Saturday, June 26, 2010

PM hints that SRP had role in failed coup

Friday, 25 June 2010
Sebastian Strangio and Cheang Sokha
The Phnom Penh Post

PRIME Minister Hun Sen has accused opposition members of involvement in an abortive coup carried out by the Cambodian Freedom Fighters (CFF) in November 2000, two days after the mastermind of the operation was sentenced by a US court.

On Tuesday, a federal court in Los Angeles sentenced CFF head Chhun Yasith, a 53-year-old Long Beach accountant, to life imprisonment without chance of parole for his role in the attempted coup.

Speaking at the inauguration of the capital’s first overpass Thursday, the premier linked the opposition Sam Rainsy Party to the plot.

“The US recognises that Chhun Yasith committed terrorism in Cambodia, and some of the members of the SRP joined that activity,” he said.

He added that SRP president Sam Rainsy had repeatedly petitioned him for the pardon of party members detained in connection with the violence.

“Terrorists were taken in as members by the political party, [and] they were jailed, but were asked to be pardoned,” he said.

Chhun Yasith, a former SRP member who formed the CFF in Thailand in October 1998, openly sought the overthrow of Hun Sen’s government.

On November 24, 2000, a ragtag group of CFF members, armed with AK-47s, grenades and B-40 rockets, attacked several government buildings. Eight people were killed and at least 14 wounded in the attacks.

Despite Chhun Yasith’s one-time association with the SRP, party lawmaker Son Chhay said Wednesday that he was expelled from the party long before the CFF was formed. “We learnt he was using the party for his own interests,” he said.

SRP spokesman Yim Sovann said Thursday that some party members were involved in the attacks, but have long since been expelled from the party.

“Anybody involved in any illegal acts are no longer SRP members,” he said. “We don’t support violence. We condemn violence.”

In April, the families of five men imprisoned in connection with the attacks appealed for a Royal amnesty, a request that was seconded by eight SRP lawmakers the week after. Yim Sovann said it was believed the CFF members were duped into taking part in the attack.

“Based on all the facts, we decided to appeal for an amnesty for the people who were cheated by the movement,” he said.


Anonymous said...

How Hun Sen was charge in the grenade attacked on Sam Rainsy demonstration awhile back. Can Sam Rainsy sue Hun Sen for disinformation is spreading false rumor.

Son of a farmer said...

SenVarman can repeatedly say, curse, and treat to hurt or kill anyone as he pleases, except Youn!

Youn will secretly help him to stop or elimate the SRP at any mean. Since SamRainsy is still poliSickally afraid to come back home and challeng the CCP's jungle justice, therefore SenVarman will find any excuse to punish him. Can SamRainsy once again file the lawsuit against SenVarman? Yes, he must publicly win the border's lawsuit first!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

US know that Yasit work for Hun Xen to defarme SRP and Cambidia American!

Is ir a back fire?

Good luck killer motherfuckers in jail and putside! May lightning hit you soon!

Anonymous said...

Many times in the past that SR appeal to the military and the police to turn their weapons against the government, but the military and the police mostly pro HS, they don't follow Sam Rainsy appeal. So SR is no difference from Chhun Yasith who want to over throw the government by any mean, but SR is a city politician, he has no military experience or expertise to accomplish his goal.

Anonymous said...

Hints! Hun Sen and Hok Lundy is related to the 1997 grenade throwing into the demonstration near the Assembly building.

Hun Sen and Hok Lundy should be trialed for being a terrorist back then.

Anonymous said...

2:48AM! ASP is a legal political party that have seats in the palament!

youmother fucker who want to fuck in any mean!

Anonymous said...

Remember Hun Sen and many more Sr. CPPs were once KR. Does that mean they are also responsible for killing 1/4 million of Cambodians?

Anonymous said...

Could SRP take Hun Sen to court for misinformation ? If someone come to public and say that Hun Sen is the one who ordered the attack on peaceful demonstration that led by Sam Rainsy , I bet Hun Sen will take that person to court and put him in jail within 24 hours .

Anonymous said...

2:48 AM
Since you said SRP asked the military and police to turn their guns again CPP, can you name one SRP member who has been doing that and when ? I hope you can backup what you said or you will be just like those CPP supporters.

Anonymous said...

Who killed 1.7 million innocent Khmer peoples?

a) ah juoy marai Pol Pot
b) ah juoy marai Nuon Chea
c) ah juoy marai Ta Mok 
d) ah juoy marai Khieu Samphan 
e) ah juoy marai Son Sen 
f) ah juoy marai Kaing Kek Iev  
g) ah juoy marai Ieng Sary 
h) me joa ka-a juoy Ieng Thearith
i) ah juoy marai Hun Sen
j) ah juoy marai Chea Sim
k) ah juoy marai Heng Samrin
l) ah juoy marai Hor Namhong
m) ah juoy marai Keat Chhon 
n) ah juoy marai Ouk Bunchhoeun
o) ah juoy marai Sim Ka 
p) all of above


Anonymous said...

The grenades killed over 10 people at the Pagoda. Sene Sane's son was injured by the grenades including 10 other people. I did not know that they would be using the hand grenades against the innocent demonstrators. I was not a party to it. When the grenades exploded, I was at the office of Net Sa Veun talking to him about how Hun Sen had met Hoc Lundy. After that the police were alerted to the explosions and that is when I knew that something bad happened. I only found out that after the grenades exploded. The police were called upon to investigate who was responsible for the bombing, but they did the investigation superficially and were trying to cover the track than to find the person responsible.

During my time at the Anti-Narcotic Bureau, I discovered evidence showing Hun Sen's people being involved in drug trafficking. I went to see Hun Sen with a view to bringing it to his attention. He took me to the cellar of his house which was nicely decorated. Hun Sen asked me whether I knew the names of the people who were into the drugs. I replied that I knew and I told him one name Mon Routy whom I was sure was involved. I suspected other men of Hun Sen were also involved, but I was not 100% sure. Hun Sen did not make any comments. Then Hoc Lundy then arrived with Huy Piseth, Chief of the Hun Sen's bodyguards and distracted my discussion with him. We then talked about the opposition party's protest. Hoc Lundy said to Hun Sen, ' why don't you use hand grenades.' Hun Sen said that it was a good idea... "I can send Seth to do it and he is a good operator." He authorized Hoc Lundy to pay for Huy PiSeth to do the job. Hoc Lundy answered that he would put together the money to pay them. He suggested that I met with Seth. After that, Hoc Lundy ordered me to find the money (US$ 100000) to give to Huy Piseth. The money came from the police.

On 30/3/97, the opposition leader Sam Rainsy led a demonstration calling for the reform of the justice system in Cambodia. The demonstration was held in front of the Assembly of the Nation. I was near the Pro Tom Pagoda and witnessed what happened. My staff took me on his motorbike to see the big protest outside the Assembly. 2-4 minutes after we arrived, I heard a big explosion and people crying and screaming. Then I saw four men running away from the scene. I recognized only two of them that were: Mr Phan Sary Colonel and Mr Ourn Cham Nane Commander; both of them were Hun Sen's men. I did not know the other two. They ran towards the Prime Minister' house. I followed them there to see what they ran away like that for. I talked to General Huy Pheseth and told him that I saw four of his people running away from the scene and that they should not have thrown the grenades. He told me to keep quiet and don't talk to any body. But I was angry and upset. I need to speak to somebody about it. I went to see Hoc Lundy who I considered at the time as my friend. I felt that I had to report to Hoc and could not understand why Hun Sen chose to kill so many people. But he told me the same thing to keep quiet and not to tell anybody about it. Amongst the people who were killed or injured was an American. I understand the American Government sent people to Cambodia to investigate.

In 2003 Phan Sary came to see me in my office. He admitted to me that he was the person who threw the grenades. He said that he was very sad because he killed so many people. He complained that Hun Sen used to pay him money to have things done. When he was in trouble nobody seemed to care about him He said that he did what he did because Hun Sen ordered him and he had to please him. He acknowledged that he killed a lot of people before. He said that he now did not even have money to support his children. I recorded the conversation.

Anonymous said...

Who killed Piseth Pilika?

a) me joa ka-a juoy Bun Rany 
b) ah juoy marai Hok Lundy
c) ah juoy marai Bon Na
d) ah juoy marai Keov Vichet
e) all of above

The Death of Movie Star Piseth Pilika

In 1999, I was heading the Anti- Crime Bureau as deputy director and was in charge of the investigation of the death of the movie star. I found that before she died, she had an affair with Hoc Lundy. Her husband went overseas frequently, leaving her alone in Cambodia. Hoc Lundy often contacted her and took her to parties and buying her presents etc. In due course, a relationship was developed and she bore a son for Hoc Lundy. Then Hoc Lundy introduced her to Hun Sen. Hun Sen met her. Prior to her meeting Hun Sen, she was not that well off. But afterwards, she made a lot of money. Her bank account in Canada Bank showed a balance of US$30,000 at the time of her death. She was also given a brand new Honda CRV and a villa. She was worried about her safety everyday as Hun Sen's wife found out their secret affairs. Hun Sen's wife blamed Hoc Lundy as he was the matchmaker. Hoc Lundy made peace with her and promised that he would try to separate the movie star from Hun Sen. Soon the movie star was killed. I found out that the killer was one of Hoc Lundy's body guards. I went to question Bon Na and he admitted that he was involved together with Keov Vichet in the killing under the order of Hoc Lundy.

Because the crime involved Hoc Lundy, I could do nothing about it. I made no arrest. I was very upset and there an innocent life killed and I being a police officer could do nothing.

Heng Peov hold position as the chief of Bureau of Anti Narcotic in Phnom Penh, Cambodia 

Anonymous said...

Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime

Pol Pot
Nuon Chea
Ieng Sary
Ta Mok
Khieu Samphan
Son Sen
Ieng Thearith
Kaing Kek Iev
Hun Sen
Chea Sim
Heng Samrin
Hor Namhong
Keat Chhon
Ouk Bunchhoeun
Sim Ka...

Mass Murder
Crimes Against Humanity
Force Labour
Overwork to Death
Human Abuses
Unlawful Detention

Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime

Hun Sen
Chea Sim
Heng Samrin
Hor Namhong
Keat Chhon
Ouk Bunchhoeun
Sim Ka...

Attempted Murders
Attempted Murder on Chea Vichea
Attempted Assassinations
Attempted Assassination on Sam Rainsy
Assassinated Journalists
Assassinated Political Opponents
Assassinated Leaders of the Free Trade Union
Assassinated over 80 members of Sam Rainsy Party.

"But as of today, over eighty members of my party have been assassinated. Countless others have been injured, arrested, jailed, or forced to go into hiding or into exile."
Sam Rainsy LIC 31 October 2009 - Cairo, Egypt
Executed over 100 members of FUNCINPEC Party
Murdered 3 Leaders of the Free Trade Union 
Murdered Chea Vichea
Murdered Ros Sovannareth
Murdered Hy Vuthy
Murdered 10 Journalists
Murdered Khim Sambo
Murdered Khim Sambo's son 
Murdered members of Sam Rainsy Party.
Murdered activists of Sam Rainsy Party
Murdered Innocent Men
Murdered Innocent Women
Murdered Innocent Children
Killed Innocent Khmer Peoples.
Extrajudicial Execution
Grenade Attack
Drive by Shooting
Police Brutality Against Monks
Police Brutality Against Evictees
Death Threats
Human Abductions
Human Abuses
Human Rights Abuses
Human Trafficking
Drugs Trafficking
Under Age Child Sex
Border Encroachment, allow Vietnam to encroaching into Cambodia.
Signed away our territories to Vietnam; Koh Tral, almost half of our ocean territory oil field and others.  
Illegal Arrest
Illegal Mass Evictions
Illegal Land Grabbing
Illegal Firearms
Illegal Logging
Illegal Deforestation

Illegally use of remote detonation bomb on Sokha Helicopter, while Hok Lundy and other military officials were on board.

Lightning strike many airplanes, but did not fall from the sky.  Lightning strike out side of airplane and discharge electricity to ground. 
Source:  Lightning, Discovery Channel

Illegally Sold State Properties
Illegally Removed Parliamentary Immunity of Parliament Members
Plunder National Resources
Acid Attacks
Turn Cambodia into a Lawless Country.
Steal Votes
Bring Foreigners from Veitnam to vote in Cambodia for Cambodian People's Party.
Use Dead people's names to vote for Cambodian People's Party.
Disqualified potential Sam Rainsy Party's voters. 
Abuse the Court as a tools for CPP to send political opponents and journalists to jail.
Abuse of Power
Abuse the Laws
Abuse the National Election Committee
Abuse the National Assembly
Violate the Laws
Violate the Constitution
Violate the Paris Accords
Unlawful Detention
Death in custody.

Under the Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime, no criminals that has been committed crimes against journalists, political opponents, leaders of the Free Trade Union, innocent men, women and children have ever been brought to justice. 

Anonymous said...

ah juoy marai Hun Sen is a terrorist.

Anonymous said...

This is a fucken joke when AH HUN SEN hinted that SRP somehow has something to do with the CFF! Didn’t AH HUN SEN used to say : "I know all," he said of a foiled attack on government officials. "Even if you farted, I would still know. You cannot hide from me."
I know for sure that AH HUN SEN know too damn well about SRP and why didn't he do anything about it? The fact that he choose not to do anything about it and it prove that SRP has no involvement with the CFF. The fact is AH HUN SEN wan it so bad to brand anybody who stand against him as the opposition, the CFF, or even the terrorist!

As a leader AH HUN SEN must accept the reality that even among the CPP within his party some CPP member don't even like him! And of course the SRP don't even like him too! So what is the fucken point for him to go around painting everybody who dislike or hate him as terrorist?

Anonymous said...

who's surprised? given some individuals like to talk violence on this blog! violence don't help solve anything, really! instead, why not think of other ways to reconcile, cooperate, reform, etc, etc...

Anonymous said...

Does anybody know about Prince Ranariddh(Royalist Party) arm resistance against AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave regime? AH HUN SEN killed them all...over 200 Royalist military officers and advisor were killed by AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave military....

It is a mystery that AH HUN SEN choose SRP to compare to CFF? But does SRP have any weapon to overthrow AH HUN SEN from power? Of course not! Why AH HUN SEN doesn't compare the CFF to the Prince Ranaridh (Royalist Party) that he overthrows through bloody military coup?

AH HUN SEN is being selective in his reasoning! For those that he killed and he doesn't need to compare and for those who stand against him will be branded as terrorist!

Anonymous said...

To 7:04 AM

I am 100% agree with you.

Sign by
Victim of Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime and Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime.

Anonymous said...

Shut the fuck up ah kwak kbot cheat! You and your CPPs are the true terrorist!

By the way Mr. Chhum Yasith has left SRP for CFF. However, I am sure him and his CFF are partriotic trying to kill you, ah kwak for the sake of Cambodian and Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

The crossed-eye guy never been up to date when he got one he is surely surprise. This former KR used to wear a tire sandal or flip-flop now he is up with tie. He used to wear KR uniform black clad.

So,for this reason Hun Sen doesn't like to use the modern justice system to persecute people. He rather uses the intimidation and violence toward his opponents.

For so many years since the violence grenade throwing into the peaceful demonstration near the Assembly building in 1997. When he can't do anything to Sam Rainsy, Hun Sen allowed Sam Rainsy return back to Cambodia probably please Sam Rainsy not to open a can of worm.

Now, Hun Sen is branding people this and that and last he is painting SRP's members for being related to terrorist. What a reverse psychology that Hun Sen been playing with his political career. I don't think, US is buying Hun Sen praised that he is applauding the US how US imprison Chhun Yasith. FBI knew for good that Hun Sen and his Hok Lundy were the culprit behind the grenade throwing in 1997. Like the word George Bush once said, you can run but you can't hide. Soon or later Hun Sen will be just like Saddam Hussein, Nicolai Chuchescu of Romania that has been killed by his own death swat, Like Adi Amin, and Ferdinand Marcos.

Hun Sen should seek or find peace in his mind just do something good.
His bloody hands will be punished by god.

Khmer needs freedom and justice!
Khmer USA,

Anonymous said...

Everything is in the hand Hun Xen!

Anonymous said...

As always monsieur Hun Sen is showing sign of desperation; this man has lost his mind. Monsieur Hun Sen seems to be oblivious of his involvement with the Khmer Rouge--a group repsonsible for the genocide of 1.7 million cambodians. Monsieur Hun Sen should look in the mirror again and ask himself this: Who was the murderer of khmer people during the Khmer Rouge era.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen is clever man. He allow police and military to kill anyone who oppose them and commit corruption with punishment. So, there will be no police and military turn their back to Hun Sen. He is a real politician.