Thursday, 21 January 2010
By Khmerization
Source: Radio Free Asia
Prime Minister Hun Sen (pictured) has predicted that he can't rule until he is 80 years old, but also said it depends on the decision of the voters through the elections, reports Radio Free Asia.
A few years ago, Mr. Hun Sen said he will rule as prime Minister until he is 90 years old. But speaking at the Sixth Asian Economic Forum on 20th January in Phnom Penh, Hun Sen admitted that his health will not allow him to rule until he is 80, but insists it depends on the voters. "When I am 80, I don't think I am strong enough. Now I am 58, so there are 22 more years to go when I will be 80, so it is a very, very long time. But everything does not depends an anyone's age, it depends on the people (voters) only", he said.
He also said that if he loses in the 2013 election, he will congratulate the winner and transfer all powers to the person without hesitation. "But if in 2013 the people will not elect me, my only choice is to leave the office, so the winner has nothing to worry: I will go to the Council of Ministers headquarter and sign to transfer everything to the new leader and I will congratulate and wish the new leader good luck to sever the country well and I won't harrass you (him). Please don't worry, I will help to tell those who used to support me to support the new leader because he/she is elected by the people. So, please don't worry", Mr. Hun Sen said.
Mr. Hun Sen's comments came after strong criticism that he is a dictatorial ruler who has clung on the powers for far too long.
Mr. Son Chhay, MP from the opposition Sam Rainsy Party, said Mr. Hun Sen should not talk too much about his powers, but he should be talking about developments, national security, the rule of laws and democracy. "(He) thinks only about his powers, his influences and forget about strengthening our national institutions and lead the country properly. This is another danger. I am not concerned or be excited about who is in power, but the important thing is he/she has to ensure that there is a respect for the rule of laws and a respect for the principle of democracy. This is the right thing to think rather than thinking about how to leave office and how to take power", he said.
A few years ago, Mr. Hun Sen said he will rule as prime Minister until he is 90 years old. But speaking at the Sixth Asian Economic Forum on 20th January in Phnom Penh, Hun Sen admitted that his health will not allow him to rule until he is 80, but insists it depends on the voters. "When I am 80, I don't think I am strong enough. Now I am 58, so there are 22 more years to go when I will be 80, so it is a very, very long time. But everything does not depends an anyone's age, it depends on the people (voters) only", he said.
He also said that if he loses in the 2013 election, he will congratulate the winner and transfer all powers to the person without hesitation. "But if in 2013 the people will not elect me, my only choice is to leave the office, so the winner has nothing to worry: I will go to the Council of Ministers headquarter and sign to transfer everything to the new leader and I will congratulate and wish the new leader good luck to sever the country well and I won't harrass you (him). Please don't worry, I will help to tell those who used to support me to support the new leader because he/she is elected by the people. So, please don't worry", Mr. Hun Sen said.
Mr. Hun Sen's comments came after strong criticism that he is a dictatorial ruler who has clung on the powers for far too long.
Mr. Son Chhay, MP from the opposition Sam Rainsy Party, said Mr. Hun Sen should not talk too much about his powers, but he should be talking about developments, national security, the rule of laws and democracy. "(He) thinks only about his powers, his influences and forget about strengthening our national institutions and lead the country properly. This is another danger. I am not concerned or be excited about who is in power, but the important thing is he/she has to ensure that there is a respect for the rule of laws and a respect for the principle of democracy. This is the right thing to think rather than thinking about how to leave office and how to take power", he said.
If it is truly the case, and sincerely so stated by him. Then he finally came to some senses that he has realized that he has lost his gribs on Cambodia to Vietnam. He knows in the back of his mind that he admires Mr. Sam Rainsy for his couragous effort against Vietnam....But then again don't be fool, hun sen is someone who should not be depended upon....anything!
ah hun xen pomban taovdal petsip chnam te vea prakat slaptayhoong thnaiy kangmok
be your word. play fair game. if someone does not agree with your idea, it doesn't mean they're your enemy.
Sound like HE Son Chhay flourishes whoever in power.
Kuoy Pichet
I am a good future teller, I can say that, Mr. Hun Sen can live only few more year, he will died. So what he dream to lead country till he is 80 is impossible.
5:20 PM
Could you please make it a "few more months" instead.
It's hard to win the yellow chair.
It's more harder to EXIT from that chair because there are only 2 ways:
1) like dictator, thief, fugitive
- Hitler of Germany,
- MACOS of phillippine,
- FUJIMORI of peru,
- TAKSIN of Thailand,
- Hun Sen of Cambodia
2) like hero
Who belives this liar ?
He is coward, he made all opponents KO before fight and he ask to start the fight.
When he loses, he cheats, look at year 1997.
He betrays everybody, Ranarith, Ke Kim Yan..
When he is alone in the race, he says he accept to lose, he is dirty.
That future teller (fortune) you should have known better not to let him live this long if he is a really bad leader. Bad in the eyes of those who don't like him. I say let him live to be 120 yrs old, may be he will repent of all of his evil deeds.
I wish for Mr. Hun Sen to have a good heart and soul and to turn from his wicked deeds and greedy eyes to hear the cry of the poor and needy. To defend the fatherless, widows and the sovereignty of the nation. To set right that which been wrong. To follow the paths of uprightness and to bring the wheels over the wicked and to restore what he had stolen back to the people.
If he seeks the good paths of life he shall live long and his later yrs will be better than the former ones.
Life to all Khmer...Choose life!
Pervez Musharraf, this guy whose people of Pakistan never thought that he gave up power but at the end it happened. Musharraf was Chief of Army Staff.
This guy probably stronger than HUN SEN, he had controlled almost everything such as "Military coup d'état Main article: 1999 Pakistani coup d'état Musharraf became de facto Head of Government (using the title Chief Executive and assuming extensive powers) of Pakistan following a bloodless coup d'état on 12 October 1999. That day, Sharif attempted to dismiss Musharraf and install Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) Director Ziauddin Butt in his place. Musharraf, who was out of the country, boarded a commercial airliner to return to Pakistan. Senior army generals refused to accept Musharraf's dismissal, which was deemed unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.
Sharif ordered the Karachi airport closed to prevent the landing of the airliner, which then circled the skies over Karachi. In the coup, the Generals ousted Sharif's administration and took over the airport. The plane landed, allegedly with only a few minutes of fuel to spare, and Musharraf assumed control of the government. Sharif was put under house arrest and later exiled to Saudia Arabia, where he resided until he returned again to Pakistan on 25 November 2007.
He and other leaders have subsequently been prevented from entering Pakistan. Although the disagreement between Musharraf and Sharif started from the day Nawaz Sharif ordered withdrawal of troops from Kargil it reportedly centred around the Prime Minister's desire to find a diplomatic resolution to the conflict with India in the Kashmir region.[18]
The existing President of Pakistan, Rafiq Tarar, remained in office until June 2001. Musharraf formally appointed himself President on 20 June 2001, just days before his scheduled visit to Agra for talks with India.
Until people got tired and sick of his way of governing by threatening and intimidating was removed or gave up his position by people's power.
With this modern day and time, I believe PM Hun Sen can give up or transfer so easy if he is scare of Vietnam going after him. First, he transfer all his families (Just his families) to another country that give him asylum then he have to do to the podium of the UN and address the good news to the world that stated as follow:
To the world or UN and its world body, I come here to declare an emergency that I'm giving up my position as PM of Cambodia because Cambodia is really got an influence from our eastern neighbor named Vietnam. UN must choose an interim government or acting Prime Minister or President to represent Cambodia during this time in a 3-6 months Cambodia will make an election.
With this comments to the UN, I bet they will intervene without hesitation. HUN SEN must do so while he have a chance to seek another country to live before he dies for nothing.
Just my suggestion from New York.
Khmer Patriotic,
He can smell his doom or end is near.
I'm happy for him to say that because he is very incapable to lead the country. He should let those who can lead.
Thanks for your understand Mr. HUN SEN.
Brad Adam,
Who belives in this dirty dog ?
If CPP don't go around passing out MSG or Sarong if not, don't go around threaten or intimidating the voters CPP will be lost so easy.
If CPP allows other parties to have same amount of TVs ad, Radio and newspaper too CPP will lost too.
Khmer PP,
I predicted Hun Sen will win every election until he wants to quit himself! whether people vote for him or NOT he will win, his CPP will manipulate the election(Which they have been doing..such as ban the anti-voters out by not having them registered or create problems for them not being able to vote)If he wants to quit then he will tell his people to stop! then the fair result will come out! But realistically it's not gonna happen! he will have his sons,,,this is his empire...sad to say that but this is the reality!
Anyway, this is good news!!
On the other hand, I so wondering why he said that? Or because he already knew he's going to win again without any problem??
About time he got sick of this. If not his hair or his age will be grown old fast..
Good for Mr. Hun Sen. People are best taking are thru his words and they are best taking elephant thru its tusks. Give him a chance to work thing out.
LOL 8:35 PM,
Giving a chance to work things out?
Do you know how long has he been the leader?
We should give Mr. Sam Raingsey a chance!!
Xen will never quit or resign from his position until he loss in election it never going to happen when the 7 million Vietnamese was grant Cambodian citizenship and right to vote for Xen. Mr. Sam Raingsy will never win an election in Cambodia but we needed to do every thing to help Khmer people to survive daily life.
Life time Viet slave is not going quit his position until he is in hell.
Don't believe Hun Sen for a moment and this is just another communist tactics to make dirt poor Cambodian people to lay down their guard! There is no exit strategy for Hun Sen because he knew long time ago that the outcome of any Cambodian politic has only three choices and that is to be killed or to go to jail or live in exile!
-King Sihanouk was under house arrest during Pol Pot regime and now live in exile in China.
-Lon Nol live in exile in the US and die long time ago.
-Pol Pot was under house arrest and killed.
-Penn Sovan who was the first Cambodian Prime Minister who refuse to work for the Vietcong government was jailed for 10 years in Hanio.
-Prince Rannaridh was living in exile in Malaysia until he ran out of money and beg Hun Sen for mercy and nowhere to be found in Cambodia.ahahahhah
-Sam Rainsy is living in exile in France.
-On and on...the list is too long. And of course the death of million of Cambodian people who are not even involved in Cambodian politic.
To be hoenest, we should not waste our time to analyze what Hun Sen has said because he's a crazy, foul-mouthed tyrant.He can say whatwever he wants. I think he really has a serious nervous breakdown. He is really a psychopath and needs a psychiatric treatment of some sort.
I respect him as a person, but he really needs helps. I'm not sure whether he's under gone any treatement or not. If not, he must do that ASAP. The national assembly should or his family should encourage him to that, otheerwise Cambodia will go to hell faster because of his (Hun Sen) mental disorder. And all Khmers need to recognize this problems before it's too late.
He's a Psychopath!!
If all Khmer were muslim, he can't rule Cambodia for a lomg time. He is deep in his dictator backed by Viet. But one day he will pay a high price for Khmer blood.
Ghost Prey
a good leader should set an example without being so greedy. when i study US history, i found out that the 1st US president, george washington was loved and voted by the american people of that time to be a permanent leader, however, washington refused and since set a two term limit for the US presidency. i think a good leader if he/she were to think well into the long-term future, etc, should learn from george washington. this way, they would have less headache and will also go down in history as the one who changed history and made a real lasting impression or legacy for cambodia, really! let's pray god to help us all. god bless cambodia.
It is igorance that makes men fear of losing power which was not justly earned by themselves.
in the new era of cambodia, qualifications should be the merit for fit as a good leader, not fighting for power like during the dark ages again. otherwise, it is deja vu all over again and will never go way because people would use excuses like he did it why can't i, etc... see, when you follow the rule and meet qualifications, then there is no lame excuses. plus, nowadays, people are smart enough and educated enough to see who is qualified and who is using power and influent to gain illegal seat or position in gov't. i think they only can do like the dark ages when people are too ignorant and too under-educated to know the right thing to do for the country. i think all of that ought to change for the better, really as there are more to cambodia than you and i, really! wake up, people, this isn't the stone age or dark ages anymore as the world is now traveling by airplanes, cars and other modern transportation, really. that said, the next leader should think about how to make a real difference in cambodia. make something difference in cambodia and why not build a modern railway to make travel more attractive, etc! wake up, people, nobody can live forever or take their money to the grave with them, ok. we all only live once. well, another life is another story if you believe so, however, the reality is that people on earth only live once, really! think about it, ok!
hey, i won't complain again. it seems like everybody is started to wake up, gradually but surely, perhaps. we'll have to wait and see the concrete result, really. god bless cambodia.
I will not trust ah kwak kbot cheat for anything. Not to mention it didn't even sound like him. This statement has to have something behind it. For all the crimes he have comitted there's should be reprocaution regardless.
Saying a few good lines will not makes Cambodian respect him for what he have done to Cambodia and Cambodians. People should kill his family before he died. Leting him die without pain of family lost is just too easy penalty for his crimes.
He only said this maybe because the UN Human Rights Reporter is in the country.
Ain't senvarman's time saying that he would be peacefully or conscientiously stepped down, if he finally lost election!
When the election of 2013 once again comes, he will insan ely and threateningly yell, "if I lose election, there will be a civil war!".
sometimes, i cambodia, we have to let the experts deal with it, otherwise, it is chaotic if everyone thinks they know everything. that's why in the world, they have specialists in different fields of studies, etc... wake up people. don't be so ignorant and blinded by greedy, selfishness, short-sightedness, narrow-mindedness, etc..., especially if you are a leader; people do look up to you for example and guide, etc... wake up already, please!
In the future Cambodia must choose its leader with no criminal records such bloody hands to lead the country..
Hun Sen is not a leader. He's an ignorant and cocky dictator who's been intoxicated with pride, power, and money which motivate him to think he's the most grant of all. In the eyes of the fools he's great; in the eyes of the decent he's not.
well, then put in a law and spell out the qualification and requirements into law first, otherwise, greedy people will try to take advantage of it by forcing their way to power, etc... got to have effective way to prevent this kind of downfalls like during the dark ages, you know. words are cheap, make sure to spell it all out in law for all to see and learn, then make sure the education is pass all around so people can understand the process, etc... that's the way to do it, not just by talking nonsense, you know! learn from the world, you know. isolation and ignorance are the real enemies of cambodia, really! think about it, ok!
when we spell it all out, there's no favoritism, no way to get around the system, especially if everyone is educated to understand and know the law, etc... this way, khmer people don't have to worry about outside power influent, etc, because we can also say our law required this, not that, etc... see, my point! the rule of law one of the keys to a better society in cambodia, really! think about it and definitely wake up by now, ok!
11:04pm, talk about cocky, pride, etc, it's nothing new in the history of cambodian politics, really. but again, two wrongs don't make it right, though, changes must start somewhere, somehow, really! how about some change of mentality, first, then education, etc... think about it.
isolation and ignorance are the real enemies of cambodia, ok!
I am not a fortune teller nor a psycho but I am a psychic in which I had a dream about Hok Lundy approximately 3 weeks before his death! and a week ago I saw P.M. Hun Sen in a helicopter with something missing in that helicopter like a propeller missing! in any case he's talking to me and when I woke up I prayed for Mr. Hun Sen to be safe (Although I am not a CPP admirer) I am leaning more toward SRP but it's my nature to pray for everyone as we are all humans family and the final outcome or fate will be up to God not me! so, P.M. Hun Sen, I pray for you that you don't fall into Viets trap and repent yourself by doing good deeds to our fellow Khmers population and if possible, seek refuge in another country and live off your riches as it's enough for you to live and let others lead the country to peace, justice, and development in our beloved Cambodia.
Phnom Penh Post, Issue 16 / 04, February 23 - March 8, 2007
"Now they speak of democracy, but it's just talk. It's communist inside. I have seen that the CPP's hierarchy and policies are formed in the communist fashion. They talk about democracy just because it sounds good. In reality what they implement is not the same as what they say. Cambodian people have never had real democracy. The country is controlled by powerful people, and the poor people are their slaves" - Pen Sovann talking about the CPP
Born in Takeo in 1936, Pen Sovann dropped out of school at 15 and joined a local anti-French movement led by Ek Choeun, later infamous as Ta Mok. After the Indochina War in 1954, he was one of some 1,000 Cambodians "regrouped" to Vietnam for military training. He joined the Khmer Rouge in 1970, and was in charge of information until 1974. Claiming that "Pol Pot and Ieng Sary wanted to kill me," he fled back to Vietnam and was instrumental in forming the United Front for the National Salvation of Cambodia in 1978. After the Vietnamese-backed overthrow of the Khmer Rouge in 1979, he became the Front's secretary-general, and Prime Minister in 1981. Later that year, just days after criticizing the Vietnamese presence in Cambodia, his home was surrounded by "900 troops and 12 tanks," and he was handcuffed, covered with a black mask, and rushed to Hanoi were he would spend the next 10 years in prison and home arrest.
Today, he sits in a wooden gazebo over a fish pond behind his home in Takeo town. Tacked to the wooden walls are sepia-tinted photographs of Sovann alongside CPP stalwarts Hun Sen, Chea Sim, Say Phou Thong. In one he's standing in the back of a Soviet jeep reviewing troops in front of the Royal Palace in 1980. In another he's sharing a light moment with retired King Norodom Sihanouk. It's a comfortable home, but modest for a former head of state who has visited the White House, the Pentagon and the Kremlin. Besides the occasional foreign reporter or diplomat (former US Ambassador Charles Ray once lunched here), his days are undisturbed. He's the president of the National Sustaining Party of Cambodia, but the party sign in front of his home is adorned with rust and peeling paint. The government has been labeling him mentally ill for years.
Sovann once told the Post: "Cambodian politics has the head of a chicken and the ass of a duck. They speak about democracy and multiple political parties, but they practice communist ways."
He spoke to Charles McDermid on February 17 about Ta Mok, Hun Sen and the CPP's lingering links to communism.
Why do so many people have the opinion that you're crazy?
This comes from Hun Sen. In 1993 he made a statement to the people saying I had mental problems. The people asked: "Where is Pen Sovann now?" And Hun Sen said he's still alive, but he's stupid now and when he talks he foams at the mouth. This isn't true. A person should be
judged by how they act.
What was it like to work with "The Butcher" Ta Mok?
I met Ta Mok in August, 1949. Later, I became his bodyguard and adviser. At the time he was teaching people about resistance tactics. He was a good help to many people. At that time he was a good person with a good character. He started to change around 1968.
How did you react when you learned Ta Mok died last year?
I had two feelings. First I felt very sorry to lose the person who taught me about fighting injustice from 1949 to 1954. I also thought it was fair enough for him to die. Ten of my relatives, including my siblings, died because of Ta Mok. I started hating him in 1972: at that time he changed from a rabbit to a bear.
What was your relationship with Pol Pot?
I met him many times: the first was on March 12, 1950 and the last time was March 18, 1970. At first we talked about the movement against the French. He had a good background and he had a good character at the time. Like Ta Mok he started to change around 1968 when he became influenced too much by China and became a Maoist.
Why did you leave the Khmer Rouge in 1974?
It was caused by different views on policy. They had started to trample on the people and were following Mao. There was no justice. I went to Vietnam as a refugee. At the time Vietnam didn't want me to stay. They thought I was a spy for the Khmer Rouge. I tried to explain that the Khmer Rouge were killing Cambodian people and that one day Pol Pot will try to invade Vietnam. At the time they didn't believe me. It wasn't until 1977 that Vietnam believed me. They asked me to select people in border areas who were unhappy with the Khmer Rouge to come to be trained in Hanoi. Among these people were Chea Sim, Hun Sen and Say Phou Thang and others who are now running the present government.
What was your first impression of Hun Sen?
First, he is a very proud man. He has always had one characteristic: he knows that Vietnam believes in him. I appointed him to be a member of the Front. I knew that the leaders in Vietnam thought Hun Sen was young and clever, but he had no experience and spoke no other languages. In October 1978, when I saw that they wanted to promote Hun Sen I went to them and asked them not to promote him. I asked that they not let Hun Sen be so proud. He was only in his 20s at the time.
Do you regret asking Vietnam to come into Cambodia to fight the Khmer Rouge?
I have no regret. I was the one who asked them to help, and they helped a lot of people. But I asked for assistance, not an invasion.
To what extent does Vietnam continue to have an influence in Cambodia government?
You must understand, Vietnam does not want to make Cambodia better. They want Cambodia's economy to collapse. There is Vietnamese influence from top officials to basic officials and the police. The people don't like this, they have never liked the Vietnamese style.
Are you a communist?
I am not a member of any Communist Party. Communism itself is not bad, but its implementation has been bad. Communism states clearly to respect human rights, the poor and the benefit of the nation. I stopped believing in communism in March 1981 because communist regimes have slow economic growth, and under the powerful people in the party, citizens don't have freedom.
Why were you removed as prime minister?
The party leaders in Hanoi were trying to control everything in Cambodia: the military, immigration and the economy. First, they accused me of building a free-market economy that was against communist practice. Second, they accused me of being a "narrow-minded nationalist" for speaking out against Vietnamese immigration. Third, that I was disobedient for not respecting orders from Hanoi. There were other things, too. I was against the K5 program [a strategic military belt along the Thai border] and I had started an airport tax. The charges weren't real. They were designed to arrest me, and the leaders of the Front agreed.
After you, the next Prime Minister was Chan Si. In Margaret Slocumb's book The People's Republic of Kampuchea 1979-1989 [pp 143-144], she wrote that you believed Chan Si was killed by Hun Sen at a banquet in Phnom Penh in 1987. How did Chan Si die?
I could not give any comments about how the former Prime Minister Chan Si died because I could get in trouble if I speak. This [story] has a lot of secrets.
In October 1991, the People's Revolutionary Party of Kampuchea (PRPK) officially abandoned Marxism-Leninism and changed its name to the CPP. Since that time, has the CPP acted in a democratic fashion or a communistic fashion?
Until now the ruling party was communist. Now they speak of democracy, but it's just talk. It's communist inside. I have seen that the CPP's hierarchy and policies are formed in the communist fashion. They talk about democracy just because it sounds good. In reality what they implement is not the same as what they say. Cambodian people have never had real democracy. The country is controlled by powerful people, and the poor people are their slaves.
In your career in politics, what are you most proud of?
That no one could ever buy me.
Are you a patriot?
I don't want to be judged by words from my lips, but rather from my actions in the past.
11:28PM - can you enlight us what were those actions?
He know the END is near that why he call on his family to be have good to the people and now he said that he cannot rule unit 80. you day is comming .
A friendly reminder foe HUN SEN,
Step down now while you're reasonably healthy.You and your family are already super super rich.Enjoy life while you can.At your age anything could happen like heart attack,stroke etc....If you were to step down now and start restore your name for your people and your country ,you'll be remembered by your followers as hero.29 years in power are enough.Among the khmer leaders ,you are the longest in power so.
Hun Sen is only talking out of his ass. Hun Sen won't let himself lose power so easily. If he loses power,it means the new individual in power will initiate government reform committees and programs which means Hun Sen and his associates lose everything that they've gain over the years through corruption. Of course Hun Sen and his associates won't let that occur.
Once again, the whole "people's votes count" and "peaceful transfer of power", it's just shit that comes out of Hun Sen because he only knows how to speak through his ass.
of course Hun Sen will PEACEFULLY transfer his power to the newly elected individual SO EASILY and WON'T HARASS the newly elected prime minister, and won't want to rule 'til he's 90.
May mother nature punish this guy the way he did (orchestrated) or by nature that killed Hok Lundy soon.
May lightning strike HUN SEN soon!!!
Heh, whey you got to go you got to go..There is no such thing can't stop it.
King, queen or PM if their life is short they have to die..
who cares about the words, it all boils down to the law and the vote, really.
Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime
Pol Pot
Nuon Chea
Ieng Sary
Ta Mok
Khieu Samphan
Son Sen
Ieng Thearith
Kaing Kek Iev
Hun Sen
Chea Sim
Heng Samrin
Hor Namhong
Keat Chhon
Ouk Bunchhoeun
Sim Ka...
Mass Murder
Crimes Against Humanity
Force Labour
Overwork to Death
Human Abuses
Unlawful Detention
Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime
Hun Sen
Chea Sim
Heng Samrin
Hor Namhong
Keat Chhon
Ouk Bunchhoeun
Sim Ka...
Attempted Murders
Attempted Murder on Chea Vichea
Attempted Assassinations
Attempted Assassination on Sam Rainsy
Assassinated Journalists
Assassinated Political Opponents
Assassinated Leaders of the Free Trade Union
Assassinated over 80 members of Sam Rainsy Party.
"But as of today, over eighty members of my party have been assassinated. Countless others have been injured, arrested, jailed, or forced to go into hiding or into exile."
Sam Rainsy LIC 31 October 2009 - Cairo, Egypt
Executed over 100 members of FUNCINPEC Party
Murdered 3 Leaders of the Free Trade Union
Murdered Chea Vichea
Murdered Ros Sovannareth
Murdered Hy Vuthy
Murdered Journalists
Murdered Khim Sambo
Murdered Khim Sambo's son
Murdered members of Sam Rainsy Party.
Murdered activists of Sam Rainsy Party
Murdered Innocent Men
Murdered Innocent Women
Murdered Innocent Children
Killed Innocent Khmer Peoples.
Extrajudicial Execution
Grenade Attack
Drive by Shooting
Police Brutality Against Monks
Police Brutality Against Evictees
Death Threats
Human Abductions
Human Abuses
Human Rights Abuses
Human Trafficking
Drugs Trafficking
Under Age Child Sex
Illegal Arrest
Illegal Mass Evictions
Illegal Land Grabbing
Illegal Firearms
Illegal Logging
Illegal Deforestation
Illegally use of remote detonation on Sokha Helicopter, while Hok Lundy and other military officials were on board.
Illegally Sold State Properties
Illegally Removed Parliamentary Immunity of Parliament Members
Plunder National Resources
Acid Attacks
Turn Cambodia into a Lawless Country.
Steal Votes
Bring Foreigners from Veitnam to vote in Cambodia for Cambodian People's Party.
Use Dead people's names to vote for Cambodian People's Party.
Disqualified potential Sam Rainsy Party's voters.
Abuse the Court as a tools for CPP to send political opponents and journalists to jail.
Abuse of Power
Abuse the Laws
Abuse the National Election Committee
Abuse the National Assembly
Violate the Laws
Violate the Constitution
Violate the Paris Accords
Unlawful Detention
Death in custody.
Under the Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime, no criminals that has been committed crimes against journalists, political opponents, leaders of the Free Trade Union, innocent men, women and children have ever been brought to justice.
Yes, he can from 5-feet under ground in Hell!
From KhmerAphoap@Yahoo.com: It is my hope that we, the Cambodians people especially the Khmer Nationalist and intellectual could be united and come up with plan(s) to expose the Viets and prevent the Viets from swallowing our country. Here are some ideas that might help but you guys are free to add.
Plan A:
• Bringing together Khmers Nationalist and Khmers Intellectual such as former premier Pen Sovann, Sam Raingsy, Naranhkiri Tith, Ly Diep, Mu Soc Hua, A. Gaffar Peang-Meth, Yim Sovann, Saumura Tioulong, our nationalist monks, our Khmer Kampuchea Krom, the folks that post on this board, CPP that want to defect, etc... who has knowledged about Vietnam dirty plans to brainstorm and put together a document to write a book to expose the truth to the international community.
Plan B:
• Come up with a book that have chronology or brief summary of Vietnam plan and involvement in Cambodia until today
• Including the history of Khmer Kampuchea Krom lands that were given to Vietnam by the French against our will.
• Reveal the truth and the details of Vietnam behind the Khmer Rouge regime
• Details of Viet atrocities in Cambodia up until today
• Reveal Human Rights Violations of the current government along with Vietnam up until today.
Plan C:
• Publish a book that come from Khmers Nationalists rather than rely on foreigners.
• Publish book on line
Plan D:
• Contact Hollywood or the maker of “The Killing Fields” to see if they are interested in making a movie out of it.
Plan E:
• We, Khmers have to inform and refer our foreign friends and foreign government to this documentary book, links, and movie for any questions regarding Cambodia and emphasize that this book/film/document is what really happen in Cambodia rather than relying on foreigners to write our story.
• This way, we will speak the same language and it shows that we are united and hopefully the international community are well informed so that it prevents the Viets from executing their dirty plans to swallow our country.
Regardless of the threaten or intimidation Khmer must vote remove HUN SEN. Only you make it happens!!
Vote him out!!!!
Action is speak louder than words!!
Do what I say? Tomorrow, Never Die
2:26 read 8:18 comment before get excited! Fool!
1:12 Your law and vote are toilet tissues in Cambodia, Fool!
hun sen is Preh bath THOAM MERK! per PUTH TUMNEAY! so he rules forever! Stop against him, he is meant to be! he's was born under sign of leo-dragon 2 powerful creatures combinations. stop dreaming!
I SAID VOTE HIM OUT!!!!!!!!!!!
MAJORITY RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
vote your ass out! elections have been manipulated term after term, you stupid did not know that!
Coincidentally, I had a dream about Mr. Hun Sen and his family last night.
In the dream, I was attending a social function sponsored by Mr. Hun Sen and his siblings (Don’t understand why I was there since I am not one of his associates or officials). Any way, as I was having a drink, Mr. Hun Sen walked toward me and suddenly I saw someone in the crow pulled out the gun and aimed at him. Since Mr. Hun Sen was just beside me, my swift reaction was to push him aside so that the shooter could not harm him, and as a result he was safe.
I woke up and was afraid. I am living abroad and I am not affiliated with any political party, how can I have a dream like that? This is bad and I hope it only happens in that dream. I pray that any change of government in Cambodia will happen smoothly and orderly so that people will not suffer.
May Buddha bless us all.
65 comments were made, good lord. including me 66 comments.
born under good sign and bad sign, a person can't bring all things s/he wants. the person will surely leave behind everything s/he own.
History will make a judgment call.
he will have to wear a diaper and get clean his uncontrol poop and pee. anyway no one wish he win another election in 2012.
Ah Kvak always says one thing and does the opposit.
Siem Reap's Tuk Tuk
No one can't destroy u, except your own demin, your HEALTH! The 5000 bodyguards can't protect u from your own demin. Buddha can't bless u, too. That is your destiny! U need to be humble with all khmer people.
Hun Sen is a man who never got remorse and he never think about Cambodia, he only need the power to protect his corruption families. Easy for amei athorng because Hun Sen need monies and they never worry about their seats. what ...a...f...u...c...k...!
if i'm hun sen i would retire and start to spend most of my money before i die. i cant take it with me so i spend the money as much as i can on everything i can thing of.
hun sen owe too much money to the world,he will leave behind big mess if he decide to quit politic. i say make him pay all the foreign debt before he quit.
there will masses killing if he does quit politic. i know i want my revenge!!
If khmer never united, still blame HUN SEN, he will not step down. but only HUN SEN can be a hero of cambodian people. if he can make all the people in cambodia obey the law. not obey the person or high ranking. now most people obey person only. and people must be understand that all goverment office is belong to all cambodia citizen. not belong to ministers. and all the ministers is working for the people of cambodian interest only. not for my familys or my groups or my partys. khmer soth, usa
HUN SEN, can be hero of cambodia people. if he listening from the bottom, like poor people. not listening to the rich or powerfull people around him. like ranarith he listen only people around him. HUN SEN, should know that revolution comeup from poor people only. or from rich people. and hero comeup from the bottom only. khmer soth,usa
No one cares or gives a shit about ah oldfart hun sen. When he dies, he dies. there is no need to waste time talking about what is to come in the future, whether he would still be a prime minister or not in 30 years down the road.
I am afraid that Hun Xen's son my take over his dad position. Politic seems to run in generations.
shut up already!
What going on with the strong man...I though he gonna rule Cabo until age 90.
Now he saying it 80, what next man...
Dont worry Hun Sen we alreay know that you will win 2013 election. SRP compare to CPP is not corrupt enough, rich enough, or have leaders who is murders & will to kill for power.
So continue with your vote buying and rigging...i have no doubt that you will rule to 80 years old.
But hope you have good health that you wont be blinded bye 65, have heart attached, hig blood pressure, aids..who know. But promise you one of your doctor will be the person to see the END OF YOUR LIFE. That is my prediction.
Why set retirement age when you cant follow?
9:26...no, you shut up already.
Democracy of the US is not always good. Many countries is Asia have faced trouble after the election?--Many!!!
In Asia, Democracy should be in a different form.
11:31Pm what is better than try as hard to respect the right of other humanbeing!
and why do youmotherfucker dress like the west, use car built bu the west and so on?
Go get yourfucking monkey form like ah Hun xen and ah Rannarith!
Khmer dictator seems to worry about his health and his job than the serve for the nation and its citizens, very personal mentality.
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