By A. Gaffar Peang-Meth
As I contemplated the topic for my column this week, the one I am about to write did not occur to me. But the quantity of e-mail from Khmer readers and some important questions in the Khmer blog, KI-Media, obliges this column.
I didn't think that my personal story would open a torrent of mail about readers' own life experiences, but that is what happened. There are painful stories about life under Pol Pot. And a story about a schoolboy made to stand still at a school flag pole with a stone on his shoulder for an entire class period in the 1950s because he "played with girls" reminds me that the authoritarian mentality has its roots in small actions.
I am sorry some Cambodian readers feel the need to write their comments anonymously. Stand up for what you think and say. Pol Pot is dead, and change will bring down a dictator like Hun Sen. Even so, some of the questions in the week's mail deserve answers.
Answering questions
An anonymous blogger commented that as readers and the writer don't know one another, "we tend to assume. ... Eventually, those assumptions become a reality." So, he was happy to read my life story.
Under Pol Pot, he had no schooling, but he could "carry the young rice on my head and care for water buffaloes." Two years in a refugee camp brought no schooling either. It was not until 1982 that he started school in the United States.
Now "I am able to communicate well in English," he wrote. He thanked me for my life story as it has helped him understand more about Khmers educated abroad pre-1975. He lamented how "older Khmers (around 30 years old)" -- hey, dude, 30 is young! -- insisted they already know what they needed to know; thus, "the conversation would end." He thanked all educators who helped shape his and other lives. He signed his name as "kaun Khmer" (a Khmer child).
Another anonymous writer asked me what he has been asking himself, and would like my thought. I wrote in this space before that I don't ever forget the land, the home, the village, the school, the friends. But all those are only memories today, for they all have changed, and are no longer what I remember. I am sure some childhood friends may not care for my thinking now, any more than I for theirs.
There's no place like home, of course. Sure, I miss all that I was familiar with. But those things of memory are not the same anymore, I don't miss what I don't know.
Do I want to go back to live in Cambodia? Sure. But having become who and what I am today, I cannot live where rights and free expression are curbed, creativity, innovation, criticality are seen suspiciously as treacherous. Cambodia's sky is not hospitable to my ways -- not now.
More than one reader asked if I regret not going into medicine or engineering. I still have no stomach to put a needle into someone's flesh, I can't stand blood and I still thank God for the calculator to help me balance my bank book.
One reader asked if I would recommend political science. Well, any field of study is good; but every human should have some knowledge of politics. I used to tell beginning students of politics: "From the cradle to the grave, we live our lives in the midst of politics." Politics is not just for politicians or government officials; it's for everyone. What you don't know can hurt you.
How do I help?
A former politics student of mine, who followed up with graduate studies on the mainland, e-mailed me after reading my column: She and her family are returning to Guam from the West Coast. She's applying to teach political science at the University of Guam. She was in the top 3 percent of students I had taught. UOG would be wise to hire her.
A former colleague in the resistance wrote to say he's undertaking a doctoral program at a university in Phnom Penh. Bravo! He asked for some guidance. I am glad to help.
And a young political activist in the U.S. who said he "read(s) every article" I write, wanted me to help. I wished I can stretch my day to more than 24 hours; but I already like what he has been doing.
Remember Martin Luther King's words: "If you can't fly, run. If you can't run, walk. If you can't walk, crawl, but by all means, keep moving." He also said, "I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be."
All can be taught
I do believe Khmers have the same capacity to learn and grow as any other. I subscribe to Tim Hurson's "Think Better (your company's future depends on it ... and so does yours)" that posits: "Every brain, regardless of its intelligence quotient ... or creative quotient, ... can be taught to think better: to understand more clearly, think more creatively, and plan more effectively."
If I can do it -- and have done it -- so can any Khmer. But one has to want to do it.
In the end, it is better thinking, or quality thinking, that will help defeat autocracy in Cambodia and keep Khmers Khmer.
The place to begin is with you.
A. Gaffar Peang-Meth, Ph.D., is retired from the University of Guam, where he taught political science for 13 years. Write him at peangment@yahoo.com.
I'd like to See Hun Sen go soon. The more he stays the less democracy and freedom we have.
We want change! People Power is the need for every Cambodian in Cambodia.
Don't forget that majority of Cambodian people in Cambodia support HS and the CPP.
The way government structure. No other political party other than the CPP is capable of governing Cambodia even they win the election tomorrow.
7:15 AM!
Are you out of your mind?
who ever support cpp is brain less or brain dead like hun cronies...
what is head-less-brain that idot is!
I agree to Dr. pengmet...he is right, the change begin with you...we all should educate one another through family member, sister, brother, cousin etc...word of mouth -- dont' be afraid of hun people, dont' be scare of CPP gangs, they are just a bunch thief selling khmer land....
Hun Xen are the first khmer thief ever ... since he got train from Hanoi to steal and sell and that is all he knew and he will teach his ill-literature children to ones too.
be careful... the uneducated thief is on the rise...!
beware khmer people!!!
The new government is not pol pot. They don't kill or chase you out of your job forever. You're doing what you are doing. Just under new direction. Isn't great? Who needs vietcong? People will live safer and better knowing that the government is there to protect their right and not to harm them. There will be some rule and regulation to help everyone live better and happier. If you don't obey, there is a place call jail baby. Go in there and loose some freedom. You're going to learn to accept new thing. Cambodia needs to be at the same level as other free nation do. Why not? Thailand in 5 years or less may become a better Nation which will care for the poor better than she had ever been.
It calls working better with taxes system and using it to create welfare system like America does. Following Mr. Hun Sen and Communist system from China and Vietnam, Cambodia will be exactly the same 30 years from now, because this man will control like freak forever and allow nothing new or innovation and creativity to happen in Cambodia. He is just like any other Communist leaders. The better they can control you and everyone else in the country the better for them. They think what they have right now is their Dynasty and their alone and they are going to control you save it for their children. You 're just be out of lock eat ash and be a sucker my friend. Look around and keep reading more. To be free or not to be. It's in your hand and yes Cambodia can change for the better. It can never again be looked at as a corrupt Nation. Think Switzerland or United States or England in Asia and think better.
Also start doing better things for the great humanity. Khmer do need more Dr. Pengmet Ms. Theary Seng Mr. Sam Rainsey Ms. Mu Sochea Mr. Son Chay Mr. Kim Sokha Mr. Mam Sonando and many others who think the same climate of the new sky to change Cambodia totally. Please join
Dr. Gaffar Peang Meth wrote "If I can do it -- and have done it -- so can any Khmer."
You may say that; but are we all born with the same amount of intelligent and talent? No. So this will contradict to Dr. Gaffar's statement. Can we make a pig swim? No. Only fish can swim. Thus we need to look inside as to what we can do as a person, and not trying to do something you are not capable of doing.
Dear 7:15AM.How long have you been reading KI Media ? The Khmer innocent people houses are burning by Hun Sen officials, land grabbing by high officials,putting them in jails without having justice at all. Yes, today Hun Sen is glad,but tomorrow he will be dead.Now Khmer people are starting to wake up like Dr. Peang-Meth said," Khmer can change,if they desire to change".How can Khmer change from bad to be good unless all Khmer people stand up together as a strong rock and lead to success like Khmer Empire.
You believe what you believe 8:17am, and are you a pig? No one can make a horse drinks the water, but they can take it to the water stream or river. The moral of his story is using your head to get better. It's exactly unlike the dumb horse that can't drink the water even though it's right next to it dummy.
Don't forget that majority of Cambodian people in Cambodia support HS and the CPP.
The way government structure. No other political party other than the CPP is capable of governing Cambodia even they win the election tomorrow.
7:15 AM
And don't forget that majority of the US people were voting or supporting white people as a leader before, did you think by electing Obama as a President you think that is not a change?
you are the pig and the dumb horse; no, its not about the moral of story. you need to have talent to excel in anything, not positive thinking.
You believe what you believe 8:55am. It's your choise. By the way no one calling you a pig or a horse or forcing you to do any thing. You shouldn't go around calling other people animal name either. It's not nice. You need to stop and rethink of your irrational behavior. Did anyone put your rear end on a hot frying pan, yet? or it didn't seem like . So save it for later.
i say it again and again, those who complain about hun sen is so behind time, to put it nicely. they always complained about him staying in power for so power, etc. well, it's not illegal to run again and again and again for office! the reason is simple: cambodia has no terms limit law to prohibit him and others like him like they have for the US president. i think it is up to the majority of khmer people to vote their leaders into office when they see fit, capable, effective, smart, educated, experience, intelligent, capable of communicating, etc, etc... so, why are these people complaining till the sky is falling? perhaps, too, cambodia is not ready to have terms limit law. unless the gov't put into law this american institution, it is not illegal to stand as a candidate in any election, you know! be educated already!
Nice phrase "Remember Martin Luther King's words: "If you can't fly, run. If you can't run, walk. If you can't walk, crawl, but by all means, keep moving." He also said, "I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be."
10:28 AM,
You are so dumb!!!
Dear Dr. Peang,
I am trying to contact you through your yahoo e-mail address, but it keep on returning back to me. Is there any other way I can contact you, beside the yahoo e-mail address.
Thanks - this is "koun Khmer"
The problem is NO ONE WANTS TO CHANGE in Cambodia.
We changed from Sihanouk to Lon Nol, we were poorer.
We changed from Lon Nol to Pol Pot, we were poorer and killed.
We changed from Pol Pot to Yuon, we are less poor and less killed.
7:47 AM and 10:28 AM,
Nice put but I want you to do the Cambodian People a favor - stick a gun to your dunkey ass and pull the trigger, then you will feel how the Cambodian people feel....How's that for a nice opinion about you? Got it?
7:15 AM, you're right,
why we need to change
because CPP government is bad,
it doesn't want to implement democracy,
it fakes multi-parties system.
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