destory them.
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