Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Fire at Boeung Kak Lake - A video/slideshow by Nicolas Axelrod

Fire at Boeung Kak Lake from Nicolas Axelrod on Vimeo.

The fire which started at approximately 6pm on Monday night, 08th March, 2010, in Villages Samaki 105 and Village 104 near Phnom Penh’s Boeung kak lake destroyed 158 homes as well as eight houses which accommodated monks in the compound of the near by Neak Von pagoda. No victims have been reported.

KI-Media Note: We would like to thank Mr. Axelrod for sharing this video with us, for additional videos about Cambodia, please visit:


Anonymous said...

Who did this ?
The man who wants to develop that zone, he doesn't need to chase people, fire does it for him.
The question is, how he made the fire ?

Anonymous said...

I can see the railway nearby. The funding to upgrade the 600 km of Kingdom railway was secured. The works are scheduled to be completed by 2013. Sorry this is not related to the fire.

Anonymous said...

yes the fire truck took 1 hour to get there

Anonymous said...

I presume that is the works of yeay Phu to steal poor people lands again. These criminals have never stopped to destroyed people lives at all for their own profits.
They have made moneys from people bloods and lives. They will died one days with hard death.

Anonymous said...

LITTLE SAIGON COMING SOON! It not first, it's second time this happened. More than 200 residents same as the previous one that took place in Cham community.