Friday, September 24, 2010

Cambodian Kangaroo Court Decision: SRP Statement


September 24, 2010

To: Press Media and Cambodian Publics
From: Office of the Secretariat

Re: Cambodian Kangaroo Court Decision

As anticipated, PM Hun Sen’s court has ruled once again and as always, against the only credible political opposition party and its leader of the country, H.E. Sam Rainsy. It did and should not come as a surprise to anyone given the very poor track records of this purely one-sided political institution. The court has obviously become known as the CPP-court. It serves only one party’s interests, under a one man’s rule, for one political group while intentionally disregarding the rests.

The court, through its political rulings and interferences, has lowered itself to be used simply as the Cambodian government’s tool to suppress oppositions and human rights critics. It certifies legal seizure of people’s properties; prosecuting victims of land grabbing activities as in the case of Ms. Srey Meas given her land was being seized by Vietnam authority. It is the first time ever any nation’s history, that a government would actually jailed their own people in defending of foreign interests. This kind of political incorrectness would not be accepted by any of us in the West. The whole political party would be voted out next time around. Perhaps, this could be the reason why the CPP-led government wanted to eliminate Mr. Sam Rainsy from election 2013, for fear of loosing big next time around.

The UN Human Rights Envoy, H.E. Surya Subedi, in his latest report called for a complete overhaul to the judiciary system of the country. Below is what he said as printed in the Phnom Penh Post, September 21, 2010,

“Although the Constitution of Cambodia provides for the separation of powers between the three main organs of the State, in practice the distinction between these organs is blurred and the executive branch dominates the judiciary,”

We join H.E. Surya Subedi, in calling for the international community to pressure for a major reform to Cambodian judicial system which is deeply rooted in corruptions. Without serious judicial reform and independence of the court vis-à-vis the PM’s office, there is no democracy, but rather a slippery road to tyranny and political persecution.

Truly yours,
The Secretariat, SRP-NA


Anonymous said...

Ah kawck give people justice and a real democracy! You motherfucker do not see what hapened to Shehato and Sadam Husen 's families????

Do your grand children a big favor , fool!!!!!

Anonymous said...

WE love democracy!!

Anonymous said...

Cambodian Court jailed Sam Rainsy for 10 years in absentia is the last nail on Sam Rainsy's coffin. From now on, Sam Rainsy's political career in Cambodia is done and dush. So, will SRP survive until the next election and beyond? Everyone can bet for it.

Khmer in Sydney CBD