Sunday, January 02, 2011

In support of Hun Xen: Opinion by Anonymous Reader

KI-Media Note: We have edited slightly the original text sent by the author for grammar and English usage.

This is the dirty strategy from Thai Game. It’s a Game, give ground to get ground, if we let them free next time thugs PAD will be in Preah Vihear or in Siem Reap. No one wants to have problem with Thai, and Thai MPs, they know the laws, boundary very clearly, but they do it to gain something. Hun Sen is smarter than those who used to call him “AH” or “idiot, chhker, AH kwak, or Kbot Jeat, or Ah Yorng Yuon, or AH Phleor”. Any way stop call people “AH AH AH”. Intellectual people never call their son “Ah Ah”, so why so many smarts in KI call Hun Sen Ah, I doubt about these people, are they being brainwashed? He who serves the Khmer Rouge and kills millions of Khmers, those are truly “Kbot Jeat and idiot”. This is the result of flare up along the border which is used by our Thai enemy to wage war, all Cambodia army prepared to defend our nation.

Sam Rainsy went to the Viet boder, it clearly means that KEEP VIET away from helping KHMER if the Thais are going to attack Khmer. We clearly, clearly, and clearly see Rainsy is absolutely wrong, why not do it early or later but not during Thai waging war against us. In war they win the mind, mind, mind first, they fight our alliance first and then they separate or divided our people or make us disunited. They make people Hate, Hate, and Hate their own leader or, in other words (leader HUN Sen should or must surround himself with love and unity with the people of all sides, from the bottom all the way up. All people should not only love our leader but they must dare sacrifice our life to die without regret to win wars or to be stronger, that’s what it take to survive), and kill the leader and next to fight five cities.

Now we clearly see that our enemy, the Thais, always, always and always uses dirty trick to divide and make Khmer weaker, weaker , and weaker(to create an advantage opportunity to attack), and some Khmers are trapped in that trick. We Hated Hun Sen, our leader, he is not 100 percent perfect, but he bring unity, peace, democracy, and built more than 20,000 schools, that produce 460,000 students each year, ten years it will be 4,600,000 smarter students, what else a leader should do?

Stop the (Ghost), those ghost are : hatred, division, separation and anger, among Khmer any, any, and any Khmer.


Anonymous said...

When AH, chhker, AH kwak, or Kbot Jeat, or Ah Yorng Yuon, or AH Phleor (Hun Xen) receives money Thai Gov. to put in his pocket, he will release those 7 Thai back to Thai Gov.

That the way he alwaus does.

Anonymous said...


kon khmer said...

Nice, Ask I said: no one is a traitor
but all khmere

Anonymous said...

Oh my God to this points already still believe with ah kwak ,idiot,treason father of the corrupter in Cambodia? Ah kwak got 7 Thais ah Siamese got 150 khmers and more.
What ah kwak can do to the fucking Thai,and border from the west? Delaying times stay in power,pulling sympathy from nationalist and doing nothing to the Thai? If ah kwak good enough ah kwak would go to UN to finished with Preah Vihear cases already now ah Siam soldiers return back hahahhhahhahhahahha what you gonna do when ah Siamese got to you bad boy bad boy Hun Sen? This man name Hun Sen the stupidest prime minister in Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

The author who wrote this article probably has one eye like Hun Sen(blind mind). You have seen the Thai aggression behavior toward Cambodia as we did, but you have seen nothing from Yuon even many Khmer peasants crying for losing their farmland Hun Sen turned his blind eyes on them. What is your problem?? Who is brainwashed? Please be rational and resonable to what you said. We doubt if Hun Sen bring democracy to Cambodia or destroy democracy brought in by UN in 1993.

Anonymous said...

The author who wrote this article probably has one eye like Hun Sen(blind mind). You have seen the Thai aggression behavior toward Cambodia as we did, but you have seen nothing from Yuon even many Khmer peasants crying for losing their farmland Hun Sen turned his blind eyes on them. What is your problem?? Who is brainwashed? Please be rational and resonable to what you said. We doubt if Hun Sen bring democracy to Cambodia or destroy democracy brought in by UN in 1993.

Anonymous said...

I agree with everything in people using their brain post comment in this web.Khmer never use bad words to fight their enemies.The hatred making khmer break a part.

Anonymous said...

The article makes no sense!

Eastern border has much more serious problems than the western border does.

In addition, the continued influx of illegal Vietnamese immigrants in Cambodia and Vietnamese influence over the Hun Sen's government are much more dangerous to the future our country.

We can't just be silent for the sake of unity when we know that the country is heading in the wrong and dangerous direction. Cambodia belongs to every Khmer so we have the obligation to express our opinion for the sake of our beloved country. We are not going to be united with the government that does not serve Cambodia's interest first.

I can present an argument to the author of this article by asking him to write to PM Hun Sen to tell him that for the sake of unity and the defence of our motherland, he should not jail or harm any Cambodian who speaks out against all forms of corruption, injustice and he should not turn a blind eye to the Vietnamese encroachment in the eastern border and other issues affecting the country; after all, Cambodia is supposed to be a democratic country in which freedom of speech is guaranteed in the constitution and those who speak out are doing so in the interest of the country and for that reason do not deserve the kind of treatment given to them so far.

Anet Khmer

Anonymous said...

Remember that there are millions of Youn in Cambodia and also in the government. You can bet there are no Khmer people working in the Youn government or military and that goes the same with the Thai government. Our beloved Cambodia are full of Thais and Viets alike. And I believe if our government keep on turning a blind eye towards the eastern border, it will be swallowed up by the Youns.

Anonymous said...

Remember that there are millions of Youn in Cambodia and also in the government.

That is right. you mother fucker go ahead chase a youn out of the country. you fucker idiot. I will continue to call ah hun sen till the day he out of business. what an idiot writer u are.

Anonymous said...

Abusive language do not make any different but just to show our behaviour instead, but the good point of view can make the different. We Khmer are all intellectual, we know between wrong and right. For Khmer the more they get abuse, the more they resilient. we are Buddhist have plenty of word so we use wisely.

Anonymous said...

ah joy maray Hun sen and mi joy maray bunrany stinky pussy ignorant both ah kwak hun too.

Anonymous said...

Dear True loving khmer from your heart,

An old time as a young man in high school no dougbt trying to accept Sihanouk as Hero for Khmer at the time.
Knowing that Sihanopuk help Vietcong in HO CHI Minh Trail, and vietminh used Khmer land to fight vietnam war as Sinouk declare Cambodia Neutral, my question to his patriotic was down to idiot leader to get rid of CIC (Committee International Control) to control border to be Neutral between Youn and Khmer.
The same token to SEN being a good person for Khmer we thought we can liberate our independent economic and politic for Cambodia, now 4 millions plus youns in Cambodia what was that guaranteed your assumption that be O.K for Cambodia Vietnamization ???
A big power like U.S they built 5000 miles across Mexican border and American are so worrysome of Illegal immigation cross into America everday. They pass tough law they have not resolved 13 millions illegal immigrants yet at this point, too many things to be considered and too much fight politically between left and right group were not easily to term of America encountering budget deficits...
Why is Cambodia is so free to allow million more youns in Cambodia only may be 10,000 youns in 1979 now 4 millions plus and more to come living without legal status ????
Was that the double standard play with Thai indeed we could resovle with Thai in accordance to International law, La Haye 1962 for Exemple if not use Paris Peace agreement that YOUN, Thai signed in 1991 ...without losing one single drop of Khmer blood..
The true many Khmer have seen YOUN is a big risky to lose our Khmer as Indochinese Federation of HO CHI MINH plan..
So what to think that HUN SEN is good leader for Khmer..
The same token like I though before that Sihanouk was our good leader until he changed from Neutral country to help Communist..
Hun Sen repeated the same History like Sihanouk...
Please think about your country sake before braiwashed only about MONEY and power that ruin your Country in the future..

Anonymous said...

If Hun Sen want to be a Khmer hero, he must be tough on both sides East and west. If he jails a few Thais and let thousands of Yuon come in free. What is the point? To help Yuon take the whole country without losing an inch to Thailand? Hun Sen brought in unity, democracy, and built thousands of school for kids? But,instead
-Hun Sen brought all Khmer to unify under the yuon's joke.
-Hun Sen destroyed democracy and Paris peace Accord 1991.
-Hun Sen cannot earn money to build thousands of schools for kids if he is not corrupted.

Anonymous said...

how about land that youn take right now are we going to get it back? or can we get it back?

Anonymous said...

I find the writer deliberately chooses to defend Hun Sen with very little substance, which base on his/her ignorant with the subjects being presented in the argument.
The following are my analysis to the subjects argue:

1- The word 'Ah'
The writer totally ignores Hun Sen very low language standard that this dictator has been addressed in his speeches every time to respond to both with the national and international level. Hun Sen has always expressed his emotion through the speeches with his barbaric behavior, violent character and mafia style of intimidation, which none of the leader with the right state of mind would do. Hun Sen has lowering himself to the point that only the people like the writer and his follower take the language as a music to their ears. Therefore, it's a common reaction as Hun Sen has only himself to blame when people called him such and such in response to his action. It has nothing to do with any individual intellectuality.

2- The term 'Kbot Jeat, idiot and anger' which resulting flare up along the border...
The writer has falsifying all the evidences and facts that cause tension to the east and west Cambodia borders. The writer blindly blames on the mere reaction that Khmer compatriots in and outside Cambodia have every right to react upon these events and situations. The writer insults other people's intelligent to claim the opposition leader Sam Rainsy is wrong in doing his job to protect and serve Cambodia and Khmer people's interest. The writer blame the action makes hate, hate,hate... that causes the weakness among the nation, but s/he absolutely fails to mention how his beloved leader Hun Sen has acted and treated the opposition parties in Cambodia. The writer totally ignores the most recent history in Cambodia about the Vietnamese invasion, the UNTAC election, the coup d'etat in 1997, and most of all the overall administration system's failure to comply with the national constitution. And yet s/he points his/her finger to whom ever dare to protest the system of being brainwashed.

3- Hun Sen is not 100% perfect, but he brings peace, democracy and build 20,000 schools which produce 460,000 students each year...
The writer can only bring this lousy figures to prove his/her argument, and again insults Khmer people intelligent as we learn and understand much much more with figures that the writer argues. If the writer know how to calculate the amount of money Cambodia have been received from the international community to rebuild the country, s/he will certainly be ashamed of the result that his beloved Hun Sen has achieved. the writer needs a clear understanding of the definition of the word leader, the roles and responsibilities that a capable and able leader have to fulfill the leader's duties.

I sincerely hope the writer would read this analysis and take it as a positive criticism to the article, so that s/he can improve the self assessment on the issues discussed above.

Yeay Tep

StreetBoy said...

In curse of ah Hun Xen the traitor:
Actually I want to support AH Hun Xen, but my instinct told me not to, for he is so errogant, cocky, disrespectable, immoral, having no sympathy towards the innocent defenseless Khmer people who voted for him, and for he and his cronies betray Khmer people by givinging parts of Khmer land along the border in exchange for absolute power. It was not ah Hun Sen and his clique who saved the Pol Pot's victims from massacre. It was the Yuon's revenge of Pol Pot, as Pol Pot pissed off for of what the Yuons had done for him and his comrades. Pol Pot and his clique commited so grave a sin that its consequences came back to defeat them. This second wave of the Khmer Rouge, the monkeys, is the Yuons' instrument the Yuon have used to fool the world into thinking that it was Khmer themselve with the help of Yuons thatwho liberated Khmer people. Only fools and idiots would see it that way; the decent ones don't. The Yuons' and the Siams' leaders are patriotic, not pleu as the Khmer ones. Have you the writer of this article seen them lose an inch of their land to Cambodia? As you show your strong support for Hun Xen, please allow me to call you ah Hun Xen's barking dog.

StreetBoy said...

correction: ...pissed of the Yuons for all of what the...
... with the help of Yuons who...

Anonymous said...

You only about the thai border what about Vietnam border?? do you think Hun Sen is intellectual?? Youn every where in srok khmer did he do any thing?? He sell khmer land for 99 years to foreigner (Vietnam) did you care?? Poor khmer people have no place to live did he care?

You should think again before you open your mouth.

Read this common from anonymous reader:...


The plan: Anaconda chasing it’ s prey

• To install Khmer government which would obey your orders
• Poison all high level of government ministers with luxuries-villa/expensive cars/young girls
• Flood the country with VN immigrants
* Set upVN association/schools/super markets/.hospitals/farms net works
* Move VN agents/armies disguised as employees all these areas including
* Pressure Khmer government to give all illegal VN proper ID and land titles.

Anaconda squeezing it’ s prey:

• Creating law to ban Khmer people to own any weapons so they can not fight back in the name of safety and security.
• Banning any huge public gathering so they can not revolt against any things that imposed on them in name of safety and security
• Pressure Khmer government not to give their own people any land titles they own so they can be easy be evicted from their own property and give their lands to VN people


• Start purging Khmer government ministers and replaced them with VN who can speak some khmer - eliminate them if they resist.
• Every body must speak VN to work for the government in the name of serving VN people who can not speak Khmer
• Limit Khmer language in school and increase VN’ s.
• Ban it completely later on
• Limit Khmer culture activities and increase VN’ s just like we do in Khmer Krome.
• Ban it completely later on
• Open the border to allow VN to flood Cambodia – just like China has done to Tibet.


Anonymous said...

Anet Khmer, Yay tep, you make good pint, I admired that no one are perfect, and yes Hun sen make huge mistake, a terrible mistake, but there is some positive things he had don, you now Know yourselve about that, I absolutely try to make totaly clear to you the successful leader they used to have a massively fail befor they succeed, that is common things. My piont is pol pot suround himselfe with ignorance, we know ignorance people can't do anythings, he pol pot has to do it by himeself any way. MR Sam rainsy supporter in cambodia and his team are not clearly a winner, or strong enought. you can judge yourselfe about future of SRP, they may go no where if SRP humanresources stile weaks, and inapproproit like this.
I- Hatred
Khmer kill khmer, the single proof they kill each other is they hate, hate, and hate each other. Mr, B hate mr A, Vilage D hate Vilages C, Hun sen group hate Pol pot group, Huor nem group and Sour Pim group Hate Pol pot group, they end up kill each other. from aA to B from vilage to vilage from group to group.... any way my pointis, I want you to see a whole picture is, so far most comments in KI loaded with form of hatred, criticising, and anger, what is the certaint result you expected, from educate, or spread criticising?. What benifite and futur result from those hatred effort? I realy need one single things and one thing only is creat culture of truth and love each other, elliminat hatred culture we was wounded in the past. Khmer no hope if we continue to hate each other,MR. Sam rainsy did some mistake, MR. Hun sen and all of us used to have mistake, but if talke about or spread what benifite or good things we had don that will set as good sample to reader to learn. Many thanks, from the writer.

Anonymous said...

FROM THE WRITER TO Anet Khmer, Yay tep,and all KI editor
you make a good piont, I admired that no one are perfect, and yes Hun sen make huge mistake, a terrible mistake, but there is some positive things he had don, you now Know yourselve about that, I absolutely try to make totaly clear to you the successful leader they used to have a massively fail befor they succeed, that is common things. My piont is pol pot suround himselfe with ignorance, we know ignorance people can't do anythings, he pol pot has to do it by himeself any way. MR Sam rainsy supporter in cambodia and his team are not clearly a winner, or strong enought. you can judge yourselfe about future of SRP, they may go no where if SRP humanresources stile weaks, and inapproproit like this.
I- Hatred
Khmer kill khmer, the single proof they kill each other is they hate, hate, and hate each other. Mr, B hate mr A, Vilage D hate Vilages C, Hun sen group hate Pol pot group, Huor nem group and Sour Pim group Hate Pol pot group, they end up kill each other. from aA to B from vilage to vilage from group to group.... any way my pointis, I want you to see a whole picture is, so far most comments in KI loaded with form of hatred, criticising, and anger, what is the certaint result you expected, from educate, or spread criticising?. What benifite and futur result from those hatred effort? I realy need one single things and one thing only is creat culture of truth and love each other, elliminat hatred culture we was wounded in the past. Khmer no hope if we continue to hate each other,MR. Sam rainsy did some mistake, MR. Hun sen and all of us used to have mistake, but if talke about or spread what benifite or good things we had don that will set as good sample to reader to learn. Many thanks, from the writer.

Anonymous said...

To the writer of the article,

Thank you for your response and positive inputs towards our attempt to try and find resolution for the truth, and love of each other amongst Khmer people.

Please sit back and being truthful to yourself first before you do anything else, to reflect with Hun Sen leadership and actions from day one he began his job as a Khmer leader.
You are a decent person with ability to write and demand for a very reasonable issue about "the truth and love of each other", but are you being truthful to yourself and to your fellow Khmer people?

Judging from your writing, you are absolutely not being truthful to yourself and Khmer people.
Deep down you and I know the real problem is not about KI Media posting about graphics, words which you perceive to be incited for hate, hate, hate... as you've claimed. For 31 years that Hun Sen and CPP have led Cambodia to this point of destruction, you saw as achievements instead.

Please let me ask you:
- How can you find the truth when you do not know the truth and recognize it?

- How can you create harmony and get people to love each other when Hun Sen has allowed so much tragedies, abuses and inflicted countless pains to his own country men and women? and on top of that given full support for Vietnam invasion and encroachment to Cambodia?

Please don't rush with emotional response like Hun Sen, but with your intellectual ability that you so insist to be implemented.

Yeay Tep

Anonymous said...

Khmer citizens and Khmer abroad know
who Hun Sen is?
Who Vietnam govt is?
Thai Know Hun Sen and
Vietnam are?
The free world know
the communist block:
China,North Korea,Vietnam,Cambodia,and Lao(in Asia).
Some blogger know
who they are in these blogs;they could read their minds,their writing skills or talents or their political manners.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Yay tep, let don't take side, war was take an eas in 1998, we realy enjoy peace since years 2000, yes the truth was 31 years MR. Hun sen had acheived somes progress and some mistaken and Mr Sam rainsy he did some good things by try to inspire, strenthening democracy, He sam rainsy also make some mistake too. I like you, you being fair, now please help me to help you understand my piont here, what my wants and needs is to elliminate the culture of hatreat, criticising and anger, let me repeat it agian we must wipe out the to zero the culture of hatreat,criticising, and anger it been failure for business and ruined everythings in our life. it is the law of nature, what we forcus on its expand and come back to us. I want you Yay tep to inspire people in positive way, visualize bring people into futur make people see and believe in themself more success more resouceful, beyond thier life circumstances. Looke at white, youn, Siam, or spainess, they help each other left and right, but we are Khmer lost that kind of CULTURE. from the beganing to the end, I like both MR HUn sen and MR. Sam rainsy, like I said if Mr. Sam rainsy surounded himselfe with those post comments in KI, they are looked selve distructive behavior, I can't afford those people around me.
Best regards, Mike

Anonymous said...

God will punish Mr. Hun Xen and his family soon because of his sins that he and his family created in their life.

He and his family can't escape ethernity punish in hell. He can't bribe God with his wealth at all. You killed alot of people, you make alot of people suffer and you know God do has eyes. God will punishing you for ethernity and lock you and your family in hell forever.

When you and your family die they can't bring that billions of dollars to bribe Hell at all.

Hun Xen, the people that you killed they come to you and your family every night.

Rattana Keo,

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen forces everyone that work at TV station, Radio station and News paper to pro him only even he do very very wrong things for the Nation, Cambodia and Cambodian. The media in Cambodia must say nice thing about him even He killed and chop the whole Cambodia give to Thai or Viet. Today Mr. Hun Sen imports over 5 millions Vietnamese into Cambodia legally with make up to 40% of Vietnamese in total Cambodia population. Soon Vietnamese will declare Cambodia belong to them.

Hun Sen is killing Khmer nation. Hun Sen murdered over 5000 Cambodians at 1997. He is a criminal against Humanity. Hun Sen makes real Cambodians suffer everyday.

You have power and kill a lot of Khmer but you are powerless fighting against your own ageing everyday. Soon your time is over and you can't escape death at all. Your power, your wealth and the people that kiss your ass won't help you at that time.

Rattana Keo,