Monday, March 08, 2010

SRP rejects HRP's proposal to change its party name

Monday, March 08, 2010
By Khmerization
Source: RFI

The opposition Sam Rainsy Party (SRP) has made it clear that it will not change its current party name which bears the name of its party president, virtually shut down a possibility of a merger with the Human Rights Party (HRP), reports Radio France Internationale.

In a video conference from France held on Saturday 7th March, party president Sam Rainsy made it very clear that the party name will remain the same so long as his party still face danger of a possible political and party coup e'tat orchestrated by the ruling Cambodian People's Party.

The SRP and HRP are in merger talks for the last two years. However, the HRP had set three conditions for the merger and one of them is that the new united party must not use any people's name to reflect it true nature of a democratic political party.

Mr. Sam Rainsy said his party's decision to keep using his name in the party name is for "safety and to avoid a party coup d'etat".

The Sam Rainsy Party was founded by Mr. Sam Rainsy as a Khmer Nation Party in November 1995. In 1997, Kong Mony, a renegade party founder, suspected to be aided and abetted by Prime Minister Hun Sen, orchetsrated a break away faction and staged a claim to the party name. Eventually, Mr. Sam Rainsy and other party members decided to rename the party to the Sam Rainsy Party to make it impossible for any possible party coup d'etat to be repeated.


Anonymous said...

Don't trust Kem Sokha and his HRP clans! He only good in speech but his actions are totally opposit. Kim Sokha is a snake.

Kem Sokha is working under Hun Sen nose. He already owned by CPP before released from Hun Sen jail at Prey Sar. His brother joined CPP right after the 2008 election. In addition, Kem Sokha also have very long corruptions history while he was the president of CCHR.

Kem Sokha and his HRP clans formed with a mission to destract SRP.

Kem Sokha and his pathetic HRP is a rotted root trying to break SRP's stone.

Becareful with Kem Sokha. For those light ears people who believes him please do your research before you waiste your time and effort.

Anonymous said...

Kem Sokha is an idiot! His party have 3 seats and wants equal share with SRP of 26 seats.

It make no sense. Put it this way, if I have only 3 million dollar. You have 26 million then we partner on a business. Would it make sense if I demand equal share? You wouldn't be that stupid.

Kem Sokha's conditions are disgraceful and insulting. I don't think SRP are that stupid. Kem Sokha have no shame. IDIOT!

Anonymous said...

I agree with SRP for not changing party name. I don't trust Mr. Kem Sokha. If he's good he would have join SRP from the begining not formed his party first then wants to merge. This is too obvious. SRP should not pay attention to Mr. Kem Sokha. Don't waiste time with him and his HRP.

Anonymous said...

Kem Sokha is stupid! With all the issues going on in Cambodia like illegal logging, illegal land confiscation, border issues, human rights violations, etc... But he rather worry about proposing to SRP. Hun Sen, CPP must pressured him so much for this disturb; so Kem Sokha see it as most priority.

If he don't work for Hun Sen should he think there are more important things to worry about then propsing to SRP for name changed. Kem Sokha must have only half a brain.

Anonymous said...

fuck all of these guys both of you go to hell!If you were president you would die soon motherfucker.I hate you more than i hate siem and khmer rouge.

Anonymous said...

Careless People Party!

Anonymous said...

Step one, Kem Sokha find ways to merge into SRP as one under the new party name, then kem sokha starts oozing and breaking from internal level to have people side support on him and final kem sokha takes over the new party smoothly, quietly and legally ./.

Let's take look at Son Sann and Sak Sisakhan as the best lesson!

Anonymous said...

Without the Sam Rainsey's name, people will not know who is who's party. Stay with the SRP until it will win the election. Right now, Mr. Sam Rainsey is the famous one and the leading man for all to follow. A million or two people already believed in him and not Mr. Kim Sokha. Mr. Kim Sokha is a good man. He certainly can join to save Cambodia, but that doesn't seem right to dissolve its former stronger's party name for the sake of joining. Is it for Kim Sokha or for Cambodia?

Anonymous said...

I advise not to change SRP party name. The CPP is using Kem Sokha to weaken SRP.

Anonymous said...

The politic in Cambodia is simple.

For the people who are 40+ years old have one question for any political party, Where were you when I was starving during the KR regime ???????

For the people who are 40 years old and younger, What have you done for me latly ????????

If any political party can satisfy the people with this two question it will win thw vote.

Any political party who beleive in Democracy, have to operate or conduct themselve in the democratic process within the party. There should not be individual or dictatorship way. There should not be safe for a leadership position when He/She can't perform his/her job (keep losing the election). Cambodian people are smarter than some political party gave them credit for, believe it, it is true !!!!

Let compare it to the soccer game, if the team can't score with the current line up in the first half of the game, I garranty you that the coach will change the line up in the second half for sure, maybe even sooner than that.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Mr. Sam Rainsy and SRP. Mr. Kem Sokha is just a shadow party. I think SRP should not waiste time with Mr. Kem Sokha. I don't trust Mr. Kem Sokha because in public he speaks well but his action go around villages to villages, country to country in cluding America, criticising Mr. Sam Rainsy and SRP. This proof clearly he don't want to merge with SRP for the good cause. But trying to distroy! This is why he requested the party name change. Mr. Kem Sokha lame tactic is too obvious.

For people who think Mr. Sam Rainsy and SRP deciscion is not right please think deeper. Do research and know Mr. Kem Sokha previous record. He is not good like he said.

Anonymous said...

Not a bad example but you can't really compare politic to a sport team.

Per any country including America; political party takes time to gain strenght. It takes decades and century to be success. Politic is not a patient game like soccer only hours of game time.

Cambodian is at th bottom low in democracy. If people don't have patients and keep changing then is like starting over every time.

Look at Mr. Kem Sokha and his HRP. He knows his party will not have the chance in the next election or the next several decades to establish strong grassroot as SRP today. By then there are no Cambodia left to defend. Kem Sokha should have joint and help streghten SRP from the begining when he released from Hun Sen jail. But isntead he formed his own party, HRP first then try to merge and pressure SRP to agree with his stipulations. Does not make sense.

I think Cambodian politic is a million time harder then America. Because in general the citizens have very loweducation and the country ruled by criminals.

Anonymous said...

The idiot Kem Sokha come to lowell and Used CPP's Sweet at Pailin Restaurant to bullshit all propagandas how to win over CPP, hahaha... So Kem Sokha, Keo Remy,
Ou Sovann and other defectors are working for CPP and Hanoi.

Anonymous said...

Last month Kem Sokha and his HRP used the CPP’s Pailin Restaurant to critics Mr. Sam Rainsy and SRP. This man is not trustworthy! Don’t believe him. When he comes to US he lied that his HRP is progressing dramatically in Cambodia. When he returned he told people in Cambodia the same thing that HRP in US is huge and effective. Lie.. Lie..Lie…

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen and Hanoi backed behind and used Kem Sokha to break up SRP in the pretext of MERGING or UNITING together.

He did tell a LIE, and never did speak FRANKLY to work for the benefits of Cambodia and her people, but FOR HIS OWN PERSONAL INTERESTS ONLY.

Do not believe him what he had said. But Look on his ACTIONS in the present and in the past.

SRP had a remaining 6 people to form a TEAM of TEN to dabate any LAW, and had asked Kem Sokha, and Nhoeuk Bun Chhay to join. But Ken Sokha and Nhoeuk Bun Chhau REFUSED to join to make a team of TEN for debate. And WHY???????

So Kem Sokha is working for CPP not to mention Nhoeuk Bun Chhay.
I'm not a SRP's member indeed.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Kem Sokha have no creditability to Khmer people and Khmer nation. With his long corrupted history he should not have expose his face in politic lying to do for the good cause. Only a few idiots would take his words. Words alone means nothing to the reality!

Do your research and learn the facts about this CPP's puppet-Kem Sokha first before you deeply up your ass about him. This man has no ability nor capability but just all talks. He is all about himself! And silently barking for CPP.

Anonymous said...

Kem Sokha is not for democracy.His past expereinces in NGO,he ran it like it is his own company. No accountability and whatsoever to Board of Directors which was why USAID hung him dried.

He wants key to bank account and that's his motivation.

Anonymous said...

HRP of Sokha is too much has small body and big brain to suggest those three conditions.

HRP moves nowhere but to distract SRP.

HRP is a real puppet of CPP. HRP is just a shadow party.

Anonymous said...

There is no doubt that Sokha Kem is working for Hun Xen. IRI has report of the relationship between Sokha Kem and Hun Xen. Where the hell Sokha Kem’s money come from to form political party and to spend for campaign. Sokha Kem could not save Funcinpec and Lok Ta Son San party as well as Sonando Mam could not save his party (Sambok Khmom). Sonando is not happy because her sisters work for Sokha. She loss much money during the campaign. Now, Sonando wants to make money from politic. SRP crazy if they eliminate SRP name.

Anonymous said...

HRP do nothing for Khmer people and Nation since he created his party (HRP), he used CCHR to fine popular from people and later after corruption in CCHR he set up a party by using Human Right. all what I see Kem Sokha do nothing just talk talk every places he went to met people get around and listen to him and HRP. He want to show up that he is a good man that people have to choose him to be a PM of Cambodia.democratic basis is his face but behind Corruption and untruth.

Anonymous said...

SRP has suffer enough from the merging problem, now SRP still in trouble with CPP about border issue, and said nothing about those problem, Be willing to show up your true will to all khmer to know!

Anonymous said...

Kem Sokha should be join with SRP if you are pure and then don't care about the name of party because the reason that SRP name this party SRP because of SRP had lesson from the past that they join with SRP then defect to make new party that has the same name so I am confident with SRP to keep their present name better changing to new name cos it is meaningless to HRP to change the new name !! H.E Kem Sokha should be understand about the past lesson!!
You should be dare enough to join with SRP we all support you!!

Anonymous said...

If Kem Sokha is good he would joint the opposition before form his own party first then wants to merge.

Think about people! It is too obvious. How else he formed his party so fast and easily right after got out from CPP jail if he's not working under CPP nose....

SRP should not trust Kem Sokha. Kem Sokha, HRP is bacterias sent by CPP with a mission to infect SRP inner organs. Everyone has little mind would see this....

SRP should ignore Kem Sokha nonsense. There's much more others to put efforts to then waisting time with this spoiled apple.

Anonymous said...

This Kem Sokha idiot is annoying...
Call for merge but never do anything to help!

This idiot never said a words against CPP in the National Assembly.

This idiot never dare to oppose CPP such as border encroachment, land confiscations, etc...

This idiot already owned by CPP before he released from Prey Sar jail to form HRP to distract SRP.

This idiot brother is with CPP.

This idiot has long long corruptions history when he was with CCHR.

This idiot is a snake. He wants to merge but going around to villages to villages criticising SRP hope to steal some SRP supporters. He won't dare to do the same behind his master, CPP.

To make it short. This idiot, Kem Sokha and his clans, HRP is CPP's puppets.


Anonymous said...

Mr. Kem Sokha, you should get lost! With your corruption history you should not have face to lie and serves Cambodia. People know who you are and know you really work for. Not Cambodians and Cambodia for sure.

SRP supporters, knows the facts about Kem Sokha before you up deep in your ass for nothing.

Anonymous said...

If you ever hear Kem Sokha speech, he is good. But if you look at his action is the opposit.

I agree with SRP not to agree with the stupid Kem Sokha's conditions. It is obvious he try to break SRP.

Anonymous said...

The problem with Mr. Rainsy is that he thinks he is the only qualified candidate and that everyone else is not good enough. Also he cares for the country only as long as he is the boss. Is he really different from Hun Sen?

Why Mr. Rainsy is so staubborn and can not open up the party to other intellectuals to build a powerful opposition party? I am not just talking about merging with HRP, but accepting intellectuals with potentials to defeat CPP.

Look yuons are willing to change their country name from Vietnam to indochina federation inorder to accomplish their ambition. Why is it so difficult for Sam Rainsy to do the same?

Anonymous said...

SRP don't change name as Kem Sokha requested because Kem Sokha and his HRPs are just a shadow.

I don't think SRP are that stupid to fall into Kem Sokha lame tactics.

Everyone who can think will see Kem Sokha is working for the interest of CPP to distract SRP. Too obvious! You must be an idiot not to see this......

Anonymous said...

I would agree with you if Kem Sokha and his HRP have potential to defeat CPP.

But instead Kem Sokha and his HRP is working for CPP. They are a barking puppy for CPP. HRP is a shadow party.

Anonymous said...

HRP is not helping SRP but distracting. SRP please becareful with Kem Sokha. He is no good!

Anonymous said...

11:54 PM yOU STUPID!

"The problem with Mr. Rainsy is that he thinks he is the only qualified candidate and that everyone else is not good enough. Also he cares for the country only as long as he is the boss. Is he really different from Hun Sen?"


"Why Mr. Rainsy is so staubborn and can not open up the party to other intellectuals to build a powerful opposition party? I am not just talking about merging with HRP, but accepting intellectuals with potentials to defeat CPP."


"Look yuons are willing to change their country name from Vietnam to indochina federation inorder to accomplish their ambition. Why is it so difficult for Sam Rainsy to do the same?


Anonymous said...

And try to understand situation 11:54 do not be stupid idiot like ah me choor Hun Xen, Ph.D. motherfucker!

Anonymous said...

Kem Sokha is Hun Sen secret man, who set up to breaks and distracts of Hun Sen's political opponent.

On February 6, 2010 they met at Pailin Restaurant, which is Pailin' onwer belong to and a permanent member of CPP.

Whoever trust Kem Sokha, someday it left you a short underwear!!

Chea Sim said...

Dear Sam Rainsy Party members, supportters.

Please joint our CPP winner forever, to rebuilt your country, better futur.

(Signed) Chea Sim, President of Cambodia People Party

Anonymous said...

Before you do anything to these two men Sam Rainsy and Kem Sokha just take a good look at the lesson from San Sann Party and Funcipec Party! where are these two heads come from?

Anonymous said...

For 10:53 PM
If you live in the US you can see how the political parties work in close up. If any political party lost control in the congress or the presidency, you'll see that they will replace the chairman (or you can call the president of the party)of the party. The party members will choose a new leader or for some cases the leader of the party is stepping down for the sake of party future. I am not inside of these two parties, but from what I have been learning, they are running the party base on dictatorship system (one man show). Both of the parties present the same candidates even though they have lost in the last 20+ years. I agreed that it take time for the new party to establish themselve but the leadership position can be change if it is not working.
Another big problem is that they spend more time on pointing finger to other party fault than spending time on solving social issues at the local level. You don't need educated people to see that. If you can't convince 40+ years old people to vote for you atleast you can convince younger generation who are more open to the new idea to vote for you.
What do you think if the CPP lost the election ? Do you think they will send Hun Sen to represent CPP again ????? No body know it yet but I strongly believe that they will use a new candidate to represent them.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen has a lot of enemy: KR, Pen Sovann, King, FUNCIPEC, SRP, HRP, SON SAN, CHEA SIM's clan ....etc, you name it.

But Hun Sen always knows how to make compromises and uses his enemy to build his strength. That's how he win. Can Mr. Rainsy, his handful associates and some blind supporters see that? No they can't, because if they open up the party and let other intellectuals join, they may not able to hang on to their "dream" of power!

These SRP associated say that if you don't like their party (SRP), don't join it! They got it right. That's why they are still in the opposition after thirty years!

Anonymous said...

If you are really love and want to save our Khmer nation what do you have to do? Changing name of the party or fight to liberate our NATION? Changing party's name mean you will win with out fighting for saving our Motherland? Come on you both should explain what is the main object or project etc... I beleive if you really have a TRUE LOVE for Khmer sake you will not CARE about the name of the party you only care about jati KHMER isn't that right? You should grove up to be a real Khmer's men don't be so childish. Look at yourn they never care about the name such as Cambodia or Laos all they care are who can suck the blood from those country? Hope you all understand. So shame all you care only changing name but no good action for jati Khmer. Poor Khmer.STOP WORRY ABOUT NAME WORRY ABOUT WHO WILL TAKE CARE JATI KHMER YOURN OR KHMER THEMSELF??????????OPEN YOUR EYE hun sen have only ONE EYE but he can SEE CLEAR than you.

Anonymous said...

To all smart Khmer intelligent or dumb. If you want to help your country what do you have to do? You only fight in words because you love your country or you should gather together and protect your country first? I think you all should learn how to PRIORITy the problem that you and your country have firt after that you can do more since your whole country did not go into some other country hand yet.

Anonymous said...

2"23AM! Talking and finding the thruthis as good as any action! With all all knowledge and understading we will do less harm to the country like blind action of thr Communist Pol Pot and Hun Xen!

See what happen went we fast to joint and give power back to royal in 1990's?

Anonymous said...

Here is my suggestion for a new united party in which they are still very new to each other.
They can call themselves" Alliance of SRP and HRP ".
Each party can still keep their own rules and their own membership.
They must target their strong electorate for the comming election.
Say if there are 122 electorates, SRP will target 70 places and HRP will target 52 places. In this way, each party can spent less and can focus on their own electorates. They will join their campaign to the public to vote for these two parties only. If they can win the majority, they can appoint ten of thousands positions for their activist for the job.

Areak Prey

Anonymous said...

I agree with your comments if it is in US. But in Cambodia is a total opposit. You can not compare apple to orange. I believe Sam Rainsy can be replace as SRP leader if anyone within the party dare to take his job and everyone have faite and trust to vote for the person who can do better. As of now no one would do or wants to replace him. This is why he still siting in his seat against his will. I am sure Mr. Sam Rainsy be gladly to step down if anyone have the turst, the will and guts; ability and capability.

However, SRPs believe and trust Sam Rainsy. Sam Rainsy have done much better job then most people credit for. Within the last decade and a half SRP have help and gains millions supporters nationwide. Politic take times. Especially in Cambodia. Cambodia democracty is at the rock bottom.

You mention about Hun Sen. Mark my words, Hun Sen will not be replace for the CPP Canidate. Hun Sen will be the only Canidate from his party for the next election. And he will again used forced to win. As the result who knows, Cambodians now have realized a lot under Hun Sen ruling. The next election will be different and complicated for CPP to win.

For those who think Sam Rainsy and SRP is stuburn to change party name as Kem Sokha request please think again. I dont' beleive SRP made a bad choice to reject Kem Sokha nonsense demand. Kem Sokha and his HRPs are just a bacteria trying to infect SRP inner organs.

Anonymous said...

Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime

Pol Pot
Nuon Chea
Ieng Sary
Ta Mok
Khieu Samphan
Son Sen
Ieng Thearith
Kaing Kek Iev
Hun Sen
Chea Sim
Heng Samrin
Hor Namhong
Keat Chhon
Ouk Bunchhoeun
Sim Ka...

Mass Murder
Crimes Against Humanity
Force Labour
Overwork to Death
Human Abuses
Unlawful Detention

Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime

Hun Sen
Chea Sim
Heng Samrin
Hor Namhong
Keat Chhon
Ouk Bunchhoeun
Sim Ka...

Attempted Murders
Attempted Murder on Chea Vichea
Attempted Assassinations
Attempted Assassination on Sam Rainsy
Assassinated Journalists
Assassinated Political Opponents
Assassinated Leaders of the Free Trade Union
Assassinated over 80 members of Sam Rainsy Party.

"But as of today, over eighty members of my party have been assassinated. Countless others have been injured, arrested, jailed, or forced to go into hiding or into exile."
Sam Rainsy LIC 31 October 2009 - Cairo, Egypt
Executed over 100 members of FUNCINPEC Party
Murdered 3 Leaders of the Free Trade Union 
Murdered Chea Vichea
Murdered Ros Sovannareth
Murdered Hy Vuthy
Murdered Journalists
Murdered Khim Sambo
Murdered Khim Sambo's son 
Murdered members of Sam Rainsy Party.
Murdered activists of Sam Rainsy Party
Murdered Innocent Men
Murdered Innocent Women
Murdered Innocent Children
Killed Innocent Khmer Peoples.
Extrajudicial Execution
Grenade Attack
Drive by Shooting
Police Brutality Against Monks
Police Brutality Against Evictees
Death Threats
Human Abductions
Human Abuses
Human Rights Abuses
Human Trafficking
Drugs Trafficking
Under Age Child Sex
Border Encroachment, allow Vietnam to encroaching into Cambodia.
Signed away our territories to Vietnam; Koh Tral, almost half of our ocean territory oil field and others.  
Illegal Arrest
Illegal Mass Evictions
Illegal Land Grabbing
Illegal Firearms
Illegal Logging
Illegal Deforestation

Illegally use of remote detonation bomb on Sokha Helicopter, while Hok Lundy and other military officials were on board.

Lightning strike many airplanes, but did not fall from the sky.  Lightning strike out side of airplane and discharge electricity to ground. 
Source:  Lightning, Discovery Channel

Illegally Sold State Properties
Illegally Removed Parliamentary Immunity of Parliament Members
Plunder National Resources
Acid Attacks
Turn Cambodia into a Lawless Country.
Steal Votes
Bring Foreigners from Veitnam to vote in Cambodia for Cambodian People's Party.
Use Dead people's names to vote for Cambodian People's Party.
Disqualified potential Sam Rainsy Party's voters. 
Abuse the Court as a tools for CPP to send political opponents and journalists to jail.
Abuse of Power
Abuse the Laws
Abuse the National Election Committee
Abuse the National Assembly
Violate the Laws
Violate the Constitution
Violate the Paris Accords
Unlawful Detention
Death in custody.

Under the Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime, no criminals that has been committed crimes against journalists, political opponents, leaders of the Free Trade Union, innocent men, women and children have ever been brought to justice.

Anonymous said...

I disagree with your suggestions.

First Kem Sokha is not trustworthy do to his previous history. His borther is CPP.

Second, SRP should not waiste time with Kim Sokha and his shadow party. As you can see, SRP have been fighting hard for the sake of our people and nation. While Kem Sokha whinning about party name change. If he do for the right cause why won't he support SRP and oppose Hun Sen and his corrupted government. Then the party name can be change later. It is not that important. Nation interest is more priority. But instead Kem Sokha and HRP is distracting SRP. It's only a couple more year left until the next election. I understand SRP don't have much time to waiste with Kem Sokha.

My suggestions, if Kem Sokha is good he would join force with SRP to oppose Hun Sen. When Hun Sen, CPP overthrown from his power then they can deal with this issues about party's name. By then it won't be too late. But instead Kem Sokha more interest of breaking up SRP. Therefore, SRP should ignor his nonse and continues to do what is best for the nation. Clearly Kem Sokha and his HRP have not.

Anonymous said...

Kem Sokha doesn't have enough resources to run 2012-2013 election.unless Hun SEn back him up everything, in order to survive 2012-2013 election. That's why Kem Sokha is working so hard from inside and outside of cambodia to breaks and displace SRP apart as quick as possible.
Someday SRP will be the HRP's political victim guaranteed!

Anonymous said...

You are absolutely right. Just like the last elections. HRP was secretly funded by Hun Sen.

Most people support Kem Sokha because they are lack knowledge about Kem Sokha. They are white ears listen and believe Kem Sokha withough ability to further evaluation.

HRP has no grassroot. HRP have no resouces to stand as little as they are without Hun Sen supports. Therefore, Kem Sokha is CPP's barking puppy.....Their main mission is to distract and to interrupt SRP.

Anonymous said...

SRP must has a good and strong strategy to win 2013 election if not everything will be too late.
SRP must has support from ;
1-Rong Chhun Group
2-Chea Mony group
3-Ou vireak group
4-all other Ngo organisations
5-Mam Sonando.
With HRP party support, SRP will not be splitted between SRP and HRP which will allow CPP to win.
Next election, election law should be cleary implemented such as
-Party vote
-Electorate vote
Cambodia has adopted party votes system. Therefore the distribution of seats after each election should be worked out by party votes system which they have ad all votes gained by each party and distribute their seats accordingly. With this kind of distribution, SRP and HRP have the chance to win for 2013 election. If they still carry on with the previous election, I will not waste my time to follow up election in Cambodia anymore.
The KIWI call it " Don't waste your time and moneys to raise loosing horse ". Put it down for pet foods.

Areak Prey

Anonymous said...

Kem Sokha if you are a true khmer and loves your country why don't you join with SRP without condition? SRP has the reason not to desolve or rename the party as you can see it. I support you but come to country interest I will no longer with you if you still act different from what you told us.

Anonymous said...

We're not saying Kem Sokha is right, but we're also not saying SR is right. Both need to look at themselves in the mirror and ask serious questions?

For those SRP supoorters who say ignore HRP, let me ask you this question: would prefer to have HRP be your ally or HRP be CPP ally?

Anonymous said...

If SRP allow and go along with HRP conditions SRP will be a mess due to Kem Sokha, Hun Sen tactics. Then CPP would win too easy.

I understand your suggestions but only if HRP and other NGO's are not CPP puppets. SRP must be very careful to trust any other party or group.

If you were SRP, would you trust Kem Sokha knowing his corruption history and his brother is CPP? Would you trust Kem Sokha and HRP knowing they have not do anything to oppose the unethical charactoristic of the ruling party? Would you trust Kem Sokha if he never support SRP in all the issues going on against the government? Would you trust Kem Sokha for doing the good cause knowing he criticising SRP behind the back. Would you believe Kem Sokha and HRP knowing they would not dare to say or do anything to disturb Hun Sen and CPP?

Would you believe and trust Kem Sokha if you are SRP??????

I am not belonging to any party but Kem Sokha tactics is too obvious. If I were SRP I whould not waiste time with HRP either. They are just a spoiled apple.

Anonymous said...

Ally of course. Only HRP is true patriotic.

Let me ask you a returned question:
Would you consume food with full of bacterias although you are hungry?

Yes, it may serve your hunger for the short momment but the later consequences will be much much worst then you anticipated. Perhaps there are great chances you may die from it. Would you still eat it?

Anonymous said...

Knowing Kem Sokha and his HRP is bacteria from CPP. If I were SRP I would rather oppose HRP face to face then accept and allowing HRP to infect internally. It is much harder to cure internal infection. It may not be possible sometime.

Anonymous said...


During Pol Pot regime, I did eat food full of bacterias to stay alive.

Let me play with some more questions:

What do you, I mean SRP, got to loose? Right now, SRP has nothing to loose, have they (SRP) not lost enough already? What are they afraid of? Worst case scenario, the merger won't work ouk and SRP and HRP go their separate way. Nothing say the merger has to stay.

Agree that there is some risk in the merger, but is the risk you, sorry again I mean SRP, has to take. No pain no gain

Anonymous said...

Dear Poster 4:08AM,
In multi-parties politic, you cannot take anything for granted. As poster 4:03AM has said; would you like HRP to join with CPP? or you like HRP to join with SRP? If SRP party is very confidence and is a bigger party, then, there is nothing to loose to give a chance for HRP to test their nationalism with SRP party by giving them some of the electorate in which SRP will not win and support them with campaign and the same for HRP to support SRP in electorates where they have no chance to win. In politic, no party is 100% and no party is 100% wrong. It is from left to right.
CPP is presently extrem right from extrem left. To gain a majority votes, a party needs to concentrate on middle path ( buddhist teaching and Kroan Ngoy teaching ). Where is middle path? The middle path is where all Cambodian middle classes are living. We must create policy to help these classes to be happy. We also need to tax on upper classes to support lower classes so to create bigger middle classes to create strong economy and strong society.
The extrem communists have failed.
The extrem capitalist have also failed. At present only government with centralist policies are surviving. example Australia, New Zealand, UK, France, China, Singapore, German etc.. and etc..It has complied with our Buddhism principle.

Areak Prey

Anonymous said...

Kem Sokha should not re-appear in political field no more. With his corrupted history he should not have face to facing Cambodian citizens. And lying to those who have not yet know him truely.

Kem Sokha, you should get lost! Stop all your lying. People will know your true self very soon.

Anonymous said...

I see what you mean. Make a lot of sense. But the fact is Kem Sokha, HRP not going to support SRP for the betterment of the oppositions.

Have you known enough about Kem Sokha? If not please do your research and do more futher evaluation of Kem Sokha and HRP.

Anonymous said...

It is understanable if you starve to death. But I don't think SRP in the position to consume food with deadly bacterias.

Anonymous said...

For 2:44
It is hard for me to believe that nobody dare to take SRP party leadership position. But I assume that you know what you are talking about.
What's about the two questions that I posted to SRP?????

1. Where were you when I was starving during the KR regime ??? (for 40+ years old voters)

2. What have you done for me lately ??? (for 40 years old and younger voters)

Do you have the answers to that ???

Anonymous said...

4:47AM am not 2:44 but you have a verry selfish and stupid questions!

Not no body dare! the people who dare are accepting Sam Rainsy as leader until the victory come ( Hold true for all democracy fighter around the word so far)

1_when every staving during Pol Pot I was staving too in the open prison, I am not in a closed prison like the rest of the evils!

2- what the fuck did you do to yourself lately! slow down, fool, befor lightning strike your head like ah Hok landy!

Anonymous said...

Don't quote me on anything. It's just my opinion.

First, I am not SRP or belong to any party.

Second, I am newer generation, I borned after Pol Pot Regimes.

Therefore, I couldn't answer to your questions. Sorry...

Anonymous said...

In Sihanouk era, almost public institutions such as schools, state hospitals and clinics were named Sihanouk. Now in Hun Sen era, everything is name after Hun Sen. Sam Rainsy named the party he founded after his name too. As much as I don't like CPP, Funcipec I dont like SRP too for using the name of the person as party name.

Anonymous said...

I just have a few simple questions to Mr. Kem Sokha but answering to those questions is not a concern.
1)- If you clearly see what will be hapenning right within the new party's name, could you wait the party name's change after the election victory?
2)- Why are you so so concern about the party's name changing?
What importances and benefits should we have from that changing?
3)- Will the new party's name could lead to the victory in the 2012 and 2013 elections?

Anonymous said...

4:47 AM
Your 2dumbest questions are refer to your Second Father, Mother, Brother and Sister "yuon" and Yuon servants who have saved your slave and low life to survive up to now right? I won't thanks the thieves and K5 killers for anything.

Anonymous said...

Lon Nol brough down the Sangkum Reas Niyum. Ta Mok imprisonned Pol Pot. Hun Sen needs opposition parties more than the CPP. The moment the oppositon parties dissolved, the opposition within the CPP will be borned and thus the downfall of PM Hun Sen.

Anonymous said...

Sihanouk and Hun Sen was/is using Cambodia as their corporations.
Soon you will see Sam Rainsy corporations also.
Such as Sam Rainsy Party, Sam Rainsy Motels, Sam Rainsy Cyclo corporation etc...

Anonymous said...

"Human Rights Party?" That is a scary party name. It sound too much like international organization instead of a national entity.
How about an: Upright Khmer Integrity Party?

Anonymous said...

Hello all Khmers,
We're Khmer Angkor!!! Now, we need solidarity to win the enemy from east and west of Cambodia. Please don't use any bad words among our Cambodians; we need to start from you and me to win this dirty game. Look at American History, they use George Washington as the 1st president of the USA, and Africa; they use Nelson Mandela to save democracy in their countries. I propose Mr. Sam Rainsy at this time, to be our great leader and save our Cambodia and Cambodians. Let work together, use mindful. Mr. Sam Rainsy is a good man, high morality, honesty, high educated from free world country, etc. He could made minor mistakes, but he never made a serious crimes like others politicians. Let support him, and win the Cambodian National election in 2013. We never go around the bust the rest of our life, and we must face reality. Don't serve one man like an evil. Give Mr. Rainsy an opportunity to serve his country, and we must believe in Change. Like president Obama said” BELIEVE IN CHANGE". If we're keeping fight, our country will be worst than 1975. After the 2013 election, if it is believes under the same man ruling the country today; it will be more corruption, illegal immigrants; more and more...I'm asking all Khmers in the world lay down your anger and muscle from fight against our own people. We must start to Save Cambodia and Cambodians today, or tomorrow will be destroy our territory like Khmer in South Vietnam and Khmer in East of Thailand. Have we learned our lesson in the past? Once again, the decision is start from you and me to save our Cambodia and Cambodians. We may continue to fight, but for what. We have enough to cry and suffer from fought against our brothers and sisters with the same blood of Khmer Angkor. Let wake up; liberate our country in the peaceful election 2013. Khmer must love, care, and responsible for Khmer.
Thank you,
Khmer Solidarity-PA/US

Anonymous said...

SRP please stay the way it is. There is no need for name change until you change the current government first.

Anonymous said...

How can Sam Rainsy liberates Cambodia and Cambodian? He still owes 2 years jail time and will be another 18 years jailled times, total Sam Rainsy needs to stay in jail for 20 years. It's to late for Sam Rainsy to liberates Cambodia and Cambodian or even win 2013 election, impossible...!

2013 SRP may receives 2 or none.

Khmer CPP/PA
Sok Yet

Anonymous said...

All of you are thinking about changing the party name. Whar SRP will do if he cannot enter cambodia for 20 years from now? will SR select his successor when he can return to Cambodia? I hope not because he is so scare about loosing his seat.

Anonymous said...

I am totally agree with SRP still keep their name. I knew the SRP history, has many people try to break the party by run to created the same name or similar name under supported by CPP, that why Mr Sam Rainsy finally used his name as party. Don't do anything as KimSokha's party required, I don't trust on Him at all.

*** Hi CPP youth promoting for change i hope all of you can work and do everything to save our poor country before our Nation under totally control by Vietname, because your party leaders all of them not dare to do anything again Vietname even boarder invading. If you were Khmer youths all of you will think that it very crazy that the Khmer farmer try to protected their land field but was jail by Khmer Government court .... I don't understand ... if you know let explain all Khmer people ..... May be Khmer people not let vietname encroaches their land that why wrong the government rule.

Anonymous said...

CPP led by Hun sen is formed
1- by a group of corrupted people party ( stealing moneys and natural resources).
2- by a group of Crooked people party ( mafia and drugs traffickers ).
CPP youth for change will lead by Clean people party who were born after 1979.

Anonymous said...

8:52AM, CPP/PA,
Obviously you are an idiot! Your government charged against Sam Rainsy is unethical and unconstitutional. The border issues is between two countries, Youn/Khmer, therefore it is an international issues. Your CPP may have power to do whatever Hun Sen wish but the world and internaional communities also see more clearly about the wrong doing. The more your party abused citizens and oppositions the more mud they paint on their face. This will make it easier for others to see it. Sam Rainsy may loose this battle but the war have not yet end. Don't be so happy! Your traitor CPPs is comming down. When it does it will be more rapid then you think.

However, when you supporting the thieves will also make you a thieve.

Anonymous said...

កឹមសុខា គឺជាមនុស្សឆ្កួតសុទ្ធ។​ បើសិនជា​គាត់​ពិតជាចង់រួបរួមជាមួយអ្នកប្រេជាធិបតេយ្យមែននោះ វាមិនសំខាន់ទេរឿងឈ្មោះគណបក្សនោះ។​​ អ្វីដែលសំខាន់គឺត្រូវធ្វីម៉េចអោយឈ្នះ ហ៊ុនសែន​និងគណបក្សប្រជាជនសិន​ ដូចនេះចង់យកអ្វីមក​ដាក់​ឈ្មោះគណបក្សក៏អត់បញ្ហាឡើយ។​ តើកឹម​​ សុខា ខ្វាក់ភ្នកទេឬ?​ គណបក្សប្រជាធិបតេយ្យ សេរីនិយមព្រះពុទ្ធសាសនា ត្រូវម៉ដ្ឋដូចអាចម៍​ទីទុយ ដែលជាហេតុធ្វើអោយលោកតាសឺនសាន​បង្ខំចិត្តដូរឈ្មាះជាគណបក្ស លោកតាសឺនសាន។​តើកឹមសុខា មានឃើញទេ គណបក្សហ៊្វុនស៊ីនប៉ិច​ ត្រូវបែកជាប៉ុន្មាន?​ គណបក្សជាតិខ្មែរ ក៏ធ្លាប់រង​គ្រោះ​ ពីបក្សប្រហារដែរ។​ បើបែបហ្នឹង ហេតុអី​ ក៏ កឹម​ សុខា​ នៅតែរឹងក្បាលចង់ដូរឈ្មោះ​គណបក្ស​សម រង្ស៊ី? ប្រាកដណាស់ កឹម សុខា ពិតជាចង់រំលាយគណបក្ស សម​រង្ស៊ី ចោល ប៉ុន្តែមិនមែនចង់ចូលរួមជាមួយគណបក្ស​ សម រង្ស៊ី ឡើយ។​​ តើ​គ្រាន់តែយកឈ្មោះសម រង្ស៊ី​ ទៅដាក់ឈ្មោះគណបក្ស វាធ្វើអោយរលាយ ស្រុកខ្មែរឬ?

Anonymous said...

I agree with the majority that the party's name shouldn't be changed as we all have known in the past about the consequences of the other name used. If Kem Sokha really cares about Cambodia and unites with SRP for the sake of the country, he shouldn't think about the name change of the party. In the end it's still a party that fights for the benefits of the Khmer people. I hope that Kem Sokha will wake up and work for our country rather than for the vietnamese slave-government.

Anonymous said...

Name change is not important. What's important is to serve our people and nation honestly. What's important is to win over CPP on the next election. Afteward SRP can change to Kem Sokha's penis name who cares.

Kem Sokha won't merge until agreed to the name change clearly show what kind a person he is. A person with a mission to destract and demolish SRP. Too obvious..... For those who agree with Kem Sokha either they idiot or they also wants to distract SRP.

I not belonging to any party but that's my opinion. I am not smart but this is too obvious.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Sam Rainsy and SRP denied Mr. Kem Sokha party name change request does not mean SRP are not true democratic but meaning SRP are not that stupid to fall for Mr. Kem Sokha lame tactics. Everyone have mind can see cleary what Mr. Kem Sokha try to do.

If Mr. Kem Sokha are true, him and his pathetic HRP clans would coorporate without conditions. Win the election first then the name change can be disgus.

Is Mr. Kem Sokha really that stupid? Did he think Mr. Sam Rainsy would fall for his pathetic tricks?

Mr. Kem Sokha is an idiot! Mr. Sam Rainsy is a lot smarter and more trustworthy then him. Mr. Kem Sokha is just a lying motherfucker.

Anonymous said...

Kem Sokha get lost! Stop lying... you only can lie for so much and soon you'll forget what you were lying about. You'll get caught beforehand soon.

Most righ minded people don't believe Kem Sokha anyway except a few idiots, HRP supporters. Soon they will know they all have waiste their time and efforts for nothing. Kem Sokha won't last long. They only thing make him exist is to get secret funds by Hun Sen. And yes of course his job and HRP job is to distroy SRP.

Anonymous said...

Hello our Khmer patriots,
We must believe in CHANGE
Anxiety is great mental issue need to be treated!!! Pro CPP, SRP, HRP, and others, are we original Khmer blood or what? For me, I don’t want to see our history is being repeated. In 1997 coupe d’état, Mr. Hun Sen’s regime killed many FUNCINPEC’s supporters. What happen if your family to be killed by Hun Sen’s regime. Are you going to kill Hun Sen’s Supporters for revenge? When it is going to end to kill Khmer of your own nationality? The East and West enemies are very happy to see this happen again and again. Angry is not a solution, let talk polite among our people. We’re in the United States the greatest nation in the world, and we must adapt some good culture from them. Respect other people believe, and respect yourself.
1. Mr. Hun Sen is Cambodian and a good man to his CPP in general. He has served a party more than 30 years in his political life. Each National election in Cambodia, many national community countries criticized him as won election by fraud. Since January 7, 1979 he has cooperated with Vietnamese government, and now more illegal immigrants in Cambodia; especially Viet-Communist about 5 millions of them according to NGO in Cambodia, etc.
If some of us did not see this as a true, then some of us are color blind. If Mr. Hun Sen loves his country, so do we; let other people have the opportunity to serve our country, too. Mr. Hun Sen is not Albert Einstein, and he just happened that in the right time and place for Veitnames to promote him for uncle Ho’s agenda to take Cambodia. If we continue to think that we’re not smart, then we will be dumbest. Be like Israel today, they’re the strongest military in the world.
I just want to send this message to CPP friends, don’t be so proud to see your native country die this way or you die with them with brain less like this. Wake up with high spirit, to save our country your life. Our country in great danger, we need you to defeat our nation from invasion. We do care about you. What kind of drug have you taken? Do you know that I’m your Khmer blood? Don’t you recognize the enemy surrounding you? Don’t be a brain wash like this?
We’re Khmer Angkor and very smart human on earth. We’ve greatest history in the past and we must continue to be success…
Please reconsider clearly of our country future, save our country, and elect the right man to serve our nation. CPP, SRP, and HRP is one Khmer, don’t let internal enemy divide us.
Khmer Solidarity, and Khmer alive.

Anonymous said...

Hey Khmers,
May I talk, too.Among the good, bad, worst character, Hon. Sam Rainsy is the best of all to become a great candidate for Prime minister and a good man. Give him a chance of an opportunity to serve his Cambodia Prime Minister Term, and remember we’re always can be changed next term. Open mind, and open heart to the best man (Mr. Rainsy). I don’t believe Prime Minister Hun Sen anymore after 30 years ruling in Cambodia. Enough is enough!!! Mr. Hun Sen needs to be retired soon. He talks like a gangster. Is He? Many Cambodians ashamed of his behavior in public speeches and actions, because his character so idiot! CPP has many qualifies man to run the country then him. Come on all Khmers, be brave to change and don’t be afraid to change. We need to upgrade the leader like using computer. Do you like new computer Window 7? It is a common sense, and understood that some nature like oxygen to breath, rice to eat accuses us cannot change. Yes, we can change Mr. Hun Sen, he is a human. He is not our god, but he is an evil man.
Remember, Vote for Hon. Sam Rainsy in 2013 to be a Prime Minister. Exercise your right; come out to vote for commune election in 2012, and national election 2013. Your vote can make a big different to help our country.
Hate is an anxiety in your deep mind; proof ourselves to work in right way. If we don’t love and take care ourselves, whose does?
Help Khmers, Save Khmers, and live and die in Khmer Kingdom forever….if recognition is true; I want to be Khmer again.
Yes, vote for Mr. Sam Rainsy, Yes, We can change, and yes we need to change now!!!

Anonymous said...

We hope to change!
We believe for change!
We must vote for Sam Rainsy for the change!

You hope Sam Rainsy can change.
You believe Sam Rainsy will change.
Change your vote to Sam Rainsy for change!