Friday, December 18, 2009

Sam Rainsy will not show up to the Svay Rieng kangaroo court for clarification

17 Dec 2009
By Sok Serey
Radio Free Asia
Translated from Khmer by Socheata
Click here to read the article in Khmer

Opposition leader Sam Rainsy, who is currently in France, told RFA over the phone on Friday morning that he will not show up in court to provide clarification as summoned by the Svay Rieng provincial court.

Sam Rainsy was charged by the Svay Rieng provincial court of destroying public properties and racial discrimination after he pulled out border stakes in Svay Rieng. Local villagers accused Vietnam of moving the border into Cambodian territories.


Anonymous said...

Such fucken coward Mr. Xam Run Shit...This is the nature of you asshole and also the fucking gene/trait of all SRP members.


Thes Meas said...

Just as I thought, Mr Sam Rainsy is a coward and also he betrayed all the people he incited to commit the destruction of property. So now all these people he incited will suffer and he will live in luxury in France.

Anonymous said...

Sam Rainsy is right, kangaroo court just trial on kangaroo animal and you, Sam Rainsy, is a kangaroo.

Don't be upset yourself boy rainsy

Anonymous said...

shut the fuck up Ah Kim [youn] language[khmermeas] motherfucker Youn thug.

Anonymous said...

Sam Ransy very right on this matter.

Anonymous said...

The sway rieng court is ah kantorp court.A true khmer will never bow to such a low life shit court ever.Go to hell all ah kbot cheat.

Anonymous said...

Why would he show up to face judgement from a one sided judiciary system, that only plays favor to Hun sen and the corrupted ccp party. The judiciary system in Cambodia is unacceptable to even the most undeveloped country!

Anonymous said...

He can't get a fair trial from the courts in Cambodia, so who in their right mind would want to be judge by a bunch of idiots who blindly pledge allegiance to ccp party/hun sen. The courts do not exercise logical and rational reasoning, which means no chance of getting a fair trail!

Srey khmer said...

What destruction of property? When objects such as wooden poles are put on my property, I have the right to remove it! The bloodsucking Youns already took so much land from us, we can't allow them to take anymore! Champa no longer exist, you want Cambodia to be extinct also! All Khmer needs to unite and fight along with patriotic leaders, such as Sam rainsy! We have to fight against the Viet installed Cambodian communist party, who have betrayed the people of Cambodia! The ccp are leading us towards extinction!

Anonymous said...

Sam Rainsy never win in any court, we still remember that he loss court case to Hor Nam Hong in Paris. He is kangaroo

Anonymous said...

Hey 3:10 pm Only a dumb fuck like you will walk into that trap. Its a booby trap court you dumb fuck.

Anonymous said...

That is the dog style.. run run run... dog Siam Run Z..

Anonymous said...

I knew very well. He is a very selfish and desprate man. He's out of job for along time, even his own families and relatives don't want him around. He's trying anything he could to get by. He's tryig so hard to make Akvack Hun Xen trust him, but even AKvack Hun Xen is smart enough not to give him a job, even blow job and licking Bun Rany pussy. Ahahaha....!

Sireang Som said...

Leader means direct his followers to achieve the goals of the team. Good leader is always with his peoples to help his peoples but in case of Sam Rainsy, is always run away if he himself facing problem.

We can ask ourselves, is Sam Rainsy can be good leader? the obvious answer is not. We are Cambodian won't trust him, he can run away from us at any time as hold two passport.

Anonymous said...

Poor, you implore Vietnamese dog to be a dog of Vitenamese dog and you are not accepted. I will kill myself instead.

Anonymous said...

Khmer rouges killed Khmers.

CPP impresons Khmers.

Without Sam Rainsy Khmers will be Vietnameses for ever.

Good luck Khmers.

Anonymous said...

Sam Raingsy must not go to that court.
There is no justice in Cambodia.
Justice is created to jail poor people and opposition party members only.
Justice is a tool to serve Vietnameses only.

Anonymous said...

Mr.Sam Rainsy he is a brave man i Cambodia and all of our Khmer new generation should learn from him.

Since 1975 we still don't have any court system in Cambdoia and from 1979 untill now we should call YOUN court and Hun Sen and henchement court.

Since 1993 untill now we are very shy that our Khmer country don't have any court system yet.

Many of Khmer Studens and lawyers they have been learning and listen only Hun Sen law. (How they are going to do after Hun Sen die?.

We shuld do the campaign to all of our Khmer people and tell them that, we also should create the new law new court system and we all should respect that new law.

Spean TEP

Anonymous said...

Cambodia must change.

Cambodia must not give lands to Vietnam.

Cambodians must not work for Vietnam like CPP.

Sam Raingsy can help Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Is there anything new with the coward Rainsy, beside running and take refuse in Paris?

He wants to be a leader, but never want to do what a true leader does - leading their supporters by courage and confront the danger with brave heart.

In a country like Cambodia, no ruler will ever hand over to him the power peacefully.

President Aquino of Philipine did not topple Marcos by running away, neither Nelson Mandela of South Africa, and many more leaders.

Sam Rainsy is a social activist, but not a leader for running a country. Let's vote him out and find a new a leader that can free the country from Hanoi. I am convinced that there many more Khmers in the country or outside the country who better fit for the job than the aging Rainsy.

Anonymous said...

You so idiot vote yourselft out of here. What he did is right.. No matter what even if he is right ... They never let him win..they do anything to get him out of their business... At least he try his best. Unike you just wasting time writing junk about other..useless..

Anonymous said...

Only an idiot like you would support a loser. You are supporting him because you don't have courage to do anything else, just like him a coward!

A true nationalist would work for the nation, not for an individual - be it Hun Sen or Sam Rainsy.

If an individual does not have what it takes to free our country from Hanoi, then we are compelled to chose a new leader. Why does it have to be Sam Rainsy? Are you trying to groom up another dictator under your fake democracy?

Anonymous said...

I'm Rambo, I take law into my own hands...

Xam Rainxy.

Anonymous said...

To those above that called Sam Rainsy a coward, you are a true Youn slave and was educated by your Hanoi master. It is a shame to calling yourself Khmer to speak out against a man who is trying to save Khmer's land. Idiot like that is the reason why Hun Sen is still able to win an election again and again. After Hun Sen in power for thirty years and Khmer still considered to be the poorest country in the world, how can you all so stupid enough to support him? This is what you call a true "frogs in the pond". You idiots need to open up your small tiny brain and look at the world around you. A true independent Democracy country should be self sustain not realizing on international donations like Cambodia. Being a frog, you all need to jump higher out of that tiny pond to do more investigation if are you really supporting the right leader like Hun Sen.

Anonymous said...

People supporting opposition is to oppose the tyrant, Hun Sen's government.

People support SRP because there's no opposition are worth the time and effort. What opposition have had help more victims then SRP? None! Most are afraid even to stand up for themself to oppose CPP. Nevermind helping others.....

Speaking about the Cambodia court are pathetic. There's no justice! It's all under CPP controle. The result are obvious. Make no sense if Mr. Sam Rainsy show up. He is too mart for that.

Anonymous said...

9:24PM - We all know along time ago that Hun Sen's regime is corrupted and controlled by Hanoi. No question about that.

The important thing for all of us is what we are doing about it? How do we turn thing around and free our country from Hanoi?

Mr. Rainsy did some excellent work and I thank him for that. However, we need to do more, and to do more we need a new leader with a new vision and approach.

I stand by what I said before - a true nationalist works for the nation, not for a particualr individual.

Anonymous said...

Youns are evrywhere in Cambodia, even in this blog. They blindfold Khmers and observe us fight each other. They stand and laugh at us and enjoy more land. We, Khmers,young and old must understand this or at least believe it. It's not hard to understand at all. It doesn't ned to have a PhD to undestand this. Just use our five senses (common sense). Everything is not about Sam Raingsy and Hun Sen. It's about Youns and Khmers, don't you see that? Yers, it's true that there are so many Kmhers who are brainshed by Youns. It's sad. We need to be very careful and try our best to protect Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Roar like a lion in a hotel room in Paris, but run like a chicken in the battleground.

I am just an average guy. Please tell me how you can stand up to Hanoi with that kind of leadership.

Anonymous said...

There he go again. Mr. Sam Rainsy if you don't respect Cambodian law, don't respect the court, don't respect the government, then you shouldn't do politic in Cambodia. It is better for you to stay in Franch and don't beg Hun Sen to allow you back home again. The last time you beg Hun Sen to allow you back home, but you never learn your lesson and get yourself in trouble again, thinking that no one can do anything to you since you are an MP. Now you got scare an run away like a coward again, and let those poor people who trusted you to suffer for you. This is a repeat tragedy. How many people die because of stupidity of their leaders such as Rannarith and Sam Rainsy.

Enough is enough, if you are so strong and so brave, face the court, and willing to go to jail like Mandela, Martin Luther King, and Ghandi. All of them stand their ground and willing to go to jail many times.

But not for you Mr. Sam, you ran away every time. And later will beg Hun Sen for forgiveness.
You did this many times already.

You can only scam the fools. Those who know history disgusted with your cowardic behaviors.

Anonymous said...

If all khmer support this man, he can bring the kangaroo court and kangaroo government down.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Sam Raingsy is a free person, but until today he never condemned the Thai government about Preah Vihear Temple case. He miss the great opportunaty for his political future in Cambodia.
I don't think, he is the right person able can bring the Hun Sen government down.

Anonymous said...

Sam Rainsy is finished. He's almost sixty years old now. He was not a brave man to confront HS in the past, why would anyone think he will be in the future?

Khmer people, please suggest or select a new oppositon leader so that the real fight can start to kick yuons out of Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Ha! Ha! Ha!

A few of Kim Sokha dog and puppet of Hun Sen they have been trying to bark.

No way man all of our Khmer in around the world and in Cambodia we know very well what you have been doing? Who do that you have been working for? some of you not really love khmer or want democracy but you are just the opportunist.

You only want power with SRP and then you are run away to joint CPP for your second step.

Before you play the game unity you should go to work for your own party and get at least 26 seat in the parliament then SRP will joint or unity with all of you OK? (it will be fair).

Spean TEP

Anonymous said...

ah thes meas hun sen's cock sucker!,
ah juoy marai!,
ah rorleay!,
ah ronteas banh!,
kon me kaandooy ahyeas!,
kon me joa kaa juoy!,
kon me sompurng!

i have a question for you.

why do you support the khmer rouge regimes (ah pol pot and/or ah hun sen) who's kills 1.7 million innocent khmer peoples and counting?

if i don't get answer from you and/or if i'm not 100% satisfy with your answer, i will continue to post this question every time you post bad comment about democratic party (SRP) who is defending khmer peoples and khmer territories.

Anonymous said...

Most of the major media control by AH HUN SEN government and every fucken shit come out AH HUN SEN mouth and it become the law and accept by the Cambodian people! Not only that the fucken stupid Cambodian well known personnel such as AH SOY SOPHEAP would repeat the same old shit come out AH HUN SEN mouth without giving a second thought about the hell AH HUN SEN is talking about!

I don't believe for a moment that by uprooting 6 bamboo wooden sticks in the middle of Cambodian farm land can make Sam Rainsy as a traitor and a racist! These are heavy word to accuse Sam Rainsy!

Tell me what is the root cause of the fucken problem here? It is dirt poor Cambodian people who had been complaining for years not just now that they lost their farm land to the Vietcong encroachment! Ever since the Thai military invaded Cambodia taking over Khmer Phrea Vihear temple and the stupid Cambodian government under AH HUN SEN leadership motto is to protect Cambodian sovereignty by sending Cambodian military personnel to the Cambodian border to protect Cambodian territories! Now tell me what is the different here between the Thai border and the Viet border? For years there is no Cambodian military personnel along Cambodian-Viet border even after so many complains by dirt poor Cambodian people of the Vietcong encroachment on their farm land! I reason that if the AH HUN SEN government can protect the Cambodian territories along Cambodian border next to the Thai border and why can AH HUN SEN do the same to the Cambodian border next to the Viet border? What is wrong with that? Why does AH HUN SEN government send his military personnel to stop and obstruct those SRP and Cambodian people from observing what is going on their Cambodian land?

I am not asking that AH HUN SEN should go to war with anybody including the Vietcong or the Thaicong! But when Cambodian territories are being violated and it is the duty of AH HUN SEN government to protect Cambodian sovereignty! AH HUN SEN shouldn't play favoritism between the Siem and the Viet on Cambodian sovereignty.

So far AH HUN SEN had declared that he is a Vietcong puppet and he is a looser and that is the end of the story on Cambodian-Viet border issue! The only next logical step for AH HUN SEN poor judgment is to accept whatever the Vietcong want him to do and it is dirt poor Cambodian people who stand to loose more than their land and their livelihood and the future of the children!

Anonymous said...

Sam Rainsy is a coward and SRP supporters are morons!
I am very sad to say that about fellow Khmers but the truth is the truth.

Khmer in USA

Anonymous said...

2:50 am, if you are so brave, why are you hiding your ass in the US while the Khmer people are suffering in Cambodia? Yes, you are not a coward, what the hell have you done for Khmer idiot? Come to Cambodia and do something about it coward.

Anonymous said...

why should sam rainsy face the cambodian court system? who would want to have a whole bunch of uneducated judges question an educated man like sam rainsy. all the cambodian gorvernment including the head of the national assembly work for youn. if the youn tell them to bark they bark. they have no value as khmer people because they are youn's dogs.

i hope that khmer would find the best and educated leader to head cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Khmer in USA is not coming back to Cambodia yet because he is too busy licking your mama's pussy. He said it smell good. But it is too bad that a youn's dick has been there before his.

Now, do you get it?

Sincerely, Your father said...

Sam Rainsy is a fine man, and men who work make mistake.

It is impossible to undo what Sam Rainsy has done. There is no doubt that Sam Rainsy wanted to bring the world to pay attention to the eastern border problems, but the way he had done has given an opportunity to the government to charge him according to Cambodian laws. It would be very difficult for anyone to legally support his actions.

I don’t question his intention, but I thought he made a mistake by letting his ego and emotion control him at that moment. I wish that, initially, he would take the matter through proper channels and through legal processes and put pressure on Hun Sen and the CPP to solve this important issue lawfully. He didn’t need to “uproot” those posts, because the evidence was already there. What he needed to do was to examine the evidence, prepared for legal actions then took the matter to the proper authority. By doing this he would earn more respect from everyone and the attention would have been drawn to this matter more effectively.

SRP’s Motto: “Silathor, Satchathor and Yuttethor.” Any actions conducted against such a motto can ruin the image of the party. Sam Rainsy supporters need to be professional in their critiques against members of the CPP, the Cambodian government as well as with their fellow Cambodians. In the eye of international community, image and characters count. After all, SRP has become a part of Cambodia’s establishment. It has participated in the Cambodian governmental system for the past decades. There is no need to curse or label Hun Sen and the CPP as the Vietnamese puppet and call him as all kind of names. We all know that the government is controlled by the CPP and the CPP is the product of Vietnam since 1979. We need to find the way to pull them out of Vietnam’s claws, however if we continue to label them as Vietnam’s puppet and as Vietnam’s dogs, etc… we will push them further into Vietnam’s arms. The truth hurts.

At this moment, Sam Rainsy Party is quite weak. Internal problems are one of the major problems among other issues such as financial, etc… To challenge Hun Sen head on at this point may cause the whole party to finally crumble. Running the party from abroad is far from effective. Prince Ranariddh had tried that last year, but he wasted tons of money just to surrender to the CPP at last.

Nevertheless, what was done is done. Sam Rainsy needs to go back to Cambodia and challenge Cambodian court. He should bring all relevant evidences to prove that the Vietnamese and the Cambodian authorities have violated Cambodian people’s rights and that Vietnam is the culprit in stealing Cambodian land. I don’t believe that Hun Sen will jail Sam Rainsy because he needs Sam Rainsy for his alibi, as Sam Rainsy has rightly stated. Staying away will give additional opportunity for the CPP to discredit him to the point that more SRP’s members and supporters will disband.

Many of us who understand the current Cambodia’s political structures will be careless if SRP breaks apart because we know that without SRP, there will always be another opposition to fill the gap as an alibi. However, we need an alibi that has some guts, and Rainsy and Mu SocHua have been doing a decent job in keeping the CPP on track.

Will SRP have a chance to win over the CPP? Not if it keeps doing the same thing over and over. It needs a serious change.

“Still water is always filthy”

Anonymous said...

Chhim the pain killer prescriber, still hurt from his failed mission with Kem Sokha. He was so loud and clear last with Kem Sokha. He came back to sell computers and turned on SRP so bitterly for still outshining his idol the HRP.

You are nowhere near Sam Rainsy in terms of courage and charisma, but bragging about your own 6 digit income. What a shameless braggart !

Rainsy will go back but at his own choosing, not at the order of the fake court. Your comment shows an immature and profound lack of understanding of Cambodian political situation. said...

I am waiting for your maturity and your courage to come out from behind the anonymous name :-). I admire SRP member's courage because they are mostly anonymous.

Sam Rainsy is a good man; he needs good support from people who may see thing differently from him. He is not God; hence he needs some fine people around him who do not need to be a yes-man all the time.

I don’t claim to be an expert; my humble opinion is just one of the many opinions out there. Sometimes it is the people around him who are his worst enemy —the people that kiss his “you know what” all the time.

I agree with many things that Sam Rainsy does, and I also do disagree with him on many issues as well. It’s just a human nature.

As for your sir, you should not worry about my critique for I am immature and of course I am always “immature” because I am not like those shrewd, professional and mature politicians who are now in bed with Hun Sen and the CPP.

By the way, I don't sell computers nor do I make 6 digits income. I make millions LOL.

Anonymous said...

Folks settle down. It's not about who is a suitable khmer leader, it's all about HOW can we SAVE our beloved Cambodia country from Youns. No matter who is our leader, khmers want to have a Peaceful and Prosperity for all khmers and the generation to come.

Anonymous said...

ah thes meas (ah neek beem kdor ah hun sen)
ah juoy marai!,
ah rorleay!,
ah ronteas banh!,
kon me kaandooy ahyeas!,
kon me joa kaa juoy!,
kon me sompurng!

i am 0% satisfy with your answer.
therefore i will continue to post my question.

• the word mad is not 100% describe how i feel about you.  ah thes meas unqualified to be call khmer is 100% describe how i feel about you.
i hate ah juoy marai thes meas because ah juoy marai nis support and defend ah hun sen khmer rouge regime's government. 
• your presumption is wrong.
• i am not sam rainsy.
• i am not son chhay.
• ah chea sim, ah heng samrin, ah hor namhong, ah keat chhon, ah ouk bunchhoeun and ah sim ka are summons by the un khmer rouge tribunal court (ECCC).
ah pluer thes meas, these six juoy marai, and ah hun sen are khmer rouge.
do you understand?
if you don't understand, what don't you understand?
•ah pluer thes meas, don't try to mislead the khmer peoples, okay? ah juoy marai!.
• 30 years ago, ah pol pot was the khmer rouge regime's leader, ah hun sen, ah chea sim, ah heng samrin, ah hor namhong, ah keat chhon, ah ouk bunchhoeun and ah sim ka are khmer rouge followers.
• today, ah hun sen is the khmer rouge regime's leader.  ah juoy marai hun sen continue to kill innocent khmer peoples.  
ah pluer thes meas, do you understand?
ah pluer thes meas, if you don't understand, you should ask your children, they would tell you right from wrong.

khmer rouges are khmer peoples who murders 1.7 million innocent khmer peoples.

a good khmer rouge is a dead khmer rouge.

????? ah juoy marai! thes meas i needs you to acknowledge that the current cambodian government are khmer rouge, so that you and i are on the same page. ?????

• ah pluer thes meas, i am not dreaming.
• ah pluer thes meas, i don't have psychological problems.
ah juoy marai thes meas you are the one who have psychological problems, because you support ah juoy marai hun sen khmer rouge regime who's responsible for killing 1.7 million innocent khmer peoples and counting.
• ah pluer thes meas, you have the rights to support any party you want, if you say bad thing about srp who's defend the khmer peoples and the khmer territories, and you support the cpp who's abuse the khmer peoples and the khmer territories, peoples like me reserve the rights to insult and disrespect ah juoy marai like you.
• ah pluer thes meas, right now the whole world know and have evidents, but ah hun sen control everything in cambodia, once ah hun sen looses power, all criminals in cambodia will be indict, prosecute, convict, sentence and jail.  ah kaing guek eav is a good example.
history always repeat itself because of dumb peoples like you. 
• yes i agree that the cpp members are un-educated and stupid.
• according to you, educated people is not allow to use bad language.
who the fuck tell you that?   
ah pluer thes meas, ah hun sen, ah chea sim, ah heng samrin, ah hor namhong, ah keat chhon, ah ouk bunchhoeun and ah sim ka are khmer rouge and they use their rights to murders 1.7 million innocent khmer peoples, and you wouldn't allow educated people to use bad language?
this is a double standard.
i hate peoples who's use a double standard on me.

Anonymous said...

Chhim ,

On the 6 digit income, it was your bragging in one forum you often stick your head in, sometime back.

But good on you if you had lied before, but instead earn millions. Khmer need more rich people like you. I hope you will not abandon the poor and destitute in Cambodia by closing your eyes, but will kindly donate a few bucks here and there. There are too many poor people taking refuge at Wat Koh still.

timothy chhim's blog said...

I think you were/are talking about the wrong Chhim. This Chhim never brag about how much money I make. Nevertheless, I have helped Cambodians and Cambodia with what I have for decades. I hope you will do the same.

I have a lot of sympathy to all poor and weak Cambodians, including those Khmeng Wat at Wat Koh.

I used to be one of them when I was in grammar and HS and I know how humiliated it could be.