Suspected for having sex with children and organizing the same for his friends, former Danish businessman and third-world supporter Jørgen K. Hansen is still waiting for his trial to begin. While waiting his friends come to visit and brings him food every day. But he does not want to talk to journalists.
Niels C. Jensen
The Danish businessman and third-world supporter Jørgen K. Hansen is still imprisoned in Cambodia at the Banteay Meanchey Provinsual Prison close to Poipet suspected for having sex with minors and being involved in procuring. But he his not left all alone:
“Everyday his friends come to visit him and everyday a Cambodian woman, one of his friends brings him food,” says the one of the prison guards Sang Rattaná.
Wednesday the 10th February I meet Jørgen K. Hansen in the courtyard at the Banteay Meanchey Provincial Prison where he still waiting for the trial to begin, but for now no one seems to know when Jørgen K. Hansen will be in front of a judge.
Among good friends
I meet Jørgen K. Hansen seated in the middle of group of a Cambodian people and woman is giving him a back massage. When we try to talk to him he just refuses by saying: "Go – go away” and “Fuck off” several times and finally he calls a guard, who shows us the way out of the prison.
Just outside the prison we get in contact with a Cambodian woman who claims that she and her family have been very good friends of Jørgen K. Hansen for several years. She also tells that she everyday brings food to him in the prison. Which the prison guard Sang Rattaná confirms.
The Cambodian woman also tells that she and her family have been in Denmark to visit Jørgen K. Hansen and that they in some periods have lived in the same house in Cambodia.
Her husband is interpreter for Jørgen K. Hansen. The husband confirms that but he denies being a close friend of Jørgen K. Hansen and refuses to talk about the lawsuit.
With money you can
Sang Rattaná, one of the prison guards explains that all the prisoners have to work every day in the prison. But he also tells that Jørgen K. Hansen never works and that he sleeps in a bed while the other inmates sleep at a madras on the floor.
Sources from the police tell that they think Jørgen K. Hansen may be able to pay his way out of his problems in Cambodia: “If he has enough money and a good layer maybe he could just walk out from here as a free man when the trial finish.”
Background story
Jørgen K. Hansen was in November 2009 caught by the Cambodian police together with a 13-year old girl in a room at Ngy Heng Hotel in border town Poipet.
He had also three other girls waiting in three different rooms at the same hotel, according to the police they were waiting for some friends of the Danish businessman.
Niels C. Jensen
The Danish businessman and third-world supporter Jørgen K. Hansen is still imprisoned in Cambodia at the Banteay Meanchey Provinsual Prison close to Poipet suspected for having sex with minors and being involved in procuring. But he his not left all alone:
“Everyday his friends come to visit him and everyday a Cambodian woman, one of his friends brings him food,” says the one of the prison guards Sang Rattaná.
Wednesday the 10th February I meet Jørgen K. Hansen in the courtyard at the Banteay Meanchey Provincial Prison where he still waiting for the trial to begin, but for now no one seems to know when Jørgen K. Hansen will be in front of a judge.
Among good friends
I meet Jørgen K. Hansen seated in the middle of group of a Cambodian people and woman is giving him a back massage. When we try to talk to him he just refuses by saying: "Go – go away” and “Fuck off” several times and finally he calls a guard, who shows us the way out of the prison.
Just outside the prison we get in contact with a Cambodian woman who claims that she and her family have been very good friends of Jørgen K. Hansen for several years. She also tells that she everyday brings food to him in the prison. Which the prison guard Sang Rattaná confirms.
The Cambodian woman also tells that she and her family have been in Denmark to visit Jørgen K. Hansen and that they in some periods have lived in the same house in Cambodia.
Her husband is interpreter for Jørgen K. Hansen. The husband confirms that but he denies being a close friend of Jørgen K. Hansen and refuses to talk about the lawsuit.
With money you can
Sang Rattaná, one of the prison guards explains that all the prisoners have to work every day in the prison. But he also tells that Jørgen K. Hansen never works and that he sleeps in a bed while the other inmates sleep at a madras on the floor.
Sources from the police tell that they think Jørgen K. Hansen may be able to pay his way out of his problems in Cambodia: “If he has enough money and a good layer maybe he could just walk out from here as a free man when the trial finish.”
Background story
Jørgen K. Hansen was in November 2009 caught by the Cambodian police together with a 13-year old girl in a room at Ngy Heng Hotel in border town Poipet.
He had also three other girls waiting in three different rooms at the same hotel, according to the police they were waiting for some friends of the Danish businessman.
I hate pedos. It's a good thing that you Khmer monkeys never have sex with underage girls. Right. Phnom Penh, and Poipet, is littered with HUNDREDS of brothels with underage girls, mostly "yuon", that your countrymen have sex with daily. Most of these establishments with have nothing to do with westerners. They are aware that the police and NGOs are on the lookout for westerns, all the while the Khmers are screwing these poor kids brains out. Underage sex is GREAT for Cambodia. It brings NGOs and aid money by the truckload, fortifies the justice system with cash from corruption, and brings millions of tourist dollars in each year. Best of all, it allows your police and untouchables an outlet for all their hard earned cash; screwing children. This is a perverse and sick system, all involved profit; they only ones affected badly are the children.
Very well said. All too often the western pedophile is the tree that hides the Asian forest.
You 2 forgot one thing, mostly Cambodian high ranking official earn money from corruption and having sex with young girls under age, so what happen. Some bought a luxury car, villa and daily expenses for those young girls. What happen to them (sic).
Good luck my friend, at least you have sun, blue sky, heat, you don't need to work..
In the prison, try to dick a whole in the soil, put your penis in that, you will feel better than you did with chidren..
I am all for stopping the pedos, too bad everyone is just treating the symptoms; and not finding a cure. NGOs profit highly from this business. Their fat salaries and lavish living conditions are disgusting. Almost as bad as the pedos they are after. Mom's sell children, pimps buy children, pimps bribe government officials and police, pedos pay for sex with children, NGOs come to Cambodia and pay government officials and police to "help them" bust pedos (OH SO TRUE), pedos pay police and gov officials to get out of trouble. This scene is truly a circle of life affair. Corrupt police and government officials win, NGO workers get rich, and the poor kids get screwed.
9:22 PM,
you are an idiot,
why NGO doesn't hire you
and you blame NGO.
NGO employees came from outside could earn more money outside Cambodia, they do it because they love it.
Without them you may not be able to write this stupid comment.
Just mass nuke the world then everything will be fine.
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