Tuesday, September 14, 2010

SRP North America Party Announcement in Montreal, Quebec, Canada

What: Unity Dance Party
organized during the 7th SRP party congress

When: Friday, 08 October 2010

Where: Tong Por Restaurant
12242 Blvd. Laurentien
Montreal, Quebec, Canada H4K 1M9

Ly Sokha (514) 217-9827
Lim Pour (514) 758-8417
Pang Siek Heng (450) 934-3873
Ma Pretty (450) 712-4998
Tep Sokhavuth (514) 678-8583
email: mapretty@videotron.ca


Anonymous said...

Just do the party,but don't know get in jail!If you want to be president don't lie Khmer people ok!

Anonymous said...

F*#$ off, idiotic youn. Get yourself a life by getting off this board.

Anonymous said...

Come on SRP supporters, you got to be smarter and be more serious in your PR. If you want to party and have some fun, do it. Nothing wrong with that but don't call it a celebration of 7th Party Congress. It's a joke in the public eyes.

A party congress is much more than eating, singing and dancing. It's about setting direction for the party, developing new strategy ... and so on.

If you want to be seen as a serious party, you guys better start acting like one.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ឆ្លាតគ្រាន់បើ ! បបួលគ្នាទៅស៊ីផឹកសោះ រួច
មកដល់ពេលនេះហើយ លោកសមរង្ស៊ី ពិសា
អី គ៏គ្មានរសជាតិដែរ​ ព្រោះថា នៅកម្ពុជាមាន
អោយគាត់ពាក់ !!

Anonymous said...

ពួកអាមុខងាប់អោយដីទៅយួន សៀម នោះត្រូវពាក់អាវអីវិញ? ឬត្រូវរន្ទះបាញ់!!!

Anonymous said...

9:08! only a hooker like your mother who work without eating and brake!

Anonymous said...

Hey 10:43PM
You got that right, she is a Vietnamese hooker just like the CPP.

Anonymous said...

7th SRP Party Congress where His Excellency Sam Rainsy himself will be present.

No picture of His Excellency Sam Rainsy neither SRP logo on the flyer... you must be ashamed of your leader and party to design a flyer like this.