Saturday, November 13, 2010

Hun Xen's response to SRP MPs' questions: Deny, Deflect, Decry

Click on Hun Xen's response in Khmer to zoom in


Anonymous said...

hun sen must stop saying the opposition keep attacking the goverment to gain thier own political benifit! it is the opposition's right to deman the answer if there any supicious move from the goverment (Oposition also a voice of the people).This is how democratic system work!

MR HUN SEN also said there are no cambodian would loss thier land during this border process.Q: will he guarentee cambodian farmer's land would return to them once this border process finish???

Anonymous said...

People has their own skill to earn money. bastard sonovabith hun xen and his gang had skill of murderer and robbery, that is why they are elected to be PM and so and so.

Anonymous said...

Ah Hun Xen is Viet dog's shit.He barks like dog;he walks like dog; his attitude is like dog.He is a blind dog.May Khmer vctims kill him soon.