Monday, March 08, 2010

Dr. Hun Xen blasts Dr. Surin Pitsuwan

08 March 2010
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

On Monday, PM Hun Xen expressed strong reactions to the statement made Surin Pitsuwan, ASEAN Secretary-general, saying that the Cambodian Army’s military exercise is a threat to stability in the region. Hun Xen said that Surin Pitsuwan should not be the ASEAN secretary-general.

During a meeting with disabled veterans in the development village for disabled veterans in Ta Ken commune, Kampot province Hun Xen said that Cambodia’s military exercise was conducted far from the borders with its three neighbors, and he said that he will raise this criticism issue at the next ASEAN meeting. Hun Xen reminded that during past Thailand’s military exercise, three rocket shells fell into Cambodian territories, yet, this Thai secretary-general never raised this issue at all.


Anonymous said...

PigHD Hun Xen is an idiot! Always in denying.... until death.

The truth is not about Dr. Pitsuwan but PigHD Hun Xen are who shouldn't be PM of Cambodia. This man is a total idiot! He should be admit to the metal institute or the zoo. If he have any human in him he would not destroying his people and nation.

Anonymous said...

AH akakteik HUN SEN ah Vipareit HUN SEN death search by causing trouble with Asian with it show off. Oh my ghost with the tiny muscle ,dare you want to flex them? Cambodian can't even find the food to fill up their empty stomach needed ,this LEU KEU HUN SEN wants to cause trouble. When we have the dumb fuck be a prime minister ,the Thai intruders are always good look on the ways they did but this idiot must be caught up with stupid story.
Let do some change vote this idiot out?

Anonymous said...

I normally just read comments posted through this blog but do not care about writting any.
However, i am really disgusted at the comment posted at 4:04 PM.
I do not know whether s/he is Cambodian or Thai.
If you have cambodian blood, you absolutely have no ethics in your mind. Loving and protecting your country's interest is one of the ethical responsibility that each of rational human-being should do.

Anonymous said...

I din't like Hus Sen as a Prime Minsiter but I agree with him on this one . Any country in the world .. included thailand .. can conduct a military exercise at anytime . When Thailand did it last year , 3 rockets land in Cambodia soi but no one say anything about it but when Cambodia did it even it was miles away from the border we got criticism from Thailand . What a hypocrite Thailand is .

Bruce McPhie said...

I think all people, regardless of the country they live in, are best served by keeping comments polite and civilized, and based on a proper understanding of all the facts. We all should be working for solidarity among the peoples - not be divided by ethnic or racist hatreds.

Anonymous said...

hun sen doesn't seem to back down from anyone at all .

Anonymous said...

Fuck all the fellow of khmer opposition party,don't know shit!Your party will gone in the day maricong!

Anonymous said...

Careless People Party!

Anonymous said...

Why Khmer like to attack something personal? By saying MR. Pitsuvan should not be ASEAN secretary genderal is personal. Why Mr. Hun Sne like to attack someone in personal?

Anonymous said...

Get the rust of the barrels, just shooting the sky, no harm.

Anonymous said...

I don't like HUN SEN but he is right on the stupid Surin Pitsuwan being bias toward Thai.

He is a fucked up ASEAN leader!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen doesn't like puok Ah refugees who don't support him either!

Anonymous said...

I hope we are all khmer out and in side we must united, we must support HUN SEN, is it for our national interst not for personal interest. SURIN, comment forward Cambodia is very bad. SURIN, must step down now. because he worked for Fucking Thai KING interest only. Not for ASEAN nation. SURIN, we want to let you that millions of Cambodian in USA, will not forget your animal soldeir during the wartimes. The suufering will turn to your Country. i am surly after your KIND died, you will see it. KHMER SOTH, USA

Anonymous said...

I hope we are all khmer out and in side we must united, we must support HUN SEN, is it for our national interst not for personal interest. SURIN, comment forward Cambodia is very bad. SURIN, must step down now. because he worked for Fucking Thai KING interest only. Not for ASEAN nation. SURIN, we want to let you that millions of Cambodian in USA, will not forget your animal soldeir during the wartimes. The suufering will turn to your Country. i am surly after your KIND died, you will see it. KHMER SOTH, USA

Anonymous said...

I hope we are all khmer out and in side we must united, we must support HUN SEN, is it for our national interst not for personal interest. SURIN, comment forward Cambodia is very bad. SURIN, must step down now. because he worked for Fucking Thai KING interest only. Not for ASEAN nation. SURIN, we want to let you that millions of Cambodian in USA, will not forget your animal soldeir during the wartimes. The suufering will turn to your Country. i am surly after your KIND died, you will see it. KHMER SOTH, USA

Anonymous said...

Do not let mindless people give you an impression of the opposition people, but let the opposition works judge instead. Works that enhances the rights of unions, poor people, and women.

The people who comment above such as 4:04 do not represent opposition opinion. I am a fervent democracy supporter myself, but I did not curse Mr. Hun Sen or call him an idiot for standing for Cambodia.

In fact, i appreciate Mr. Hun Sen's gesture and truthfulness. This man maybe the most corrupt and crony-ism maybe his nickname, but when he is right, he is right.

But he is not excused from any other issues just because he is right on this issue.

-Khmer opposition reader

reminder said...

siam bring up any things that make the world see they (siam)innocent of invasion or they scare of khmer that try to put up defend

Anonymous said...

The person post on 4:04PM he is not real khmer blood. if you live in the free country, you should know that it is for our national interest (SIEAM LOOK DOWN on CAMBODIA). if you are real khmer blood you must defend our nation. It is time for all KHMER BLOOD TO UNITED not blame each other. All KHMER should know AMerican become the super power. because american allway UNITED. (if somthing for national interest they allways UNITED.) KHMER SOTH. USA

Putany said...

Dr Sen ! Do not mad about that , Dr Putsuwan is afraid for his country , because Thailand as we know now will gone in a couple fo weeks when UDD will strike in the heart of the PAD (People acute desease).

Anonymous said...

The more you warn him the more he pushes harder. Who is this stupid kid works for K-I? Can he write and spell correctly in a professional manner like Hun Sen but not Hun Xen? Hun Sen is Khmer but not Yuon.

Your understanding of complexity of politics in srok Khmer is shitty. Show your disagreement in a professional way. But I would say: Take that stupid kid away from K-I, a source of intellectual Khmers. This kid is a disgrace - or is he a non Khmer kid poluting the site of K-I?


Anonymous said...

12:21AM what's your fucking problem? Go ask waht his fucking PhD receiver name from the fucking Prostitude in Hanoi?

If motherfucker ah Hun Xen is Khmer how can mother fucker arested Khmer and send to Vietname?

How can mother fucker get land from Khmer and gave to motherfucket ah youn Vietnamese company?

What you mother fucker try to be so complex with Cambodia politic with themother fucker Heng sarim, Chea Sim, ah Choor Hun Xen, Hornam Hong motherfucker!

Those mother fucker are stupid and Vietnamese popets!

Anonymous said...

If an one blind eye Hun Sen cares the east as much as at the west, cambodia's border is not locate passed Heng Sam Rin's House today.
And please, stop liar to khmer people, that you said, you will not allow to loose 1 mm .sic!
you have lost many hundred and thousand of Kilomètre to yuon already. ah kvak ngob!

Anonymous said...

Can ah Kwack know what right and what wrong?

Can ah Kwac know about timing and situation?

Can ah Kwack be normal?

Can ah kwac know what work make his mother look like whore?

Anonymous said...

IF you are real KHMER BLOOD, you can talk in parliment not personal attached, because we are all khmer and work for all Khmer peoples. if do not like HUN SEN policy, you can debate in parliment. If you are real LOVING KHMER. I am not defen HUN SEN, I am talk as KHMER BLOOD. KHMER SOTH, USA

Anonymous said...

What I want to see in K-I is professionalism and no childishness. K-I is a great Khmer site, why then would one want to allow such trash? I know how good or how bad Hun Sen is. But a professionalism in K-I is a different matter. Understand?

And I too read the news from Cambodia every single day. But I still don't know the complexity of politics in Cambodia and its neighbors. Any disagreement in any issue should be practiced professionally and respectably.

It is important to keep the K-I image respectable and admirable. Because foreigners are also reading it. When a childishness is spotted in K-I it's like a pile of dog shit in the middle of a beautiful rose garden. Do you want to see that?

What sort of family background a you from? A remote village of Cambodia?


Anonymous said...

When Hun Sen Speech at anywhere in cambodia, there are many yuon red dogs surround him with Ideas and Style of his Leader sheep!

Anonymous said...

idiot!!!idiot!! he spended one season in the monk school and now look at him, he is fool. he cant talk straight,cant control himself,bunch of baby talk. someone in here talk better than him.

Anonymous said...

Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime

Pol Pot
Nuon Chea
Ieng Sary
Ta Mok
Khieu Samphan
Son Sen
Ieng Thearith
Kaing Kek Iev
Hun Sen
Chea Sim
Heng Samrin
Hor Namhong
Keat Chhon
Ouk Bunchhoeun
Sim Ka...

Mass Murder
Crimes Against Humanity
Force Labour
Overwork to Death
Human Abuses
Unlawful Detention

Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime

Hun Sen
Chea Sim
Heng Samrin
Hor Namhong
Keat Chhon
Ouk Bunchhoeun
Sim Ka...

Attempted Murders
Attempted Murder on Chea Vichea
Attempted Assassinations
Attempted Assassination on Sam Rainsy
Assassinated Journalists
Assassinated Political Opponents
Assassinated Leaders of the Free Trade Union
Assassinated over 80 members of Sam Rainsy Party.

"But as of today, over eighty members of my party have been assassinated. Countless others have been injured, arrested, jailed, or forced to go into hiding or into exile."
Sam Rainsy LIC 31 October 2009 - Cairo, Egypt
Executed over 100 members of FUNCINPEC Party
Murdered 3 Leaders of the Free Trade Union 
Murdered Chea Vichea
Murdered Ros Sovannareth
Murdered Hy Vuthy
Murdered Journalists
Murdered Khim Sambo
Murdered Khim Sambo's son 
Murdered members of Sam Rainsy Party.
Murdered activists of Sam Rainsy Party
Murdered Innocent Men
Murdered Innocent Women
Murdered Innocent Children
Killed Innocent Khmer Peoples.
Extrajudicial Execution
Grenade Attack
Drive by Shooting
Police Brutality Against Monks
Police Brutality Against Evictees
Death Threats
Human Abductions
Human Abuses
Human Rights Abuses
Human Trafficking
Drugs Trafficking
Under Age Child Sex
Border Encroachment, allow Vietnam to encroaching into Cambodia.
Signed away our territories to Vietnam; Koh Tral, almost half of our ocean territory oil field and others.  
Illegal Arrest
Illegal Mass Evictions
Illegal Land Grabbing
Illegal Firearms
Illegal Logging
Illegal Deforestation

Illegally use of remote detonation bomb on Sokha Helicopter, while Hok Lundy and other military officials were on board.

Lightning strike many airplanes, but did not fall from the sky.  Lightning strike out side of airplane and discharge electricity to ground. 
Source:  Lightning, Discovery Channel

Illegally Sold State Properties
Illegally Removed Parliamentary Immunity of Parliament Members
Plunder National Resources
Acid Attacks
Turn Cambodia into a Lawless Country.
Steal Votes
Bring Foreigners from Veitnam to vote in Cambodia for Cambodian People's Party.
Use Dead people's names to vote for Cambodian People's Party.
Disqualified potential Sam Rainsy Party's voters. 
Abuse the Court as a tools for CPP to send political opponents and journalists to jail.
Abuse of Power
Abuse the Laws
Abuse the National Election Committee
Abuse the National Assembly
Violate the Laws
Violate the Constitution
Violate the Paris Accords
Unlawful Detention
Death in custody.

Under the Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime, no criminals that has been committed crimes against journalists, political opponents, leaders of the Free Trade Union, innocent men, women and children have ever been brought to justice.

Anonymous said...

Khmer Rooouge

Anonymous said...

As I wrote recently in this blog, comments about Cambodia's military exercise reportedly made by the Secretary General of ASEAN should not be tolerated by Cambodia or ASEAN's members. And Mr. Hun Sen is within his right to raise this issue with ASEAN.

When you join a club you are expected to abide by its rules. If it can be demonstrated that Cambodia has breached any of the rules, then by all means make her accountable for her misdeed. Conversely, if the one person whose job it is to ensure that the same rules apply equally to all the club's members, yet has shown through such public statements that his action is selective and partisan, then he has effectively abrogated his entrusted responsibility towards the club and the harm he has thus committed in terms of its integrity and standing can be said to be doubly grievous.

This issue goes well beyond personal concern/dimension of either Mr. Pitsuwan or his critics. In any democratic setting, irregularities committed by individuals while in public office seldom escape public reprimand and/or demand for instant resignation. Granted, ASEAN is a weak and constitutionally ineffective institution with many of its members still ruled by military junta. Yet, this should not provide justification for its head to spin selective facts to suit his own prejudiced agenda.

'Disputed lands surrounding the Hindu temple'; '4.6 squares km', 'unilateral map' drawn up by Thailand etc. If these issues had so preoccupied Thailand, then why had they not been raised between 1962 and a couple of years ago when Thai troops unilaterally walked into Khmer territory. Again, is this a good example of how a civilised nation behaves towards its long suffering neigbour? And where was Mr. Pitsuwan to raise his objection? I rest my case.


Anonymous said...

I don't blame PM Hun Sen now. Cause this military is in the center of Cambodia. If we done it near bother it should bother Thai or this stupid ASEAN leader Surin Pitsuwan at all as long we keep it inside Cambodia unlike Thai had their shot passover into Cambodia last time and this stupid Surin didn't say a thing.

What ashame to have a guy being bias being un-neutral.


Anonymous said...

No wonder this Preah Vihear Temple case isn't going any where because this stupid Surin didn't initiate the dialogue.


Anonymous said...

This stupid named Surin big time favoring his own country. He must step out because he is not being neutral.

He must go!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you MP.

The Thai national Mr. Pitsuwan, the Secretary General of ASEAN, should promptly and logically be ousted from his position as of now. He is by no mean qualified as a head of ASEAN for he has obviously practiced a lobsided mind in favor for his nation. This is not a role of a head of ASEAN. He must be demoted promptly. Thank you.

Khmer Patriot

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

The statement from Dr. Surin Pitsuwan who's himself a Thai citizen is bias and ignorant. For matter of fact, when is he concern of this problem along Cambodian and Thai border? How many times that Thai military exercised their drill by the border and cross over to Cambodia's territory not mention of flying over Cambodia's airspace over 40 times and their exercised rockets land in our territory many times also. Many Khmer citizens were also shot down, burned alive by Thai military for illegal crossing. Did Dr. Pitsuwan ever concerned of the violation of Cambodian air space, land, and human right? Dr. Pitsuwan also said action sends the “wrong” signal, suggesting regional instability. This is the first time that Cambodian military test their rocket launcher since the civil war ended. The testing was not close to Thai border. How this is so wrong Dr. Pitsuwan after all actions I has described above has done so many times by your military?

ASEAN is weak has no gut to do anything about it. Only stand by to see weak nation stumped and stepped on by the other because they afraid of their own business trade. Thai government has their own political agenda. They use Preah Vihear as their excuse every time the fight each other for power.

If you are a real educate man Dr.Pitsuwan, please take a look at Case Concerning the Temple of Preah Vihear (Merits), Judgment of 15 June 1962. You may be educated but don't be bias, stupid, and ignorant.

Jeffrey Serey Hola,
Concern Khmer Citizen
Lancaster, California.

Anonymous said...

The thing i didn't understand was, why Khmers can not exercise her military? this is cambodian's right! when Thailand did their military exercise, they even shelling their artillery into cambodian territory also..why this guy Surin Pitsuwan did not say anything..? Cambodia exercise her military insid her own lands, and this is her RIGHT!! i think that stupid mother fucker Surin Pitsuwan is a JERK!! he should step down from ASEAN NATIONS CHIEF!, this guy always interfere with Cambodian'affair...the guy is a jerk!!

Anonymous said...

Look like the guy did not wanted Khmer to rise, they wanted Khmers to kept their head, they can step on whenever they wanted...but they are wrong!! Khmers are rising, and strengthen her military right now, PM Hun Sen sending a messages to all greedy Neighbors country...very loud and clear, they must respects his country!!

Good moved PM Hun Sen..!

Anonymous said...

I do not care about some people saying bad thing toward PM Hun sen, but i think he had done a good jobs for our country these long as my cambodia is improved and modernize, that's all i care about..

Thanks, Mr. Hun Sen!

Anonymous said...

I agree with our hated PM on this one. Mr. Pitsuawan should just keep his mouth shut just like the way he handles this Cambodia-Thai conflicts.

Anonymous said...

What's matter with this guy Surin Pitsuwan? he supposed to help all Nations and all country, because he's a fucken Chief..?? why ta fuck, he interfered with Cambodian'affair?? Thais soldier had shot a M79 at Preah Vihear Temple, and damaged the Temple, there's a mark still sitting there...? why ta fuck he didn't say anything towrd Thailand? Thai still occupy and invaded Cambodian lands right now? why ta fuck he did nothing to help and solved the problems?? instead, he kept interfere with Khmers affair..? what ta fuck wrong with him??????

Anonymous said...

I must say that we urge and get more concesus from other ASEAN nations to remove this guy immediately.

We can't have this guy. He is not neutral!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you all khmer compatriots that spend a lot times for our mother land.
Here 4:04 pm back,
Thank you to those that gave me the negative feed back.
But to me, we must play smart with defending our country. The Preah Vihear Temple cases is not complicate but with Hun Sen solutions? While the solution very easy just take care of the matters just bring it to the World Court and UN ,why should Hun Sen keep wasting khmer lives and keep our soldiers busy doing some thing that not suppose to? Hun Sen had singed NUCLEAR TREATIES lately ,why he want to show off with that equipments? Just shoot down the intruders if they dare to invade us ? The way Hun Sen did is in the dumb and stupid way I said because he not defending our country but provoking the war instead to satisfy his Youn master . I do not want khmer people to lose their lives and properties the invaders Thai have more advances air planes and weapons( lately they search to build NUCLEAR (plant) what we have ? Definitely people have never seen the weapons that Hun Sen used lately very proud of it? NEVER UNDER ESTIMATE YOUR ENEMIES.
The smart general had never waste the soldiers live in the battle fields.

Anonymous said...

All Mr. hun xen can do is bark and yell, nothing get resovled. This shows his true color--he still uses that khmer rouge mentality. This guy should never, ever be a khmer prime minister but he was a viet pupet.

Anonymous said...

You can't find anybody running the country better than PM Hun Sen right now..? Prince Ranariddh?, Sam Rainxy? they're all corrupted, because of all Royal family involved, that's why cambodia shrunk into tiny piece on the world MAP til these days...? just take a look at Sdach Cheyeatha history? the whole Kampuchea Krom was sold to YOUNs with PUSSY! wake up people? Sam Rainxy working for Abhishit jivava dog..don't you all know that? wake up?

Anonymous said...

You sound contradicting ,Chey Chatha II loosing Kampuchea krom to youn in the trade with PUSSY,you are right on this point but there will no differences from AH HUN SEN do now,let the illegal immigration youn come in with out control youn company buy out khmer land and do rubber plants ten thousand and ten thousand hectare,under cover youn sit on Hun Sen head for 100,000 agents you think HUn SEn is better?
Talking about Samransy corrupted ,yes just let him try and do not cheat on his ballots, intimidating his party,threatening to kill and buying the ignorant voters .
I hope you can think it once again who the bad and who the worse.

Anonymous said...

It's naive for people to think that Cambodia is best run by the ganster with no education than by educated people. Khmer leaders, Sihanouk and Hun Sen alike tend to think that only he, himself, fits to be Khmer leader and without him the country would not survive. This is exactly what he want his subjects to believe. If Hun Sen is good leader why for 30 years we still begging to survive? And why Cambodia are full of beggars? To me, Hun Sen special skills are begging and cursing and so are his people.

Anonymous said...

Just tell me, who could ran the country better than Pm Hun Sen right now..? i think you guy knew it too! No one? No body? don't have to be too high in educations..? if you are smart, and you can do it...that's all it count...right? just look at Bill Gates, Mircrosoft Chairman...the guy even drop out? because he's got brains?

Anonymous said...

Thai people are taking advantage of our downfall, why because they are wicked people and waiting to criticize us whenever they can. Unlike Viets, they helped us from the downfall. The Thai armies dumped us at the foot of the mountain full of mine fields and many of us got killed by it. I want to tell the Thai people, do not forget "what goes around will come around" it is called "Karma". First, you will face the tsunami and then the civil wars. By then everything that you own will eventually belong to the righteous people. For the khmer people, this is what I mean, when you fight with one another others are taking advantage of you. At the moment Thai people are waiting to grab whatever they can because we are weak from long term wars. Therefore khmer gov't needs to increase in more skilled migrant from viet at least 2-10 millions for the benefit of our khmer country and nation as a whole/ By then the Thai will not only attacking khmer, they are attacking vietkhmer. So, do it now and do it quick. Wisdom

Anonymous said...

The Cambodian that we need to respect are:
1- Samdach Chuon Nath
2. High Ranking Scholar Buth Savong

Anonymous said...

The individual Hun Sen supporter always claim that Hun Sen is the best qualified people to run the country and besides him no one would fit to do the PM job. My question to that invididual is if Hun Sen is so sure about that why Hun Sen don't hold a fair election? The majority the NEC people, the agency in charges of overseeing the election, are appointed by Hun Sen just to be sure that he has the upper hand over the election. I'm not surprised if Hun Sen win the election until he dies. After all if Hun Sen never give a chance to different person to run the country how who do we know that that Hun Sen is the best?

Anonymous said...

9:36 PM

also want to fuck you mother and your sisters 's ass hold.