Monday, October 11, 2010

ADHOC’s Ouch Leng: “If the government continues to use force and the court to break up the people, there will be a land revolution"

ADHOC's Ouch Leng (Photo: Leang Delux, RFI)

10 Oct 2010
By Leang Delux
Radio France Internationale
Translated from Khmer by Soch
Click here to read the article in Khmer

Gov't officials are acting as enemy of the people

"In the resolution of economic concession land disputes, we saw that government officials seem to act as the representatives of those who fight against the victims. I have no intention of attacking them [gov’t officials], but this is what we actually observe at ADHOC and also at other organizations. They act as the enemy of the people, they fully defend the [land-grabbing] companies and they also impose their decision on the compensation to the victimized people. In truth, any company that wants the lands, must buy them from the people based on market value, not forcing them to accept meager compensations..." - Ouch Leng

The ADHOC human rights organization issued an investigation report on the latest land disputes, indicating an increase in the number of protests by the people who are victimized from these evictions. The same report also expressed ADHOC’s concerns over an upcoming land revolution should the government continue to use armed forces to break up the people’s protest, and to use the court to arrest innocent people in this manner.

In an interview with RFA reporter, Ouch Leng, an official for ADHOC’s land program, called on the government to stop using violence to break up the people’s protest and he also asked Hun Xen to resolve these land dispute problems for the victims.


ជនពាល said...

ចង់ធ្វើបដិវត្តម្ដងទៀត ? ​ទាំងនេះ គឺជាព្រឹត្តការណ៍មួយ
សូមជ្រាបថាបើហេតុការនេះ ពិតជាកើតឡើង
មែន គឺប្រទេសកម្ពុជាយើងនឹងឆ្លងកាត់ភាពចលាចល
ជាលើកទី២ជាមិនខាន ។

Anonymous said...

Mr Ouch Leang is impressive. He is right too about potential disaster awaiting Cambodia unless the government deals with the problem.

Kuoy Pichet

Anonymous said...

The irony is that even Hun Sen agreed with Ouch Leang and warned about the farmers revolution a few years ago.


Anonymous said...

It is true!!! This issue is verry hot. the greedy government must rethink about thier force eviction on the poor.It's like fire waiting for someone to start. I don't want to see another POL POT IN CAMBODIA AGAINT.

Anonymous said...

Hi,people khmer prepare and tell to Ban Ki Moon:
1- Repatriate all vietcong to Hanoi
2-Sihanouk must come and tell the truth to International Jugdes.
3-China&Vietnam must pay back to khmer of the World(khmer Leu,khmer Surin,Khmer krom)
AngKor Wat belong to khmer!
We need peace,independence & real Justice.

Anonymous said...

You voted for Hun Sen and CPP regime. This is what you have got in return.

Anonymous said...

do not ask hun xen u had better ask his boss in ha noi. he is here is just a management branch of vietcamlao republic

Anonymous said...

Hope, you are not the member of tiger or the CFF.

Anonymous said...

you fight with the law, you lose! instead, if you are smart, get a representative to help with your grieves, etc! don't be stupid, ok!

Anonymous said...

As a Khmer, I have a lot of friends from China because we are working togother. They told me that In China if Chinesse Govt. need land for developing industry or else, first authority must buy the land from landowner like farmers or else more and give them a avirage preise to look for a new flat if those reject the price then they can go to judge for claiming for high price untill the both site accepted. Then the project will be take place.

When I told him the grapping story in Cambodia they tell me, the chinesse will be revolt!

Leng said...

I am Leng replied to all of you who waiting for good situation without do anything: It is not my idea but it is people decision after they lost land, houses, farminng land and now alot of poor people are live in fear faced forced eviction. It is not your problem you can say irony or criticise against poor people when it happened with you so how will you hurt? I concerned that if Government still doing like that some day affected people will gathered altogether rise up and protest against government urging for justice, fair resolution in land dispute's resolution in Cambodia. Now people are feeling hopeless on judicial system, and land mechanism in Cambodia, they decide to use rule of jugle for selve defence in order to protect their land, houses and plantation. Do you know when I was observing people protest in front of Hun Sen house, no one come out to help people in stead of use violence, beating, kicking in oredr to disperse people forced them to go back home without doing anything.
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