Tuesday, October 26, 2010

On Hun Xen's refusal to answer SRP MPs' questions

Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Op-Ed by "School of Vice"

'Accusations' or not is beside the point.

The National Assembly is a democratic debating forum and the most supreme law-making body as well as a national watchdog, check and balance institution/mechanism in the land. Therefore, where matters pertaining to public interest and the integrity of the Constitution, treaties, legislations etc. or the infringement thereof, in their specific concrete context, it is incumbent upon law-makers to bring such matters to light and to demand their full, thorough accounts/explanations in a transparent manner.

Where questions are perceived or defined as accusations instead, the said accusations must be endorsed by relevant points of law or demonstrated clearly why the accusations made fall outside the remit of the National Assembly and belong in the Court of law.

There is a long catalogue of cases that have simply been fast-tracked from the alleged scenes of the crime directly to the judges who are ordered to hand justice and sentences down the defendants' throats without going through the above mentioned investigative stage and due diligence. For instance, in the case of Mr Sam Rainsy's charge of deliberate falsification of public documents, the charge needs to be backed up with tangible, circumstantial evidence proving beyond reasonable doubt his offense under relevant laws of the land - not laws of the PM or the recommendations of his foreign patrons.

This is why this letter is entirely in character with one ingrained with police state mentality who has yet to begin to accept that neither him nor his government or office is above the rule of law, to which he even has the audacity to make reference in complete contempt, arrogance, ridicule and mockery.

School of Vice


Anonymous said...

Hun Xen and his CPP MPs are bunch of monkey! They are YOUN's slaves!

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen is trying to be both a Prime Minister and a Judge.
There is nothing wrong for all questions put toward to the Prime Minister and to all Ministers to be answered. ONLY IF THE CASE HAS GONE TO THE COURT, THAN ALL POLITICANS MUST STAY SILENCE BEFORE THE DECISION OF THE COURT.
HUN SEN has used a wrong excuse to escape to answer to opposition party.
It is really shown of his arrogant and his disrespect of principle of democracy.

Anonymous said...

3:25AM, Hun Sen don't even know what DEMOCRACY mean! Nevertheless, that one-eyed Youn's slave motherfucker has no principle.

Anonymous said...

If government doesn't listen to our complain, we need to put pressure to those signatory countries and those donor countries to make sure current Xambodia government complies with the Paris Peace Accord of 1991.

We need to stand up against oppressors for our freedom and freedom we be us if we want it bad enought.

Nothing can't stop People Power.
God Buddha will be with the victims and they will be free one day soon.

Anonymous said...

Dictator won't hand down you freedom. You have to fight for it and it won't be hard to get it if victims unite.

United we will have what we want.

Anonymous said...

paris peace accord, ppa ppa ppa ppa. hun xen have 5000 bodyguards equip well and youn spies all at rank of instituation level.

cambodia wnat peace and stable but not be swallowing by Youn/siem .. ppa ppa paris peace accord. world countries communities canot stand still and open eyes seeing cambodia sinking and falling into any instable situation/war anymore before stepping in helping khmer.

khmer are thirsty to have peace and independence once and for all.

god bless world international communities and cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Remember all Khmers: if you are still stupid and dumb, you will be homeless, landless and live under Youns control the same as Khmer Krom.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

11:31 AM, I agree with you.
10:05 AM, I agree with you, too.

Look at Champa country who took their country,

Look at Prey Norkor , from Prey Nokor to Saigon from Saigon become Ho Chi Minh City.

Look at Heng Samrin, Chea Sim, from Khmer Viet Minh became Khmer Roughe from Khmer Rouge become CPP.

Who is the mastermind behind all of these it Ho chi Minh's dirty tricks to use Khmer against Khmer.

If you look at Lao Yuon used the same dirty trick used loa against loa.

The bottom line is, this is call Indochina Federation to put Cambodia and Loa under Yuon annex.

Down Indochina Federation.