Monday, October 11, 2010

French beggar in Kampong Som [-Couldn't the French embassy help him better?]

Jel, a French citizen, was seen carrying his child while begging in front of Wat Krom in Preah Sihanouk city on Pchum Ben day

11 Oct 2010

By Samotr
Cambodia Express News
Translated from Khmer by Soch

Preah Sihanouk: A strange event is taking place during the Pchum Ben season in Preah Sihanouk city whereby a Frenchman carrying two young children can be seen begging for alms along pagodas in Preah Sihanouk city during the Pchum Ben day.

Regarding the desperate situation of this foreigner, several Khmer witnesses who live near this Frenchman’s house indicated that he was married to a Cambodian sex worker woman. His wife allegedly used up all his money, then she left him for another man to indulge in drug and gambling and she left behind her two small children to the care of her husband.

One of the witnesses added that the Frenchman is named Jel(?), he is about 46-year-old and he came to live in Kampong Som about 5 years already. When he arrived, he fell for a Cambodian sex worker and he decided to marry her. The couple had a daughter named Marie who is now 3-year old. At the birth of his first daughter, Jel rented a house to open a shop for his wife, but she was uncaring and she spent all the money on drug and gambling until she lost everything. Later on, they had another daughter named Sophie who is now 1-year-old. As he no longer had a mean to feed his family, Jel went to work as a cook at a restaurant owned by his friend. While working, Jel left the children to his wife’s care, but instead of looking after the children, she found herself another man and indulged herself to drug and gambling instead. Because he saw his children hungry almost every day, Jel decided to stop working as a cook and he stayed home with the children instead. To provide for them, he decided to beg for alms.

Cops from the 3rd district confirmed that this Frenchman lives near the train station in Preah Sihanouk city. The cops added that the French embassy came to visit him twice already to ask him to return back to France, but Jel refused to leave unless his two daughters are allowed to go with him.


Anonymous said...

Il faut l'aider à quitter le Cambodge avec ses enfants. En attendant ce malheureux a besoin d'aide urgente que notre ambassade est tout à fait capable de le faire. Il est perdu en ce moment et il faut pas offrir ce spectacle au monde.

Anonymous said...

Please let him take his children with him. My God! shit happens. Let him have them.

Anonymous said...

idiot khmer woman .. all of you desvere the bad life and slave to us the vietnamese forever..

Anonymous said...

Bitch!!!!. no education, no heart and no brain. I feel pity for him. This woman shows such bad image about other khmer women.

Not all Khmer women are like that. I am Khmer and married to my husband (foreigner), we met for 14 years ago and got married this year. I love him dearly. He helped for my education overseas and now we both work in Europe.

Not all women are like that, but some with no education is not easy to live with! and not all foreigners are good either!

French embassy should help him and his children to come back to France, he is better off there!

Anonymous said...

Pourquoi ne pas l'ambassade de France ne lui permettait pas son enfant et retourner au pays!?! La mère de ne pas vraiment prendre soin de l'enfant, pas plus, alors pour l'amour de Dieu l'ambassade devrait permettre, lui et ses enfants de retour de la France.
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500riel toilet said...

I married a khmer women. For 8 years she was a golddigger. she left me for another guy at work. I was captived by her beauty. I'm Cambodian.

Anonymous said...

Amazing, amazing photo and story, It is the first time in my life to get this story. The ancient Khmer always said that Kom Puth Slar Lao Kom Pro Dav Srei Khouch. It is a true story.
Thanks Ki- Media. to post this story.
Khmer Angkor

Anonymous said...

Please Let the guy and his kids go to France.
Before Cambodia woman moreover used to be humble, family oriented taking care their children, the good housewife, good Mother...
Cambodia now has changed to money and power from the Top Down.
Country corrupted system no more value as a good mother anymore.

Please help our poor country.

Anonymous said...

C'est une histoire bien triste, de voir un père avec ses deux enfants (baraing ou khmer), de surcroît en bas-âge dans une situation pareille (misérable).
On ne peut qu'être "touché émotionnellement" c'est sûr, surtout, lorsque celui-ci est un "baraing" de souche, et qui doit être normalement, soit-disant, un "citoyen priviliégé du monde" grâce à l'image du passé, d'une France puissante et bienfaitrice dans le monde entier...bien que l'histoire avec un grand H, nous montrera aussi le contraire.

MAIS c'est aussi une triste réalité, que de mettre une petite "lumière" sur les français de souche au Cambodge...
Il ne faut pas les prendre pour des êtres supérieurs, car ils ne sont, tout simplement, que des "hommes" ça se trouve, ce gars aurait été pire en France, il aurait sauté d'hôpitaux spychiatrique, en tentative de suicide jusqu'aux divers problème de société.

Mais j'attire votre attention sur le fait que vous vous émouviez devant ce drôle de spectacle désolant d'un baraing pauvre au Cambodge, mais est-ce que vous aurez la même attitude face à un mendiant khmer accompagné par ses enfants que l'on voit inexorablement sur le quai sisowath?

Et lorsque l'ambassade de France a livré les centaines de citoyens cambodgiens, qui étaient venu se réfugier dedans, aux mains des khmers-rouges...pour les amener à la mort, a eu t-on des "bouffées de compassion, de remord et de tristesse"?


Anonymous said...

Call you family member back home and take care your two small children. This is life and May GOD help your family.

Anonymous said...

So, let me get this. The French Embassy only allow him back if he abandon his childrens in Cambodia? What kind of shit is this? I say test the DNA on the kids and if it match to his....let him return. Shame on you the Frenchy!!!!

Anonymous said...

I've heard alot of similar story like yours very too often. People like yourself went back home to find a ligitimate wife only to lose her to her co-worker.
I think the reason being is that, when you take a person from not being expose to the lime lights that they're accustom to and throw them to a life of party and what have you...they will forget the past and live the future faster then you and I. Once they have adapted to the life in the US; they'd feel the need to move on.
Sad to say, but most marriage like yours are what we called a "marriage of convenience."
True love is hard to find Cambodia.
Good luck in the future.

Anonymous said...

(9:40) 8 years is too long to realize that your significant other is a gold digger. You should've dump her the minute you recognize the sign. My two cents for your future wife.

500riel toilet said...

12:15 and 12:31.


She waited until her parent are here. And Her siblings are just waiting for their Visa's.

Anonymous said...

9:40 look at the bright side. You are eligible to do it again. Isn't cool. Look carefully this time.

Lucky guy!!!

Anonymous said...

i feel so sad to hear this may god help him. but still wonder why he quite his job? is this something a joke?

Anonymous said...

There is no value in Ours Asian country today! Parent are not teching ours son and daughter...Money is the killer of all of US. All they do is brag about Lexus, House and cloths.

Anonymous said...

In Cambodia today is about money, power.....
The magna power and crony on top is careless about how to teach moral education for children, good heart, mandking, family values, a good parent caring for well being their children ect.., the poor care more about stomach hungry.
The mother in this story sale body for one good husband for money and or joyful sex life style now spreading in Cambodia have never seen before.
We see skyrocking building, bridge, Highway..all of these have not feasible in good proportion to the majority of poverty rate in Cambodian.
Stop corruption.
Equality & Justice.

Gunghi said : He eat, he walk, He sleep and serve the poorest countryman in his country.

Sen does not fall from the Sky, he just like us.
Please strengh Cambodia System to serve our poor people.

Anonymous said...

LBK autrement connu comme «LebossKhmer» à 10:38 PM, si je ne me trompe pas, a t-il essayé de faire une remarque raciste entre le «français de souche» et les mendiants Khmers?

Panhandling is just that - panhandling! Why does LBK “LebossKhmer” need to use such a word “white French” to contrast with those Khmer pandhandlers???

Shame on you, you so-called «LebossKhmer»!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think the best way to try and find a true love is to not pre-arraign from here or pressure from mom and dad. Another string attach.
Just vacation or venture off to the countryside and enjoy your life. Don't expect to find anyone while you there and someone or somebody will come across. Now that is true love!

Anonymous said...

Someone should definitely help him. Also, we shouldn't judge people by there ethnicity. There's a "Bitch/Hoe/Gold-digger" in every race.

and to the person who wrote "idiot khmer woman .. all of you desvere the bad life and slave to us the vietnamese forever.." <--You should rot, that's very barbaric and mean!

The girl who left the French Ambassador and his children will never live in peace.

This is not about the girl who left him though, look at the bigger problem! Him! Help him and his Children!!! The world is crazy.

I am a Cambodian American.

Anonymous said...

We have also two children but our children are living happy because we give all of our love for them and they love us so much. That is our duty as parents. When, wir see this pic we have high repsect for a french man taking care his children and decide to do that because of his lovely kids.

As Khmer, we must help him from our hart with love and support him. We please the french embassy to allow him and his two children to return to France peacefull. If France Embassy don't allow, this pics will be trough around the whole world very soon and the French prestige will be damaged serously.

May God bless you three.
Khmer in Germany

Anonymous said...

In my views is better to stick with your own race. I thinks most European people men and women they're look older then these ages, than Asian people. That what you get when you wanna try something that smaller lol.

Anonymous said...

Why is this news? What make him so different from the Khmer beggars? Because he is a French-man living in Cambodia? Give me a break! I feel sad too, but what I've witness as a young generation of Khmer is.....we will break our back to help others before our own. So sad!
Now, I challenge KI-Media to post a pictures of a Khmer beggar and see how many of you will spend a few minutes of your time to post your comment.

Anonymous said...

TO 9:19 AM

What make different ?
because he's french , a top great power in the world , I could say i've never seen french beggar in Cambodia. That's why it's touching !

Anonymous said...

My point exactly! Awwwww, It's touching!
....and your peoples well being is not?

Anonymous said...

Frenchfried: Just remember that we SAVED the French language, and without us everyone of you (French)would be speaking German by now.

Anonymous said...

Your kissinger saved cambodia aswell. Probably saving a few afghans and pakistanis from life right now.

Fuck u yankee. stay home.

Anonymous said...

As a mother I feel so pity to see this picture, especially the innocent baby who's sleeping on father's leg. They should be allowed to return to France with the father.....