Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Opinion by Anonymous

RESPECT, TRUST and SUPPORT are the keys to promote, foster and maintain the positive relationship between people, men an women.

RESPECT: Never underestimate the person ability and undermine the person action with back stabbing or hindering the work. Always treat the person the way you would like to be treated.

TRUST: exercise honesty by being straight forward and avoiding talking behind or give sarcastic remark whilst placing condition to gain personal benefit.

SUPPORT: provide unconditional support in good or bad time by applying the above merits with empathy and compassion.

IF we men and women can do this to each other start from a couple, then small group to a community then the society within a country to countries... the world.

Well I guest I could sign Paul Mcartney "Imagine" right now.

Wow!!!!!!!!!I can't remember the last time we have such productive discussion like this in this forum.

Let's hope the parasites are sleeping or these comments would saturate in their head, again I imagine...


Anonymous said...

You hit the core values -
"RESPECT, TRUST and SUPPORT are the keys to promote, foster and maintain the positive relationship between people, men an women"

I hope many bloggers here would carry out of their daily life the three principles of(RTS) is not too difficult to "Imagine".....I hope someday all of us Khmer will become one!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Mr.John Lennon!

Anonymous said...

3:58AM!!! he death long ago!

Anonymous said...

Here is the RTS principle I can give to you.
May I give you a constructive criticism with the way you respond:
- Take time to do active reading first to get the depth of the issue
- Think of what you can contribute in the debate
- carefully check your writing style, vocabulary or grammar ect...

For example, who doesn't know John Lennon died long ago... but why 3:58AM thanked him?

It's up to you now to take it or leave it.

KhmerIsrael said...

i can not imagine that John Lennon is in a peaceful state of bliss right now. If he could come back from the dead he will tell you differently than his imaginative world that he sang in his song(s).
I was a high schooler when John was assassinated.

Anonymous said...

So khmerIsrael - what are you trying to say here...can you finished your thought? You're kind of leave us bloggers hanging! Don't just assume that us bloggers understand what you are thinking in your mind - that is why you need to write your thought out...

Anonymous said...

How can anyone trust and respect an asshole who preached respect, trust, and support but started by calling others "parasites?"

Anonymous said...

John Lenon's Imagine. Not Paul McCarthy's.

Anonymous said...

So are you one of the parasites who love to mock and distract others with their negative thinking and dirty humors or cowardly attack on good character????????????

Do these parasites deserve the RTS?
And you who use swearing words to be a part of your language do you think you deserve the RTS?
Stop acting like a rotten spoiled child if you want to respond back.

Anonymous said...

JL is a fool to sing " hell below us, above us only sky..". Get real JL - you're born, you eat, defecate, and die - is that all there is to life? Does JL mean to say there's no justice for those millions who died because of Pol Pot? If so can you blame any one in Cambodia for making the most money now by grabbing somebody else's land, steal from the state, sell little children to paedophiles..? only when you start questionning JL's IDIOTIC and value-starved lyrics that you can start to IMAGINE a just world.

Anonymous said...

Ah chhkae yuon hun xen ban chak ruk lok ban kimoon aoy do lok christophe peschoux chenh pi srok khmer, boe min do vea bet angka sit monus sahak prochea cheat nov Kampuchea.

Yuon doggy hun xen convinced Ban Kimoon to change Christophe Peschoux from his position in Cambodia, otherwise he will close the UN Human Rights in Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Ah chhkae yuon hun xen ban chak ruk lok ban kimoon aoy do lok christophe peschoux chenh pi srok khmer, boe min do vea bet angka sit monus sahak prochea cheat nov Kampuchea.

Yuon doggy hun xen convinced Ban Kimoon to change Christophe Peschoux from his position in Cambodia, otherwise he will close the UN Human Rights in Cambodia.