Friday, December 24, 2010

Former Argentine Dictator Gets Life in Prison [-This should serve as a lesson to the current dictator in Phnom Penh!]

Former Argentine general and dictator Jorge Rafael Videla (L) and former army general Luciano Benjamin Menendez await for their sentence in the trial for the murder of 31 political prisoners. (AFP/Getty Images)
DECEMBER 23, 2010
The Wall Street Journal

BUENOS AIRES—Former Argentine dictator Jorge Rafael Videla, on trial for the first time since the country's Supreme Court rescinded his amnesty, was sentenced to life in prison by a federal court for the murder of 31 political prisoners in 1976.

Mr. Videla ruled Argentina from 1976 to 1981 and presided over the so-called Dirty War in which at least 10,000 people suspected of working against the regime, and perhaps as many as 30,000, were "disappeared" and killed, according to historians and human-rights groups.

After the country returned to democracy, Mr. Videla was sentenced in a landmark 1985 trial to life in prison for abuses committed during his rule. He served five years before he and other figures from the dictatorship were pardoned by President Carlos Menem, who said he was trying to close the book on a divisive era in Argentine history. The Supreme Court struck down the pardons in 2007, paving the way for new cases to be brought against officials from the dictatorship.

Wednesday's sentence was the culmination of a six-month trial in the city of Cordoba revolving around the case of 31 prisoners suspected of opposing the regime, who were rousted from their cells and executed following the coup that brought Mr. Videla to power. A three-judge panel issued the sentence, which it specified should be served in a common prison facility, as opposed to in a military jail or under house arrest.

Mr. Videla, 85 years old, sometimes appeared to doze off during the trial. He was defiant when he did speak.

"I don't speak of 'Dirty War,' I prefer to speak of 'just war,' " he said on Tuesday, asserting that his government had implemented a legitimate defense strategy against leftist guerrilla groups.

He took thinly veiled swipes at the government of President Cristina Kirchner, who has acted aggressively to bring former officials of the dictatorship to justice. "The enemies of yesterday achieved their goal and govern the country and they try to set themselves up as champions of human rights," Mr. Videla said.

Convicted along with Mr. Videla were 29 other security officials from the dictatorship, including former Gen. Luciano Benjamin Menendez, who headed anti-guerrilla operations in a large section of the country.


Anonymous said...

nation in the world should have two parteis one opposing the other for the benfites of the nation,
I derict my idea on leadership only. I used to be SRP member and work very close to sam rainsy, now here is the pionts you know and clearly understand that we wast alote of our time, energy and money to support him, I Spend 300 $ in every communt ellection and much mores, Sam rainsy, he is a good talker, he enjioy working alone he not work well with other, he got weak team work, in 1998 to 2008 he got great chance to wine, he did not see that advatage. If you search a bit you will clearly see, Rainsy he lack leadership skile, he not set clear deriction, and his mentality are not tough to push his team and himeself past the breaking piont to victory. Now looke to the future, most peoples in cambodia they are not going to believe or thruth him any more would you happy with leadershipe like Sam rainsy, he is not stricness, less moral, very bossing, careless for his supporter, In fact he try to make himself become priminister of cambodia that he only care about, not khmer. He lead demostration, and stope foreign donation, he try to kill Hun sen 4 times, I allway call hime street wild act, becouse
he is not the man for you and me to support. if you go to cambodia you will find out that many of his supporter, are involve in crimnal act.

Anonymous said...

well, shut the fuck up ! motherfucker Ah Va kim hong motherfucker . ah va kim hong fuck his mother then his mother in law b/c he is a treason.

Anonymous said...

Hun SEn is committing more Crime Against Humanity 1000 times more than Mr Vindela.

Anonymous said...

Whatever he did, it was in the Context of the Cold war.I must praise the former Argentine President for his combat against the Communists and his pre-emptive action to keep Argentine out of the Communist rule.

Without this " Criminal" President, Argentine would have been falled in the hand of the Communits..who would have turned Argenin into a Killing field like Cambodia.

រាស្រ្តរងគ្រោះព្រោះអស់ដី said...


Anonymous said...

Ah Hun Sen,ah Heng Samrin,ah Chea Sim,ah Svar Kim Hong,and others your time will come like ah Jorge Rafael Videla,ah Luciano Benjamin Menendez.
Who will jugde four traitors on the left side?
The Khmer Victims will judge all of you;they will hang your necks down and cut your necks with saws.They will take your eyes off with screw drivers;they will take your ears off with scissors,put human wast in your moths,use leeches to suck your secret stuffs.
So, go to hell like Argentina dictators soon.

ជនពាល said...

នែ! ម្នាល 1:27 PM យើងហ្នឹងហើយគឺហ៊ុនសែនណា !
មកពីគ្នាខ្លាច គេចាប់គ្នាយកទៅកាត់ទោសហ្នុង
ណា បានជាគ្នា​ នៅតែក្រាញកាន់អំណាច តទៅទៀត ។
មើល៎ទៅ គ្នាត្រូវកាន់អំណាចរហូតដល់គ្នាស្លាប់ទើបបាន
ពីព្រោះ អាពួកប្រឆាំងនេះ វាមានគំនុំ គំគួន
ជាមួយគ្នា្ ច្រើនណាស់ ។ ម្នាលឯងដឹងទេ ​
បើកម្ពុជាយើង ជាប្រទេសមួយ ដែលមានស្ថានភាព ដូចនៅប្រទេសខាងលិចនោះ ​សំម្លេះ គ្នាសុំឈប់ធ្វើជាបេក្ខជន ជាយូរណាស់ហើយ។ ឯងដឹងទេ សព្វថ្អៃ គ្នាចង់តែសោយសុខជាមួយ
ទ្រព្យសម្បត្តិមហាសាគរ ដែលគ្នាសន្សំបាន
តែបើគ្នាលាលែងពីដំណែង ហើយ ដល់ពេលអស់
អំណាចទៅ ​ពួកអ្នកដទៃនឹង ធ្វើបាបក្រុមគ្រួសារគ្នាជាមិនខាន ! ព្រោះថា ខ្មែរយើងមានទំនាមទំលាប់មួយដែលគេហៅថា ទឹកឡើងត្រីស៊ីស្រមោច ទឹកហោស្រមោចស៊ីត្រី
មួយវិញទៀត ធ្វើជាមេគេ នៅកម្ពុជា គឺគ្នាត្រូវតែហ៊ានស៊ីហ៊ានសង បើគ្នាមិនស៊ីគេទេ គេនឹងស៊ីគ្នាវិញជាមិនខាន ។ មានពាក្យស្លោកមួយដែលចិនហៅថា ចិត្តមិនដាច់ធ្វើស្ដេចមិនកើត ដូច្នេះ មានពេលខ្លះទើសទាល់ខ្លាំងណាស់ ​តែគ្នាត្រូវបង្ខំចិត្តធ្វើអចឹង ។
ពោលអ្វីៗ គឺ កាលះទេសះ ទេដែលជាអ្នកបង្ខំ ៕

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

បញ្ហាសំខាន់គឺយួន និងព្រំដែន នៅលើផែនដីនេះ មានតែ យួនហ៊ុន សែន និងបក្សពួកវាទេ ដែលសំលាប់ជាតិឯង ទុកដីអោយយួន

Anonymous said...

យើងត្រូវតែនិយាយរឿងនេះរហូត អោយពិភពលោកបានដឹងអំពី អំពើក្បត់ជាតិរបស់យួនហ៊ុន សែននិងបក្សពួកវា

Anonymous said...

វាត្រូវតែចឹងហៃ កាលហែងនូវអំណាច ហែងកាប់សំលាប់គេ ហែងលួចដីគេ អោយគេបូមដីលប់ផ្ទះគេ សំលាប់គេដោយ ក៥

Anonymous said...

មើលខ្មោចអាំយួន ហុក​ឡងឌី ងាប់ទៅរកសាច់មយយដុំ មិនឃើញទេ

អានេះងាប់ដោយរន្ទះបាញ់ គេថាខ្មោចតែហោង

យួនហូជីមិញ​ និងយួន ហុកឡងឌី បានទៅនរកហើយ តិចទៀត យួនហ៊ុន សែននិងបក្សពួកវា និងទៅជួប ខ្មោចហូជីមិញនិងហុកឡងឌី

ជនពាល said...

រឿងអនាគត គ្មានរណាគេដឹង​ថា វានឹងទៅជាយ៉ាងណាឡើយ ។ តែបច្ចុប្បន្នភាព
គឺគ្នាដែលជាហ៊ុនសែន បាននិងកំពុងតែសោយរាជ្យ ហើយពួកប្រឆាំងវិញ គឺដូចជាមនុស្សពិការបេះបិទ ។

Anonymous said...

ថ្ងៃណាមួយ នៅពេលដែលផែនការយួនបានសំរេច
យួននិងសំលាប់ ឆ្កែរបស់វា គឺ​ ហ៊ុន សែននិងបក្សពួកវា

Anonymous said...

You guy so naive, when I was a student I was always thought about nation, corruption, immigration, patriotism as everyone have thought but when it come to the money I and others have forgotten everythings, you can talk what ever you like but behind close door you guy are all the same as always think about how to get rich and looking for good position (kan leng Klanh or fat place).

you guy train as Nuclear Technician but work as finance, Keat Chhun as an example, Pot Pot studied electrical engineering and work as Communist, Hun Sen son Dr of economy work as military or security and countless of others. The more you guy get smart the more you guy got grazy, Pol Pot,Eang Sary, Kheav Somphon...kill alots of people, Currently so called intellectual person, example Cambodian court, what they have done to our country and put blame on innocent and uneducate person. War, corruption always made by educated person and use uneducate people as a tool. At countryside, I saw peasants make money in honest way and united, everyone was looked after. Unlike the intellectual one are always hunting for money and when ask for support they turn to support the communist, students and intellectual in Lon Nol Regime as an example, Lon Nol Collapsed as result of series of demonstration to support the Communist. if You are not work in the field that you are training for the country will be in trouble.

Study in America come to Cambodia looking for fat place, study in Australia without qualification but act like the one who have, study in Cambodia there no need to research just memorise what in the lecture note or bribe that it.

when come to work in government position 1 or 2 hours then go home or do something else, please do not say because of salary is too low, if you guy all donnot bother to work for the government then the country stand still then the government may consider high salary, because you guy rush to get position thatwise the salary go down.

រាស្រ្តរងគ្រោះព្រោះអស់ដី said...


Anonymous said...

2:40 PM, You are completely wrong.

There would be no Super Power such as America, Great Britain if people were the same.

Because when they have power in hand, they would betray their nation.

So countries in the world would have the same level.

What an ancient and short idea.

I'm now an worker, I can have a lot of money if i support Yuon CPP party, but I won't.
I'm helping myself cos i know what happening to Cambodia in the future.

Anonymous said...

Ah CPP and ah Kwack take a look at those two people is your standard idiots. Time is ticking on your stupid regime now, one day people will track your traitors people on the fucking street don't be stupid asshole.

Anonymous said...

I will be the first person to slam at Yuon Hun Sen face when its power gone

law of nature: SOMETHING GOES UP MUST COME DOWN !!!!! remember this Yuon Hun sen

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen and his comrades will be locked up in jail one day after they have been toppled . No way in hell that they can get away with the crimes that they have beem commited .

Anonymous said...

2:40 PM
More than half of your comment is wrong and I don't agree with that .

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Long life a great vietnam ,we are vietnam ,we already controle laos and cambodia ,we put our people and agents every where in cambodia even in government and in CPP we tie everything ,we will be agreat vietnam ,we don't care about china ,china just a tiger stand up from sickness,china use to lost a battle at our north vietnam .In 1979 we work hard ,we send our suicide commando to phnom penh to catch sadat sihanouk ,because we want him stay with us to support us before we push pol pot to the forest ,but the china worker at phnom penh catch our commando and destroy them,now samdech sihanouk come to support us by himself ,so we have hun sen in our right hand and samdech sihanouk in our left hand ,we have everything ,not to long we will be a great vietnam.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I know this WEB. KI create by hanoi, just for pushing khmer people to fight each other ,when khmer people become oil and water ,hanoi will destroy.

Anonymous said...

8:31 pm: sure it sure this wrb KI creat by VN hanoi, to stimulate khmer vs khmer. so that hun sen said dont close it. fuck , youn everry where ...

Anonymous said...


Yeah right so did the Khmer Rouge, they claimed that their regime would last for a thousand years.
At the current rate there would not be any Cambodia left to rule in 2099.
So keep on dreaming idiot.

Anonymous said...

Relax men! Khmer Men! Always think POSITIVE when you think positive your life and your thinking will direct you to win anything in life whether personal or whole nation.

Do you think positive everyday? Where dose it lead you ?


Anonymous said...

My dear 2:40PM,
Your time was over;the good and the bad will be buried with you.
I knew you are an old man now.
Please encourage new generation to do somethings good for Khmer future.
NO one live in the world without positive and negative,even the great thinkers such as Buddha,Jesus christ, Mohammed;Scientists found out electric molecule still having positive and negative matters.

Anonymous said...

what! who's the dictator? according to who? wake up people, come to cambodia and see for yourself, ok!

Anonymous said...

how else are they supposed to do it? somebody got to be in control or it is chaotic and anarchic. say the truth, is it lack of rule of law, or it is something else? what is it? stop the ignorance!