Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Som Niyeay Phorng - Op-Ed by Angkor Borey News

Click on the article in Khmer to zoom in


Anonymous said...

Incredible writing MR. Le Diep I'm urgue KIM Sokha and Sam Rainsy merger only party. SO we're have a chane to win from the Youn CPP.

Anonymous said...

Correction one party Versus against ah pupet Youn CPP.

Anonymous said...

Mr Ly Diep,

Agreed. SRP and HRP must unite to challenge the CPP and Cambodian people will gain.

Kong Moeung

Anonymous said...

Kem Sokha is so dumb and stupid, look at your party, Money and People? not even 1/10 of SRP and wants to merge with lots of conditions. get out of town!!

Anonymous said...

Kem Sokha is being used by CPP to WEAKEN the OPPOsition group.

Be aware of that as Sun T'zu stated< Make the enemies confused, The REALITY be viewed as NOT REAL, and the NON-REALITY be viewed as REAL.

All of you are falling into this Hanoi's trap.

Just stop kicking each other and work along together to reach the gaol, STOPPING THE VIETNAMISATION OF CAMBODIA.