Saturday, June 26, 2010

Cambodia's former King returns home from friendship visit to Vietnam

June 25, 2010

Cambodia's former King Norodom Sihanouk on Friday returned home from a four-day friendship visit to Hanoi at the invitation of Vietnamese president.

Sihanouk was accompanied by his wife and son King Norodom Sihamoni. Prime Minister Hun Sen, the National Assembly President Heng Samrin and the Senate President Chea Sim and other government officials and royal family members met them at the Phnom Penh International Airport.

During his stay in Hanoi, King Father Norodom Sihanouk met with Vietnamese President Nguen Ninh Triet, focusing on the topic of further strengthening the traditional relations between the two countries.

Triet said Sihanouk's visit demonstrated the friendly relations and fine cooperation between the two countries. The former King also thanked Vietnam for supporting Cambodia in the cause of the national protection and construction.

Before the former king's visit, his adviser Prince Sisowath Thomico said that the former king's Vietnamese trip will not address political issues. "I think that the visit will be aimed to boost good relations between the governments of Cambodia and Vietnam and between the peoples of the two countries."

"Being retired and no longer doing politics nor diplomacy, my trip to the glorious Socialist Republic of Vietnam will have a strictly private character," the former King said in a statement dated June 14.

The former king made the first visit to Vietnam in 1995 in his capacity as a king of Cambodia. Sihanouk abdicated in October 2004 and was succeeded by his son King Norodom Sihamoni.


Anonymous said...

He comes back home with porng bei.

Don't expect any thing from Viet.

Khmer from BB

Anonymous said...

The King of Cambodia and His Father have both missed the greatest opportunity of Their life time. They should have at least asked to donate some money to the Khmer schools or Buddhist monasteries in Kampuchea Krom.

Nobody can or want to criticize a king who is asking to fulfill his duty to provide compassion and love to his poor subjects no matter where they are.

As a King of all Cambodians, His fatherly kindness alone is a good enough reason to request to provide such a gift if He himself is not courageous enough to ask to visit them in person! Vietnam would find it difficult diplomatically and politically to reject such a request and would have no good reason to reject it at all. After all, the gift, itself is for the legal citizens of Vietnam anyway. Aren't the Khmers in Kampuchea Krom also the legal citizens of Vietnam?

King Father and the current King both survive politically now to maintain their indeed more meaningless monarchy, but its survival has been doomed further and its relevance in modern Cambodia is slowly fading. They are so afraid that the monarchy will die if they don't play the right politics with the current Cambodian government and Vietnam that they hasten its downfall and eventual death by their own short-sighted vision of the purpose of a monarchy in a modern technological world.

It is just a matter of time that the right and reason of a monarchy to exist in the land of Angkor will be questioned more and more by younger, but more educated and sophisticated citizens of modern Cambodia.

I would really like to see the Cambodian monarchy to stay in a modern Cambodia, but a monarchy without a real purpose is something I don't miss either.

Anet Khmer

Anonymous said...

King Kong of Cambodia , like fahter like son . They are all Viet puppets .

Anonymous said...

If they(Monarchy) afraid to visit khmer krom people on the trip to Viet Nam there two things to focus on #1 The king is not khmer king.
#2 The secrete deal like 1949 (Giving away kam puchea Krom to youn and you get the throne?)

Anonymous said...

Monarchy is useless in Cambodia. They don't know what to do to help protect khmer interest except wasting most khmer resources? The government should tax them so that they can use that tax money to help the poor.

Anonymous said...

The King Norodom Sihanouk visit Ha Noi is only help Vietnam stronger and more power to oppression on Khmer Krom people in Southern Vietnam and in Cambodia. King Norodom Sihanouk visit Vietnam is to follow up that he have had promised with Ho Chi Minh to help Vietnam tronger in Asia region.

So, King Noromdom Sihanouk, he has nothing to do with Khmer Krom people during his visit. He doesn't care who is Khmer Krom or Khmer that living in Southern Vietnam; as you see in the article KI posted it said, " King Sihanouk focusing on the topic of further strengthening the traditional relations between the two countries". This is a very clear message to Khmer Krom people, the King himself only focusing Ha Noi's issue not KK.

Khmer Krom people from now on don't depend on the King's Father again. He's not the man that KK people hope and depend on. Only KK people itself can stand up and do own work. No one can do the work for Khmer Krom if Khmer Krom can't do itself.

Anonymous said...

Sihanouk and his so called royal clands are the eyes of present/modern Khmer people.

Anonymous said...

Sihanouk's worry about his throne not KK...The lost of KK to Vietnam in 1949.