Thursday, November 11, 2010

7 Days ultimatum for Beoung Kak residents to accept their meager compensation

Houses buried in sand by the Shukaku Inc. Co. belonging to Lao Meng Khin (Photo: CEN)

Land-thief Lao Meng Khin (center) and Choeung Sopheap, his wife (red shirt)
11 Nov 2010
Translated from Khmer by Soch

On Wednesday, residents who were victimized by the development plan in Boeung Kak Lake said the Daun Penh district authority issued them a letter giving them a 7-day ultimatum to come and accept the $8,000 and 2 million riels (~$500) compensation for them to be evicted from their houses which they have lived for the past more than 20 years. The residents said that the letter, dated 08 November 2010 and signed by Sok Sambath, the Daun Penh district governor, was distributed to residents in Village No. 1, Srah Chork commune on 09 November 2010. The letter warned that strict legal measures will be taken and the authority will not be responsible for the loss of the residents’ belongings should they refuse to leave. The residents said that they will not accept this meager compensation. Sok Sambath claimed that this is the common price set by the government, irrespective of whether the residents live on land or on the lake and irrespective of the size of their houses.


Anonymous said...

ចាំផ្ទះពួកអាឆ្កែឯង ជាពិសេស ផ្ទះអា សុខ​ សម្បតិ្ត ចាំលក់ ៨៥០០ដុល្លារ។ សូមយកឱកាសនេះ ផ្សព្វផ្សាយជនសាធារណៈជនឲ្យបានជ្រាបថា ផ្ទះអា សុខ សម្បតិ្ត មេសង្កាត់ស្រះចក និងផ្ទះ អា កែប ជក់ម៉ា វាដាក់លក់ ៨៥០០ដុលារមួយខ្នង! តែបើគ្មានមនុស្សទិញទេ ទុកលក់ឲ្យអញ! អញហ៊ានឲ្យ ៨០០០ដុល្លារ និងលុយ ៣លានរៀន លើសអាឃិន ១លានរៀល!

Anonymous said...

Why CPP have done all of these to Khmer people because they are Yuon under name of CPP ,

Look at CPP leaders and members:

Heng Samrin ( Khmer Viet Minh, Khmer Rouge and CPP )

Chea Sim ( Khmer Viet Minh , Khmer Rouge and CPP )

Hun Sen ( Khmer Rouge )

Hor Namhong ( Yuon , Khmer Rouge former prison chief of B 32 )

Meas Sophea ( Yuuon born in Vietnam serving as Army General in Hun Sen regime )

So the so-called the royal Cambodian government is Yuon under Khmer name CPP.

Anonymous said...

Those are not Khmer. In Pol pot time under 'Angka' 2 miollions was killed. and now under 'developments' CPP Voter and Khmer will lose their house. How you can bye a house with $8,000? . No way.

Anonymous said...

The company pay more then 8,000.00dollars but the top rank of CPP keep the rest . That's why the company do what ever they want to do because they paid money to the big dog already ,most money going to Hun Sen.

Anonymous said...

I do hope the company pay a lot of money allready to the top corrupted govt but 20% of asset will pay to people. That is the true story

Anonymous said...

After 1979 Hun Sen has only 'Pong Kdor Bei' like the other Khmer but he has more than $billions, where the money come from?

Anonymous said...

Hanoi killed Moslems and took Champa.
Hanoi killed Khmers Krom and has controlled.
That is Viet’s nature as thieves and crocodiles.
That is Viet’s nature as thieves and crocodiles.
Down Vietnamese expansionism!
Vietnam will be wiped out by hurricane!
by Volcano!
by earthquake!
by tsunami!
and by….!
Vietnam will be wiped out from the map!
Vietnam will be wiped out from the map!
Vietnam will be wiped out from the map!
Vietnam will be wiped out from the map!
All Moslems wake up then be united to take CHAMPA back!
Vietnam will be wiped out from the map!
All Moslems wake up then be united to take CHAMPA back!
Vietnam will be wiped out from the map!!
All Moslems wake up then be united to take CHAMPA back!
Vietnam will be wiped out from the map!!
All Moslems wake up then be united to take CHAMPA back!
Vietnam will be wiped out by hurricane! by Volcano!
by earthquake! by tsunami waves ! and by….

Anonymous said...

United among all of Khmer is very important.

Knowing our enemy who really is also important.

Our enemy is Ho Chi Minh Indochina Federation.

We should help Hun Sen and CPP to be liberated from Vietnam. Yes we can. 1979 to 1991 yuons had fully controlled Hun Sen. We killed them a lot and kicked them out. I don’t think that Hun Sen wants to live under Yuons.

We must be united. We cannot fight among ourselves as Khmers and Khmers. This is the only one theory of winning against the enemies from west and east.

Do not stand on Republic and blame King. The vast majority of Khmers in Cambodia highly respect King. That is the fact. King Sihamoni has been highly respected by international leaders from around the world. That is the fact, too. King Sihamoni is far and far better than Thai king in every aspect. He is straight and firm. No one around can manipulate him. This king is different from other king.

Sam Rainsy Party is too far to the right. This party should be moderate or more liberal. This is the way toward unity and winning for the KHMER EMPIRE.

No one is perfect. But must be one is a better leader? Who is a better?

Anonymous said...

o all the Khmer loving country people!!!

We need a sniper shooting at our father’s forehead..... That is the only way to get rid of him.

He thinks he owns Cambodia. We are his kids are so embarrassed when he talks like a barbarian or like a singing monkey on a tree.

Our mother is also making us ashamed of her skin bleaching, awkward jewelries wearing and flirting around...(my mother bun runny is seeing this hot looking 18 years old man behind my father's back - my father did not khow)

Please help us to get rid of them; we don’t want to be the Viet slaves.

Anonymous said...

unity to search the basic object and opp

Anonymous said...

The company must speak out how many money the have gave to the corrupted Govt in Cambodia, other you are the babare for Khmer people. And one day you will how will be happen with your clans

Anonymous said...

ahaha. The land thieves lead a life just like the one coming out from the movie or a book. He and his wife have someone holding the umbrellas for them. Hahahah.

Hey stupid land thieves, you are both ugly as hell and he is a recommondation for you stupid thieves: Get some hates, sunscreen, and sunglasses, you stupid. Hahahha.

In addition, why is that darkest looking woman smiling and sh*t. That is like such a mismatch already. Come on now, express your relevant emotion for the situation in the moment. Dang it when I look at that female, I get so annoyed because she is all smiling and sh*t. Is she hoping for some sh*tty donations or something because in her mind she thinks "having something is better than having nothing". Grow some spines already lady. Hahah.

Anonymous said...

They lived in Phnom Penh..kill this people who sale your land people.

Anonymous said...

Hey Beung Kok people, you just burn down what they build on your land, if you don't fight, you will disappear. Just learn something from Iraq, such as suicide bombing.

Anonymous said...

stop being stupid and accept the compensation! We all know that then won't win the power anyway, don't be like dey krohom. $8,000 is alot in Cambodia and stop thinking of buying the house right away, go rent a home cheaper and start a business with it to grow your money then buy a home! Even I pity you and my family who live there, but now I started to become sick and tired of this situation! They give you money, take it and leave to start a new life with $8,000 cash, which I in American never has chance to hold that much.

Anonymous said...

These thieves have got their moneys from hanoi to evict Cambodian from their lands and open for new immigrants from Vietnam. They are very soon be arrested by ICC ( International criminal Court) for creating suffering to others by using their position.

Anonymous said...

Dear Sochaeta,
Now it is time that KI either go intangible success or you perish, and it is very importance to see the future. Let go to future now, today in order for you KI to be success it obviously you have to provide a unique news, you have to have some things that other don't. In news 80 percent innate negative by itself so if you add more criticizing and negative news, it will overloads. can you imagine no man wake up in the beautiful morning and load their mind with negative. Negative is the form of garbage it will magnet giant garbage to you editor and viewers, now please avoid that. do not follow KI, KI is the boiler room.
I like you Socheat , now who is your target customer(viewer) ? all side of political viewers or SRP only? to be success you have to go for the majority and you have to see the viewer interest in reading your news.
Trust and reliable building. people easy to accept your suggestion and open mind to invite you into their community if they trust you, and they will be honest, trust for life long. Trust and reliable is very powerful thing in communication. you have to build trust, mean plant the seed of love and pleasure loyalty deeper and deeper in viewers mind. I hope your block is the source to provide only news of building love, unity and team works in all Khmer political ideology, and most importantly you are the professional media shall focus on educate and make people smarter it reflect back to you are a smarter media. I can see KI is not a reliable media, KI don't have principle and disciplinary by the person who run it. Its not smart editor so it less organize and provoke more demagogy, and you know demagogy policy is unenviable opposed. Good luck

Best regards

Anonymous said...

7 Day my ass! We'll give u 7 days to change ur mind or else we'll go blow up ur house and send you all back to Vietnam.. Just look at them.. both are of them are pure YUON! All thanks to CPP - namely Mr Saddam Hun Sen. Too many Okna in Cambodia, again all thanks to Saddam Hun Sen. Those so called Oknas main purpose is to make the poor surfer, breaks w/e laws they want. This is again all thanks to CPP. One by one they will pay.. example, one of them is fighting for his life in Singapore right now. Stay strong everyone.. and fight on against these aggressors, thief and traitor! Send them all to hell!

Anonymous said...

please move on! they are cleaning up boeung kak lake area to make phnom penh more beautiful.