Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Protocol misstep or fervent display of subservience to Hanoi?

During the current visit of India's President Patibha Devisinh Patil to Cambodia, a large billboard in Phnom Penh proclaims the friendship between the two countries. As the protocol dictates, the sign bears the message in Khmer first, followed by the same message in another language below the Khmer message. Although, a Hindi message should be used, here, an English message is displayed instead.


What enrages Cambodians the most is the fact that, when Viet President Nguyen Minh Triet visited Cambodia earlier this year, the same billboard displayed the message in Vietnamese first above the Cambodian message. It is unclear if this was an honest mistake or a message of subservience to Hanoi, the benefactor of the CPP ruling party.


Anonymous said...

ណ្ហើយ! នេះមកអំពីរដ្ឋាភិបាលលោកហ៊ុនសែន

Anonymous said...

Let them worship his masters that makes God jealous and pours out his wrath against them.

Anonymous said...

even stupid can figure out this one.

Anonymous said...

God save Xambodia king.

Anonymous said...

i know, in cambodia, the native signs should be above the guest sign. i agree here with the pictures as evidence!

Anonymous said...

ហេតុម៉េចក៏មិនយករូប សីហមុនី​ ដាក់ក្រោមយួន

Anonymous said...

What's good about this billboard?
It comes into a cheating sign that suckers provide for nepotism only.

Please do not make this out as cambodian tradition!

Just get down to work on cambodian issues that people face, everyone WILL surely notice that.

Clowning around is not the way to go, cambodians!


Anonymous said...

The CPP were thinking of actually putting the pictures of the two Vietgs on top and move the king down below. It would look even better if the King were to dress in a Vietnamese robe. How much lower n the Kingdom comes? What a joke! I feel so sad for the King. It shows the whole nation are full of dumbs, starting from right there.

Anonymous said...

Submision!!!.. Submision!! Thanks XihanooK you're the smart xmer King in the 21th century. We have jobs for you and Xmer all. Our women are ready to intertain your ministers, and all nigh.

Smart choice !!

Anonymous said...

Why all the sudden Kheive Kanhanridd can't see this? Do they have an inspector when they posted this up?

Wow, I can't believe this!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thank you KI Media for showing the EVIDENCE of the immense contrast. Clearly this shows that ah HUN Sh*t and his Dogs are the SLAVES of ah YUONs invaders. That is a fact for sure!

500riel toilet said...

Could somebody please wipe the cream off of Hun Sen Mouth.. its begining to show.

Anonymous said...

9:57! it is not cream, it is foam!
No! the rabis dog bite, wipe it yoursels before I stone the dog to hell!

Anonymous said...

pouch khmer doach chhkae kraom pteah. kanh cheah keh machopp. koan srey khmer tov bom-roeur keh nov tam proteh pseng pseng heuy trov keh promat meul ngeay. pouch khmer teap doach thouly dey. so proud to be born as khmer.

Anonymous said...

the two pictures between sihamoni are related on his mother side.

Anonymous said...

I think the council of His Majesty King must find out why Viet languages are placed above Khmer languages.

Excellency Kong Samol suppose to protect KING, Then he must find out and punish the concerned department or Minister who made the billboard.

Sisiwath Thomica should invole in this case. Do not tolerate the Minister who made this kind of mistake or by purpose. Fire him. This is the way to save face of the nation and Khmers, not yuon.

from Long Beach USA

Anonymous said...

Fire one person is right to save face of King, nation and Khmers.

God, Buddha bless KING and Khmers

Anonymous said...

KING has done so much good things to Khmers. KING has no power, so eeparate KING from Yuon.

Anonymous said...

you only find this in ah sen's scambodia...hhhahhaaa.....you stupid khmer people can't do a thing to hun and Le Duc Anh......ah hun is the ultimate slave.....

Anonymous said...

ah silly puppet king sihamony is just a scarecrew for ah yuon. look at the Khmer scripts are under ah yuon scripts. Ah silly, crazy, dull, insane, idiot and stupid monarchy.

Justice lover at Phnom Penh Capital

Anonymous said...

ពួកអាចំកួតលួងនិងពួកអាលួងចំកួតវាដូចតែគ្នា គ្មានបានគឹតអ្វីទាំងអស់។


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I hab´ve notice those banner:

1) with China and the other countries president: They use Khmer language first, Chinese or home language of those countries

That is clear Kampuchea is the new Colony of VIET. No one reject this signal, exept Youn' puppet.

I have never saw this Banner in the Globe. All that is the for Khmer's brain, if they dn't react . Viet will take the whole Khmer nearby......

Harry new INDOCHINA with main city in DANANG ,central Vietnam.

Anonymous said...

Oh as Sihamony visited Viet with his parents. Viet wrote first Viet language then Khmer. What do you all think about?
That is clearly the puppet's state of Viet, no doudt our Khmer. Viet are witing only timing when Viet get the whole Khmer.

Anonymous said...

What MR PEN SOVANN and NEUN KEUGN wrote in his book is correct now.

Anonymous said...

What I wanted to tell you all. Khmer oversee prefer the spirit of
Gen. LON NOL come back to save Khmer from Youn, from now we can step by step what is going on in this country.

Anonymous said...

this kind of guest signs should be uniformed in cambodia. viet/youn shouldn't get special treatment by some incompetent authority. the ministry of information who oversees this should have corrected it. my god, stop showing favoritism to viet/youn, you know! wake up already!

Anonymous said...

Lon Nol is gone. No thing left.