Friday, December 24, 2010

Opposition leader Sam Rainsy cordially invited to attend NA's dinner by no other than ... Heng Xamrin himself

Unlike what the CPP kangaroo court's claim that opposition leader Sam Rainsy is a criminal in the banana kingdom, Heng Xamrin, the president of the National Assembly, still considers Sam Rainsy as a full Member of Parliament as can be seen in the invitation above where Sam Rainsy is asked to attend the National Assembly dinner on 24 December 2010.


Anonymous said...

People can not believe, this national assembly president can not even read Khmer properly, does he has looked this invitation? does he has any formal qualification? of course not from Vietname.

Anonymous said...

Invite Sam rangsy into a cage that is where he's belong.

Anonymous said...

just a trick and trap to catch opposition party leader.

Anonymous said...

these monkeys are going to poison him,I'd hate ah-sva scumbhong face!!!

Anonymous said...

To former SRP member who used to work very close to Sam Rainsy,

If you really care for your own country and your own long term future you have to be always on the opposition's side; to do that you can help to balance the power in the government, you can help to prevent the government from chis sess leng day (riding the horse with no handling) or abusing the power.

To win or to lose, it's not the case, but to balance the power is the most important stuff.

You are right, don't trust anybody that will do a good job because most of them (cambodian people) are not much different from you, their pockets are always opening upwards just like yours too.

Hope you would take my good advice.

Anonymous said...

We wish all Khmer home and abroad a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year ( 2011 ).

From Khme love Khmer.

Khmer Leu,Khmer Krom and Khmer Kandal

are all Khmer.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Anonymous said...

ចាត់ផ្ញើរជាអតនោមត្តិ ទោះបីជាសម រង្សីបាន
តែទោះបីជាយ៉ាងណាក៍សម រង្សីមិនហ៊ានអើតមុខ
ចូលស្រុកដែរ ពីព្រោះថានៅគុកព្រៃសរ មូសធំៗ
ណាស់ ដែលប្រាកដជាមិនប្រណីសាច់ស្បែកដ៍
សស្អាតរបស់សម រង្សីទេ។

Anonymous said...

គឺជាបក្សប្រឆាំងសម រង្ស៊ី ដែលតុលាការជាន់ខ្ពស់បាន
វិនិច្ឆ័យទោសឱ្យមេវាជាប់គុក ជាប់ច្រវាក់ ចំនួនដប់ពីរ ឆ្នាំ។

Anonymous said...

6:03 PM,
You just know that? He's one of the monkeys being installed in power by Youns. When he was a rustic, living in Prey Veng/Kg. Cham, he and his wife duos joir trach =scooped the trach's sticky juice, and you expect him to read and write Khmer?

Anonymous said...

KI Media seems to be happy to point out the inconsistency in treatment Mr Sam Rainsy receives from the national assembly and the court. Does this inconsistency not suggest the two institutions are independent from each other the way they are meant to be?

Kuoy Pichet

Anonymous said...

It is a fake invitation written by KI-Media... How KI-Media can get hand on this invitation, unless they are Sam Rainsy's puppet.

Anonymous said...

10:02 PM,
You can say that because your're one of the Hun Xen's lickspittle (neak lit kom hak). I don't think KI would make a fake invitation.

Anonymous said...

នែ! លោកសមរង្ស៊ី គេហៅលោកយកគួរទេ!
កុំទាន់អាលអេពេក !

Anonymous said...

Its a booby trap.
The hanoi'cpp regime have no credibility or honor what they say or do.

They make humanity look bad.

Anonymous said...

Kuoy Pichet,

Oh come on, you are not that stupid!

You know very well that the courts in Cambodia are not independent so stop playing with words.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Why are you afraid to attend the invitation Sam Rainsy? you scare? If you're scare you shouldn't be a politician. Quit wasting everyone's time.

Anonymous said...

2:36AM! you son of crook why you make your mother ashame of you!? YOu your braine son of ah Kwack!

Why ah Heng sarim invite the one that the lightning strike call criminal(SIC)!

You and ah monies slave are sick! fool!

Anonymous said...

2:52 AM you son of a bitch, why don't you attend the invitation on behalf of your master? you scare to die also? keep barking in here you son of a bitch.

Anonymous said...

Even, Heng X Ring pretend to invite Sam rainsy to take part in diner.This is a real mental national Ass.They are the one who stripped Sam rainsy from this and now they act as if they have just come back from vacation or from the strip night club.
In my opion,SRP should fight back to the high court base on this letter to the pupet government,if it's a real invitation.

Anonymous said...

It's trick... to have you come home and jail you or kill you by any means.

Anonymous said...

Prime minister Hun Sen! your lost your land and sea again, next time Cambodian border next to your home, Heng Somrin he lost his entire home village to Viet already but dare to say nothing, Chea Sim is too weak to say anything except prepare himself for judgement day, where is our belove king please get out from closet and give a big slap on Hun Sen face and say louder "why you gave my land and sea to Viet and punish my people hasss!"?, His majesty the king you can not stay in closet for too long, Cambodian are waiting for you to do something, you have no wife no kid must not afraid to die, you will be our hero king forever.

Anonymous said...

Is this for real or what man? Is this some kind of evil trickery or what fool? Ah Hun Kwack said it already that if Sam Rainsy ever set foot in Cambodia, then jail time will awaits him. And ah Hun Kwack is always superior to ah Monkey Heng Samrin. So is this some kind of jail bait and sh*t. The reply is of course NO WAY, FOOL! I bet Sam Rainsy will have to pay and stuff at the event. NO WAY and NO MONEY for you, fool. Lol.