Saturday, January 01, 2011

Vietnam securities firms eye foothold in Laos, Cambodia

Source: Thanh Nien, SGTT (Hanoi)

With Laos and Cambodia’s first stock exchanges slated to begin trading next year, Vietnamese securities companies are seeking to expand their operations and Vietnamese stock market players see more investment options.

The Lao Securities Exchange was established in October and will commence trading operations on January 11. Banque pour le Commerce Exterieur Lao (BCEL), one of the largest commercial banks in the country, and EDLGeneration Pcl, a unit of state-owned Electricite du Laos, will be the first two enterprises to be listed on the bourse.

The exchange’s opening has helped Vietnam’s Sacombank Securities expand its business to the smallest economy in Southeast Asia. The brokerage firm and the Lao Development Bank (LDP) have set up the first securities firm in Laos, named Lane Xang Securities Public Co. Sacombank Securities holds a 51- percent stake in the joint venture.

Lane Xang was financial adviser for the initial public offering (IPO - a necessary process before being listed) made by BCEL.

The firm has also signed deals to do the same for other Lao enterprises.

“Lane Xang has won in competition with many Thai and Korean securities companies [to become advisers to the BCEL IPO] as the Lao economy is similar to Vietnam’s, which has begun from a state-owned base and then entered the equitization stage,” said Nguyen Hoang Giang, consultancy director of Sacombank Securities.

Giang said Lane Xang Securities not only provides financial consultancy services for enterprises seeking to list their shares on the Lao stock exchange but also acts as a broker for investors wanting to trade shares on the bourse.

The IPO of BCEL, the first-ever in Laos, closed on December 23. The atmosphere was exciting and the shares were oversubscribed, said Giang.

Nearly 20.5 million BCEL shares, or 15 percent of the lender’s registered capital, were offered on auction at an average bid price of 5,910 kip (74 US cents), he said.

Only Lao investors were permitted to subscribe for shares in the bank as the Lao Securities Exchange Commission is yet to decide on the portion of shares that foreign investors can hold in a company, the Vientiane Times said on December 15.

However, many Vietnamese investors are hopeful that they will get the opportunity to buy shares of Lao companies in future IPOs.

As for the Cambodia, the Kingdom’s first stock exchange is also due to open in 2011.

The launch of the US$6 million bourse, which is being built by a South Korean developer, has twice been delayed but the Finance Ministry says it will begin trading by July 2011 “at all costs.”

The ministry has given priority to state companies for listing, and has asked Telecom Cambodia, port operator Sihanoukville Autonomous Port and the Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority to list their shares, Reuters said last month.

Meanwhile, two Vietnamese firms, Cambodia-Vietnam Securities and Sacombank Securities (Cambodia), are among fifteen companies that have been granted licenses by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Cambodia to operate on the bourse.

The former is permitted to operate as an underwriter that will provide advice on the issue of securities - such as pricing, public offerings and distribution timelines.

The Cambodia-Vietnam Securities Company belongs to the Bank for Investment and Development of Cambodia Plc, a subsidiary of the Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam, also known as BIDV.

Several other Vietnamese companies that wished to remain anonymous said they had plans to open securities firms in Laos and Cambodia in the near future.


Anonymous said...


The plan: Anaconda chasing it’ s prey

• To install Khmer government which would obey your orders
• Poison all high level of government ministers with luxuries-villa/expensive cars/young girls
• Flood the country with VN immigrants
* Set upVN association/schools/super markets/.hospitals/farms net works
* Move VN agents/armies disguised as employees all these areas including
* Pressure Khmer government to give all illegal VN proper ID and land titles.

Anaconda squeezing it’ s prey:

• Creating law to ban Khmer people to own any weapons so they can not fight back in the name of safety and security.
• Banning any huge public gathering so they can not revolt against any things that imposed on them in name of safety and security
• Pressure Khmer government not to give their own people any land titles they own so they can be easy be evicted from their own property and give their lands to VN people


• Start purging Khmer government ministers and replaced them with VN who can speak some khmer - eliminate them if they resist.
• Every body must speak VN to work for the government in the name of serving VN people who can not speak Khmer
• Limit Khmer language in school and increase VN’ s.
• Ban it completely later on
• Limit Khmer culture activities and increase VN’ s just like we do in Khmer Krome.
• Ban it completely later on
• Open the border to allow VN to flood Cambodia – just like China has done to Tibet.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


The plan: Anaconda chasing it’ s prey

• To install Khmer government which would obey your orders
• Poison all high level of government ministers with luxuries-villa/expensive cars/young girls
• Flood the country with VN immigrants
* Set upVN association/schools/super markets/.hospitals/farms net works
* Move VN agents/armies disguised as employees all these areas including
* Pressure Khmer government to give all illegal VN proper ID and land titles.

Anaconda squeezing it’ s prey:

• Creating law to ban Khmer people to own any weapons so they can not fight back in the name of safety and security.
• Banning any huge public gathering so they can not revolt against any things that imposed on them in name of safety and security
• Pressure Khmer government not to give their own people any land titles they own so they can be easy be evicted from their own property and give their lands to VN people


• Start purging Khmer government ministers and replaced them with VN who can speak some khmer - eliminate them if they resist.
• Every body must speak VN to work for the government in the name of serving VN people who can not speak Khmer
• Limit Khmer language in school and increase VN’ s.
• Ban it completely later on
• Limit Khmer culture activities and increase VN’ s just like we do in Khmer Krome.
• Ban it completely later on
• Open the border to allow VN to flood Cambodia – just like China has done to Tibet.


Anonymous said...

youn can spend more money in cambodia. that's good for cambodia! cambodia is smarter now than the past, dark ages, that's good also!

Anonymous said...

no money no honey, ok!

Anonymous said...

What could I say 10:52AM.
Yes,Lao and Khmer
Vietnam mission
Khmer inside and
oversea never wake up,they should rise up now.
Khmer is in bad situation!

Anonymous said...

Silent Laos get up and run the stock before louder lousy Khmer.

Anonymous said...

Viet yuon wait for your days to die with ho chi minh ghost. you not think a minute but for a long time.

you dead day coming soon.

Hun peal kra saing

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen forces everyone that work at TV station, Radio station and News paper to pro him only even he do very very wrong things for the Nation, Cambodia and Cambodian. The media in Cambodia must say nice thing about him even He killed and chop the whole Cambodia give to Thai or Viet. Today Mr. Hun Sen imports over 5 millions Vietnamese into Cambodia legally with make up to 40% of Vietnamese in total Cambodia population. Soon Vietnamese will declare Cambodia belong to them.

Hun Sen is killing Khmer nation. Hun Sen murdered over 5000 Cambodians at 1997. He is a criminal against Humanity. Hun Sen makes real Cambodians suffer everyday.

You have power and kill a lot of Khmer but you are powerless fighting against your own ageing everyday. Soon your time is over and you can't escape death at all. Your power, your wealth and the people that kiss your ass won't help you at that time.

Rattana Keo,

Anonymous said...

let time do its work, youn and siem won't last forever, you know, given what they did to cambodia and khmer people! what goes around comes around for them evil people!