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Hun Hean, former police chief of Banteay Meanchey province. (Photo: by Heng Reaksmey) |
Phnom Penh Monday, 17 January 2011
Hun Hean is the former chief bodyguard for Interior Minister Sar Kheng, and Moek Dara is the former police chief of Battambang province, where Sar Kheng enjoys much political support.
Banteay Meanchey provincial court on Monday charged four senior police officials with corruption in relation to drug trafficking, following a spate of arrests over the last week.
The charges were handed down to Hun Hean, former police chief of the province; his deputy, Chheang Son ; Moek Dara, former secretary-general for the National Authority for Combatting Drugs; and Chea Leng, former head of the Ministry of Interior's counter-drug department.
All four, who were removed from their posts before they were arrested in questioning by authorities last week, had been the targets of an Anti-Corruption Unit investigation.
“Now we've charged them with taking bribes in relation to a drug trafficking case,” Ton Sihak Teches, prosecutor for the Bantey Meanchey provincial court, told VOA Khmer.
Though all four were charged at the provincial court, they were arrested and held separately: Moek Dara in Prey Sar prison, outside Phnom Penh, Chea Leng in Banteay Meanchey provincial prison, and Hun Hean and Cheang Son in Siam Reap provincial prison.
They were charged under Article 38 of the 1992 penal code and face up to seven years in prison if convicted, Ton Sihak Teches said.
Sum Chankea, Banteay Meanchey coordinator for the rights group Adhoc, said the group was following the case to ensure “equality of all detainees and the legal process for them.”
Monday's indictments follow the November arrest of Pursat provincial prosecutor Chan Sereivuth, who was also charged under corruption in an ACU investigation.
Hun Hean is the former chief bodyguard for Interior Minister Sar Kheng, and Moek Dara is the former police chief of Battambang province, where Sar Kheng enjoys much political support.
If i'm not mistaken, Hun Hean of Sar Kheng' chief bodyguard looks to me as a Viet KGB whose his secret movement is intended to revolt against the CPP government. I take an advise from a Cambo Maj-Gen Sao Sokha that the underground movement of the Viet must be eradicated in order to purify the Cambodian Royal Army. If one Viet KGB has been eliminated, the next apprehension should be implemented accordingly. May the CPP gov't will consider the Viet Generals in Cambodia as Veera Somkwamkid who currently charged by the court as espionage.
just because you enforce the law doesn't mean you are above the law! the law is the law, everybody must obey it!
There must be a problem internally in the ruling party CPP.
ដូច្នេះ មានន័យថា គឺគេកំពុងតែសម្លេះ ម្ដងបន្តិចៗ ចរន្ដគាំទ្រខាង
លោកសខេងហើយ ។ ទាំងនេះ ប្រហែលជាលោកហ៊ុនសែនខ្លាច បក្សសម្ព័ន្ធ លោកសខេង រីកឥទ្ធិពល ។ ឬមួយ ជាដល់ពេលវេលា ដែលគេហៅថា ពាលស៊ីពាល ។
Hun Sen is cleaning his house!OK?
The law must be impartial and will be complied and enforced fairly to everyone; and even one single person in Cambodia is abvoe the law including SEN...
The court will not the KUNGAROO court for authoritarian to use for consolidation of crook power and money.
You are the servants of Cambodian People and Country.
Hun sen want to freeze sar kheng
because only one that he worry about he has to cut his hand his leg of like that. the corruption on Hun sen side it's more than that but he never touch.
WoW!!!! Chea Sim you are death meat!
Haiti, Former Haitian dictathor Jean_claude Duvalier was taken into custody today 01/18/11 after his return to his homeland after some 25 years of exile in France.
The widespead and alleged human rights violations committed in Haiti during Duvalier's rule was a crimes against humanity and international law.
The dictathorship in any country in the world you can run but you can not hide.
You are like god now but you will be turned to Thrash one day when your committed unhumane acts against less fortunate people like in Cambodia; f.e K5, grenade attacks, killing every day in Cambodia from Police brutality...
មតិយ៉ាងអគតិអើយកុំសង្ឃឹមអោយសោះ ទោះពួក
ឯងខំនិយាយចាក់ដោតយ៉ាងណា ក៏គ្មានអ្វីដែល
គិតតែពួកអាស្វាឯងទៅបានហើយ តើត្រូវធ្វើម្តេច
ឆ្នោតគាំទ្រនយោបាយខ្លួននោះ ហើយមិនបាច់
ពាល ស៊ី ពាល
ហ៊ុន សែន ខ្លាច ស ខេង
ហ៊ុន សែន សម្លេះ បក្ស ស ខេង បន្តិច ម្ដងៗ
ហ៊ុន សែន កំពុងតែ ធ្វើយ៉ាងណា អោយ បក្ស ស ខេង រលាយ
KI media, It it was the case>>>>>Sar Kheng or Sar Khun or Sar khar or Hun Sen or Hun Pak or Hun Nam Chov doesn't matter all in one lump sum basket.
Let them fight among themselves because when this is only the way to ensure they will bleed themselves.
Domrey chol qnear nhgob srohmoch!
This appears to be a movement that is propped up by a much bigger power. Folks need to be keen about this. Rememer, there are many Vietnamese officials working under cover in our government. They could use this method to shake up the CPP and finally take over the government. I would be very worried if more law enforcement officials are taken into custody. This appears to be ominous to me that Vietnamese is trying to weaken the ruling CPP because of the Prime Minister's close alliances with the Chinese and its growing influence in Cambodia. I do not agree with the ruling party most of the time but I do not want to see Vietnamese swallow up Cambodia through manipulation and domination. All ruling party officials need to wake up, embrace your own people, empower all Khmers to help you ward off our historic enemy. It is now time to smell Vietnamese movement towards the elimination of all Khmer power and enslave us. Khmers unite, Khmers live! Nver trust Vietnamese or Thai. They do not have Khmer interest at heart but their own. We shall never forget. It is time to stop killing our own people that will empty our land for foreigners.
Damaged Soul.
The plan to Vietnamization of Cambodia has been hatched since Ho Chi Minh still alive and has been working in the right direction and the right speed as planned.
Damaged Soul.
3:26 AM,
You do not want Vietnamese to destroy your government & CPP but your bosses: Chea Sim, Heng Samrin, Hun Sen and the gay King Sihamony have been subjugated by Youn for a long time. They have been working closely together for Vietnam to legitimately control Cambodia since 1993 after the UNTAC election through Sihanouk and Hun Sen's decision against the will of Khmer people.
What the CPP and the Khmer Vietminh have been doing, everything is to serve their crazy political ambitious and personal gain. Now you can see all the facts on how you and others have help these thugs to destroy our nation and soul, would you all be brave enough to stand up to tell the thugs to stop rather whining and whinging in this blog?
Your damaged soul could not be compared to the whole nation that have been damaged by your pathetic vision to join the thugs to destroy your own flesh and blood. It's not too late if you all get together and do something to clear your guilt and save Cambodia while you can. Be strong and determine to change your path, that's the only way Khmer people will forgive you and count you as our hero.
Abusing of the power by authority.
Licent to arrest!
New corruption Law must be working and get rid of all corrupted people throughout the country, otherwise this country will become like CHAMPA#2 or KAMPUCHEA KROM#2. History told us that one royal khmer's family ran to Siam to ask help fight off Viet! And another khmer royal family ran to Viet to ask for help fighting off Siam! Brother and against one another, never get along in the family! Corruptions, greeds, Lust, this is why neighbors country got advantaged on us...because we give them an open wide windows to come in....KOH TRAL, KOH TRA LACH, many many island at our sea, viet/siam splitting half/half of all khmer belonged! New corruption Law must be working toward anybody, even the KING'S FAMILY! don't care whoever they are...!!!!!
I believe there are more officials among the ruling CPP party than the four recently arrested who have dirty hands. We can fairly assume that more than 70% of them are guilty of corruption. If the corruption law is enforced thoroughly, we can rest assured that almost all officials will be incarcerated. I do not advocate what these officials have done because it was a clear case of corruption and betrayal to our people. However, we must remember to keep an eye on foreigners who are trying to turn us against one another and take our motherland away from us. The CPP needs to stop and think. The CPP needs to stop grabbing land from the poor, jailing people without reasonable cause or due diligent process, enriching yourselves with state fund. The CPP needs to wake up and realize that dictatorship is self condemning. You must change in order for Khmers to survive and not to brutalize among ourselves. We must stop all insanity and begin the process of reconstruction and healing. I see spirited comments on this blog that express multiple views about how our society is shaped. Some of us appear very enraged and confused because of decades of civil wars. It is time to salvage ourselves and souls while we can so as to not repeat our darkest past.
Damaged Soul.
I want to know about all these people,where are they educated from???As Hun Sen too???You can not lead me...
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