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Cartoon by Sacrava (on the web at http://sacrava.blogspot.com) |
By Khmerization
Sources: DAP News and CEN
A senior Cambodian government official has on 14th January bitterly attacked Mr. Brad Adams ,executive director of Human Rights Watch, and called him 'an international bandit' after Mr. Adams had given an interview to Radio Free Asia's Khmer Language program, where he criticised Mr. Hun Sen's leadership.
នែលោក ទិតសុធា អ្នកណាក៏គេដឹងដែរថា
លោកបាននិងកំពុងតែនិយាយផ្ទុយពីសុចិតរបស់លោក។ តែមិនអីទេ ពីព្រោះថា ការមានប្រតិកម្ម
យ៉ាងនេះ គឺវាគ្រាន់តែជាអាជីពរបស់លោកតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ !
ah sut chaleung Hun sen and park pouk os nis ankal tove vea ngoup. a chaleung deur te jonjok cheam ke te ot chese rok sea oy te kal na jonjok cheam ke men ban vea jab pdeum chout. ah sut chaleung os ang kour tea gnoub tove.
ah chhkae os nis boe mean ke niyeay pi ampeu akrok bos vea, vea kheung nas hoey che ke tha chea chor prey, vea min deung khluon vea tha chea chor prey te. ah phnong chong srok tit xothea kanhcheas dach sach bos ah hun xen.
Hey you! keep bark for me. Next term I will promote you another star
Hoon Cent
Pret Adam: executive director of pret
pouk ah pret adam neng vea niyeay krorn te dour bay sy bonnos...
pret adam = executive director of pret...
Anybody blaming Mr. Brad Adams on Human Rights issues, unless you are an animal from hell because you don't know or ignoring what Human Rights are. All CPP are Criminal People's Party go to hell.
Good job Mr. Brad Adams if Hun Sen kick you out of Cambodia, you work outside of Cambodia with the UNITED NATIONS and International community to kick Hun Sen out of Cambodia.
Tith Sothea????You are the Traitor dictator Hun Xen's dog!!!!!
You have to wash your brain think a little better befor you say!!!
You are the realy youn Hanoi's dog!!!
you said Adam a theft what's he steal from you and you said ki use bad word for Hun Sen but how bad
hun sen used when he spoke and you think your are the most honest
people. please look at some comments that they think about you.
Hun Sen and his gang of thief are afraid of the TRUTH
His state of mind is very fragile and very jittery if we keep attacking him, he will become mentally incompetence
Keep punch and punch from every coner and one day he will say enough is enough.Don't let him sleep well at night so he have a bad nightmare ever night.
Tith, you are a dog of Youn. you are barking for Youn and you are destroying khmer democracy.
We need to call Kingdom of Cambodia to Kingdom of Hun Sen family becaused every things are control by them.
We need to call Kingdom of Cambodia to Kingdom of Hun Sen family becaused every things are control by them.
Anonymous said...
Please KI post my article. Thank you
Gov't did the right things, they used to send all Gov't officials back to school, but now they raplaced them, becouse it been using same energy and same effort to patch all leacking boat. Now Gov't are much smarter they put new boat, it least headach, and more productive for the long run, loser is stile a loser. Any one who ignited people power whild Thai organizing new war room, it not good result for you, stope greedy political embitouse, use democratice ways by fair ellection. If Khmer allready united stay with that, unless Hun sen he gon wild like Plo pot. If all of us are truely love Khmer we must responsible the outcome of our action, to creat Chaos in our country it is not a good ideas, we all see alot of deverlopment and better futur now, please let Khmer stable long enought and strong enought to dealt wth youn or Saim in another time, the time most dangeriouse that youn or Siam could swalow Khmer is not now, it Betweent 1960 to 1998 that time Khmer are sooooo weaks, now we are very much ok, so please don't traped into another enermy military stratergy, enermy creat supperio opportunity for victoy by weakening our Khmer. Mike
Some CPP are so nervous when some body exposes the trurh, that' s why they sneak into ki to see if any body talks about their boss and try to spread some lies-just like their boss.
.....But too bad....no body buys it.
Any body understand this guy, Mike' s writing?
It' s not English!
It' s not Khmer!
And It' s nor even Yourn!!
ah pret 8:22PM
if CPP is crimimal people party, why most cambodian people voted for CPP...u think most cambodian people crazy who voted for CPP...
and how many people voted for ah pret sam rainsy...
pret adam = executive director of pret...
pret adam voice = change rice to eat...
គោរពជូនលាកប្រធាន និងបុគ្គលិករបស់ ki-media ទាំងអស់ ក្នុងនាមខ្ញុំជាជនជាតិខ្មែរ សញ្ជាតិជាខ្មែរ ដែរបានកើត និងរស់រានមានជីវិតជាង ៣០ឆ្នាំកន្លងមកក្នុងប្រទេសកម្ពុជា ចាប់តាំងពីខ្ញុំបានដឹងក្តីមក ខ្ញុំបានឆ្លងកាតបីរបបធំ ទី១ គឺសម័យខ្មែក្រហម (បីឆ្នាំបីខែ) ទី២ សាធារណៈរដ្ឋ ទី៣ ព្រះរាជាណាចក្រកម្ពុជា។
ខ្ញុំគិតថាអ្នកដែលនៅការពារ ប្រទេសជាតិ និងប្រជាពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរគឺ មានតែគណបក្ស ប្រជាជន ដែលមានប្រមុខដឹកនាំគឺសម្តេចទាំងបី ដែលស្រឡាញ់ប្រទេសជាតិ រួមដៃគ្នាជាមួយប្រជាពលរដ្ឋ ប្រយុទ្ធតទុលនិង ខ្មែរក្រហម ឯចំណែកលោកនិងសហការីរបស់លោកវិញ ជាមនុស្សដែលរត់ចោលស្រុកមុនគេ ជាមនុស្សមិនទទួលខុសត្រូវ រត់ទៅជ្រកកោណនៅស្រុកគេ ។ ki-media និងគណបក្សសមរង្ស៊ី ព្រមទាំង លោកអាប្រែតអាដាម គឺជាក្រុមតែមួយ មិនបានជួយអ្វី ចំណេញដល់ស្រុកខ្មែរទេ បែរជាបំផ្លាញស្រុក ឯកភាពជាតិ សន្តិសុខជាតិ និងសន្តិភាព។
u think international community can kick hun sen out of cambodia...
int'l community has no free time to care for cambodia, if they have free time they think about their country such as economy crisis, unemployment, power...etc.... can america kick hun sen out of cambodia... if america want to kick hun sen out, the first time america must face with china first, cuz china is best friend with cambodia... can america? america has no free time to care with cambodia, they think about their economy, unemployment, power, how about america economy today? how about america power today? and how about china economy today? how about china power today?
america take care only their economy, their power, how to icrease their economy and power...
u think international community can kick hun sen out of cambodia...
int'l community has no free time to care for cambodia, if they have free time they think about their country such as economy crisis, unemployment, power...etc.... can america kick hun sen out of cambodia... if america want to kick hun sen out, the first time america must face with china first, cuz china is best friend with cambodia... can america? america has no free time to care with cambodia, they think about their economy, unemployment, power, how about america economy today? how about america power today? and how about china economy today? how about china power today?
america take care only their economy, their power, how to icrease their economy and power...
ki-media ល្មមជួយស្ថាបនាជាតិខ្លះផង ឲ្យចេះខ្មាស់គេផង ក្នុងនាមខ្លួនជាខ្មែរម្នាក់ បើវាមិនខ្មោចទេ បិទមាត់ទៅអា
dear 10:27AM
i support your idea, how ur idea is good?
sy rain sam chea manos rot chorl srok heuy tov si phol nov borotes bonnos. pouk ah os brochhang nis vea si phol borotes heuy che khmer prab ke... pouk ah sy rain sam vea min del norm sathepheap oy khmer te ver mean te che khmer prab ke...
pret adam: it is on time that you should go to pret center...
Cambodia has a strong, brilliant and very popular prime minister who got so many votes foe each election.
But.....I'm just wondering why he need so many body guards every where he goes.... I mean in his own country.
Is he afraid of his own people?
Not only 4,000 body guards but 4 million of the illegal immigrant Yuons to vote for him .....
Tith Sothea?? if regime changed you will be the first because you are the wached brain of Honio. We Khmers know you are server for Viet but you are blind and ganster.
Tith Sothea is so low because he sold his head to devils ( Hun Sen and Hanoi) instead of support for the human right cause that you can't do, instead you attack Brad Adam.
Shame that you can't even help your own decent Khmer people instead you sold your brain that have been used to attack the right cause. You will die and go to hell with your uncle ( Ho chi hell in hell.
It a shame that Khmer like ah Tith sothea cannot help Khmer instead joint his devil masters and attack foreigner like Mr Brad Adam that care for Khmer more than brainwash like ah Tith Sothea low clas scumpbag.
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