Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A study of contrast: How women greet the Viet Dung

Khmer Women are made to kneel in front of Viet Dung and his wife to offer greeting flowers

... whereas Vietnamese women only content to shake his hand

When will Hun Xen's Cambodia wake up?

But more importantly,
when will Cambodians wake up?


Anonymous said...

Due to the Yuon's tradition, Khmer girls should never be told to go on their knees to greet this dunk Dung, head Yuon expansionist.

Anonymous said...

They should have already but not. They will extinct soon.

Feel bad for other people who waste their time and effort in trying to help this pathetic race.

Anonymous said...

If somebody spits on Sam Rainsy, will you spit on Sam Rainsy also?

Khmer girls kneels to respect the guest.

Also, what would you said if the Khmer girls kneels Sam Rainsy and the Viet girls only shake his hand? Khmer are bitches?

Khmer know how to respect each other... Sam Rainsy(KI-Media) doesn't know how to respect each other.

Anonymous said...

Khmers who work as Yuons' slaves must be renamed as Khmer Knhom Yuon, or in a similar term we can call them "Khmer Kbot jeat" from this day on. I can't imagine of any race who are more dumb than Khmer Knhom Yuon. To fulfil their own desire, they choose to hurt, harm, and ruin their own people. Go to hell ah "Khmer Kbot jeat"!!!

Anonymous said...

we have what so called a retarded kings who sit on his throne don't know what is going on. the three monkey whose picture on the billboard every street in cambodia think they are human. the poor country run by a retard and monkeys.

Anonymous said...

I don't care much about how Khmer salute their leaders or Chumteavs.

Anonymous said...

Viet Dung,
Respect or not respect means nothing for YOUN hopocrites just like previous visits to put welcome banner of YOUN languages on TOP of your Khmer languages.
To respect this DOG DUNG, Vitecong plan for Cambodia Federation, colonization, Khmer Vietnamization.
Vietcong youn visits to benefit his puppets in power but not in fact the nation Khmer interest.

To spit at his face or throw egg at youn visits to show we do not want them to come to svallow us anymore.

Enough is Enough youn Hopocrycy.

Long Live Khmer

Anonymous said...

That just how slaves greet their master.

Anonymous said...

when are you gonna wake up AH HENG SOY? open your tiny mind a little so you can improve yourself.

Anonymous said...

Heng Soy, how would you like to be greeted when going to Cambodia as a foreign Prime Minister... the Cambodian way, or the Vietnamese way?

Koun Sers said...

Don't worry so much my fellow Khmers. Let these Youn thinks that we kneel to respect them for now. What they don't know is that one day, from the kneeling position our fists will shoot out straight at their groins, again and again until they can no longer stand up. Then they will know that Khmers are not weak, but are just waiting for our time.

As for the racists who called Khmers slaves, dumb, etc...well you and Soviet supporters could not win the war in Cambodia, you sons of bitches. As I recall your soldiers were half starving, but too afraid to speak up because your regime suppressed them, just like the CPP is suppressing its own people now. And I can tell you now, that there will always be a Cambodia. But will there be a Vietnam when eventually all your women are exported to Korea, Japan, China to be impregnated?

Your Khmer Slave said...

Mr. Dung,

Welcome to your new province, Nambodia.
Your Khmer slaves are ready to serve you.
How many Khmer girls do you want to fuck tonight?

Your Khmer slave

Anonymous said...

To all Xmer,
Your boss is coming, please don't act something wrong, ok.

Anonymous said...

Ong Dog Dung,
YOUN came as invader !!!
Who care about Khmer respect with these invaders who bring about 7 illegal or legal Millions Youn since January 7, 1979.
Not a single YOUN living prior January 7....
Youn respect Khmer as their low class, slave remembring an old time " KAPOP TAI ONG"

Khmer awake one day !!
We will see who is your real friend or your real ennemy!!!

YOUN friendship thousand years with Khmer to enroach Khmer land....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Soon Cambodia will be call Bahn Xeobodia!

Anonymous said...

Look like those girls are laughing because they can see how small the Viet dink dungs are. Just ask Viet women. That's why Viet females marry outside there Viet race.

Anonymous said...

That's the only thing that makes CPP soft like a rubber...a visit from master viet...

Anonymous said...

Dear blogger,please find the way out of being a Viet slave.Please stop blaming each other;I mean Khmer oversea,we should get together to protest and solve Khmer problems No one can help Cambodia without Khmer help Khmer.

Anonymous said...

before: Phnom Penh, Cambodia
currently: Nam Banh, Nambolao

Anonymous said...

4:35 AM,
How do you want to have a broom stick stuck to your mother's ass?

Your answer, please?

Anonymous said...

5:51 and 6:06 AM,

How do you want to have a 5-foot long pole or a Viet's black dog cock stuck to your mother's ass?

Your answer, please?

Anonymous said...

why you ask me to wake up? when i wake up i will loos my power. PM

Anonymous said...

vn is a developing country like Cambodia. vn also borrows money from adb or wb and also asks a loan from other rich countries, why leader of Cambodia want to become slave of a similar poor?

Anonymous said...

Motherfucker slaves of the vietcongs! The slaves are only brave at oppressing own citizens!

Anonymous said...

Khmer rouges Vietcongs!

Anonymous said...

the two khmer women should just stand up straight, instead of bowing low like in the present of a khmer monarch. that's not right. please educate our people to to the right thing. our people should act like inferiority or something like this! this is not the dark ages, you know! be civilized and modernized, please! although i think khmer traditional clothes on the women are so beautiful always.

Anonymous said...

LONG LIVE VIET NAM... let our brothers and sisters who hold all level of officials cambodian government position to take full control of this useless country and make it into our new viet nam provinces. LONG LIVE VIET NAM..Thank to HUN SEN for doing a good work to take more money from china..

thank also to His Excellency SOK Sihpana, Phay Siphan and Sarin Denora for their lip services and manipulates international communities for our vietnam interest.

Anonymous said...

KI Media does it again for pointing out that number one slave Hun Sh*t ugly punk. I just can't believe my eyes at all. Why do they make the female greeters KNEEL to the savage ugly YUONs for? This is tooooooo much to bear and to witness. Hun Sen must be deported to live in Hanoi, that is for sure. Let him live out the rest of his life with the stinky dog meat and pho-Cong yucky soup in Hanoi. Dang it this is insulting--very insulting. Does Hun Sen also put the Khmer lettering beneath the ugly-looking YUON lettering this time? Dang it this is sh*t!

Anonymous said...

ah yuon mean amnach smoe ning ah sdach khmer.

Bastard yuon has equal power to ah khmer king.

Anonymous said...

អាអ្នកសរសេរនេះ បើឆ្កែខាំ ប្រហែលវាហក់ទៅខាំឆ្កែវិញហើយ​ មើលទៅ ៕

Anonymous said...

better then youn girls love to spread thier legs.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen and Sihamony are not just lowering themselves in all aspect of their beings, but they are also willing to make Khmer men and women to be as low as them.

Well they can do what they want because they are in power, but would this be permanent?

Anonymous said...

4.31 You are a Vietcong communist's slave. Your stupidity is a laughable one. Khmer will always be Khmer in this world. Your evil ways will eventually be vanished out of this world..!!! There are still Khmer Krom living in our ancestral land of what so called South Vietnam till these days. So your ambition will turn to ash you stupid Yuan..!!!

Your race is known to be.." The Race Of Bandits" everywhere you go, you steal, you rob. You are a drug dealer..!!!

AH JAO YUAN...!!!! AH JAO YUAN..!!! Vineahh Phleam Tov...!!!!

Khmer Trakaulrungreung, Aussie

Anonymous said...

She dont have to kneel to anybody... just dont take the jobs. stupid bitch....do what right if you hate vietnam of anything dont go there. stop buy any vc products.

Anonymous said...

Still better than khmer girls washing her damn husbands during the wedding ceremony.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ah CPP esclave ah Yuon ,il ne donne pas la valeur aux jeunes filles cambodgiennes.Le protocole khmère Traditionnele est trop doux, trop sage,trop respecter aux genoux à terre devant ah yuon Vietcong et avec sa femme.
Som jae ah yuon phorng, heuy som lok kakvey kamnap PRUM KIM CHOEUN , matar kom deal KHMER (kaun ed puoch) oy soss.
Khmer min barn vatikar Ki-Media samrap chlours kn'ea doch lok jort nous tae , keu khmer mean kamhoueng jea muoy yuon del kampong lap tuk dey KHMER.

KHMER ED PUOCH , tarm kalak tasak.
Neak mean POUCH L'OR mean tae pourk YUON VIETCONG.

Anonymous said...

Prom Kim Choeun 's Khmer CPP yuon Hun Xen ?